Not Quite a White Knight Vol. 04.9


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Vi explained that all of this was really for Joe's benefit. Joe Pope wanted to leave the resort early (11 in the morning at the latest - he might be on the road already) so he could get to work on his new Executive VP job. Vi told Joe she had made alternate travel arrangements for herself and the girls "to accommodate his need to get going." Joe was grateful to Vi. That lasted until Monday night when he found our that nobody would not be crawling into his bed Monday or Tuesday night. Supper Tuesday was the next he would see his wife.

When the Church girls went to Rose's breakfast they had some idea of what Vi was planning, but they were cautioned not to discuss it with the others. They were also told to refuse any texts or calls from Joe Pope. Vi said it was "because he was too busy." The girls knew Mommy and Daddy were fighting about something, but they knew they were not yet in a position to intervene.

The Barnes and Stern couples agreed with Vi to take the kids, the two fathers sent a brief text to their daughters at the breakfast.


While gossiping over a sumptuous breakfast, at about 9:45 both Jessica Stern and Rose Barnes got a text from their respective fathers about who would they would be hosting during the drive to LA and maybe a day or two more at home. "Don't worry darling, you will not have to share a bed" Judge Stern wrote. Rose got something similar. Both girls were surprised, and not in a good way.

They could not talk about it with the Church girls right there. So Rose and Jessica, sitting a few feet away from each other, had a text conversation about how they really dreaded spending the long drive cooped up in a car with a Church girl, especially if she was going to be an overnight guest in the parental bed (throw-up emoji). But what could they do?

They quickly agreed that if the Church girls could hitch a ride, so could they. Of course they would phrase it as an offer to help with the driving... an overnight stay or two could be tacked on at the other end. The question was, who would they ask to turn this sour lemon into the sweetest hard lemonade?

Rose pointed out that if they made their own arrangements, their parents could not do it for them. Despite how old the two were, the parents still tried to do things for them.

Rose knew who she wanted molesting her body. She thought of Corky but Ed was such a worker bee he would be a buzzkill. Plus Corky had some new twists to show her husband in private. So Rose texted Red - who was sitting across the table - to ask if she and Rose's backdoor lover Phil would mind some very friendly company. "I won't play favorites," she texted with a rosy tongue emoji. Red's text reply was, "Sounds like a party! Welcome!" The text was followed by emojis that, taken together, were very explicit. Red had the latest ones, plus she crafted new ones of her own, and installed her app on the phones of her friends, like Rose. Rose almost broke up laughing at the 'red face eating a creampie' custom emoji in Red's text reply.

Once Rose was set Jessica texted her request to Abril, making it clear that she was interested in both of us. Abril said Jessica was welcome to join us and reminded her when I was leaving. Jessica replied with a short original poem about getting in the back seat of a car naked at midnight for some banging play and extra fun.

All this texting took place without disturbing the flow of mimosas, light as air waffles, smoked salmon and gossip around the breakfast table.


When Abril came back to our room from breakfast - bearing gifts of bacon, sushi, fresh fruits and wonderful warm croissants - she told me what the plan was. Jessica would be joining us for supper, a ride home and likely a night or two in LA.

"I am surprised you are willing to share your time with me," I replied.

"Well, I had a good time last night... with the right people I share... but really, this way while you are with Jessica, I can be with my girl Cynthia. To be honest, I view it as NOT having to share Cynthia with you. I can have her preggers body all to myself. Yum!"

"That is very clever of you. Or very mercenary."

"Also, I kind of figured that for the drive to LA, I could either drive while you made out with Jessica in the back seat, or if you insist on driving I can make out with her in the back seat. That sounds good to me either way."

Like anyone with a temporary driving permit Abril was always looking for a chance to practice behind the wheel, but she needed another driver in the car, which was usually Nia. The insurance company was insistent about the custom T-Bird, there were cameras. We drove up to the resort in the Marauder, which did not have cameras, but where insurance is involved I follow the rules.

The Marauder back seat has lots of room for all kinds of fun between two horny people.

"So, a double win for the beautiful and clever hottest one. Very good."

Abril preened at the words.

