Red Pt. 03


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I told them I had thought of one additional idea that I wanted to run by them. With the idea that they were being taken for a walk, would they be willing to pee in the snow?

"Well as long as no one is going to pee on me out in the cold, then I don't mind you shooting me peeing. Sounds kinky and fun," responded my mother.

"You've seen me pee many times at this point, sure you can shoot me peeing. If someone is going to get off on seeing me pee, why the hell not. Yeah," said Helen excitedly.

"Great then. That will work. For the outside cum shot, what are you guys comfortable doing? Does one of you or both want it on the face and tits, just in the mouth, sharing it? What do you think?"

Both women look at each other and shrugged their shoulders. Helen was the first to speak up.

"You know I love taking it on the face and tits. Really hot. It turns me on, a lot. However, if we do it outside, in the cold, then it could get uncomfortable and kind of a pain to deal with. We can do the really messy stuff inside, plus if you want our stuff to look nice for the inside shots, then I think we should avoid risking getting cum all over them."

"Yes, Helen is right. One of us can take Robert's cum on our tongue and mouth, and then trade it back and forth?"

"So, who wants Robert's cum first?"

"Why don't I take it first, then I will let it slip onto Helen's tongue and then we kiss," suggested my mother.

"Helen are you good with that plan?"

"That works. I think you know by now that I always love the idea of swapping cum with Eve, and you know how much I love kissing her," Helen answered gleefully.


"The idea of two women giving me head and then watching them trade my cum back and forth. Horrible idea! Who wants to see something like that? No, of course I like the idea," joked my father. "I also had an idea that you might like. I know this is not my area of expertise, but as you have me in a tux, taking these gorgeous 'foxes' for a walk it might add to my character if I were smoking a big cigar. It could add that little bump of sophistication and grandeur to the scene. You know, wealthy man with his two pets and the rewards that wealth affords."

"I like the way you think. That would work well," I responded. "Alright everyone, go get ready. I will start setting up outside and meet you all by the kitchen door."

Helen and my mother headed off to the pool room to get what they were going to wear, and then to collect the items I had bought for the shoot and get all made up. My father went in the direction of his and my mother's room to change into his tux. I went and changed into warm clothes and then got the umbrella reflectors and the new camera and film.

We had scored a bit of luck as the weather was not as cold as it had been, so we were only going to have to deal with temperatures in the thirties instead of the twenties. I set up the reflectors along the path we would take after taking the position of the sun and worked my best angles to shoot from. I marked the spots I wanted the threesome to pose at with snowballs, as they would not be noticeable.

I met everyone at the kitchen door, and I must say they looked great. My father was the icon of wealth in his tux and cigar. My mother and Helen looked fantastic in the lingerie they had bought, their exposed tits supported slightly from underneath, their hair brushed out with the furry ears in place. They both had decided to forego boots and wore stilettos, assuring me that they would be OK seeing as I had already shoveled and salted the path. They had both put on the matching dog collars and attached a leash to each. Both were wearing their tails, and I wondered how much fun they must have had inserting the butt plugs.

Helen noticed me check out her tail. "Kind of weird walking with this thing in, but I could grow to really like it. It is very sexy. Do you like?"

"I think you both look incredible. OK time for masks." It would have been better if we could have done without them, but with both my parent's faces being recognizable to a very large number of people we had to keep their faces covered. I handed the girls their coats and we went outside.

We walked a little way down the path, and I had Helen and my mother take off the coats and I laid them gently on top of the snow. My father lit his cigar and took hold of the dog leashes. With both leashes in the hand farthest from me and his cigar in the other, he took a couple of puffs. I took a few pics from the side and moved around to the front. I had them turn their heads towards the other and lean in as if to kiss and reach out with their tongues. They moved in a little closer and swirled their tongues round the other. I got in close to get the full effect of the sun reflecting off their bright red lips and their wet dueling tongues, the blurry image of my father behind them. I did a few close-ups of their now fully erect nipples. The cold will do that to you. With her piercings, my mother's nipples had to be really cold.

