Pure Temptation


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"I got a room near here," he said, squeezing my hand.

I grinned, batting my eyelashes. "Big enough for two, I hope."

"Definitely," he said, his face breaking into a smile, looking relieved.

Standing at the concierge desk, admiring the beautiful, old hotel, he'd chosen for us to stay, as I watched him retrieve his luggage, and hand over his credit card, I realized that he never took the time to check in. I guess in too much of a hurry to go and find me, he just left his stuff at the front desk and took off.

I noticed something else odd though, when put down his credit card. It read: Anthony K. James, when I assumed his proper name was probably Kenneth. "Who's Anthony?" I asked, looking up at him confused, hoping he wasn't hiding a secret identity, or even worse a secret life.

He smiled and kissed the end of my nose. "I am."

"Then why do you go by Ken?"

After he'd signed for the room, and got us both a pass key, he wrapped my hand in his, and as we followed the bellhop to the elevator, he explained. "First year I started school, there were five or six other kids called Anthony or Tony in my class. Guess it was a popular name, back then. When the teacher realized that Kenton was my middle name, which was my mother's maiden name, by the way, she decided to call me Ken. And the name stuck. No one but my mother and sister ever cell me Anthony anymore, and now I'm just Ken."

As we walked into our room, I mulled that over as he tipped the bellhop, thanked him, and locked the door behind him. As I walked over to the window to get a view of the beautiful old city, all lit up at night, I said, "I think Anthony Junior's got a nice ring to it."

Ken came up behind me and slipped his arms around me, dropping a kiss on the top of my head. I loved the way he smiled, when I turned my head and looked up at him and told him, "Because, once you put a baby in me, we'll have to give it a name."

Chuckling, he drew me against him, till I could feel him nice and hard, pressed up against my backside. Sliding his hands under my top, he groaned as he filled his hands with my bare breasts, since, no big surprise, I wasn't wearing a bra. "I'm not used to seeing you in clothes, my little temptress. And I'm thinking, it'll be a lot easier to get a baby in you, once I've got you naked."

I whole-heartedly agreed with his logic, as Ken lifted me into his arms, and carried me over to the bed, with his lips on mine. We made slow, sweet love until the sun was coming up, sure that I'd never felt more treasured. Now that we knew what we have is real, there was no need to rush, since we'd have the rest of our lives to enjoy each other.


Back at home, with Ken out for a run, I grabbed a quick shower, and thought while I was on my own that I'd get in a few stretches before bed, to keep me limber and toned.

I stepped over to the railing that he'd had installed in our bedroom in our beautiful new house, with an incredible view of the lake. Sitting a leg across the top, I stretched, extending my body over the length of my leg.

Then I turned and stretched the other way, with my left leg up, to a count of sixty. Switching back and forth, I increased the time by a minute, till I'd done about fifty repetitions.

I was on my last count, when Ken walked in, looked over and saw me and his mouth dropped open. I gave him a little grin as I felt his eyes slide over me.

When he came up and slipped his arms around me, taking hold of me by the chin, I smiled against his mouth as he kissed me. Slipping my tongue past his lips, as we really got into it, I felt him slide a hand between my legs.

Ken whispered against my lips, "I just can't get over how flexible you are, even at nearly nine months pregnant, you're just so limber." Running his hand up the inside of my leg to my thigh, I shivered as he swirled a fingertip around my clit.

"The doctor said, he thought it was a good way to keep in shape, without overdoing it."

His voice went low, as he murmured, "Do you have any idea how much I want to make love with you, right now? But I don't want to do anything that might hurt you."

I wrinkled my nose, and tried to convince him. "But he said as long we take it easy, and don't get too wild, it should be fine."

Stroking a hand across my swollen belly, with his eyes on mine, he shook his head. "As much as I'd love to, I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to either of you." Then his eyes went big, and he looked down at my big baby bump and then back up at me.

"Did you feel him kicking?"

He nodded. "Yeah, that was quite a kick."

"Lately, he never stops moving. I think he's going to be a runner like this dad."

Chuckling, Ken stroked his across my belly, gently massaging the baby. "What makes you think it's a boy?"

"I've already started calling him Anthony, because I don't think a girl could kick that hard."

Ken bent and pressed a kiss against my belly. "Well, I'll be happy no matter what we have, considering we made this miracle together."

A little sad that we'd have to wait to fool around, I heaved a sigh, knowing it would only be another week or so until our little angel was born. I just hoped, once I'd had a few weeks to recover, my hubby would be happy to make up for lost time. Because, I sure as heck was itching to get busy with him.

Two long weeks went by, and nothing had happened, no twinges, no sign of labor, just more kicks.

Just to be on the safe side, without telling Ken, I went to the doctor, who told me something I could hardly wait to share with my hubby.

I had my keys out, ready to open the front door and Ken yanked it open, and looked kind of nervous, knowing where I'd been, since he'd called me on my way home, wondering where I was.

