Red Daddy: Ceres Station Pandemic


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Off to the side, I saw Dafne on her phone, and I wondered if I was going to be the star of a vid, but she looked like she was typing and I got back to what I was doing.

Knowing what I did about pre-cum having quite a few sperm in it, I motioned for the girl that had been giving me a BJ to get on the bench of the next machine over, even though it wasn't inclined. It was higher, though, and faced more so the other women standing around could see.

Thanking the girl I'd been stroking into for a while and giving her a small kiss on the lips, I moved over to the second girl. I had her stand so I could sit on the bench, and she could ride me. I'd been working out, and my legs were a little weak, so having her do some of the work was a welcome change.

This gal rode me for a good long time, coming in a long-series of gurgling convulsions that may or may not have been one or many orgasms. It didn't matter to me, I finished and spurted up into her, and kept spurting as was my new normal.

She stepped off, though, and was pulled aside by Dafne, only to have each of the women I'd come with come and do precisely two drops on me.

Pam was there, and she called out to the women standing around to ask if any of them were fertile right then, and 3 said they were so they came forward, too.

I got ridden by 12 women, then (not counting Dafne).

Finally, relaxing while one of the gym women did 'clean up' (at the behest of, or permission from, Pam), I saw what Dafne was doing. She'd had one of the women who'd stayed in the apartment bring down the magic mechanical dildo, and she'd put it into the girl I'd come into.

If it worked as advertised, it would have sucked up (as she put it in) all the semen I'd filled her with, assessed the sperm count, mixed it for optimum redistribution, and then she put it into each of the women I'd come with, pressing buttons as we'd been shown.

The odd thing was, she did it to some of the Gym women, also. I counted rough numbers, and with 60 women there, and four days of fertility per 28, that'd make 8 women who were probably fertile, and she was giving all 8 of them a chance, if they wanted it.

I found out later that 10 women claimed they'd be fertile, by the math. This was odd to me until I worked out that by selection bias, maybe women preferentially don't go to a gym when they're on their period -- or, they just had their own math wrong. Either way.

The gym had a shower, so I went in and used that, and we got dressed again and headed back to the apartment.

We didn't make it that far.

I stopped at a store that was selling sheets and we got more sets of sheets because the women who were sleeping over weren't going to be a full week on them, so we needed more sets than a normal 'household'. We also needed more towels, since we were walking around naked a lot and we wanted to sit on a towel sometimes. I regarded that as a safety thing, in case, but it was also just an appearance of sanitary ideas above the necessity.

Paying, though, it showed my bank balance, and I got a little freaked out for a minute. Instead of a student stipend, I had what would normally BUY (not rent) an apartment like the one I was in, several times over.

Knowing we needed more stuff for the apartment than we had, I transferred about 10% to Dafne and then called her over.

"Check your phone. Look at your balance -- bank balance."

She did, and gasped. "NO! You ... didn't?!?!?!"

"Yep, though with a caveat. We need things for the apartment, and I don't know what we need, but you will. You'll be the constant person in my life there, with me, and I need a centerpoint. I need someone to look around and decide what we need, and get it. I think I'd like more rugs? And, some tapestry-rugs that absorb sound better?"

"Uh...." She was still looking at her phone. "You want..." Looking up at me, she continued that, catching up with my conversation, "...rugs. Got it. Wall hangings, sound control. Clothes, probably. More robes, I think. There's a bunch of stuff, yeah. Groceries."

"Maybe let our new chef do that?"

She rolled her eyes, "You got a free one there, for sure. Don't take advantage of her."

"Oh, no! Not planning on it!" I thought a moment and added, "She's older, probably, but if she wants, I'm happy to provide a sample for her."

"I'll bet you would."

The transaction was done, and we walked out as a group, my compatriots acting as a buffer since the hallways were getting more full. I think just about every woman in the hallways stared at me, briefly, before pretending not to, but some were bold enough to just outright keep looking.

To have this happen on Ceres? The breach of protocol, the cultural shift, was unimaginable short of our particular tragedy.

Back in our apartment, the collective group of 12 or so women, they wandered around and had opinions on what should change here or there to make it better or more in style or whatever, all the while getting sheets changed on all the beds. Then, packing, they called in for a shift-change for whoever was next on the list.