Goose bumps were beginning to show on their naked flesh, so I gave them back their coats for a few minutes so they could warm up. We walked a little further up the path to an area where I had packed down the snow in front of a marble fountain with a life size naked goddess.

"Do you think you two might be able to pee right now?"

"I've had to pee for a while, I was hoping we were getting to that part," answered Helen with some urgency.


"I think I can give you something to shoot, especially once Helen starts to go."

"So, if you both could squat right where I packed the snow down and spread open the crotch of your lingerie and pull out your lips a bit with your legs open......."

"I think we know how to pee Michael. You may be a good photographer, but I think we can handle the peeing part with out making a mess," said my mother with a hint of sarcasm. I took their coats again and laid them down, and both women squatted and started to adjust the openings in the crotches.

"While you are peeing, it would be great if you two could kiss, same as before so I can get your tongue-on-tongue action and then a full-blown kiss. Dad, if you can just stand to the left holding the leashes and take some puffs on the cigar looking smug." My father moved to the spot and slowly took long puffs on his stogie. I started to shoot as my vixens held open their pussies, showing me the pink. My mother gave her clit a few little flips with her finger and then ran her finger around the outer edges of the pink.

I took a few pictures and waited for the two of them to start kissing. With her cunny spread open for the world to see, Helen leaned in towards my mother and extended her tongue. My mother copied her movement, and they played the dance of tongues all for my benefit and the camera. Helen was the first to start her flow soon followed by her partner in peeing. I took more pictures up close and started moving back to get the whole scene and moved back in as they kissed fully on the mouth. Their pee, flowing freely melted holes in the snow where it landed.

With her free hand Helen cupped my mother's tit and started to toy with her nipple piercing. I could see my mother smiling in the kiss. I made sure to get pics of that.

Suddenly my mother stopped her flow and broke the kiss. "Helen, stop for a second, I want to try something." Helen stopped peeing and looked at my mother. "Let's see if we can help each other finish peeing. You hold me open, and I'll do the same to you. Keep holding it. Want to try?"

"Alright, get your hand over here," replied Helen with a most definite sense of urgency. It was close, I thought Helen was going to lose it, but both women got their hands in the right spot and held each other open for the other. With a sigh of relief Helen let the rest of her flow go. I kept shooting as she continued to pee and get her hand on my mom's twat and opened her up. My mother started her flow again, and both women resumed their kiss. If what I was seeing in the viewfinder of the camera came out in print as I saw it, then this scene worked.

Then both Helen and my mother started laughing. They were having a good time. I could tell they were cold again, as the goosebumps had returned to their skin. Their breasts were covered in the little bumps. They tried to stand up and almost toppled over, so both my dad and I gave them a hand up and steadied them. I handed them each a tissue.

"See, I think of important things." They quickly wiped and holding out the tissues towards me, both gave me the 'well, don't stand there, where do you expect us to put them?' look. I took both tissues and put them in my back pocket. I handed them back their coats and proceeded to the final outdoor scene I had planned.

We moved along the path to a group of holly trees around another small fountain. What can I say, but my mother liked fountains and had been in charge of designing the landscaping. Again, the fountain was adorned with another naked goddess. I dawned on me that my mother had been hiding her true self in plain sight all my life. Much of the artwork in our house had always included a lot of nudes, and while not explicit in nature, very sensual and erotic. This is not to say that all the art in the house was this way, but there was always quite a bit of it.

I had Helen and my mother squat on either side and a little bit forward of my father, while he continued to hold the leashes. Both women then put their hands on his crotch and turned their heads towards me and their legs opened to show the camera their cunnies. The first few shots were of the scene with them with severe expressions on their faces, and then they changed to smiles. My mother then opened my father's fly and took out his semi-erect cock and began to stroke it, while Helen began to play with one of my mother's tits. I kept taking pics as the scene evolved to Helen then taking his cock in her mouth and softly sucking it.

