Red Pt. 03


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I spread open her lips and dragged my tongue up her slit to her clit, flicking it a few times causing my mother to moan.

"Oh yes, I see what you mean. I guess that will require further looking into."

I kept working my tongue along her gash, each time making sure to pay attention to her swollen nub. I darted my tongue in and out of her cunny, fucking her with my tongue. My mother was getting wetter and wetter as I licked her out. I moved further south and began to tongue her tight dark hole, trying to push into her.

"Oh yes.....though......yes....I need a.....yes....a deeper.....inspection there later.....yes......"

I moved back to her pussy and her clit. Her fingers were entwined in my hair as she pulled me deeper into her twat.

"Your tongue is very talented........yes......fuck me with your tongue.....yes.....jab it in good.......sooo good......."

I knew that she was getting close on my tongue as her pussy continued to flood my face. I ran my finger through her juice and as I worked her cunny with my tongue, I pushed my wet finger into her ass and started to fuck it in and out.

"Yes....yes.....fuck my ass with your finger.......fuck me Michael.....fuck my ass with your beautiful finger.......tongue so good......that's right nibble my clitty.......oooh....tongue.......god so close......fuck me my ass......yes....tongue......god Michael.....cumming.....yes....yes cumming...."

As she started to cum, I got up onto my knees and rolled her over on to all fours and slammed my cock in her sopping cunt. I fucked her hard. Taking her by her ponytail I drove my manhood deep into her repeatedly. She continued to cum all over my cock as I fucked her. Her body spasming violently with each thrust into her.

"Yes good......cumming so hard......keep fucking me......fuck.......yes......"

Just as I thought she was beginning to come down from her orgasm, I withdrew my cock from her cunt and spread her ass cheeks. I lined up the head of my cock and pushed into that tight dark hole and began to ram in and out of her. She was used to my father's cock, so I knew that I would not hurt her like this.

"Yes.....god.....fuck bastard.....fuck me....fill me.....bastard.....fuck my ass......fuck.....cumming.....cumming.....fuck......"

Her ass muscles clamped down on my rod as it thrust in and out of her all through her newest orgasm. I allowed her to let her body take over by itself and slowed my movements in her ass until I was not moving inside her at all. Her breathing eased and became more regular, and her muscles stopped switching on and off.

"You are good."

"We like to make sure our clients are well serviced, and CUM back happy."

'You don't have anything to worry about in that department."

We sat on the couch and watched my father and Helen. Well, I sat, my mother lay out with her head in my lap.

"I want to make sure I adequately pay you for your work," said my mother as she took my cock in her mouth.

My father was standing at the end of the other couch with Helen's feet on each shoulder and her ass on the arm of the couch. He was pounding away at my girlfriend as she rubbed her clit and cunt. Her breathing was raspy and uneven, and she was telling my father things like; "fuck my slutty cunt", "ram that monster into my pussy", and "fill me with your cum."

Helen's comments and moans along with my mother's expert mouth on my cock were getting me close to spraying the back of her throat with cum.

Helen continued the foul language encouragement of my father as her orgasm hit her, which was soon followed by my father's. With each deliberate thrust into her cunt and his clenched ass, I could tell that he was shooting multiple times inside her.

I gently put my hand on the back of my mother's head to let her know that I was about shoot. Getting the message, she took me down to the root and swirled her tongue around the base as I started to cum. Halfway through, she came up to the mid-point and allowed me to fill her mouth. She swallowed it all down and smiled at me.

"I hope I have paid you enough for your wonderful service. I will most assuredly will be cumming back to you for more servicing."

Being sated for the time being, we drank some bubbly and ate the finger food my mother and Helen had put together. My mother had moved over to my father's couch and rested her head on his shoulder with the length of her body towards the other end of the sofa. Helen and I mirrored my parents. We talked a little and drank a little. After a while, my mother said that it was time for her to shower, or she would end up falling asleep on the couch and get nothing done. So, we all went off to take showers.

