Oishi's Copper Christmas

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Oishi finds Christmas magic wears a uniform.
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Dear reader, this is my entry for the Literotica 2021 Winter Holidays Story Contest.


It was unusual for Oishi to be relaxing in her lounge, rather than working, on a Saturday morning. She was wearing your average supermarket jogging top and pants, whilst reading a Literotica romance on her laptop. With the impending run-up to Christmas and the busiest holidays of the year, there weren't many opportunities left for her to enjoy a little 'Oishi time'.

When the chimes of her doorbell interrupted her, she got up, annoyed at the disturbance. Switching off her music, she headed to the front door.

'If that's Ran after another boyfriend has stolen his wallet and cards, I'll kill him.'

When Oishi opened her front door to the frosty December chill, she was surprised to see a female Police Officer standing there. Although she didn't look old enough to be out of school, let alone wearing a police uniform. Her petite, slender frame and short stature should have excluded her alone.

The Officer's fluorescent yellow waistcoat pockets brimmed with the tools of her trade. Despite the woman not ticking any of Oishi's preferences, she was disappointed she couldn't make out the shape of the young woman's body, because of the bulk of radios, body camera, and other paraphernalia hooked onto her body.

The officer's face displayed mild surprise with her almost luminescent blue eyes lingering on Oishi. At first, Oishi thought it was because her appearance didn't match 'The Bengal Tiger' nickname the local Police had for her. After a pause that extended beyond mere recognition, she noticed the officer's eyes surveying her, igniting a spark of vanity inside her.

The officer removed her cap and tucked it under her arm. Whilst she had short white hair, it was by no means a masculine cut, being fashionably thick on top with short sides and long fringe. The officer's hand came up and ruffled her hair flattened by her cap. With a final flick of her fingers, she removed her longer fringe away from an eye. Once satisfied she was presentable; she looked up at Oishi and held up an identity card with her photograph.

"Good Morning. I'm Police Officer Debbie Marsh. Would you mind if I came inside? So we don't attract any attention from your neighbours."

She smiled but spoke in an official tone.

"Yes, of course," Oishi replied, stepping aside to allow her to enter.

"I'm sorry but do you mind removing your shoes?"

Officer Debbie Marsh stepped into the hallway and removed her shoes, whilst Oishi closed the door. Normally she would never remove shoes whilst on shift, despite the relief, as her feet were already aching today, but she wasn't here to caution or arrest Mrs Singh.

Standing in her socked feet, the officer asked, "I assume you are Mrs Singh?"

"Yes, but you can call me Oishi, officer unless you are arresting me?"

"Should I be?"

"Oh, you're on duty. I'm sorry I was trying to be casual."

"Oh, no, it's me who should be sorry Mrs... Oh, err... Sorry Oishi, is your husband Dr Singh at home?"

The young woman's lack of confidence reinforced Oishi's poor view of the quality of the Police selection and training programs.

"Sorry, no. Ran isn't at home. He's away on a golf weekend."

'If you can call shagging his boyfriend in a remote hotel, then yes, he's playing golf.'

Officer Debbie Marsh explained, "He'd volunteered to help us with our investigations."

"I'm sorry, but he isn't due back until Monday evening. Ran mentioned something, but thought it wouldn't be for a while, so he wasn't very forthcoming."

"In that case, would it be possible to use your house to undertake some surveillance on a property that's behind yours?"

"Nothing for me to worry about, I hope?"

'I knew the new estate would attract the wrong type of people.'

"No. We have intelligence that a suspect we're investigating is using it as a safe house."

"Like Ran, I too have a strong community spirit, so would be happy to accommodate you in any way possible."

"Thank you, Mrs Si... Oi... Oishi... Before I confirm anything, I need to check the views from any rear facing windows upstairs."

Officer Debbie Marsh pointed up the stairs.

"You are welcome to, but don't you think it may be better if you remove the fluorescent waistcoat? You'll stand out like a lighthouse peering out the windows wearing that."

'Is this girl really that inexperienced?'

'But let's see what shape she's hiding underneath all that paraphernalia.'

Oishi, her interest now piqued, hoped for something more curvaceous to appear.

"Err, yes, you're right of course."

