Poly at the Poly Pt. 05


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Allison saw what was going on and turned back to glare at me. "Don't even think about it," she said.

I held my hands up in surrender.

"I guess that means you lose," Cassie said, smiling at Allison. It wasn't mean-spirited. But that didn't matter. Allison's eyes flashed hot.

"Do it," she said, through gritted teeth.

"I don't want to hurt you," I said.

"I. Don't. Care," Allison said.

I sucked my thumb so long, it was like being an infant all over again. Then I gingerly rested my digit on Allison's rosebud. She flinched but held herself in place. Slowly, I pressed my thumb forward. Allison's breaths came in tight, pained gasps. I got halfway to the knuckle before she grabbed my wrist, hard.

"Get it out," she said. The look on her face almost desperate. Allison bore down and pushed my thumb right back out of her butt. "That's good enough," she told the room. No one was brave enough to disagree with her.

"Getting close," Mike said.

We all turned to the copulating couple on the bed.

"OK, last call," Cassie said, grinning.

"It's your turn, cheerleader," Allison said.

Cassie seemed about to say something when Mike pushed her off his dick. Her eyes went wide with surprise. The blond man steered his partner off the bed, back to her knees on the floor. He gripped his dick, holding it in front of her face. Cassie didn't look thrilled by this, but she rested on her haunches, dutifully awaiting his spend.

Allison gave me a shrug, then climbed off. She knelt down on the ground and grabbed my dick, stroking it enthusiastically while keeping me pointed at her face.

When Jack tried to move, however, Emily's hips clamped down.

"No!" my innocent wife cried out, "In! In me!"

Jack started thrusting upward with abandon. Every push elicited a new sound from Emily. A gasp, a grunt, a groan. A long stream of "Oh. Ah. Oh God. Please. Cum inside. Cum so deep."

Finally, Jack arched his body upward, lifting Emily right off the couch. He let out a deep roar. Emily's pretty face went pink. Her eyes squeezed shut.

"ah! OH! Oh God!" Emily's whole body shook. "Sssssso gooood."

She fell forward, hugging herself tight as her cum wriggled out of her. A little orgasm by her standards, lately. Bur clearly satisfying enough as she lay back on the couch, sated. Jack's dick popped out. A thick glob of his spend slipped out of Emily's pussy along with him.

"Emily's out!" Allison shouted, but the rest of us were too engaged to care.

Mike groaned loudly. "Oh, yes," he said, "Oh God. Cassie. My Cassie. So beautiful." A pale white arc fired from his dick and splattered the blonde woman across her deep blue eyes and upturned nose. Her cheeks covered in fresh spatters of hot semen.

Cassie giggled, then sent out her pink tongue to lick the spend from her face. I understood why Mike had wanted this, to paint his crush girl with his cum. Seeing her perfect face marked by his pleasure was extremely hot.

Allison pulled at my pud perfectly, like she'd studied my instruction manual for months. She moved the loose skin up and down my shaft, smiling up at me the whole time.

"Do it," she mouthed, and it was all I could take. "You've got this. Bring it home. Cum for me."

My first burst fountained onto Allison's face. She pointed the next at her tits. I lost track after that, my pleasure grabbing hold of me. When I blinked, I saw that I'd given Allison a healthy facial, her one eye winked closed by a fat glob of semen. Her little breasts were shiny with my spend. Her hand, too, was sticky with strands of cum.

I sank down to the floor. Allison held me close and kissed my cheek. I felt my own semen, slippery and cold, brush my skin.

"That was lovely," she whispered in my ear.

"Did you?"

"Twice," she said, "Not that anyone's counting."


We slowly untangled from each other. Our goal of getting ready for the night was completely undone. We were covered in each other's juices, totally naked, and even more tired than before. We stumbled around the room, aimlessly, like we didn't even know what to do with ourselves. Finally, Allison regained enough conscious thought to give us our marching orders.

"Showers," she declared, "Then get dressed. We've got a party to get to."

Emily stood up on shaking, spindly legs. I saw another glob of sperm slip out of her snatch and stain the carpeting. We were going to need to leave a massive tip for housekeeping, as well as a thirteen-page, handwritten apology letter. At minimum.

Carefully, like walking on ice, Emily made her way back to the bathroom. Jack leapt up from the couch and followed her.

"We'll catch up with y'all in a bit," he said, sliding the shoji door closed with finality.

Allison and I shared a knowing look.

"We'll go shower at my place," Cassie said, grabbing Mike's hand. He pulled his outfit out of his suitcase, they threw on their clothes, and they sprinted out of the room, like fleeing a fire. Or racing for an ice cream truck. They slammed the front door behind them.