Both Helen and I had been given laptops by my parents and we spent the afternoon getting them set up and checking our studio emails. There were a couple of requests for boudoir sessions and one from the publisher of the Milkman shoot asking if we had more to send them. We replied, telling them that we had just completed a shoot, and had to develop and print them first, but that we hoped we would have something they would like.

There was a Merry Christmas email from Hope for me, and one for Helen. She went on to say that she was delayed coming back and could not get back until the 5th of January. She did not want us to get her at the airport but wanted to meet both of us at her flat. She had important things she had to talk to us about.

We spent a few more days with my parents. We would have stayed longer, but they were flying down to Texas for New Years and for my father to inspect an oil rig in the Gulf that was starting up drilling with a new type of drill bit that my father had designed. We had sex with my parents a couple of more times. We shared the jet with my parents for the ride back to school, and they then flew on down to Texas. I think the flight crew was a bit disappointed that my parents were with us, as they were probably hoping for a repeat performance of our flight up.

We said our good-byes to my parents, and they repeated how much they loved Helen and were looking forward to meeting Hope. We promised them that we would start looking immediately for a house. My mother reminded us that it had to have a pool, preferably an indoor pool. They promised to come down for my graduation, if not earlier. We hugged and kissed and again said our good-byes.

Helen and I took a van back to Hope's apartment. I was afraid that we would not bet all her luggage and new things in the van, but it all worked out.

"I love your parents. A house. All our own. Wow."

We made love that night. Nothing wild and crazy. Just us, loving each other. That was our New Years celebration.

On New Year's Day we worked around the studio. I developed and printed the pictures from the Vixens shoot. I had Helen help me print them so she could see them at the same time I saw them for the first time. There were a few we trashed right away and those that were perfect, and the ones that were maybes. Then there were the ones that were only for us and my parents, so we sorted those immediately out of the mix and put them aside. Of course, from those we picked the ones that they would like.

All in all, we had a hundred and seven photos that we thought worked well for the story, which included four of the peeing pictures. Then we had twenty more to add to that for my parents, which included some of the pics that Helen had shot without the masks on. We printed off three sets total and removed the negatives that we did not want to send to the publishers and packed them with one set of prints for the publishers. Then we mounted the other two sets onto the same quality pages we used for boudoir books that clients could buy, just a lot more pages.

We were very happy with the ones we packed up to ship out for publication. We loved the way they all came together. My mother and Helen looked great together. Yes, the photos were hot. The books for us came out great. The pictures without the masks, were stunning and showed a real connection between the two women. We packed up one book to send to my parents.

We emailed the publishers and told them that they could expect the negatives in a couple of days from Federal Express. If they liked them, we would get a nice little payday. We just had to wait a few days for them to get them.

We also had to wait a few days for Hope.

On the 2nd, we went and looked at houses. There were a few we saw that fit the parameters my parents had laid out. Helen was not sure about the number of bedrooms, believing that five or six was a lot more than we needed. I tried to assure her that it would work. It would give us the space to set up a home office, or studio. The houses we liked were a bit out of town, but that worked as well, as if we were really going to be a threesome, then the fewer neighbors the better.

The one house we really liked was about fifteen minutes to the university and the studio, was on twelve acres of land, had an indoor pool and spa, six bedrooms, and seven bathrooms. It even had an apartment over the separate three car garage. It was a Colonial, built in the 1930's, but had recently been redone with an add on in the back with lots of glass. So, classic in the front and ultra-modern in the back. The bottom of the property even had a creek running through it and a pond. The price tag was $1.6 million, but the house had been on the market for a while, so it could be negotiated.

"I have $876 in my checking account, and that primarily is due to what Hope has been paying me, and they want one-point-six million?"

"Yeah, I know.......but.......when you get get my family.....though that has changed into even something I had not foreseen. But if you like it?"

"I would love Hope to see it and like it, and yes I love it."

"What if it ends up there is no Hope in the picture?"