Officer Debbie Marsh blushed in embarrassment as removed the heavy fluorescent waistcoat and hung it on a spare hook in the hallway, now looking uncomfortable out of her uniform.

Oishi led the way up the stairs, disappointed that Debbie's baggy unisex uniform polo shirt and trousers lacked any shape. Not feeling any of the excitement she would normally have felt, leading a woman to her bedroom.

"The bathroom window is opaque, so that leaves only the one bedroom window overlooking the back."

Oishi opened a second door that led off the upper hallway. Debbie followed her inside. The bedroom was very large but minimalistic, with large mirrored sliding cupboard doors along two walls. Hanging from the ceiling was a stylish chandelier, made up of a cluster of LED lights hung together.

Above the bed's headboard was a picture of Oishi, surrounded by a group of other young women, linked arm in arm, laughing, despite their wet hair. They were all dressed in bright wet weather walking gear and carrying rucksacks with a backdrop of grey mountains and angry clouds.

As soon as Oishi noticed Debbie glance at it, she blushed and in a flash flipped the picture over to display the reverse side, showing a wedding photo of her and her husband. Debbie didn't need to be a detective to realise that the expert way Oishi flipped the picture over, was a practised routine.

Debbie walked around the double bed and went to the large bay window with drawn net curtains. The view overlooked the rear garden, which was an immaculate lawn bordered by simple bedding plants. High timber fences surrounded the property but still gave her visibility into the neighbouring gardens.

When built in the 1950s, Oishi's large detached house would have been out in the countryside. Now it is surrounded by new build, suburban little brick terraced boxes with postage-stamp-sized gardens.

Debbie counted the houses that backed onto the garden, to find the one she needed. As expected, she could see the offending house's rear-facing windows, single back door and its unkempt, overgrown garden.

"This is perfect, Oishi. I have an unobstructed view of the rear of the property from here and there is more than enough room in this bay window for a tripod, camera, and any night vision equipment."

Debbie was about to explain the legal side and timings of the surveillance, but Oishi cut in, holding her palm up to stop her.

"Why don't we discuss this further over a cup of tea in the lounge?" Oishi said, reopening the door, showing that Debbie was to leave the bedroom.

Having had her morning reading interrupted, Oishi thought having some female company would provide a pleasant distraction for a while. An invitation to share a cup of tea would encourage anyone to sit and talk.

"Please, that would be lovely, as I've been on shift for hours without a break. I'm not expected back at the station for a while."

Oishi led the way downstairs and showed Debbie into the lounge. Thick carpet furnished the room with a little too much chintz and dated wallpaper, for Debbie's tastes, but something her grandparents would like.

With Debbie settled, Oishi went into the kitchen, leaving Debbie sitting alone, looking around the room as she heard the kettle switching on and the rattle of cups.

There were hoards of photos displayed around the room. One photo showed Oishi with her husband, both in colourful traditional Indian dress that must have been their wedding photo. Oishi looked stunning in her beautiful wedding regalia.

Hanging on the walls were several larger photos of parents and grandparents. One black-and-white photo of an elderly man held the place of honour above the fireplace.

In the kitchen, Oishi delved into a pile of her clean, ironed laundry in her utility room, as she wouldn't dream of entertaining anyone in casual dress. Although in an uncharacteristic act of spontaneity, she removed her bra and omitted to wear a petticoat. Despite not wanting to flirt with Debbie, she wondered, in hindsight, if it was only a shallow, vain hope to confirm her attractiveness to her favoured sex.

Debbie gasped in surprise when Oishi entered carrying a tray laden with teapot, cups and cakes. Oishi now wore a fashionable traditional Indian sari, made from printed green chiffon, with a matching blouse. Her long black glossy hair draped with the Sari, over her shoulder. The Sari flowed like a loose sail, whilst also showing off her tall hourglass figure.

Regardless of Debbie being the opposite of Oishi's usual 'type', she was pleased to hear her change of clothes produce the reaction she hadn't experienced in a long time.

"I hope you didn't mind my being casual earlier, as I wasn't expecting visitors this morning."

Debbie flustered once more, replied, "Oh no... You look... I mean your Sari looks beautiful. I've always loved the look of a traditional Sari. It's almost magical how anyone can keep them balanced on their shoulders like that. I can't wear scarves and pashminas. They just slip, and slide off me."

