Raven Ch. 11


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"I'll get the bruise cream. Stay there."

Raven's rear was a scene of ugly distress. It had been a long time since he had reacted this strongly. He had beaten her down to her bones. She surfed the pain, using it as an ointment for her mental well being. 'See, you hurt just like any mortal'. This made her smile, mocking her inflated ego. The bed dipped as Kax returned.

"That feels nice, babe," she murmured as strong hands applied the cream.

"Relax and let me do my thing." A hint of regret in his voice.

"Can we talk about it?"

"Not much to say, except you are buying Kayla a flower shop or flower stall."

"A what?"

"A flower business. So she can arrange flowers all day and be happy."

"Is she any good at it?"

"How the fuck would I know?"

"Does she have a head for business?" Raven's tone suggested otherwise.

"I doubt it, the girl isn't really firing on all cylinders, but you can get someone to deal with all that. All Kayla has to do is pick, arrange and sell flowers. She likes flowers. As her protective spirit, I said I would arrange all that, okay?"

Propping herself up on her elbows, Raven looked at him. "Protective spirit?"

"Yes, it seems I made a big impression all those years ago. I banished the Evil one. That's you."

"Yeah, I get the idea."

"It's a long story and a weird one, but she isn't going to work for those bitches again, nor is her landlord kicking her out of her flat."

"He better not! I pay the fucking rent."

"Since when?"

"Since fucking forever. I pay for everything. Bills, Council tax. You told me to help Kayla, remember? So I did. My man says, do something, I do it. Usually."

"I'm impressed. If you told me that, I might have gone easier on you."

"I did try and tell you, anyway, why is he kicking her out? What did she say?"

"Nothing. Not even sure she is aware of it. I escorted her back, and there was a big stack of mail in the kitchen, all unopened but no sign she takes any of it in. She just organises it into piles and leaves it. I looked through, and there is a letter giving notice on the tenancy."

"When does she have to get out by?"

"Last week."

"Fuck's sake."

"I'll get onto it tomorrow. Phone the agency. Tell them she needs another week or two until we sort out what to do with her."

"Get McCraddocks to do it in writing. Cite health issues. Then we can chat to the landlord."

"Makes sense." Kax massaged more cream into her buttocks and back of her legs, his guilt fading to be replaced by interest. "Think your pussy could do with some different 'cream' to ease the pain?" He asked with a deliberate leer.

"You beat me black and blue, then fuck me? You are such a modern man. Will it do any good to ask you to be gentle with me?"

"No harm in asking, I guess," he grinned, unzipping his jeans.

Raven knew her man, his concern over the beating had morphed into desire. They both linked violence to sex, she understood his need. She shared his need. Submission gripped her chest, her heart already racing, bumped up a level as he seized the back of her neck, pushing her face into the bed covers.

Her whimpers were not just for effect, his body hard against her raw, tenderised flesh inducing fresh agony.

"Quiet, bitch!" Kax growled as he pushed roughly inside her.

"Please, sir!" Raven felt her mind slipping, swirling as she surrendered to Michelle.

"I said, fucking quiet!"

Kax pinned her down, his bulk crushing her. For a wild moment, Michelle imagined she was back in her old bedroom, she could hear Linda moving downstairs in the kitchen. Kax kept his hand over her mouth, her heart now skipping wildly, an infusion of terror and excitement. And pain, More pain on top of the earlier pain. Michelle welcomed that pain.

"I hear a sound from you, I'll rip your fucking head off and piss down your neck."

Michelle struggled to break free of his hold over her mouth. "Yes, sir, please don't hurt me," she finally gasped. "I'll do anything you want!"

The grunt was hot and harsh in her ear. Michelle squealed as he bucked forward, skewering her deep and hard.

"I'm gonna rape your arse next, you hear me, bitch?" Kax pounded into her, wanting to hurt her, exorcise his frustrations, his own demons.

"Yes, sir, I'll do anything for you, anything!" Michelle's tears and pleas tumbled from her, heartfelt and satisfying to both her and Kax. Both resetting their relationship onto stable and familiar ground.