Inside I was a little concerned at the potential security lapse. Nobody from the firm knew where the mansion was and I preferred to keep it that way. Jessica would probably be asleep when we arrived, but her leaving during the daytime was an issue for me. Maybe I could convince her to wear a blindfold.

On the other hand, having Jessica Stern in my house for an extended period was going to be very pleasant. She was smart and could talk to anybody. It occurred to me that the only clothes she had along could be her orgy outfit. Also, I recalled how she expressed an interest in anal play. Plus there were the devices in my toyroom, I could give her quite an education.

Another issue for me was that Li was planning to be at my house when I pulled in Tuesday before sunrise, she was anxious for my company and expected to be waiting for me in my bed. She planned to be there at least until I left for work Wednesday. Contact with service girls outside the office were forbidden, but on the other hand, Jessica did not know Li as a service girl. Jessica had met Do Wong at my wedding. I sent Li a "head's up" and let her make the call about how to play it. I also let Zar know.


Chapter 82. Jessica Chase Visits

Abril and I were outside, laying in the early afternoon sun on the nude beach. The weather was perfect, there was a light breeze and at this altitude the temperature was warm enough but not so hot that one was sweating.

Jessica came by to make sure that her visit was really okay with me. "After all, you are a young married couple, I don't want to be an intrusion."

"You aren't an intrusion, but I did want to mention items of my private life that have to stay private from ALL the other lawyers and their wives, so I guess I have to swear you to secrecy."

"Do I need to sign an NDA?" I was serious so she was only half joking.

"If I did not trust your word, no NDA would do. But I am serious so I wanted a word while you still have options. Some of the choices in my life are unconventional."

"Okay, you have my word."

"Let us start with the 'newly married' thing... Abril and I have slept under the same roof for most of the last three years. There are others under that same roof, some you met at the wedding. Now, you know the rules about the medical exam pool, and you may know that the computer firm has similar rules, and that the two pools have been merged. What you might not realize is that some of the people you met at the wedding are part of the computer firm pool. So in terms of sleeping arrangements, we don't confine ourselves. But we prefer that the people I work with don't know the people I play with."

"Okay... I can see that. As I recall, there were two very handsome brothers, men with unique features, at the wedding..."

"Yes, Brisk and Corum. Also Nia, they are all in the computer firm pool, in security."

"Are they attached? Or might I..."

"I do not limit their life that way, and last I checked the handsome devils were available. You can feel free to ask... I will say one of the other men who lives in my house is gay, and the older man, Martin, probably should not be approached for sex. He has two very Spanish wives who are trying to get pregnant and they can get high-strung."

"I talked to Martin, he spoke old Spanish so well, I wondered where he was from."

"Talking is fine, I am actually not sure if Martin is back from his trip yet. But that brings another issue, I will ask that you not inquire about where anybody is from. They are all legal, but they are cautioned not to tell their stories."

"Okay... strange, but I can live with that."

"Now, let me ask you, is this a visit by Jessica Stern who has never had a date, or a Hollywood writer, or Sondra Chase who wants to visit beyond the outer limits on one of my heavy-duty sex machines?"

"Be still my heart," she laughed at that, but I saw her goose bumps at my last two words. "You were so good to Sondra, teaching things... to be honest I have not decided. Do I have to make a statement?"

"No, I am fine either way, and you might even change your mind in mid-stroke."

"I wish... Will you have time for me? I mean, Abril..."

"Yeah, I will let that be a surprise for you, marriage can be complicated."

"You know, you were my choice, I was glad Rose didn't snatch you, this was her idea. Now I feel even better about my choice."

"If you have any luggage, have it sent to my room." I handed her a key card. "If we are there, you are welcome to watch or join in. I imagine you want to eat supper with your folks..."

She shook her head no as she held up the key card. "Thank you for this, it is a weight off my mind. Really, they and Rose's folks are with the Church girls now, probably getting a disgusting start at who knows what perv... well, the point is I don't plan to see ANY of that before they leave. Yuck!"

"We have a dinner reservation at 6, if you want to join us then. Or anytime before, even if we are in bed and active you are always welcome."