"Don't say that. will work out....."

We talked to the realtor and asked about the property. Not a lot of people were looking at it now as the bottom portion of the land could not be developed. With the creek and pond, it was considered both wetlands and watershed. He said that we most likely had some time to think about it. She would let the owners know that we were interested in putting in an offer in a week or so.

The next two days, we shot two boudoir sessions. Both were women in their early fifties. Helen did a great job of making them comfortable and relaxed, chatting with them through each shoot. She was even able to get them to show a little more skin than they had initially intended, though nothing really revealing. When we printed them, we were quite satisfied that they had come out well. Helen arranged for them to come back and choose one or two, or even a package.

Helen and I fucked that night, both of us anxious of what the 5th would bring.

We kicked around Hope's apartment in the morning, making sure everything was perfect, including changing the sheets. We waited. We were on pins and needles. I had dressed in jeans and polo, while Helen had chosen something casual, but sexy and edgy. While we waited, we discussed what we were going to say about Christmas. We did not come to anything conclusive, when the door opened.

"What do you need to tell Hope?" Said Hope as she came through the door.

"Hope!" Screamed Helen as she went running towards her. Hope hugged her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hi. I'm home. I'm glad you are both here. Let me put this stuff down and I will say what I have to say. I need to get this out. I have been rehearsing this all the way across the ocean. So, sit."

"We are sitting. Tell us." Said a worried and anxious Helen.

"Ooof.....Ok....When I arrived in the UK and saw my mother, I found out that her cancer had returned. She said the doctors were keeping it back. She told me that they assured her she was going to be fine. So, I left for Kenya, and things were OK there.....kind of....well not really.....for the first time I felt.....alone.....really alone....I have always been kind of a loaner. When I was with my mother growing up, she was there but not really there. When I was with my father in Africa, he was so focused on his work or teaching me to be a photographer, that he was not really there for me.

I have never had any lasting relationship with anyone. Hell, I virtually never spent an entire night with someone I had sex with, until you came along Helen. There were a few times, but almost always I was the one quietly picking up my clothes and sneaking out in the middle of the night. I was the 'love them and leave them' person. I even lied about my name usually and gave them a fake number. Michael, I tried to keep you at arm's length for professional reasons and because I knew you would get attached, or I would get attached. In Africa I felt truly alone, but I pushed through it and did my work. Then, two weeks ago, there was a call to the Elephant Orphanage from one of the doctors treating my mother. I needed to come to Cardiff as soon as possible. My mother was failing quickly, and I if wanted to be with her, I had to come right away. My mother had lied to me about her condition.

So, I flew back to Wales, and she died a couple of days later. Now I was truly alone, or at least that was how it felt. I decided I never wanted to be alone ever again. I never wanted to feel that way again. I got an estate agent to start the process of selling the house and my mother's flat. I had the things that I wanted from both places packed up for shipment here and had the estate agent auction off everything else. Everything that was truly important to me was here.

I contacted the university and worked out a deal with them. I was going to cease being a TA and use a selection of my elephant photos as my thesis for them to publish under the university name. I agreed to take over as the head of the campus media in the Fall and to train under the current one through the Spring. He is retiring in May. I got them to agree to hire you, Michael as a photographer for the Athletic Department in the Fall. The job is yours if you want it.

I want to take the money from my parent's properties and buy us, the three of us, a house. It won't be anything special, but it will be something that is ours. Helen, I love you and I never want to be away from you for that long ever again. I want you to take over permanently take over as manager of the studio. You have a done a great job in my absence. Michael, somehow though I tried not to, I have fallen in love with you too. If you will have me after the way I have treated you, I want you forever......with Helen and I. We can't all get married, but I do want to be married to both of you. I want you both. I want us to be the three of us. What do you both say?"

"Well, there is something we need to talk to you about first. It might change your mind. I just don't know where to start." I said with trepidation.