Michelle's cries drifted to the listening Megan as she crouched by the open door. She could see her sister's splayed limbs twitching as Kax fucked her, mixed feelings churning inside her, intense delight at seeing Raven suffer, even if she knew that suffering was welcome, and regret that it was not her being fucked into oblivion by her Lord and Master.

A hand rested on Megan's shoulder. Glancing up, she smiled at Judy. They shared the moment.

"Lord Kax beat her, badly," whispered Megan, her eyes shining.

"About time someone did!"

Megan stifled her giggle and turned her attention back to the bedroom. Judy's body was warm against her as both watched and listened. Kax shifted back, his cock glistening.

"He is so beautiful," whispered Megan.

"Yes, he is." Judy slipped her hand between Megan's legs, feeling her wet pussy.

Megan shivered, her eyes fixed on Kax. She yearned to join him, serve him, then she gasped in delight, her sister's screams washing over her as Kax made good on his promise and raped Michelle in her beaten arse.


Raven flexed her legs. It was three days since the beating, the sex, and she had stiffened up again. The endorphins, the euphoria, had worn off, leaving only stiff limbs, painful bruising and a sore mood.

"Her name is Anne, she's the girl who answered you when you asked what happened," said Tilly. "Brunette, glasses, bit stroppy, strictly into pussy. Tends to speak for some of the other girls. Bright girl too. Started giving me a hard time."

"Your authority taken a dump in the toilet, then?"

"Yes, but no more than I deserved for betraying you," parroted Tilly.

Descent into snivelling pussy bitch hadn't taken long, thought Raven disdainfully, just one snapped finger and the promise of geriatric cock.

"You think Anne would make the ideal recruit into our little gang?"

"Yes, she's been asking the others about you, admires the way you handled Kayla and me, gets a thrill out of some of the stories on how you do things and is hot for you."

"She know that you are my pussy bitch?"

"No, but I have said I think you are great, admitted I deserve to have my finger broken."

No surprise Tilly's stock was in the toilet. "Are you honoured to be my pussy bitch, Tilly?"

"Yes, Raven."

Raven eyed her, Tilly flushing nervously under the scrutiny. "You can go, much as I enjoy your servitude, you have patrons to fuck."

"Yes, Raven." Tilly saluted and hurried out.

"You finished making the big girl sweat?" Kax asked. He had been eyeing Tilly from his sizeable easy chair in their private rooms at the club.

"You finished eyeing her fat arse?" Raven replied sweetly.

"You ever going to stop going on about me liking a big arse?"

"You ever going to stop liking a big arse?"

"Your arse is plenty big enough for me."

"My arse has ballooned up to twice its size after that beating you handed down," she grimaced.

"Yeah? Show me." He downed his beer as she walked over, hitching her skirt, revealing her blued flesh with its welts. "Healing nicely," he grunted. "I'll fuck you in the arse later."

"Oh, you sweet talker. We're seeing Kayla's landlord later. Dover Arms, fancy pub just out of town."

"I'm still having your arse."

Raven liked his casual ownership and use of her body. The beating had reinforced the sexual bond between them. Both had been distracted by other temptations. "As you wish, my arse is yours to do with as you please." She winced as he stuck his finger roughly in her cunt.

"Yeah, and don't forget it," he grinned. "Suck me off before you go downstairs and put your evil plans into operation."

"Sir." Obediently Raven got to her knees and pulled his cock from his trousers. His hardness swelled in her mouth as she bobbed up and down until he came.

Downstairs, the club was hosting a private all-woman event to which Tilly had invited Anne at Raven's instructions. It allowed older women the chance to hook up with younger girls. Anne had been surprised at Tilly's invitation, but the opportunity to dress up, have a bit of fun and maybe earn some cash on the side was too good to miss.

A young girl, brunette and generous figure came over to Anne.

"You must be Tilly's guest," the brunette smiled. "I'm Megan."

"Anne," she kissed Megan on the cheek. "This is quite exciting and a bit swanky. Already had one wine to calm the nerves!"

"Well, don't drink too much! A few ladies will be only too happy to swoop in and take advantage," smiled Megan.