Allison grabbed my hand and we lay down on the bed. I heard the sound of water turning on in the bathroom. Instinctually, my gut twisted. To this point, we'd all shared our time together. Now, clearly, we'd moved on to something else. Again. Another barrier -- whoosh! Gone. Were we even pretending at it anymore?

I couldn't keep my mind from wandering into that bathroom, wondering exactly what was going on. Fortunately, the sounds were enough to give me a pretty good idea. There was a bonging noise as a body was shoved against glass. A loud feminine gasp.

Allison put her hand on my head and gently turned me to face her. She was completely naked, recumbent on the bed. Her shins stuck out beyond my feet. She'd wiped her face, but her tits were still slippery with my sperm.

The athletic blonde leaned over me and kissed me.

"Stay with me," she said.

I nodded.

She reached for my dick. I think it impressed us both that I was already hard. Allison didn't say a word, she just gathered me up till I was on top of her. Surrounded by her shapely legs and strong arms.

I ground my cock down into her furrow. Strained and needful. On the third press, I pushed inside. Allison reacted like it was our first time all over again. She groaned as I filled her.

In the distance I heard my wife. "Oh Jack! Fuck me! Fuck me hard." It was so clearly her voice, yet so not her words. Odd and incongruent.

I felt Allison's hand on my cheek. The little slap was implied.

"Sorry," I said.

"I've got you," Allison said.

She did. We moved slowly against each other, savoring every sensation. We'd fucked before. Several times. But this wasn't fucking. We weren't performing for the group or showing off. We were doing something else. Something far more intoxicating and intimate.

I glorified in every sensation. Not just the way her pussy squeezed me tight. But how her legs felt wrapped around my back. How her coral nipples stood straight up on her now nearly-flat chest. Her deep brown eyes, sparkling with mirth and desire.

Allison kissed me, warm and wanting. I ran my hands all over her. Like tracking every secret spot.

"Oh! Cumming!" Emily screamed from the bathroom. "Cum in MEEE!"

Allison lost her rhythm. She dropped her head back and started laughing.

"She used to be so shy," she said.

I looked Allison in the eye, letting myself be totally immersed in our coupling. The tall blonde was right, we needed to let ourselves have our own moment. The sounds of my wife's pleasure became ever more distant.

"Cum," I told Allison, "Cum for me."

"You'd like that, huh?" Allison asked, "See your wife's bestie get herself off on your big, thick cock."

"You know I would."

Allison grinned. She knew a challenge when she heard one.

She slammed her eyes shut and started undulating under me. Her pussy squeezed at my cock like a little suckling mouth. Her fingers stuck between us, rubbing her clit frantically. I held myself over her, letting her get off on my dick.

"Come on," she said, "Come on Allison. You've got this."

I beamed down at her. That little mantra was so adorable. The way she pushed herself forward.

"You've got this, Allison." she rambled on. "Make it happen. Get there. Don't you dare you little..."

She paused, then pinched her clit between her fingers. She gasped in something that sounded a whole lot like pain.

"That's it," Allison said to herself, "Give it up! Don't stop. Don't... uhn! Come on, Allison, you useless... Come on, baby! Give it. Give it up. Give it..."

The athletic blonde stiffened. Her legs tightened at my waist. Her neck muscles strained.

"uhhhhhUP!" Allison cried out. It was loud enough to echo in the hotel room. I knew it was a sound just for me. "That's it. That's a girl. You got it. Yeah, baby. Got it good." She panted heavily, mumbling as she caught her breath.

"Fuck me." Allison's words came out as a whimper. Broken and strained. "Hard."

I started to pump into her with abandon. We regained our rhythm. Both of us now working the other for release. But it wasn't about the orgasm anymore. We weren't only getting each other off. We were sharing something far deeper. An expression of our affections that would never work with words.

I hitched as I felt myself ready to go. I didn't want it to end. But the finish was something I couldn't escape.

Allison kissed me, I buried myself as deep as I could.

"Cum inside me," she said. Whispered it in my ear. A mirror of what I'd heard my wife shouting a few minutes before. The urgency of her words no less loud. "Fill me up."

On cue, I unloaded my essence into Allison. Like streaming my soul straight into her womb. A long, pleasurable burst. The ecstasy overwhelming.

As I went, shaking, Allison held me close, kissing me. Whispering my name like it was magic.

When we finally disconnected, it was like we'd been glued. Sticky with sweat and spend. I lay back on the bed, blown. Allison reached over and squeezed my hand.

"I need a tissue," she said.

"They're in the bathroom," I said.

"There's two bathrooms," Allison said.

"Tissues are only in the other one," I said.