"There's nothing magical about it. A few hidden pins and hey presto, the Pällu remains on your shoulder."

Oishi basked in Debbie's praise; holding her arms out and she spun around to confirm its simplicity.

"I'd be happy to show you the correct way to dress in a sari, sometime, when you are off duty, officer?"

Oishi left the invitation in the air, although as surprised at making the offer as Debbie was to hear it, but unsure of her reasons behind it. She had no immediate desire to strike up another extramarital affair, after being disappointed with her last few. Although, they had been more like 'business associates with benefits' than lovers.

Debbie's face lit up at her offer. The spark ignited in Oishi earlier became a flame, confirming she had locked herself away for too long. She was already finding it refreshing, to have some female company unconnected to work or family.

"Debbie, please call me Debbie whilst I am in your house. I would love that, thank you. A sari would be far more feminine than this uniform. Your sari in your wedding photos is wonderful."

"Thanks. You are too kind."

Oishi placed the tray onto the coffee table in the middle of the room and played the perfect host, offering her a choice of cakes and asking how she preferred her tea. Only once Debbie had a full cup of tea with a full plate of cakes on her lap did Oishi sit down to enjoy her own cup of tea.

Oishi noticed Debbie's eyes watching her the whole time, to rest on her legs, which raised the flame of attraction forming between them, warming Oishi.

"Debbie, my chief concern is will I have Officers Starsky and Hutch stomping all over my house this afternoon?"

"No, Oishi, which is why I'm here. I will be conducting the surveillance. We should catch him in the first raids, or at least be able to predict his whereabouts. If we have to extend the surveillance, I can arrange for another female officer, if that is your preference?"

"Yes, it would be. Thank you."

Debbie smiled, showing her dimples and continued, "We had hoped to give you some warning, but we received intelligence yesterday that they'd received a large shipment of drugs. This has forced us to bring our plans forward before it ends up on the streets. The raids are due at 4:30 am tomorrow, to catch them all napping. The major raids are on his drug dens and known associates, covering twelve addresses all over the country, whilst we're also watching other safe houses like this."

"This is part of a big operation then?"

"Oh yes, several months of intelligence, and fact-finding has gone into this."

Debbie's nerves seemed to have gone and Oishi wondered if Debbie was trying to impress her.

"I'm happy to help in such a small way. So Debbie, what time can I expect you?"

"I would like to be here at four a.m. at the latest, without my fluorescent vest," she smiled, acknowledging her initial faux pas, "but with surveillance equipment."

Oishi liked the irony.

`The Neighbours are more used to seeing Ran's boyfriends leaving at that hour.'

But then shocked herself with her afterthought,

'Rather than my girlfriends arriving.'

"That'll be no problem, Debbie."

"With me arriving so early, is it okay for you to use a spare bedroom?"

"Yes, but don't worry, I can make up the front bedroom later."

Oishi surprised herself again by thinking, 'Maybe we can share it?'

Surprise, because for Oishi to have that thought, was for her, moving at lightning speed.

After a raft of failed short-term extramarital relationships, Oishi had long given up on the notion of love at first sight, if there were such a thing. Once again, she asserted herself that Debbie was the opposite of her type, as she tried to ignore the temptation in front of her. Oishi had previously graduated to confident, tall, successful businesswomen with voluptuous figures and long auburn or red hair.

Despite all this, Oishi was warming to Debbie, noticing a short curl of hair drop across her forehead and childish dimples appear when she smiled, adding to her petite, innocent look.

Debbie noticed a pause in their discussion and then remembered protocol. Whilst it embarrassed her, she had to follow it.

"Oishi, you'll be able to claim displacement costs and food expenses from the constabulary. I can bring some forms with me in the morning."

This burst Oishi's train of thought and, to a small extent, insulted her. Before she could stop herself, she responded with a little venom.

"Whilst having to use my spare room is disruptive, being able to claim for giving you tea and cakes will help, despite my owning every other cafe and Indian restaurant in town."

As the words spilt out, she instantly regretted them. Hating herself for throwing her business success at the younger woman, like a boastful child, and tried to reconcile them with an awkward smile.

Debbie looked surprised and flustered at Oishi's reaction.