"Here's hoping. You done this before?"

"Yes, my Master and Mistress pimp me here quite regularly, men and women."

Interest piqued, Anne looked at the girl more closely. "Masters? Are you a slave or something then?"

"Yes, a sex slave, eight months now. My slave name is Cunt Candy."

"Oh, my, are you the only slave in the household? What do they make you do?" Anne steered Megan into a corner. Her eyes gleaming behind her glasses.

"Anything that takes their fancy. I work part-time as a whore, and they have an older slave too. She's fuck-bag."

"I'm sure she is!" Anne giggled, thinking the evening couldn't have got off to a better start. An attractive blonde, fifties, in an expensive slinky red dress waggled her fingers at Anne and smiled.

"So if you are a sex slave, you can't object if I touch you up?" Anne waggled back to the blonde woman.

"She can't, but I can," a voice interrupted.

Anne turned her head to the voice and then did a double-take "Raven!"

"We know each other?"

"No, I'm Anne. I work at Banks with Tilly." Where was Tilly?

"Ah, the competition, although we are on the same team at the moment. Did you want to touch my slave up?"

"No, I mean, yes I did, but I don't want to offend you."

"You won't, Cunt Candy exists to please." Raven put her arm around Megan. "She is very accommodating. Well trained. I love her very much." Raven kissed Megan warmly.

"May I?" Anne asked. Raven nodded. Anne forward and kissed Megan, softly at first, then with more intensity.

"Enjoy that?" Raven smiled.

"Yeah, it's kind of fun when they have no choice, and you can do pretty much what you want. Grope her, fuck her, humiliate her. Very hot."

"You like that, do you? Show Anne your tits, Candy."

Megan pulled down her dress straps to reveal her breasts. Scooping up her left tit, Raven offered it to Anne.

"Bite her tits, dig into that stubby nipple."

Anne eagerly clamped on the offering. Megan squirmed as teeth bit into her tender flesh while Raven enjoyed the relish Anne was showing in distressing Megan.

"How did you pick up Cunt Candy?" Anne asked, examining the small indents she had left in Megan's teat.

"She's my half-sister," replied Raven.

Startled, Anne looked wide-eyed again. "Fuck! What the fuck are you —uumph!"

A strong hand clamped around Anne's throat, lips fastening onto hers, choking Anne's words. Her struggles ceased as she melted into Raven's hard body. Once released, Anne half leant against the wall. "Fuck," she said again.

"Cover yourself and start mingling and entertaining," Raven ordered Megan.

"Yes, Raven." Megan saluted.

"Come with me. This will amuse you, Anne."

"Yes, Raven." Anne composed herself and trailed behind this smooth, limbed creature.

They walked upstairs and through into one of the rooms. Anne boggled as she saw Tilly being double teamed by two elderly gentlemen, with two others watching from the small bar.

"Fresh meat for us, Raven?" A paunchy individual raised a glass from the bar.

"No, she is here for the ladies. Just checking to see if Tilly was to your satisfaction."

"Fat tits, fat arse, what's not to like?" The paunchy man laughed.

"Fair point," smiled Raven. "You see, Anne, your office manager likes old men. I've put her talents to better use, haven't I, Tilly?"

The elderly's gents cock flopped out of her mouth. "Yes, Raven!" Tilly gasped.

"You've made the fat cunt your bitch!" Anne's face twisted into a malicious smile. "I knew it!"

"Tilly is a natural follower," said Raven. She faced the young girl. "What are you?"

Anne considered her answer. "I follow the right person, but I lead too. I'm no pussy like Tilly."

"Good. Now get your pretty arse downstairs and start entertaining the ladies down there. There are rewards to be had for enterprising young pussy like yourself. Start showing your worth, and we can talk."

"Yes, Raven."


"The property boys have located a small premises off the main square. Cost of the lease is a bit steep, but it's a good location and handy on Market days. I'm getting projections, costings, business plan done. Jane worked in a florist and is happy to advise and help out. She can charge her time to the shop. Kayla can't run shit, though. She's off with the fairies, so it will need someone to run it." Raven tossed the folder onto the back seat.