"Thank you for being so gracious."

"No, thank you for thinking of us, I am sure we will all enjoy it."

It seemed that Rose, Red and Phil were leaving at 5. Jessica wanted to spend the rest of the afternoon with them, talking in the sun while sharing a blanket, before they packed up. She would see us before dinner.


After Jessica left us Abril felt she had to tell my about sex within Rose's clique. They girls sat around the pool, naked, while the men in their lives always busy. The step to sexual activity was not a great leap. Some did more, others less. Jessica and Abril mostly watched. "We are part of the group that will kiss and handle above the waist, but that is about all. No pussy-licking or finger fucking. Actually, until lately there was none of that in the clique, but that changed around the time Amy left. As I think about it, Holly Evert and Red sort of got the ball rolling."

Abril admitted that she and Jessica made up a 'mutual admiration society' because they sincerely liked to play "lightly" with each other that way. "We never get off doing it, I get enough from you... without you or Cynthia around I really don't have much of a sex drive even watching others. But something about Jessica... she strikes me as very friendly. Her dark complexion might be part of it, also they seem more... I guess I would say tubular." She was talking about Jessica's breasts.

I mentioned that I had the same impression. "The base seems small relative to the total weight, she must have a hard time finding bras."

"Oh, she does, it is impossible. When she finds something that works she buys a bunch right away..."

That led us to me admiring Abril's breasts, and pretty soon we had to take it to the room while holding the towel in front of me. Abril needed a nap after the two late nights and when we woke up I guess desires had stayed active while we slept.


At about 4:45 Abril and I were still doing our 'married couple' thing. I had used that term earlier as something we were going to do at the resort before we left. Abril was in quite a mood to play like "married," I have noticed that in other women when they stay at hotels. Abril made it a very active, physical workout, we were all over the room in a variety of positions.

I would have to say that Abril was in the most loving and joyful mood I had ever seen her in. Her state of mind was that of a hot Spanish married woman on her honeymoon - much like the hottest time I saw Belen loving with her husband.

Since she was picked for this con job three years ago Abril had dreaded her first law firm social as a wife, where her body would be "given to another lawyer to use like a puta." But this weekend was nothing like that. The "victory" at the auction validated her before the entire group. Then David Barnes had kept her most of the night. He put his cock in her, not to use her body for base release, but because he treasured her, he was completely taken with her body above all others. David was a man who had known many attractive women.

Also David had stayed in the rules, only fucking her missionary when she was receptive, he never demanded a kiss, and his fingers did not stray to "danger zones" like her bottom or her navel.

Abril didn't feel loved, but she felt coveted, and it felt good to her when he exhausted himself in her, surrendering to his desire, saying with his actions how wonderful she was.

Then, once David was exhausted twice, Evert Russell got some time with Abril. He expressed himself very well, praising her and even loving her with every move. Evert was married to the woman he loved, but his wife was living in Vegas because of her health. (The practice of law is specific to a state, so specialized lawyers often can't move easily.) We knew that when he needed release, Evert went to his daughter-in-law (his wife put Holly's sexy lingerie in Evert's bedroom dresser when she left) and he also found some release with his gay son. But with Abril, Evert was infatuated, in her beauty he saw her as the temporary avatar of his loving wife. He called her Adrian (his wife's name) when he came in her. Abril knew their story so that cry tore at her heart. Abril also saw Evert as the semi-embodiment of a father's love, which filled a need for her. After they were done they both cried, because they had come so close emotionally for just that critical moment.

Both David and Evert had private room in a three bedroom suite the team shared, allowing their sex with her to stay private was a big extra for Abril.

Now that the ordeal she dreaded was over, Abril felt free to express her love for me as her husband. She thought that she would never be married for real, so now in her mind she assigned that passionate "real" loving attachment to me. She let herself go and we really enjoyed ourselves.