" could start at the beginning? Or maybe, you want to start with 'Vixen Bitches in Heat,' by the way you left your copy at the studio."

Both my face and Helen's dropped.

"So, let's take a look at what we have here." Said Hope as she pulled our copy of the album out of a tote-bag she had brought in with her. "Some great pictures by the way. Really excellent. Let's see now. I recognize Helen or is that 'Helena Heavenly' making another appearance? Even with the mask I can see that it is her. Now, this other woman I don't recognize. Very lovely, hot by the way. I would fuck her, a lot. The gentleman in the tux, again I don't know him. I would remember that cock. I bet that was fun. The setting, not a set or a studio. Very nice, so a private house. Not near here, not with all that snow. So maybe, I might guess, Vermont? Michael, your parent's house in Vermont. A further guess, but I would also say, your parents are the other two models? The last guess? Well at the end....I most assuredly recognize you, Michael, and your cock. Nice pictures Helen. Really nice. So, Helen, why don't you start at the beginning. Oh, and by the way, though we will talk more about it later, what I said before is still how I feel. I still want you both as my family. I want us to be wife and husband and wife, till death do us part."

We all hugged and kissed a lot, and then Helen laid out the entire happenings in Vermont, though left out the part about my parents buying us a house.

"Wow, and here I thought I was the wild one. YOU two have me beat by spades. I might have some catching up to do. So, what do you two want to do now? I am nervous, but I have an idea of what I would love to do right now with the two of you."

Helen looked at me and I at her and we both smiled.

"Look Hope, we know you have been on the move for a day, and you must be tired, but we want to show you something." Said Helen, gleefully.

"What, you have another book of exploits to show me?"

"No, just a little car ride. Fifteen minutes away." I said suggestively.

"Not something we can do tomorrow?"

"No, right now." From Helen.

"Well let me pee first and we can go on your little car ride."

Hope got up and went to the bathroom, while I quickly made a call. I was just getting off the phone when Hope came back in the room.

"Yes, thank you so much. You won't regret this," and I hung up.

"Regret what?" Asked Hope.

"You'll see." Said Helen with a bit of wickedness.

Fifteen minutes later we were pulling up the long drive of the house that we had liked. The realtor's car was already there. Helen gave Hope the info sheet on the house.

"Wow. This looks lovely, but I kind of had in mind, something in the five hundred thousand range. Realty prices in the UK are not what they are here."

"Just look, anyway the realtor said we might be able to negotiate on the price," coaxed Helen.

"Yeah, but not down by a million dollars."

"Just look. Forget about the price for twenty minutes. We just want to know if you love it or hate it. That is the only thing you have to say."

"Whatever," said Hope slightly irritated.

We took Hope through the house.

"Yeah, I love it.....but what was the point of it? A house we all love but can't afford. Ever."

I turned to the, now confused, realtor, while Helen just grinned in Hope's face.

"We would like to put in an all cash offer. Could you draw up the paperwork? I know it is late, but we want to get moving on this now. Do you think they would accept one point four?"

It was Hope's turn to look confused.

"Of course." Responded the realtor, realizing a good commission. "If you can come back to my office, we can get this started."

We followed the realtor to his office, with Helen and Hope doing pretty much all the talking.

"Michael, Helen, what is going on here? There is no way we are going to get the money to pay for this."

"I told you that you were going to fall in love with Michael's parents. They told us over Christmas that they were going to buy the THREE of us a house. The three of us, Michael, me, and YOU. They told us what to look for and when we found it, to buy it. We have a house."

"I'm stunned. I can't believe this is happening. They haven't even met me, and until I told you where I stand a little while ago, there was no three of us."

"I knew there would be. I have loved you from the beginning, and Michael, well he was smitten with you from the start. So you knew that once you told him, he would be.....well you know. His parents saw all that from us and are willing to do everything they can to make sure it works."

"But a million-dollar house?"

"The day after his mother met me, she took me shopping in New York. She spent a fortune. Thousands of dollars."