I thought I'd get to keep the one that had remained behind, but someone mentioned to me that even she was given a chance to get a sample as soon as we returned.

As they left, each of them gave me a hug and a small kiss. I even got a mostly-genuine sense from most of them that they were happy having been there. The feeling was mutual, for sure, so it all worked out.

== ==

The new crew arrived and we did the required maintenance on the Dunbang insemination dildo, which really meant spitting into a small dish and watching the dildo suck it up, ask to be held over a drain and washed, then say it was ready for use.

Daf had gotten another email from Ev with more instructions. It had what the codes were, and integration with our phone/pad that showed various status indicators for the device, as well as health information for who it was plugged into.

It turns out, Ev had lifted a huge section of code for the sensors out of an Ob/Gyn ultrasonic wand. Not all the functions were useful, but it did show stuff like where the eggs were (ready to pop or not, or where they were), and a variety of medical conditions.

Daf filled in one of the girls as she came in, and as more followed, they all got to chatting about the device and how it worked. Ev had asked for help, so they got to work assembling a unified user's manual.

Of course, I had to provide another sample, which led to more girls getting inseminated, and more of them showing up, and pretty soon it was a constant stream of people flowing in, many of them looking older.

One lady said she was 52, but I couldn't believe she was over 24. The only giveaway was the faded tattoo ink and a certain tiredness behind the eyes.

The concept of doing the medical measurements and questionnaire for Davida came up, and she measured less firm in the bustline but still very tight overall.

== Chapter: Colony Happenings ==

Now is the time in this missive to switch from describing the day-to-day of my recovery and the recovery of the colony and do more summarization about how the next 6 years stacked up, from a life perspective.

Dafne got donated sperm from someone else, an anonymous donor that wasn't me, and had first 1, then 2, 3, 4, and then 5 kids (though she's said she's going to keep going). She moved in next door, married a girl she liked, and I see her and my nieces and nephews often.

I settled in with a group of 12 ladies who were women I liked and who liked me, and we made a family unit out of it. They got pregnant at intervals and we arranged to have the corridor we were on walled off as a 'family compound', with unlocked doors between apartments and access control to our corridor.

This let us have privacy for walking around, access to chatting up friends, noise control for the kids (infants were silent compared to toddlers!), and a semblance of a loving family life.

I did make a steady set of donations to the sperm bank, and the Dunbang unit helped many of these donations become highly-desired children quickly and easily, and though we traded up to a later non-prototype model, I kept the old one until recently when I elected to donate it to the our Historical Society since it had been inside so many woman and as pivotal to so many lives.

The General Alarm - GA - Day was Ceres Colony's year-zero in many ways. GAD (GA-Day) became a half-celebration/ half-memorial day and of many things.

GAD will forever be a Ceres holiday. It's too important, to too many people.

Just over 2 years from GAD, Her Ladyship, High Provost Dawkins announced the last of the large scale blind trials of the SHAG vaccine had succeeded. Our sister-colony at the other pole and many subordinate colonies, long cut off, could rejoin us in regular transit and commerce.

The rest of humanity didn't follow that schedule and it was close to four years before sizable immigration opened up again.

By this time, however, we had been Very, Very busy. When your entire smelting capacity is no longer creating products for shipping outbound to others and instead devoted to expanding internal habitation and industrial output, well, yeah, Ceres GREW.

What we lacked in digital control systems and machine-learning optimization, we made up for in brute force simplification.

I was part of those brute force engineering teams, and have lifelong pride in the chemical and assembly line processes we designed, enterprise-scale factory lines we created, and even habitat components we worked on.

It turns out I could do pretty good engineering even though I was handicapped by being the weaker sex, a male on a planetoid of strong females.

We could have stopped with the Gen-M designs about 10x the size of our original habs, going from 40k population per hab to 400k. Due to more advanced engineering and optimizing for low spingrav factory space, we pushed the population up to 500k but gave families expansive living quarters, large parks and public spaces, fast public transit, and much, much more automation that made life safer and more productive.

