Red Pt. 03


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"When we met.....when you fucked me for the first took pinned my hands over my teased controlled it......then times with after the Milkman shoot....she took control......she was forceful and rough......your mother with me....pushing my head down on your father's cock.....making me choke.......commanding.......and you just now.....I wanted YOU to be rough and controlling.....I wanted you to drive your cock forcefully into my ass and pull my hair.....and you did........I love it.....I.....when it comes to sex......I want to be dominated........I want to controlled......I want to show want a permanent collar. I want to belong to you and Hope......and don't and Hope......just be patient......but I want you to give me a collar."

"Wow. That is a lot to take in, but forever is forever and I stand by that, and if you want a collar, you shall have one. Are you SURE?"

Helen gripped my hand tightly and smiled. "I am sure."

With her untied sheer robe flowing behind her, her breasts standing proud and firm, the fox tail hanging down from her ass, and the dog collar around her beautiful neck, Helen entered the pool room with her hand in mine. My parents were already sitting around a table near the pool. My father was wearing swim trunks and a t-shirt, while my mother had opted for a sexy, yet sophisticated, black bikini.

"We are both glad to see that you are completely comfortable around us," beamed my mother, "and that you are not afraid to show yourself off. You are such a beautiful woman."

"Yes. Quite." Added my father.

"Thank you both. Michael said that this is what I should wear, and if he wishes to show me off, then I am more than comfortable with the idea." Helen was making a point with my parents, and though what she was not entirely true, I was happy to go along with it.

"Well, we are very glad that you are here, though we were wondering what was taking you both so long," said my father.

"Yes," added my mother, "Robert has been eying the sandwiches he made for some time now."

"Just this and that," I answered matter-of-factly.

"Yes, this and that, and Michael desired to fuck my ass.....and so he did. I am his for the taking. Wow, those sandwiches look incredible."

"Thank you. I hope you like them. They are a family favorite. Robert has been making them since his college days. They are ham and turkey breast, bacon, coleslaw, thousand island dressing, and Munster cheese, toasted on pumpernickel bread. They really are quite delicious."

"Dad doesn't do a lot of cooking, but when he does you know it is going to be great. Sandwiches are his realm."

"I am sure that I will love them."

We ate the sandwiches and drank a couple of beers and talked about mundane kind of things: normal kind of things that families talk about. We talked about it being my birthday.

"So, tell me about the day Michael was born," asked Helen, and a touch sadness crept over my mother's face.

"It was a great day, and a terrible day," stepped in my father. "It had been a difficult pregnancy as it was, but shortly after Michael was born, Yvette hemorrhaged. We almost lost her, but they got her into surgery in time and they told us that she would not be able to have more children.

"I am so sorry," said Helen sincerely. "Michael never mentioned it."

"It is not something we talk about a lot. Robert had always wanted to have a number of children, as he was an only child himself, but he never let me focus on it and treated me like a queen. He made sure I got what ever I wanted. I could not ask for a better husband or lover, and he is a wonderful lover and partner in crime."


"No, not really crime, but the lifestyle we share and my sexual.....and his.....desires. I would not trade him for the world. I would not change a thing, but that day we do not talk about much. So the fact that you wish to spend the rest of your life with our Michael, and Hope.....who are we to not do everything we can to make sure that your road is as smooth a possible."

"And you are sure that it does not bother you that....well fifteen years......."

"As we told you before, we consider you part of our family. We love you, and we love Michael. What else is important?"

We spent the rest of the day swimming, or in the hot tub, or laying about talking. It was a simple day of family life. Before going in the pool Helen removed her tail, without as much as a word from my parents. There was no question of Helen not taking the collar off, even while swimming. Helen enjoyed making forays out into the cold air and then coming back into the surrounding warmth of the pool room.

Later as my mother went to prepare dinner, we all went our separate ways to wrap gifts for the morning. We dressed for dinner with Helen picking one of the sexier outfits she had bought before we left for Vermont, while I wore khakis and a polo shirt. Helen continued to wear the leather dog collar but opted not wear the fox tail.