"Fine, I'll put some spare cash into it as well."

"What spare cash?" Raven asked.

Changing lanes, Kax grinned at her. "You telling me you haven't got spare cash that you've neglected to tell me about? Bug out money? Amanda funds dotted around?"

Raven remained quiet.

"Look, the idea is to let the girl play with flowers. If it makes a bit and covers expenses all well and good."

"Better if it actually makes money, maybe we can launder cash through it?"

Kax grunted. "Okay, just make it low key. Think this is the pub. It's closer to Denby than our manor." They were meeting Kayla's landlord.

"His choice. Wants this resolved so nine tonight it is."

"What do you know about him?"


Pulling into the car park, Kax gave her a look. "Nothing? We're going into this with no background info? That's sloppy, Lady."

"I didn't have time. All he knows is some law firm got a stay for a month on the eviction, and I'm here to try and resolve the issue for Kayla." Raven hesitated. "I'll do the meet. You hang back in case there's any trouble."

"Doubt it looking at this gaff. Way too fancy for any bother. Still, no harm in playing it cool."

The place was busy—predominantly table service with a small standing area by the bar. The clientele mainly couples out for a quiet evening and good food.

Raven had a rough description, and it didn't take long for a stout guy in his fifties to peer at her then wave. A blonde woman in her forties was with him, overdressed and not looking happy.

Meandering her way to the table, Raven smiled. "Mr Smalling? Hugo Smalling?"

"That's me, my wife, Beverly." They shook hands. "And your Michelle, a friend of one of my tenants?"

"That's right. I work for McCraddocks, who interceded on behalf of Kayla."

"Ah, so pulling in a legal favour for a friend. Well, it won't hold, Miss, my solicitor, says they are just blowing smoke up my arse, and they have written back to demand your friend by out by next Friday. One week."

"Why the rush?" Raven asked.

"Not sure if that's any of your business, dear," said Beverly. "We just want the girl out."

"That doesn't really work for me. If you tell me why I may be more understanding."

Hugo was amused. "I admire your loyalty to your friend. Do you want a drink?"

"No thanks."

"Look, I just want to sell the flat, nothing more. I'm selling a few properties to raise money for new projects, and I have an offer on this one that I want to move on with."

"Sounds fair. How much?"

"How much what?"

"The flat."

"£185k. I've accepted it."



Raven noted that he hesitated before replying.

"I'll offer the same. Cash." Raven had done some homework on the property. The flat was small but in a good location and would make a reasonable investment.

"No offence, dear but isn't this a bit much for a secretary working at a law firm," tittered Beverly.

Raven ignored her and fixed on Hugo.

"To be honest, I've shaken on it, and I don't want to let them down." He was taking her seriously, but he wasn't prepared to upset the buyer.

"Who are they?" Raven tapped a message on her phone to Kax.

"Property Investment firm. Gunnel Investments. New and trying to build up their portfolio. Quite aggressive." Again he was signalling.

Kax loomed over the table, then bent and whispered what he would like to do to her. Raven kept her face serious and nodded.

"Thank you, Mr Kax," she rose and smiled at the couple. "I have to go. I appreciate your time and letting me know the situation."

They both murmured thanks, Hugo slightly put out by Kax's sudden appearance.

Settling down for the drive back, Raven filled him in.

"Flat is being sold to some dodgy characters with cash behind them. Hugo has zero desire to upset them. He took me seriously, so he told me the score. You turning up like that rattled him a bit. Hugo is no dummy. Reads the situation real fast."

"So, no letting her stay, or us buying the flat?"

"At the moment, no. Can't we just move Kayla out, find her somewhere else?"

"Told you, the flat is warded against Evil. She feels safe there, with the demon banished. That's you—"

"Yeah, I know it's fucking me!" Raven interrupted irritably.

Kax grinned. "Easier if we just buy it. Nice investment."

"Yeah, I offered. I'll look into this Gunnel mob, see what the score is. We have a week."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I need bruise cream for my brain after reading this. OUCH!

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