The first ships to land on Ceres were medical transports, accepting sick and wounded from other SHAG variants, and since we'd had more time and population to study the variations we were first to offer vaccines.

The studies in human cellular function paid off in other ways.

Ceres became Very, Very Rich.

We patented and sold Rejuvex, the first in a line of rejuvenation drugs that reset the human lifespan, including granting fertility and renewed mental agility to persons previously in their twilight years.

Suddenly, there was a lot of need for larger and larger habitation modules as people started having second and third batches of kids, and needing a spacious, safe, and prosperous habitat to live in.

And, Yes, Davida prospered, too - her full name is Dr. Davida Thorp. Yes, THAT Dr. Thorp.

The reason so many kids and grown-ups on Ceres have red hair is the sudden availability, at an hour of need, of sperm delivered via Dunbang device, that originated from a prolific donor properly motivated to help the cause.

Our manufacturing bay now makes Gen-B habitats 3 km in diameter and 12 km long, central cores with hangar facilities able to accept (and repair) the largest Class-12 freighters. We've sold many and are building 9 more manufacturing bays, the demand is ... strong.

Like all humans, we celebrate our individuality, our achievements especially in the face of adversity, and the emotion-filled bonds of family and friends that hold us together.

Oh - one more thing. Since I know the people personally who worked on Rejuvex, I know that the side-effect (discovered on Ceres with SHAG) of making 18x more female babies than male babies in treated individuals, that was a genuinely happenstantial side effect.

Immigration has equaled our gender ratio on Ceres to about that now anyway even given the SHAG survival rate, but the scientific leadership here has concluded that the only way to get the rejuvenation effect necessarily requires the offspring gender ratio to change, it's built into the way the drug works.

If you come to visit Ceres to scuba in our kelp, abalone, scallop, mussel, or coral forests, we welcome you with open arms, or tour our facilities, or stay on vacation, or just to emigrate, Beautiful! You are safe with us, and welcome.

If you have, or plan to come to a university here, to study in some of the Best bio labs Anywhere, we celeb-rate your cereb-ration, applaud your skills accretion, and have ready some of the most elaborate and well-appointed hab accommodations of any school anywhere.

As an adjunct faculty at Occidental U here, I have to say that by comparison, yes, U Toronto or The Sorbonne, they're great schools. That said, neither are minutes away from zero-G scuba in kelp forests, or from watching a live water polo AQ League game from either the Killington Cascades (my favorites) or the Jenkins Regulars (yeah, fine, they're okay, too).

Even if you're just coming for a visit - please consider staying, we like the company and celebrate the expansion of humankind to new and further heights. Of course - you'll definitely need to work to earn your keep - but if you do, the rewards are amazing.

Ceres has had its tragedies. We all know and feel that loss, sometimes daily. But through that loss, we've rebounded and built a shining citadel of mankind permeating a lump of unforgiving rock.

I hope the ideas of Loss and Joy coexisting can help your perspectives. For us, they've raised living standards for us, and For All Mankind.

Thank you for your attention, and remember, in the words of my mother:

...Be The Love You Want To See In The World.

== The End ==

Disclaimers: 1

== Chapter: Introduction == 1

== Chapter: The Start of Something Wrong == 6

== Chapter: Classroom Respite == 19

== Chapter: Coma Dispelled == 50

== Chapter: Rehabilitation Clarity == 57

== Chapter: Life With Two Guardians == 89

== Chapter: Directives and Directions == 95

== Chapter: Shift Change == 99

== Chapter: Continuing Changes == 108

== Chapter: Life in a Luxury Apartment == 128

== Chapter: Seeing Daf Again == 134

== Chapter: Donations == 153

== Chapter: Colony Happenings == 159

== The End == 162

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FseriesFseries5 months ago

Liked this one, similar to how I like a few of your other stories. But, like a few of your other stories I’ve read, have great detailed exposition about events, descriptions and procedures and culminate in an ending that feels abrupt.

cindyp1976cindyp19765 months ago

I really liked this it was really good

Falstaff60Falstaff608 months ago

Another great, enjoyable and original story from ja99. Keep up the good work. 5 Stars.

ja99ja9910 months agoAuthor

@anonymous, thank you kindly. I enjoyed writing it quite a lot. Feel free to check out my other works. I'm really proud of Demeter's Tempest and Master Yoshi but they're not rated as highly, nor seen as frequently, and I'm sad about that. But, hey, the stories fall out of my head and fingers and sometimes there's flaws. Plus, I posted into Romance and Novellas categories and those get fewer readers, I think. Alas. Thanks again!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Wow. Every young man's dream: Bigger cock and balls, a reason for lots of sex, a ready supply of Randy women and being paid to have with and impregnate those women.

