Not Quite a White Knight Vol. 04.9


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I made a slight adjustment to leg and body positions, so I was able to stretch and make it a three-way kiss with Abril and Corky for a few moments. Both female tongues were happy to visit and say "thank you for the thrills." However, that was not a position I could sustain. The nipples were in range, so I ran my tongue between those naughty nipples where they were making out, giving them a little slickness to work with. That was very successful, Corky's little body started quaking with excitement. She felt pretty good around my cock as I hammered away at her puss.

Over the next 10 or 15 minutes Corky got off twice with big orgasms, and maybe three little ones. The big ones were marked with squeaking sounds, she could not bear to give up Abril's lips, which ended up very red and swollen by Corky's passion.

Finally it was my turn to get off, I felt the urges coming on in the distance. I really should have asked Corky about that before.

"Corky, babe, if I keep this up things are going to get messy and part of me will go soft. Do you want me to finish this way?"

As an answer she flung her free hand behind her back and moved as if she was holding me in place. Clever girl, I guess she wanted me to finish the messy business. So I accelerated instead of slowing down.

Rose could not pass up the chance, she stood on the other side of the bed from Abril, facing my back, my bottom and my sack. I felt the bed shift and she got on and rested on her side, pressing herself against my leg and my lower back.

Then she put her hand lightly on my back and started to move in downward.

"What is up with that?" I asked. I tried to keep a steady motion stroking in-and-out of Corky.

"Well, I was kind of curious, exploring. I was kind of hoping to share the excitement when things happened. Do you mind?"

"Fingers with fingernails? Delicate parts? What do you think?"

"Yes, I can see your point." She moved her hand down to rest on my buttcheek. "How about this? It is so hot, I just want to share."

Her hand did feel good there, so I decided to allow it. "That is very nice... maybe another time for the other. Okay?"

"Yes, thank you."

So I had all three of the ladies involved as I approached a climax, I would have to keep this combination in mind. For some reason I thought of Mer and Per, when they were old enough to marry me, I imagined Li helping with the arrangements on our wedding night. Or maybe Cynthia and Abril kissing with Li in back or maybe on my back, her fingers I could trust to hold my balls when I got off.

These thoughts hurried my climax along. Abril and Rose were not going to get off, and I felt the first signs that Corky last climax was going to have to hold her for awhile, so I focused on pleasing myself, building up a big one.

When it was time to let go I pushed my cock deep into Corky and held it. There my cock swelled and spasmed as it spit my seed deep into her. She groaned, she said after that she could not believe how big I felt inside. She wound up biting Abril's lips with the surprise of it, but Abril held on and took it. Rose gasped as she felt me convulse.

The first shot was followed by two more that were just as strong, then I held myself where I was and finished the job of pumping the last of my cum into young Corky's pussy, the pussy that was married to one of my partners.

She had a lot to show him.

At that point of climax I had to wonder about love, could a man who really loved his wife give her to another man, even for one night a month, knowing she would have such an experience and thereby test their love? I did not know because, after all, my marriage to Abril was a sham and I did not love her.

Given my mental state, I was not even sure I could love anybody.

I admit that I felt something special, the closest I could imagine to love, about Gracie. Mer, Per and Cynthia were essentially very appreciated baby-makers for me, special possessions as a tribal leader, that need was programmed into me as I grew up. To a man like me, they were like water, and in the American west men killed those who stole their water, Steely Dan sang a song about that (Do It Again, there was also a little movie called Chinatown). Li was a unique relationship, not a partner exactly, but maybe the closest to the "partner" component of the marriage relationship.

All these thoughts took a instant, a heartbeat, then I gave myself over to the physical feelings of climax as my balls and cock pumped, again and again, into Corky's sweet, tight pussy. It seemed to take a long time before my cock shrunk and fell out of her.


Once it was done the answer to my question came to me. How could a man give the woman he loved to another man? If he truly loved the woman, and she loved him, it could only be because they each had a greater love, such as a love of money or a love of their job or a love for what they did or the self-identity they took from the job.