Allison groaned and fell back onto the bed. "Dammit," she said, "I don't want to go in there."

"Me neither," I said.

"She's your wife, you should be used to seeing her naked," Allison said.

"Not like that," I said.

Allison twisted her lips, ruefully. "You're seriously OK with all this?"

I shrugged. It was a little late to be complaining.

"I think Emily needed something," I said, "We needed it."

"Shake things up?"

"Maybe," I said. Any attempts to conceal my accent were long gone. "I want a family, but maybe I pushed too much. Emily isn't ready to be old yet."

"She told me once," Allison said, "Her mom had kids very young. A huge family."

"Emily's one of eight," I said.

"I told her I thought it sounded nice," Allison said, "I'm an only child and I was so lonely growing up. But Emily looked so envious. It was like, imagining being her mother made her ill. I think she's afraid that's going to happen. She'll end up trapped, hemmed in, by her own loved ones."

"Yes," I said, "That sounds like Emily."

At that moment, my wife let out another long, loud shriek. Muffled only slightly by the sounds of the shower.

"Jeez, he's really giving it to her in there," Allison said idly. Then she looked my way, abashed.

I rolled onto my side and started to lazily play my fingers over Allison's chest. The casual contact was almost more transgressive than all the sex. We weren't just coupling, this was being an actual couple.

"And you?" I asked.

"Cassie fucking Summers," Allison said, "As soon as I saw Mike looking at her in 'Ohana, I knew I couldn't compete. I figured I could argue, lose, and have him fuck her anyway. Or I could be the good little wifey and let Mike have his fun, knowing that he'd come back to me. Eventually."

"Are you having fun?" I asked.

Allison formed a half frown. "Sometimes," she said, wistful. She looked right at me. "With you though, Paul? Always. You're a great guy."

"I am pretty amazing," I said.

Allison growled. She punched me in the shoulder. It hurt a lot more than when her husband did it a few days before. The athletic blonde chortled -- full and wonderful. She leaned in and kissed me, hard.

Then we fell back, lazily cuddling in the bed. Idle in a way that was wholly intimate. The silence wrapping around us like a warm, soft blanket.

I thought about what Allison had said, how she'd protected her marriage vows by letting Mike break them. Was I doing the same thing? Playing along in the hopes that, eventually, Emily would come back to me? Maybe even improved, a bit more sexually open; willing to try new things. Yet also calmed, content, and ready to start building a family.

That's what I wanted, right? But what about all that I'd experienced? I realized I wasn't sure I was ready to let go of all this, either.

What I'd found with Allison was so different. We'd connected in a way I'd never conceived. We'd been close before. The innocent teasing, the little winks and eye-rolls. We'd become so much more than that. 'Friendship' hardly described what we had. I knew, instinctively, that Allison and I were now linked in a way we could never break. Stronger than steel and harder than diamonds.

And yet, when I looked at that gorgeous face and those deep brown eyes, I knew. All that I felt for Allison -- as close as I'd ever been to a woman who was not my wife -- I realized in that moment.

I didn't love her. I never would.

Allison was wonderful. But we could never evolve past what we were. Even if we fucked for weeks. Made love for months. Some bridges couldn't be crossed, no matter how hard you tried to force yourself over.

In some ways, that revelation was a relief. A reminder that, no matter how far we went, there was still a limit. But it made me sad, too. I honestly can't say why.

I groaned and got out of bed. Allison watched me go. I think she sensed what I'd been thinking. She gave me a wan little smile.

"First bathroom, right?" I said, referencing the morning when I'd accidentally walked in on her naked.

"Second," she said, the grin on her face got fuller.

I went into the empty bathroom by myself. I could hear the rhythmic thumps of my wife getting epically fucked in the next room. I turned on the shower water and it all faded away. I stood there, soaking in the heat, just staring at the stone walls. Tracing the patterns like a Rorschach Test, searching for hidden meaning in the randomness.

Eventually I pumped out some soap and went about the business of actually cleaning myself. My body ached like I'd been in a fist fight. I was covered in bruises and blisters, unsure of whether they had come from the long days in the parks or the marathon sex sessions afterwards. Extreme Disney. Who'd have thought?

When I was done, I switched off the shower water and grabbed my towel. The other bathroom had gone quiet. I heard the sounds of conversation in the next room. Not sex; actual talking. I slid open the shoji door of the bathroom and, once again, was taken aback.

There, standing in the middle of our hotel room, was an actual, honest-to-God, Disney princess.