"I am surprised you wore it as long as you did."

"It was weird at first, but I do like having something nice in my ass," Helen said as she gently stroked my khaki clad crotch.

"You are incorrigible my pet."

" pooper," Helen replied with mock sadness.

"Maybe later....."

"And you are encourageable."

We had a nice dinner and some nice wine. It was relaxed and comfortable. After dinner we all decided to watch a Christmas movie and have cake and coffee or something stronger in the family room. Just being family with a roaring fire and Jimmy Stewart running around Bedford Falls.

Eventually we hugged and kissed and said our good nights.

When we got back to our room, we got ready for bed and crawled under the comforter. Helen crawled further under and coaxed me to life with her mouth, and we took it from there. She gave me head for a while, I returned the favor. We sixty-nined for a while. I fucked her pussy. She tasted her juice on my cock. I fucked her some more, and then she wiggled her ass, and I fucked her in the ass. Helen came, and then took me in her mouth and swallowed. We kissed and then tidied up the bed and crawled back under the comforter, falling asleep in each other's arms.

I woke before Helen and crawled under the covers to repay her for all the mornings that she had feasted on my morning wood, of course because of my body position my cock was inches from her face. We ended up pleasuring each other with our mouths.

Once we had both cum, we dressed in acceptable bed clothes; me in a pair of sleep pants and t-shirt and Helen in my cowboy PJs. The top she left unbuttoned but tied in a knot in the front so her lovely cleavage was on display, but just hid her nipples. Of course, she was also wearing her collar.

"Do you like?"

"Of course, I do. The question this for me?.....or my mom?.....or my dad?"

"It's for you silly, but......."

"I know.....but they enjoy it too.....and they have enjoyed the bounty of your fruits as well."

"Oooh....I like that.....'the bounty of my fruits,' and you like my fruits, don't you?" Helen laughed as she cupped both her tits and pushed them up causing her hard nipples to pop into view. "Just for that, I think I am going leave them like this."

"You are so bad. I bet Santa is re-filling your stocking now with coal."

"Well, if he does......then no blow job or anal sex for Santa," quipped Helen as she headed out the door with her swollen nipples peaking out from her PJ top.

On our way to the family room, I stopped at a closet and grabbed the stocking I had filled for Helen and the gifts for my parents.

My parents were already in the family room and my father had already started the fire. There were a few presents under the tree, so I added the ones I had carried down. There was Christmas music playing on a CD player and my mother had brought in coffee and French Christmas bread on a tray. I gave Helen a cup and took one for myself. Both parents already had theirs.

"We were wondering what was keeping the two of you, but I think I can see what it was," said my mother, obviously noticing Helen's nipples visible where her breasts we uncovered. My father was dressed like me, and my mother was wearing just a long cowl neck sweater. Every time she moved it was clear that she was not wearing a bra or panties. Each time she bent over the sweater rode up to reveal her bare ass.

"The girls were hoping that Santa would appreciate them, or at least Santa's elves."

"We do appreciate them," said my mother, and just incase we hadn't noticed her lack of underwear, she pulled up her sweater to show us her bare ass and pussy. In days gone by, my mother would have worn a stylish nightgown and robe, but now that we had moved away from the normal parent-adult child relationship she figured that, like Helen, she could wear what suited her true lifestyle. I was quite happy to be around two such beautiful women, I was guessing that my father felt the same way. There is something wonderful about having, not one but two, gorgeous women flaunting their assets.

"Well, do we want to open presents?" Asked my father.

"I think some of them are already opening themselves," I said with a laugh and looking towards both my mother and Helen.

"Yes well, they are both wonderful presents in our lives," retorted dad sincerely.

As if they were reading each other's minds, both women flashed us. My mother pulled up her sweater to reveal not just her ass and pussy, but her firm tits as well. Helen popped out her tits fully and gave them a little shake.

"If you two lovelies keep this up, we will never get around to actually unwrapping the gifts under the tree," chastised my father smiling. Though, as I had learned in the last few days, as much as my father loved sex, Christmas was a big thing for him. He loved giving and receiving gifts. Happily, some of us never grow up.

