Overly Familiar Ch. 03


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"Riding into battle, like a badass!" Mara grinned widely, giggling as her tail whipped back and forth and her wings seemed to be quivering in excitement.

"Battle horse. Okay." Matt nodded thoughtfully, stroking his chin, clearly taking the very random sounding question quite seriously. "White.... Actually... No, I'd want something off white. Maybe gray or a really light beige?"

"So...a pale horse is what you're thinking?" Mara asked with a knowing grin.

"Yeah." Matt chuckled, happy with the description. "What about you?"

Mara grinned even wider, looking back at Matt as far as her bondage would allow. "Something that matches my hair." She answered, shaking her head to emphasize her red tresses.

"I don't think horses come in that color, Mara." Matt chuckled in response.

"Says the demon-angel currently tying me up with vines that he's controlling with his mind." Mara shot back puckishly sticking out her tongue.

"Touché. That was your one question by the way." Matt said cockily as he waved his finger and a vine wrapped around Mara's hair, pulling it hard, forcing a loud gasp out of her. "We can talk horses later."

"Yes, Master!" Mara replied with a wide grin.

"I guess mine will probably match my hair as well." Teriana said quietly, looking over her black hair and smiling softly as she admired the color. "I haven't seen it look like this in so long."

"I am truly and genuinely happy to see you existing again." Laila replied, smiling back. "Surprised you think you're getting that horse though."

Teriana shrugged. "I'm a harvest goddess. If you reverse that..."

"Fair point." Laila nodded. "Guess that would make me the only familiar whose horse wouldn't match their hair."

"True." Teriana agreed thoughtfully. "Yours would match your wings."

Laila beamed for a second and opened her mouth to reply when she was cut off.

"Oh no, Master! Please!" Mara begged, wiggling in faux retreat. "Don't fuck me back there! Only sick, perverted angels like getting it back there!"

"Oh, fuck you Mara!" Laila shouted back, knowing full well the demon was just trying to get a rise out of her.

Teriana couldn't help but to laugh at the other two familiars before turning her attention to the imprinting again, cocking her head to the side as she watched with intrigue. "I have never been fucked in that hole before. It looks very uncomfortable and I would like to try it very much."

"It makes you feel...filthy..." Laila practically moaned, watching the whipping and fucking going on in front of her.

"Speaking of that..." Teriana began taking her eyes off the spectacle. "I acknowledge that of the three of us, I know Master the least. But won't he be...very angry with us when he realizes what the roles that he's imprinting on us are for? Especially since we had him do it before telling him the reason?"

"Oh, he's going to be pissed." Laila replied, chuckling softly. "But it's necessary. I guess we'll just...have to take our punishments, won't we?"

Teriana returned the angel's smile and lustfully licked her lips. "I do try to be a good girl but...I suppose I could take a...punishment or two." The two familiars continued to smile at each other before they turned back to the show.

And there we have it. This is the planned end to this story. For anyone flipping out about that, worry not. You will definitely be seeing more of these characters. I just like to work in chunks for stories like these. I'll be sure to label them so that it'll be easy to follow. This was just meant as an introduction of sorts for Matt and his familiars. It was always meant to be three chapters, one for each familiar(so sorry for anyone who got attached to Lynette. She was designed to be the reddest of red herrings for the third girl). For anyone who's curious, this does take place in the same world as Corrupted Desire, hence that throwaway line of Lilithborns.

When I initially had the idea for this world, I was thinking this would be like an MCU situation, but the more I think about it, it's more like the Unbreakable/Split/Glass trilogy. In the Unbreakable role, you have Matt and his familiars(I hope I gave enough hints as to who the four of them will be at the end. I didn't want to just say it. I wanted the reader to be able to figure it out), in the Split role, you have Alex and his thralls, and eventually, the two will clash.

I will admit that I hadn't expected people to love the first chapter of this story as much as they did. As I'm writing this, only the first chapter is out, and the second chapter has been submitted, so if everyone despises the other two chapters, I don't know yet lol. I'm going on the assumption that everyone favoriting and commenting will continue to do so.

That said, I had initially planned for there to be maybe two books for Corrupted Desire and two books for Overly Familiar and then they'd clash and the winner would win, but since people seem to really resonate with this story, I think I'll slow burn it a bit and give people some more time to explore the characters. There's so much backstory I've barely touched with these characters. We barely know anything about Mara's past, and there's so much I can play with involving Laila and Teri. And Death! I haven't even introduced Death yet! Death will be...important...

Now, let's talk about this ending. I'm sure everyone familiar with my writing was waiting for an inevitable orgy scene at the end. And I was tempted! So fucking tempted. But I thought that it just didn't work with ending I wanted, with the realization of who Matt and his familiars were. Lol I'll genuinely be so sad if I was too subtle for people to figure that out. I thought I was really obvious, but of course I wrote it so it's hard to tell what's the right about of subtle and what's bashing you over the head with the obvious. Anyway, that realization was supposed to be the ending. I suppose I could have done a fourth chapter with the sex but I feel it would have dulled it.

But worry not, because this keeps happening in almost every story I write. There's sex scenes I want to do but I'm such a stickler for the plot, that I leave them out if I think it ruins the flow of the story. And I have enough of these that I plan to do a story that is literally just sex scenes from my stories that wouldn't fit. If the inevitable sequel to Overly Familiar doesn't have a similar scene planned, a familiar orgy will definitely be in the works for that. As I said, my original plan for this story's sequel is in a bit of flux because I wasn't expecting everyone to respond so well to this one. I guess when my male protagonist isn't an ass who spends the story physically, psychologically, and spiritually breaking down the female protagonist, the story is more appealing to the majority of smut lovers. Go figure! Lol

Though for people who do love my darker Learn Your Place/Corrupted Desire line of stories, I'll still be doing those. Don't worry. My mind is still plenty fucked up and writing stories like those is still pretty damn therapeutic for me, so I can definitely split my time between them both as well as the book I really need to get back to writing. Ugh! So many responsibilities!