Still with a hand on my father's stiffening cock, my mother used her free hand to play with her own twat. She paid attention to her sensitive clit, toying with it and making her beautiful cunt drip. Helen increased her tempo on the rampant member in her mouth as I moved in around the happy trio. My mother removed her hand from my father and leaned her head into Helen's to add her tongue to the sensual work Helen was performing on my father's cock.

Allowing my mother to take over sucking and licking the thick rod before them, Helen lowered her head to my mother's tits and began to lick and suck. Every now and then she would give my mother a little nip on the nipple resulting in my mother being more aggressive on dad's penis. Both women were giving me great shots demonstrating their talents at taking a man to orgasm.

As both women competed for the prize of making my father cum, they deftly used their tongues and lips to excite his shaft and head. They would take turns taking him into their mouths while the other would lick and suck his balls or length. At times they would dart their tongues out to play with the other, all their ministrations being photographed. They would smile for the camera as they licked. They would nuzzle the other while she sucked. Not only were they making love to father's cock with their mouths but were making love to each other. Fingers rolling a nipple, or stroking the other's neck, nibbling on an ear lobe, all made shooting the scene that much better. It was not just about the cock, but sensual sex as well. So, when my father was close to cumming, both Helen and my mother were well worked up themselves.

"My beautiful ladies, I'm almost there." Helen moved her head away so my mother could take the tip of his cock on her tongue. Helen pumped dad's shaft to a waiting mouth. " good....."

Squirt after squirt shot onto my mother's tongue and into her mouth as Helen kept pumping. My mother had been taking my father's load for many years and was an expert at keeping the massive amount of cum from dripping out of her mouth. Once my father was spent, Helen leaned her head in towards my mother who then allowed the thick globs of cum to run into Helen's waiting mouth. Helen then repeated the process back to my mother and then both kissed in a tight embrace, sharing my father's seed. As they parted from their kiss, the cum left strings joining both their tongues, which they were eager to show. Swallowing what was left of the gooey mess in their mouths, they then licked and sucked mor on my father's shaft and head, cleaning him off. I stopped taking pictures and handed the ladies back their coats.

"So, was that fun family?" I asked, hoping that even though they were cold they had enjoyed it. My dad was the first to respond.

"Yeah, that was OK. Easier than I expected, but then I really did not have much to do. I just had to come....along."

"I did not know you were also a comedian dad, but glad you had a good time. I will only really need you a little bit more and then you can get into something mor comfortable."

"OK, whatever you need."

"Mom? Helen?"

They looked at each other and grinned.

"Our tits are frozen off and I have icicles hanging from my pussy," laughed my mother. "But yes, we had fun. Now off to the pool?"

"Well, actually I had an idea for a bit of change. Instead of the pool area, I thought we could shoot in the family room, by the tree and the fire. There is that big sheepskin rug that I thought would work and be more comfortable than the pool deck. Plus, there is the fire, and I will move the wing chair from the living room. I want to get a few portrait type shots with dad in the chair and his vixens at his feet. Then you two can play in front of the fire. Are you guys up for the change in plans?

"Sounds great to me, it will be really," Helen answered with excitement in her voice.

"So good. We have a new plan. Dad, can you grab a couple of these reflectors and bring them to the family room? I figure two will do."

"Now you really are going to make me work. Yeah of course."

We all headed to the house, my little foxes almost running to get inside, though you can't really run when wearing stilettos. Once inside I asked my mother to grab a few toys, including the big purple two headed dildo.

"How do you know that I have one of those? Has a naughty boy been poking around in my personal things? Hmmm?"

"Who me? Of course not. Do you think I would violate the sanctity of the bottom drawer of your dresser? NO......." I retorted in mock innocence.

"Well perhaps I won't bring that one!!"

"What NO, you have to bring it. Please.....pretty please!!" Shouted Helen.

"Well, for you pet.....I guess I will.....anything for you."