It had been an active session, a very physical workout, including some time when I held Abril up with only my body for support as she clung to me and my cock rammed inside her. We were both covered with sweat and I had no doubt every one of my muscles were standing out, pumped up from the exercise. I had just set Abril down on the waist-high bed on her back. She was close to climax, calling, "Ram it to me... Corazon, ram it in hard... do me... mi amente... carino... love me... YESSSS!" Her pussy grabbed my cock and her body convulsed

I was also very close, a heartbeat or two behind her (I was over 200 beats per minute) when an unstoppable physical release came upon me. I shoved in hard and deep as my balls did what they had to do. My cock joyfully spasmed inside Abril's body.

Abril made a sound that was 10% pain, 25% giggles and 120% ecstasy as I exploded inside of her body while she was just past her own peak. My ball-wrenching release fired twice more, then fell off to secondary spurts as usual.

With Abril's cries echoing around the room and my senses overwhelmed with my release, we heard nothing of Jessica coming into the room. The doors were well made, they opened and closed without sound. We had no idea how much she saw.

A few moment after my first three spurts of climax, as my cock was jetting the secondary spurts of cum inside Abril, I became aware of Jessica's voice, although it was a little hoarse and contained a tone I had not heard before.

"Fuck me! I want to lick every drop of sweat off the bulging muscles of your back... your ass... your balls... every inch of your body!"

At a private moment - especially THE most intimate of private moments - there is a default reaction that is violent, defensive in the extreme. But the distinct voice, and the strong primal passions it carried, successfully blunted that natural reaction.

Abril was the one who responded. "Fuck yeah, go ahead, enjoy. I am too beat for the 'chica out of control' routine he deserves."

I expected hesitation from Jessica, or that she would start at the top of my spine. I was wrong on both counts. Well before I expected it her tongue touched below the base of my spine, right at the start of my crack, it was like she was deciding which way to go. I guess men are not the only ones drawn to the ass. Finally she slowly moved up, flicking left to right and back again as she actually licked up drops of my sweat. At the same time she pressed both palms of her hands against the sides and back of my sweating butt cheeks and gripped me. When she had moved up high enough I felt her breasts against my ass, rubbing. The soft pair of contact points rose up my back following the tip of her tongue up.

When Jessica reached the top she moved across my back, first to one side then the other, just below the top of my shoulders. She was looking around my shoulder, I could see Abril's eyes move from my face to meet Jessica's eyes. I could feel and hear her rapid breathing and I could smell her excitement, Jessica had a distinct musk and was very turned on.

She summoned the courage for the next step, I heard her talking herself into it. Suddenly she dropped down, I felt her head press against my butt as her tongue reached out and she licked sweat from my balls. That only took a moment, then she was standing behind me again, hugging me tight for a moment.

Jessica whispered, "I never imagined I would ever find the courage to do that... but seeing you I just had to do it. Right now I could do more if you willed it... if you bent forward I would... Goodness, I am like a tribal whore in a Frank Frazetta drawing, throwing myself at a muscular sweating hulk of a barbarian like a shameless hussy while your woman is resting, dripping with... Fuck, I would lick her if you willed it... and I WANT to do it... do it all."

It sounded wonderful, but I wasn't sure I wanted to go that way that fast. "How about you say hello to Abril, as long as you are here..."

"We have met." Then she had an idea about that. She slipped away from me.

Abril's head was about halfway up the bed, her legs were off the end. Jessica crawled on the top half of the bed, by the pillows, then leaned over Abril. There she hung her nipples, wet with my sweat from my back, over Abril's face.

Abril caught the scent and eagerly sucked the nipples in, loving each one up with her greedy lips as she teased and licked my taste from each one. For the second nipple I saw that Abril added a little biting action, drawing a 'balanced on the edge' moaning groan from Jessica's throat. I got the idea that Abril's teeth had pleased these nipples to the edge of pleasure before.

When Abril released the second nipple the two also shared a brief inverted kiss, with naked tongues writhing together in the open before their lips met.

Abril said, "Thank you Jess, that was wonderful. I have tasted these wonderfully soft nips before, but they were never so sweet and tasty."

"I should thank you for inviting me," Jessica said. "I mean, I really thank you... ANY WAY you want." She sighed as she took a long look at Abril's body, with a focus on the smooth skin where her legs met, and the cream oozing between her labials.