And all this packaged in an internally logical story in a subtly unique culture going through a period of drastic change bought about by a viral plague (very topical).

A great story. A great sci-fi world. Potential for other tales here.

202GE202GE10 months ago

Incredibly well written, structured, and engrossing. The first 80-85% of the story was great but the latter part deviated from the theme in an unpleasing way. The main character lying to his sister and the way he 'pushed' girls together seemed unnecessary and kind of sleazy. There seemed to be lack of emotional duress presented at the onset of the virus's impact but beyond that the realism was stellar. Amazing work and thanks for sharing this with us. 4.5/5

A must read for any sci-fi fan.

ja99ja9910 months agoAuthor

@Christian_Alan, Thank you kindly! Glad to know you found something worthwhile in it. The concept of Japanese culture, with limited living spaces, generating emotional constraints? I have no way of knowing if this is reasonable, I'm not Japanese, and I can't know how much nature / nurture / culture plays into how people treat each other. I'd love to spend some months in Japan and have some conversations on this topic, though. Alas. Life interferes.

ja99ja9910 months agoAuthor

@Stevenray, the ongoing need isn't addressed on purpose, since it may or may not be fixed by medical treatment in the intervening years. Part of the thoughts of the story (as the Author I can reveal this) is showing that sometimes having lots of sex is good and fun, but there's also a Serious pain-in-the-ass factor. Making up for that hassle is Red having "Teh Horneey" (compulsion to solve this).

I think in present-day life people have much worse medical maladies than having to be awake once a night for 20 minutes getting-it-on. Yes, probably a hassle, but as a life-handicap, it's not bad debilitation on a larger scale.

stevenraystevenray10 months ago

I really enjoyed this story. Maybe I missed it, but did he ever get over the need for relief or was that a new constant and why he had 12 girlfriends?

Christian_AlanChristian_Alan10 months ago

Very well written. I like how you took the time to establish the values of this society and then slowly and logically progressed things. That and giving personality to a lot of the side characters helped to keep each encounter unique and meaningful. Great job and I'm definitely going to check out your other stories.

vegasmichael50vegasmichael5010 months ago

Incredible work! Thank you!

ja99ja9910 months agoAuthor

@Levitikan, Excellent point. In the General Orders issued to the station, the rules are given that there are so many more women than men, that men and women cannot have long-term relationships. This fueled Red's desire to have his sister live with him just to get a chance at seeing the same person consistently over time. There's great tragedy in that; the denial to a person of the chance for long-term romance, in favor of the expediency, the importance, of ensuring colony / city / bloodline survival.

Your raising Ev as a romantic tie is really fitting. It's obvious Red wants that, cherishes that continuity and connection, but it's not obvious in the story if it's resolved. He has some power, perhaps it could have been made to happen?

Ev wants the chance, I believe we can see that, but also is torn by a need for career goals of doing good for the whole station. In a way a lot of women face the same problem - career vs. family - and as the Author I can say, yes, that was front of mind to note. So many people having kids would certainly set up Ceres Station to have excellent patterns of childcare that assist working mothers (unlike many countries in the present day), and seeing that situation of successful parenting and successful career would have been an example that could advance the vision, the needs of people who tragically believe both are exclusive. Instead, I believe they're complimentary but only if the larger society reconfigures somewhat to enable that mutual success. Perhaps you've inspired another story - not of Ceres but of elsewhere - where that dichotomy can be shown deconflicted. THANK YOU, seriously, for the idea (even if your comment wasn't meant to be this deep, lol). Be well. Your comments on my other stories are appreciated as well.

LevitikanLevitikan10 months ago

Good story, would be nice if we found out what happened to ev, did she end up with red in the end?

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