So when I stole from them and brought the firm down, in a sense it would be an act of infidelity to all my partners. I filed that away for future consideration, but after overseeing the death of roughly 175 people tonight, and considering what I was planning to do to my partners and their families, I guess it was a good thing I did not have the inconvenient feelings of guilt that so many people had.


When we started to untangle Corky was the most volatile, she kept saying how great this had been, thanked all of us, and kept trying to kiss me. Abril mainly smiled understandingly at how it had worked out, she was plainly happy to have made a new friend and maybe got a little friendlier with Rose in the process.

Meanwhile, Rose managed to wrap her lips around my limp cock and was enjoying the taste Corky and I had left there. She looked very pleased with herself.

Earlier, after Phil fucked Corky and Ed fucked Rose, Red ate her husband's creampie and Corky ate her husbands creampie from Rose. Now Corky held a hand over her pussy and asked if anyone wanted a snack.

Corky asked Abril first, but she declined, because outside of my mansion or her apartment at the Pablo, Abril does not eat pussy these days. So Corky ask Rose, who replied, "I thought you would never asked. Do you want to sit of my face?" Corky decided to give it a try, another new experience, and with Abril's guidance the pussy and mouth successfully connected. Abril and I watched as Rose eagerly slurped my cum and gave Corky a little thrill along the way.

Rose even saved Corky a little snowball when she was done, checking off another box for the young bride.

After that Corky insisted that she owed us all a fun and refreshing private shower. She started with Abril, and from the amount of time taken I gather that good clean fun was not the only thing shared. Abril told me later, but Corky started out thanking Abril for the "loan" and decided to pay interest with some more loving attention to Abril's breast. As a courtesy Abril returned the favor, but declined to eat pussy or be eaten.

While those two were in the shower Rose and I made out. I ran my fingers along Rose's pussy and she invited me to finger-fuck her for a bit, then she asked me to try the fingers that carried pussy-juice to explore a little farther back. She had been working at relaxing her rosebud. I ran my finer around and, when she asked and relaxed it, I entered her with just the tip of a finger, no more than a fingernail.

Rose was kissing me passionately as I fingered her. When I had done it she said "that little bit of taboo penetration" by my finger was the high point of the weekend for her. She wondered if we might try it again, when I had something more substantial to offer and more time to do it. I explained how "the mean old Boss" kept us all busy in September, but maybe in the future it would happen. I even had some toys that would make for a different experience, using tension or suspension so there was more to it.

Next Corky wanted me in the shower. My body was rather different from her husband and she clearly liked running her hands over me. There were also kisses and at one point I gave her a thrill by picking her up. Corky was not as light as Li, but at 5 foot 2 with a slim build she was easy to handle for me.

Rose came into the shower when I left. Corky asked that Abril and I stay she had questions and wanted to talk after. Rose's shower did not take long, then we spent the next half hour talking a bit more about what we had done, and also the fact that we had been together for years. She felt especially comfortable asking me about group sex, especially the subject of multiple guys taking turns with a single woman. I guess her husband talked about such things. I explained that I had been in the law firm pool for almost three years, multi-guy things were all before that, when I was younger and not in a relationship. I gave a few examples of such things from my college days.

She also asked how Abril felt about the service girls at the job and my reading porn. Abril said that she had no problem with the service girls, she was very sympathetic and said that it was a genius idea that was great for the men and the women involved. "They have skills I can't match, and I know that in a normal marriage the desire/ability miss-match for such things puts a great deal of stress on both the parties. Plus there are the long hours of mind-numbing work the lawyers put in, it helps them work better and work longer. What is wrong with that?"

Corky also ventured a question about anal sex. I mentioned that it was natural for men to desire it if they hadn't, and the same was true of rimming. But Abril said that she would prefer to stop the discussion there.


It was almost 4 in the morning when we left Corky and Rose in bed. They were being cuddly, Corky was a little worn out, but I bet that the pair would exchange pleasure before breakfast.