"So, what did he say? Is everything okay?"

"Well, the doctor said, if nothing happens in the next few days, they'll have to induce me." Seeing the worried cross his face, I held up my hands and explained. "Ken, it's no big thing, lots of women have to be induced. They'll give me something to start the contractions, and once they start, it shouldn't take long, and I'll go into labor and have the baby."

Still looking a little anxious, Ken ran both his hands over my belly. "I hope you're right, and I hope it happens soon."

"Well..." I grinned. "The doctor also had another suggestion, that we could try at home."

He looked puzzled. "What's that?"

Slipping both my arms around him, I rubbed my nose against his. "Seems that sperm can sometimes help to induce labor, and so can reaching orgasm. They both contain some kind of hormone that can help get things going." I wiggled my eyebrows, and cupped him through his pants. "I'm thinking it might be worth a try, seeing as luckily, we've got exactly we need, right here at home."

Ken smirked, while I stroked him. "So, did he mention any particular positions we should try?"

"I'm thinking, probably no crazy monkey sex, but I think a little doggystyle might do the trick."

Once I got on the bed, my overflowing breasts felt huge, hanging like two pendulums, with me down on all fours, with the heavy weight of the baby almost touching the mattress.

I could feel my poor neglected pussy practically dripping with anticipation, even before my thoughtful hubby got on his back with his head between my legs to do whatever he could with his magic tongue, to make sure I climaxed good and hard.

I almost bounced right off the bed, when he spread me open, and I felt the heat of his tongue drag across me, from my tight back pucker, all the way up to my swollen clit. "Yesss!" I hissed, "Just like that. Hmmm, that feels so good, when you do that thing with your tongue around my clit."

I swore I could feel his smile, when he murmured against my sex, "Just doing what the doctor ordered. Now let's hope this works."

In the last few weeks, Ken had been getting more anxious by the day, worrying so much about me being overdue, that he barely got any sleep. He seemed to toss and turn more every night. Last night, I felt awful when I heard him mumbling, "Please God, don't let anything happen to her," though I could tell he was fast asleep.

Hopefully, if we did it long and hard enough, this would get things going, and with any luck, my water would break and I'd go into labor.

It didn't take long and he got me climaxing so hard, my legs almost gave out from under me. Still, Ken kept licking and stroking up and down and all around, nearly driving me out of my mind.

Then my breath caught, when I felt him come up behind me on his knees. After he'd licked his way up from my quivering tooshie to my neck, where he nipped my earlobe, making me shiver, he pressed his cock against my opening, and began to ease his way inside me.

I groaned, sure that it never felt anything so tight, with him coming at me from behind. "Is this, okay?" he asked.

I smirked at him over my shoulder. "It's heaven, feeling you nudging your way inside me, again. You know, how much I love this with you."

My breasts really began to sway as he picked up his pace and gave it to me a little harder and deeper with each thrust. "Oh, man you feel so good wrapped around me, baby," Ken ground out, as I clamped around him as hard as I could, drawing him in even deeper, hoping he'd put his potent seed right where I needed it.

Ken began to groan, deep and long, and I felt him letting go, and then, he was pulsating inside me. Closing my eyes, I shivered and whispered, "Oh wow, Ken, I can feel you erupting."

I could actually feel his cock flexing as he came. He looked just as elated as I felt, as I looked at him over my shoulder. "You feel that, Sierra? Can you feel what you do to me?"

Shivering right down to my toes, I murmured, "Explode in me, Ken. I want to feel you exploding, and feel you losing it."

His eyes on mine he thrust his hips a little harder, nearly making me lose my balance. Clenching the sheets in my fists, I shuddered as I felt him letting go, thrilled at the feel of him pulsing like a second heart beat, deep inside my body.

Both of us breathing hard, fisting himself in his hand, Ken started to pull out. Bending my neck, I looked past my big baby bump, to what was between my legs, and actually whimpered when I saw a steady stream of cum sliding from quivering little puss, proving just how hard he'd climaxed.

Knowing how much I loved it, and that it was something I actually needed right now, circling my slit with his cock, my attentive hubby slid his way back inside me, and swirled his hips, just to be sure he did a thorough job of coating me inside.

I rolled onto my back, laughing as Ken kissed me, and asked, "How was that?"

"Are you serious? I don't think I've ever needed it so bad." Reaching up, I stroked his cheek, as he smiled into my eyes. "And you really came through for me, too. That was so hot, I feel like burning up."

He looked down at my breasts, and his eyes went big. "Holy shit! Look at you, you're leaking!"

I smirked, seeing the trickles running from my swollen nipples. "Well then, feel free to clean me up."

Judging by the way his dick was twitching as he eagerly licked and sucked around each sticky nipple, I had a feeling he enjoyed licking me clean, as much as I enjoyed the feel of his tongue licking all around me.