My mother started passing some things out. To Helen, she gave her the loaded stocking I had put together. She handed me one that had a tag that read: 'With love from Helen.' To my father she handed the wrapped bottle I had bought. I was happy that it had come in a box, so it did not scream 'bottle of booze.' My mother picked one for herself from my father, and we all started the process of opening.

Helen started to pull through her stocking from me. Of course, the first thing she pulled out was the big purple, double ended dildo I had bought, just like the one my mother and she had used the day before.

"Just what I have always wanted. A vacuum cleaner," shouted Helen with glee, holding the dildo upright and letting it flop around. She worked her way through the stocking with similar glee, even at the items she had no experience with. Finally, she laughed, "I am so glad I took my vows as a nun recently." We all laughed.

In my stocking, Helen had put a riding crop. "Do I get the pony to go with it?" To which Helen responded with a whinny and shook her ass at me. I gave her ass a swat with the crop and she let out a fake moan.

"You kids can play with your toys later," joked my father.

There were also a couple of different paddles, a bundle of soft bondage rope and a book on Japanese rope tying. It was obvious that Helen had been thinking seriously over the last few days, at the least, of the style of some of our sex life she wanted.

My father was quite happy with his bottle, and started to pull off the seal, most likely to smell it.

"Now, now.....there will be time later on to play with your toys," I teased back at my father.

There were a few little things for everybody. Finally, we got down to the last items. Helen loved her sapphire and diamond ensemble that I had purchased, giving me a deep and passionate kiss and crushing her wonderful orbs into my chest.

Then my mother handed Helen a book sized package and a huge box to me. I was the first to open mine.

"Seeing as this photo-journalism thing is your future, you really need to have the best equipment," said my father with a level of seriousness. The box contained a professional level camera body and lenses, including the best long telephoto lens on the market. Helen used the same lens for her wildlife work.

"Wow," was all I could say. I said it a few times. It was clear that my parents were taking my career choice seriously. Helen, on the other hand, was more expressive.

"This is great!.....I can use all your other camera gear now.....and you already had pretty nice stuff to begin with."

Helen opened her gift, one of my mother's books: 'Making Love Stay' by Yvette Marchant Mitchell. There was a note card sticking out of the book, and an inscription inside the cover. Helen read the inscription first: 'To my new daughter, if you ever need anything let me know. I am hear for you always. Love Eve.'

The note card was from my father. "Yvette and I are so elated that you found Michael. I have put aside one share of the company in your name. While it may not seem like a lot, you will find that the dividends will pay off quite nicely. Welcome to the family. Love Robert."

It was Helen's turn to say, "wow." Helen hugged and kissed both my parents. She was crying.

We drank coffee and ate the French Christmas bread my mother had made, cuddling in our couples. It was one of those just nice Christmas mornings. The day itself was that typical kind of family days that most people enjoy. We spent time at the pool, both Helen and my mother opting to swim nude but other than that nothing more. We played a board game and had a sumptuous fest for dinner. After dinner we changed into what we had worn in the morning and watched another Christmas movie in the family room and a nice fire in the fireplace. Helen and I cuddled on one couch with my mother and father on another. As the movie progressed, hands began to wander and roam; breasts were played with, cocks were stroked, necks were nuzzled, and cunnies were rubbed and probed. I think my parents were the first to let out a moan here and there, and then we all forgot about the movie. Helen and I watched as my mother and father got more explicit with their lovemaking, and then we followed suit. I think Helen and I used every part of our couch and the nearby floor, though my parents were the first to finish and watched as Helen and I continued on and came.

It had been a nice day all around, and we headed off to our respective bedrooms.

"That was a nice gesture of your parents to give me a share of the company. It was sweet," said Helen on our way to our room.

"It was more than just sweet. Even I only have a share of the company. There are a hundred in total. Up until today, my father had fifty shares and my mother forty-nine. You can live quite comfortably off the dividends that are paid out. So, if you were ever unsure of your standing with them, you should now know that they consider you family."