I am genuinely curious though how many people are fans of both Corrupted Desire and Overly Familiar considering how....different....the stories are from each other. The working title for this story was literally The Corrupted Desire Mirror story since they are such mirrors to each other. Matt and Alex couldn't be more different despite the demon connection, as well as their connection and relationship with their ladies. As such, there's a chance that bringing them together initially will alienate some people. But hey, the way I see it, Batman is nothing without the Joker. I just happened to make the metaphorical Joker first in this sense. Alex is such a great asshole to me so if I wanted to keep using him, I needed a foil. If he just wrecked everyone all the time, that would get boring. So Matt was born. A good person who's physically stronger but is ill equipped to deal with Alex's mind games. See where the Unbreakable trilogy comparison comes in here? Hopefully my Glass equivalent won't be so...numbing...as said movie. I haven't even begun to work out the specifics or even who wins or how they win or if anyone switches sides yet. It's all up in the air.

Anyway, I think I've rambled on long enough. Though I will ask one more thing of people who've read this far. Well two, I guess but the other one is random. The first thing is I want you to close your eyes. Close them and picture Matt in your head. His face, his hair, the color of his eyes, his race, his build, the size of his dick. All of that and tell me what you see, because I am painfully curious how everyone pictures him. That and how many people caught onto the fact that I gave no indication of his appearance. I was one of those people who never realized the Narrator in Fight Club was never given a name, and I love shit like that. I'll probably give Matt an appearance at some point but it just wasn't necessary for this story to me.

The second thing is that way back in the first chapter, Mara was referred to by a neutral gender at first and then suddenly she was given a female one. Just curious how many of you caught onto that being on purpose and the reason for it lol. As I said, I don't always know what's too subtle. Of course, by the time people see this, someone might have already asked me, but at the moment, I'm very curious. Okay guys, I think that's everything. Catch you all in the next story!)

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story, but a bit disappointed by the ending. I really liked it, the pressure mounting, with a main character absurdly powerful, getting more powerful and more dominating the more girls he took. A nice progressive rise in pressure with the threat of the angels, rising up toward an ultimate confrontation... that does not happen. Suddenly, they get a "purpose", are no longer in any conflict with anyone, and all of that falls flat. We just end with a reveal that is not that interesting, and indeed, as you put it, you bashing us over the head with the obvious (to give you feedback on that, I had a pretty good idea what was happening as soon as Mara claimed War for herself, and got sure of my guess when the girls mentioned how they new what was happening and Matt wasn't).

And you even had another familiar all ready to be added to the batch, and even more cruelly punished for betraying them, and you just kill her.

I get that you were aiming for a certain conclusion - with a specific number of characters - and when you reached the conditions for it you just ended everything, but that really makes for an abrupt ending, and (in my opinion) a not very interesting plot twist.

Still very well done for the rest of the story, and I really enjoyed it!

SatyrDickSatyrDickalmost 2 years ago

More Star Wars refs, plus more pop culture refs and my personal favourite:

[The temple seemed a lot bigger on the inside than it did on the outside]

bhojobhojoalmost 2 years ago

in one place in this series you actually called Matt Alex by mistake. nice story series!

NovemberComingFireNovemberComingFireabout 2 years ago

The sadistic bdsm cocky MC thing kinda ruins this for me. Love LOVE the idea of the story, seriously great work. The rest though, not my thing.

kvalentinekvalentineabout 2 years ago

I like what you did with this story, in general, but this was way too short for the amount of sex in it. The main thing we learned about the girls was their kinks. You basically took these immortal beings and made them sex toys. While there isn't anything wrong with that per se, it all seemed rushed and forced. For a harem story to work as a story, and not just as a collection of sex scenes, you can't turn it into a mad-dash to 'collect' all the girls. For all the development they have, they're not really 'characters' so much as 'possessions,' because there is nothing about them that gives them unique personalities.

basicbrat181basicbrat181almost 3 years ago

Also because the most recent anon said it please don’t make the “heroes” win just because it’s fantasy it’s better when you either don’t know who the heroes are because everyone’s morally ambiguous or when the “villains” actually have a chance to win and don’t lose just because their the bad guys

That being said I wouldn’t even call Matt a hero considering his literally destined to bring the apocalypse either way I love what you’re doing with these stories and can’t wait for the rest to unfold

basicbrat181basicbrat181almost 3 years ago

Tbh I think I like Alex more but prefer Matts familiars. Alex is just so sadistic and controlling and him giving into that and just taking control of daisy without consent is just *chefs kiss* if Matt leaned more into his sadistic side could definitely become my fav tho.

It’s a tie between Alex and Him (learn your place since he was nameless) because of Alex’s supernatural abilities his able to take more control with the cutting off senses and literally reading her mind but Him oh Him is just 🥵🥵 I could never pick

Sadly I have aphantasia so I can not picture Matt to tell you what he looks like

Yes I did catch onto the gender switch in the first chapter when first time I read it this book.

And lastly still love the long authors notes so never apologise for them being long

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

IMH9 the heroes need to win, it’s fantasy it’s not worth reading if they don’t p. I definitely didn’t pickup the horsemen reference. But I did notice the change in cgender and just assumed it was an error in editing and not a hint as to Mara not having a gender initially

KJay15KJay15about 3 years ago

Is there such a thing as too much sex? Yes, yes there is, 3 chapters here and there probably was 1 page of actual story.

LwcbyLwcbyover 3 years ago

BTW thinking I’ll just st call it done.

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