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Speechless2025Speechless20259 months ago

At some point Paul needs to get pissed at Emily. That little slut is breaking ALL of the rules. And jack doesn't respect ANYONE'S rules!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Now that Emily's reluctance to start a family has come up, I think we're going to find out the reason she's so eager for Jack to perpetually cum in her is that he, already having grown children, has had a vasectomy and, therefore, is a perfect vehicle for Emily to let loose without a pregnancy scare.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This won't end well, maybe for all 3 couples. People are about to get hurt. Fun and games are over now.

Emily and Paul seem distant, she's only into Jack now, in lust, and in love. She's doing things she never did with Paul. Reborn, almost. Paul is letting her go, letting it all happen. He likes Allison, but just as a good friend and fuck buddy.

Mike and Allison seem way different. She is strong, independent, competitive. He is still into his high school crush. Like re-entering puberty. Allison will sooner or later pull the plug. And Mike and Cassie won't last.

Cassie is almost a trophy wife to Jack, he's seen and done it all. The magic between them seems a bit gone. Jack is into Emily now, but that's only to see how far he can take this. He's in his 50's and loves how this younger woman falls for him. Cassie seems off, she likes Mike's attention, but that's it.

Someway, I can see Paul and Cassie find new love. There is something between them. But it's still early.

Great story, can't wait to see how this progresses.

GregCoreyGregCoreyover 1 year ago

Any chance we get an accelerated publishing timeline since we’re getting extra chapters? (Obviously we don’t want to rush greatness, but I’m loving it so much I feel obligated to ask lol)

Krooow_of_winterKrooow_of_winterover 1 year ago

A part of me really wants to see things from Emilys or Mike's perspective. I'm real curious what happened when they stripped the first time when Paul and Allison were in the shower. And I'm dying to know what they talked about when they were alone in the park

Krooow_of_winterKrooow_of_winterover 1 year ago

It looks like Emily is on a bender. The kind home school kids go on when they start college. Right now I think she is using Paul as an anchor to normality, But I'm curious what would happen if the princess is a new character for Paul to hook up with, Leaving Emily with the possibility of Paul not being there.

I'd also like to speculate and point out a few things that I think are foreshadows in the text. First is the nice touch of Jack's last name being Wolf. The second being Emily getting sick when she ever is on a ride that's to wild. A little like the one she's on with Jack. It may be a hint of future morning sickness.

It's a great story and I have no idea which way you are going to take it. There are simply to many possibilities, Especially if Jacks kids come into play. Which I'm sure they will. You wouldn't have had them in the story if you weren't going to use them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Gosh ...hot

Want to see some erotic fuck between mike & emily too.

lastman416lastman416over 1 year ago

I love how everyone’s personal hang-ups are driving wildly different predictions for how this story ends.

Great chapter! I’m enjoying how you’re able to convey how Paul is feeling (and how he’s feeling about how he’s feeling). I’m confident that you’ll continue to make this story interesting, so I’m on board until the end.

HooHaa77HooHaa77over 1 year ago

@UnscratchedItch You raise an interesting point. Though based on past S_D series, the women were unprotected and when insemination happened, they were so lost in the moment they didn't care (ex: Like the Devil with a Deal) or it was hinted the protection wouldn't take (ex: Fucked Up Family) and the natural progression of the story was pregnancy.

Emily in this case is protected (unless she's not anymore, time will tell) but S_D hasn't hinted at that but if the plot reaches the point where Emily asks for that sort of permission, I'd believe her and Paul will no longer be together. Paul doesn't seem like the type to allow another man to impregnate his wife and still stay with her.

UnscratchedItchUnscratchedItchover 1 year ago

I don't know how you're going to squeeze a happy ending from this one. Emily is completely out of control while the best Paul can do is soberly decide he's not in love with Alison. At this point I'm just waiting for Emily to ask if their first child can be conceived by Jack

WindHawkWindHawkover 1 year ago

Hints of trouble in Paradise made this a little less spectacular as erotica than the previous chapters — 4 stars from me. On the other hand, I’m more intrigued than ever to read what happens next with this reckless crew.

voxxxNihilivoxxxNihiliover 1 year ago

I love when the author capture the exact feeling you feel in life randomly, makes you feel understood. i.e:

The time you turn back to your SO in bed like you have all the space to yourself.


There was one or two more but i just can't wrap my mind around.

I like the current ending because you just couldn't tell where the story was going and it is less than perfect like real life.

Also I don't think Emily'll astray because of the little scene where she experimented with Mike. Hand holding stuff...

HooHaa77HooHaa77over 1 year ago

@Spectre_Dugan FOUR more chapters after this one?! Fucking awesome!

getthephenomgetthephenomover 1 year ago

Another hot read. Hoping the pairings will switch and Paul and Cassie hook up.

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