"No, no, Oishi, I didn't mean to offend you... I must follow protocol. I didn't wish to cause you any offence after your hospitality."

Guilt now wracked Oishi as Debbie admitted to following procedures. Debbie was being professional and Oishi had to ignore her own petty ego or be hypocritical, as she would have demanded the same from her staff.

"No; it's me that should be sorry. It was rude of me to be sarcastic when you were following procedure."

Then some Bhangra music broke the tension, startling them both. Oishi recognised it, apologised and answered her phone that was resting on her tray. She rose out of her chair and went to the far end of the room, standing in front of some large glass sliding doors, that allowed the low winter sunlight to streamed through from the garden outside

As she spoke on the phone, Oishi couldn't resist rotating her stance, knowing that without a petticoat, her sari was translucent and her profile would be visible to Debbie, if she cared to look. Oishi convinced herself that this wasn't flirting, only a simple way to satisfy her desire for another woman to admire her.

Debbie watched furtively, trying not to stare, as she appreciated Oishi's silhouette through the Sari. Her pair of crossed, athletic legs that led up to a peachy tight rear was visible through the loose, thin material.

Oishi dropped her one arm, allowing the light to peek through the material looped around her, silhouetting her pert breast, tightly held inside her blouse. Whilst on the phone, Oishi couldn't hear Debbie suck in a sharp intake of breath in her excitement.

Debbie could feel a dampness in her panties, proving that Oishi was pressing her buttons. She drifted into a short daydream, imagining Oishi slowly undressing for her. Whilst in her daydream, Debbie also half-listened to the conversation Oishi was having on the phone.

A cooker wasn't working in one of her restaurants and they couldn't reach their usual maintenance person. Debbie enjoyed listening to Oishi, the business owner, taking control.

This reminded Debbie of being back at the station, with instructions dispatched for action. Oishi is a force all her own, with her commanding tone adding to Debbie's excitement. Debbie revisited and revised her fantasy, playing in her head as she sipped her tea.

Oishi had now called the maintenance man's wife, as he wasn't answering his phone. She was kind to his wife, apologising for interrupting her Saturday. Then she apologised further, as his wife explained they were dealing with a sudden death in the family. She gave her condolences and offered her services to help the family in any way possible.

Debbie now brushed her fantasy to one side, trying to focus on the conversation. Whilst she was a powerful business owner, she was no 'Bengal Tiger'. She was also compassionate and caring. Debbie was now watching her intently, seeing only the sexy silhouette of this misunderstood woman.

Debbie heard her arrange, in a follow-up phone call, for an urgent delivery of flowers to the family home that morning. Oishi's phone soon rang again. It was the manageress, explaining the maintenance man had called back and would be there within the hour. Oishi explained his family's situation, giving strict instructions for them to help him in every way and not to hinder him.

Oishi closed the conversation with, "Karen, tell him to double his bill today. Yes, including his call out charge. He is to mark his invoice for my attention. He has served us today beyond the call of duty and I respect that, thanks. Let me know when he leaves. Thank you, Karen, you were right to call me, thank you."

Debbie was wetting herself with pleasure at hearing this conversation. She found Oishi's commanding presence and compassion beyond mere attraction. If she weren't a police officer, she would enjoy working for this woman.

Debbie played back through a daydream of her slipping in-between bed sheets with Oishi the next morning. She mentally shook her head clear of her imagery to return to her professional persona.

They finished their teas and after some small talk, Debbie rose, "I think that covers everything. I'll see you at four a.m. tomorrow."

Oishi's ploy to massage her own ego surprised herself. How much she enjoyed Debbie's eyes on her, knowing the view she had given Debbie, and excited at the prospect of spending more time with her.

Oishi rose and went with her to the hallway. She watched Debbie rebuild her police uniform. Debbie didn't look comfortable, until she'd pulled the final zip closed on her bulky fluorescent waistcoat, covering her heavy stab vest. Now she stood erect and exuding confidence, quite different from earlier.

Oishi also in contrast to earlier, found Debbie attractive in uniform. She had never considered a uniform would improve the attractiveness of any woman.

Back in control, Debbie bid Oishi goodbye and wished her to enjoy the rest of her day and left.

Oishi closed her front door, confused by a myriad of emotions, unable to reconcile the pounding of her heart in her chest.