After going at it that hard, I was sleeping more soundly than I'd slept in weeks, when I woke up in the middle of the night, and felt a sharp twinge. Just a little one at first. A few minutes later, I smiled and massaged my belly, when I felt the next one, even stronger. Seems our sexual experiment might have worked, and now the baby was on its way.

I got up to use the washroom, and felt a gush and knew my water had broke, from the way it was leaking down my legs.

Half-asleep, Ken shot out of bed when he heard me gasp and muttered, "We have to get you to the hospital!"

Then I felt the strongest urge to push. Eyes-wide, I shook my head. "I may not make it. I think it's happening, and it's coming now."

Ken put some towels down on the floor and a pillow under my head, with his cell phone at his ear.

Surprisingly, he sounded fairly calm as he answered the dispatcher's questions. He told her that I was overdue. But I grinned at him when he actually looked like he was blushing when he said, "No, she hasn't been induced, at least, uh, not at the hospital."

When I felt another really strong contraction clenching inside me, I shut my eyes, and tried to remember my breathing exercises. Drawing in a deep breath through my nose, I slowly exhaled, breathing back out through my mouth. Clutching the towel under me in my fists, I muttered through my teeth, "Ken, I really need to push!"

Ken parted my legs, took a look, and said to the woman on the phone, "Yeah, I think she looks like she's opened up, and the baby might be crowning. But she said she really wants to push now."

I could hear her yelling through the phone, "Tell her, do not push! She has to try to hold on. There's an ambulance on the way, and they should be there any minute, to help her through it."

I furiously shook my head, as the urge to bear down became so overpowering, that I couldn't hold back. Gritting my teeth, I squeezed Ken's hand so hard, it looked like his eyes were starting to water. "Baby, hang on, okay?" he said, still with the phone to his ear.

"It's coming! Oh, god, the baby's coming!" I screamed, clenching my jaw, pushing hard and bearing down with everything I had.

I could feel it moving, as my muscles contracted, helping it work its way out of my body. Then I could feel a gush and felt the last of it slide out. And thank God, I heard it start to cry.

Ken tossed the phone, grabbed another towel, and carefully picked up the baby. "It's out!" he yelled at the phone. "She did it, she pushed the baby out!"

Our eyes met and we both smiled, tears brimming in our eyes. Then he turned his head, when we heard the doorbell and frantic banging on the front door. I took the baby from him, laid it across my breasts and tried to clear out it's nose and mouth with my fingers and the towel, while he ran to let the paramedics in.


When I woke up, I was in the hospital, with Ken smiling down at me, with our little reddish-blonde bundle of joy cradled in his arms.

"How does Toni sound, for a girl?" he asked with a teasing smirk, as I reached for our daughter.

Blinking back tears, with her tiny fingers curling around mine, I pressed a kiss to her soft, pink cheek. My voice cracking, I whispered, "Isn't she the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?" When he nodded, looking a little too choked up to answer, I said, "I think Toni suits her, too. What do you think, Daddy?"

Smiling down at us, Ken dropped a tender kiss on both our foreheads, heaving an elated sigh. "I think I'm probably the luckiest guy in the world, now that I've got two of you to love."

I loved the way his eyes flared, when I reached for his hand, gave it a squeeze, winked and said, "At least for now..."

My heart fluttering in my chest, smiling from ear to ear, I tipped up my head, and Ken framed my face in his hands and gave me a long, lingering kiss that I'll never forget.

A kiss with a promise of tomorrow and hopefully a lifetime of wedded bliss and of course a whole lot of sexy fun. Because that's who we are, totally in love, and over the moon in lust with each other.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Excellent story. On to the next one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Thanks for yet another 5 star story

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

5 stars ✨ I just love your stories thanks

joeoggijoeoggialmost 2 years ago

Well done. I put it down a couple of times thinking it was another stupid all sex story that you get on this site. but I came back because the characters evolved. And it ended beautifully. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Superb romantic story telling by an excellent author. There is a good build-up at the beginning, and the characters have good depth. The romantic scenes are wonderfully descriptive and written very tastefully. The tender, almost dreamy atmosphere of the story is simply marvelous. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

10 Stars. I hope you get 1st Place!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I told myself that I would not read any more of these kinds of stories but I did. Now my face is all wet with tears and snot. This was wonderful.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Best I have ever read! I hope you keep writing.

tucarne8tucarne8almost 2 years ago

Beautiful, sexy story I loved it and you won 🏆

charlie4858charlie4858almost 2 years ago

Wonderful ending, thanks again, a great writer.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Nothing more beautiful than the birth of a baby, great ending.

SmuttyandfunSmuttyandfunalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Hey, Steve in S.A.

I've been having some computer problems, so I thought I'd respond to your email with this story.

I was so touched to see that you've not only read every one of my stories, but have recorded them, too.

Hoping you would read this, I decided to thank you by naming a character for you - Uncle Steve.

I hope you enjoy this story and whatever I dream up in the future.

Thanks for your kind words and support, that are very much appreciated.



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