On the walk back to the room I was very complimentary of Abril for her approach to the time with Corky, it was unexpectedly generous. Abril said that something about Corky was very attractive to her, a unique appeal of her face and body. Maybe such complete innocence was a part of it, every other wife had dating experience before they married, and the one exception, Jessica Stern, had almost 3 years of law firm socials. But Corky had never been on a date of any type. Her husband was in his thirties and worked very hard so she really missed out on movie nights and the like.

"Missed out on teenage disappointment and heartache, you mean," I replied.

"Yes, but for most there are good times as well before a girl gets hitched, life experiences and memories are important. Corky is married at 18, to a man almost twice her age, with friendship and family ties, but she has never been romanced. She will never know the dating and mating game. I think that is sad."

I said that maybe she had a point, but it was how the great majority of humans conducted business before 1900. In fact, in Asia it might still be the norm.

"That is hardly a positive reference."

Abril reminded me that she didn't generally do girls, in fact before the weekend after the explosion she never did any female "with feeling." Those she did were just part of the con she was working. Even Martha, who betrayed her. "With Martha I was really conning myself, using her to shield me from any feelings for you. In my heart she was not a woman I loved, she was a woman to keep myself from feeling anything for you." But that weekend of the explosion, when I had so many girls at the mansion together, changed Abril more than she realized. She enjoyed all my guests and, given the chance, quickly fell in love with Cynthia.

"Besides opening my heart to you, which you know happened that weekend, I also saw how all the girls were better lovers than the men I had fallen for before. That is what allowed me to open my heart to Cynthia. We were friends before, and I would not say I am lesbian, but the heart wants what the heart wants, and sometimes the head gets confused trying to play a role with labels."

"Is there anybody in the firm besides Corky that strikes you that way?"

"Just Corky and Rose... some, like Red, and Jessica, can generate a bit of lust in me. That may be because they are different, a fetish value at some level. But others, even the Church girls, plus Holly and Tammy, really do nothing for me."

When we got to the room we went to bed immediately. Abril set an alarm, she said it was a good thing she did not have to dress for her breakfast meeting.


Chapter 81. Travel Day

Monday September 1, 2008

Monday morning at 9, on a private veranda, Rose's little clique of young wives/exchange wife substitutes assembled for breakfast and gossip about their weekend. They assumed they would all leave for the drive home before dinner and they they wanted to get together to catch up.

Barnes made arrangements for a late departure, most of the remaining partners planned to leave between 4 and 5 in the afternoon, so they could get to the interstate while the sun was still up. Traffic would be very heavy all the way to LA, so the 4 hour drive up would be more like 6 hours getting back.

After we left Corky's little party Rose had spent the night in Corky's bed, and when those two arrived for the breakfast Abril said they were holding hands and clinging to each other like lovers.

Abril attended the breakfast, men were not invited so I got some extra sleep.

The three Church girls were part of this breakfast gathering. Abril was not a fan of the two older Church girls, and this was the first time the youngest one attended a social. Rose said privately that if it was purely up her she would rather not include them, she was sure those girls had something to do with Amy's sudden disappearance. But David Barnes had a talk with Rose about "understanding" after the loss of their father. This was the first social since the explosions, and many things had happened to the girls, so they were included.

David also hinted in confidence that more turmoil was coming for the sisters.

I had previously explained to Abril that, excluding weather and earthquakes, Monday was one of the 3 or 4 worst traffic days to drive in Southern California. So my plan was to leave the resort sometime between midnight and 2 in the morning, when most folks were asleep, that way I could get into LA before the morning rush hour. I had made arrangements for checking out that late. The weather looked good and the roads would be a lot clearer after sundown. I said we had plenty of time Monday between breakfast and our departure, to bake in the sun and enjoy each other in bed "like a married couple." Abril was overjoyed with this plan for our extended time together.

Part of the gossip at breakfast was Rose talking about how brave Corky was to stand up to her dad and insist on satisfaction for Saturday night with the dinosaurs. All of the younger women had negative experiences getting matched with an older man, that was unavoidable. But getting four at once with no benefit to show for it was more than a hot wife should stand for. Everybody congratulated Corky.