"Shit, all I gave them was a nice bottle of wine."

"Don't worry about that. They consider you, your gift."

We went to bed and cuddled. There were tears on Helen's cheeks.

When I awoke, Helen was already up and out of the room. I headed down to the kitchen to find that empty as well, though there was fresh coffee. I poured myself a cup and went looking elsewhere for life. I found my mother and Helen in the pool room. They were both naked and my mother was riding Helen from behind with a strap-on. As they had not noticed me, I stood in the door and watched for a bit.

They were pretty well into it, with my mother firmly in control. Helen was moaning through a ring gag as my mother rammed into her cunt with the strap-on and pulled her ponytail. Both women had worked up a pretty good sweat and were lost in their own world. So, I went in search of my father.

I found him in the garage tinkering with my mother's Land Rover.

"You have to baby these things we regular TLC, but other than that they are great vehicles," said my father as I entered the garage. He did not even have to look up to know that it was me. If you are looking for Helen, she is in the pool room....."

"Yeah, I know. I found them. I left them to their fun. I did not want to disturb them."

"Your mother has really taken to her, in more ways than one," laughed my father. "We both have, and you know your mother will do whatever you need to make sure this triangle of yours works. If Hope loves you and Helen as much as Helen seems to think, then it should be good. But, either way, you have a good one in Helen. It may have taken her longer than some to come into her own, but she is a fighter and has spirit. You are very lucky to have her.

"Yeah, I see that. I guess I just have to be patient with Hope, before we know how it is all going to shake out."

"Well, you have our full support. I will give you my accountant's card before you guys head back in a few days, but I want you to find a house down there: five or six bedrooms, good kitchen, some land, and a pool. Your mother likes to have space when she visits a place. You call my accountant, and he will send the money to the closing company. Of course, you will eventually get this house too, but you will need something down there if you are going to settle down, and your mother won't sleep on anyone's couch."

"You're giving us a house?"

"Think of it as an early weddings present."

"Weddings? Wow....that is going to be complicated."

"You are ready for all that means?"

"Wow. Yeah, I had not really thought about it, but yeah. I know deep down that this is what I want. I just can't think of life without either of them. Complicated."

"Yeah, but if you let her help, your mother will get you through it all. She knows her stuff, and she knows people. For my part, anything you need as well."

"You both never cease to amaze and surprise me. Thanks," I hugged my father.

"Now, do you want to help me with this truck, or do you want to join your mother and Helen?"

"Not sure how much help I can be, but I think I will leave them to their exercising for now."

"Good. Now hand me that socket wrench."

We had been working on the Rover for a couple of hours, when the girls came looking for us.

"We got the idea that maybe you two might want to play," said Helen as she and my mother strode into the garage naked. Well, my mother was naked, Helen was wearing her tail and of course her collar. "Or do you want to play mechanic on an old truck? You could play mechanic with us. We have places for you to put your tools and need to be well lubed. Isn't that right Eve?"

"Oh, yes my pet. I have three places that need to be probed with a tool," said my mother matter-of-factly.

My father looked at me and we both shrugged.

"Should we get changed and cleaned up first, or do you wish to be serviced right away?" Asked my father. He had been wearing coveralls when I had joined him and had myself changed into a pair.

"No, it should be right away, though wash your hands first. How would we know that you are truly mechanics if you were not wearing your uniforms?" Responded Helen.

My father and I washed our hands and followed the girls to the family room. They had been busy after their session by the pool, as there was champagne and finger food set up, along with left over birthday cake. They had also agreed who would service who as Helen went straight up to my father and kissed him fully on the lips. My mother sauntered up to me and put her arms around my neck.

"That leaves you to service my needs."

Helen had already dropped to her knees and was fishing my father's cock out of his coveralls.

"Where do you wish to probe first?"

"I think I should do a visual inspection and give you an oral report on the status of your gear box," I answered while pulling her to the floor and bringing my face to her already spreading legs. Her pussy was already dripping with excitement. "You seem to have a bit of leakage there. Let me see if I can fix that up for you."