Then Corky discussed her night getting fucked by Phil, Sam and me. She was hesitant to talk about her FF experiences, so Red chimed in talking about eating her husband's creampie from Corky and how she served it with a perfect sauce. Rose explained about what she did, as did Abril. From the comments Abril and Jessica and others reported to me, as new partners, Phil and I were going to be very popular with the younger ladies.

Abril talked about our travel plans, most were looking at a 6-hour car ride so my idea, of night travel when they could sleep, was also applauded.


During the same time as Rose's breakfast gathering, there was a private meeting that took place, and the subject was not gossip. Vi Pope met with David Barnes, Judge Stern and their wives to offer them "one of her girls to keep them company during the long boring drive home."

She prefaced the offer was the idea of each of the men keeping their temporary Church daughter "overnight, and maybe another night as well." There was no doubt about where Vi meant the girls to sleep.

Vi covered her real reason by saying that "the girls need to see some good examples, and a reason to learn basic skills, which were not part of their upbringing." Joe "worked too hard" to do a good job with the girls while the fine daughters in the Stern and Barnes households proved they were great parents.

Vi also pointed out that many in the law firm "dated others within the pool" for various fun activities of common interest. For instance, Holly Russell was known to take three-day trips to Maui in the company of two partners "just for fun." Vi herself took lawyers and wives to the shooting range for practice, followed by dinner or a movie or whatever. Amy had come along, and stayed out overnight with their dates while Vi went home to Joe. She also mentioned that I took Amy to an exclusive dining establishment for a special fucking meal that Joe could not get into. Barnes knew about that. What was not said was that these dates were often "with full overnight benefits."

However, while other law partners might have time for such outside activities, Vi said that she knew that David Barnes and Judge Stern were always on call and hence had no time for such things. So she was suggesting, as a alternative to dating, they could consider an extra day or two with a Church girl in their house as an equivalent "fun date," that both the husbands could share with their wives. Maybe such "stay at home dates" could be a regular thing for these busy folks.

Both men knew their was another agenda underlying the offer. Ann Barnes and Judge Stern had both been naked enjoying a good time at Vi's little sex gathering during the orgy, so the two most influential couples in the firm knew the Popes were headed toward divorce. They understood the reason, Joe Pope had become more combative at work lately, mostly about money and power. This happened as some men got older and felt their life profile was falling short of the goals they set, especially economic goals. Inflation made sure that always happened.

This was plainly an attempt by Vi to curry favor with the firm ahead of the divorce, plus she wanted a chance to "stay in the pool," in terms of the monthly social, after the divorce. Implicitly she was prostituting the girls to keep her place. It was transparent, but she had the goods in the slutty Church girls, who could be a little bit like service girls for law firm wives as well as out-of-bounds overnight thrills for the husbands. Both Stern and Barnes knew that a Church girl in bed would provide pleasure to both husband and wife. Having such a willing and versatile young lady as an extended house guest appealed to all involved.

Plus, the men actually believed they could help the Church girls become a better fit for society.

It was not like Vi was prostituting herself or a blood relation, all knew that for the Church girls, bed time was fun time and they observed no reasonable limits.

All were in agreement, David Barnes would take the youngest of the Church girls for the drive home while the Sterns would take the middle daughter. Vi had previously arranged for the remaining Church girl to travel to LA and stay a few nights with the Turners. For her own part, Vi was planning to hitch a ride back to LA with the Rob Lucas, his two ladies, and the Richard couple, who drove up together in a Suburban.

The Lucas and Richards families intended to enjoy the sunny day at the resort Monday, have a fine dinner at a gourmet place they knew an hour away, and then arrive in LA after midnight. In hitching a ride Vi volunteered to be the designated driver for the meal so the others could enjoy their wine with dinner. Since it would be so late when they got to the city Vi would spend the night at Rob's house where she figured to do her imitation of a Church girl. She would return home Tuesday after Joe left for work.