My mom went to her room to get the toys and Helen and my dad headed off to the family room. I went and got the wing chair and carried it over to the family room. Dad had stoked up the fire and put a couple of additional logs on. I put the chair down between the Christmas tree and the fire. Helen was already stretched out on sheepskin rug. She looked so natural laying there, and so very fuckable. I took a few pictures of the recumbent naked Helen, and I looked forward maybe to a quiet time around the house and take Helen on it. Just us. However, the time now for this shoot, which I was really looking forward to.

My mom came in wearing the robe she had purchased with Helen and carrying Helen's matching one, along with a tote bag containing what I expected would be some of her toys. Helen hopped up from the rug and bounded over to my mother to grab the robe and noticed that my mom had touched up her makeup.

"You look gorgeous. I guess I should do the same," and quickly putting on the robe went darting from the room. "I'll be right back."

While we waited for Helen to return, I set my dad in the wing chair and checked the framing through the viewfinder of the camera. I slid the rug over slightly so for now it was more in front of the chair. Next, I set up the reflectors where I thought they would work best and took a light reading through the camera: spot on.

Helen arrived back in the room, lovely as ever, and removed her robe. Time to continue the shoot.

First, I had each stand on either side of my father in the chair, with them both turned slightly inwards with the opposite hand on his shoulder. He still had his cigar, so that worked. Both my mother and Helen looked fantastic. From the floor up you could see their shapely legs rising from their stilettos to their round firm asses still adorned with the fox tails. Then up along the sleek lines of their torsos to the swell of their beautiful tits: my mother with her piercings and Helen with......oh crap I had forgotten the nipple clamps and chain in my pocket. I had not told Helen of this part of the plan, so it would be a surprise to her.

I pulled the chain out and walked up to Helen.

"I forgot this part love," I said, holding up her new adornment. Helen looked at me quizzically. I reached for one of her nipples and gently rolled it in my fingers and then deftly opened one clamp and placed it on the nipple.

" that.......god......OK......better.....yeah wow.....little pain.....but good.....I think." I attached the second clamp to her other nipple and received a similar response. Gently I let the chain hang slack allowing the weight to pull on her nipples. "Wow this feels strange.....the pain.....but it is warming my pussy. I'm liking it."

"I thought you might. "

"Those look nice Michael. A very pretty pet with some very lovely adornments," added my mother.

I took a few pictures and then moved Helen and my mother to squatting positions in front of my father, holding their beautiful cunnies open for the camera and each with a hand on his knees. More pictures were taken, and then I had them put their masks back on and repeated both poses. Now it was time to get down to business of them having fun.

"OK dad, if you want to go change into something comfortable you can, and if you want to add some cum to the mix later that would be great. They will only be shots of your cock spurting their lust filled desires."

"We'll see, but yes I will be very happy to get out of this monkey suit. I think it is going great so far by the way. You do seem to know what you are doing."

My father quickly left, and I moved the sheepskin to directly in front of the fire and moved the reflectors to bounce the firelight directly onto my two beauties.

"Helen. Mom. You ready to play? Pretty much this is all up to you, and I will shoot around you. And pretty please mother, if you would use that lovely purple double ended toy: laying down and on all fours. It is my birthday after all."

"Well, I guess I can forgive you for snooping, as it is your birthday."

"Yeah, that's right. It's my birthday, and I should get what I want. Yeah!"

"Well, you get to watch us have fun, and if you are a good birthday boy we might let you come on us," teased Helen.

"The way I see it is you need to put on wonderful show and give me good pictures, if you want the pleasure of my cum all over you. So why don't we get started. Do you just want to start by kissing?"

Without a word, just smiles, my mother and Helen embraced and kissed. It took me a second or two to remember that I was supposed to take pictures and not just watch.

They started slow, looking into each other's eyes and slowly moving their hands over the other. Helen leaned in and met my mother's lips softly. Parting her lips, she opened herself up to my mother. They moved very little as their tongues explored and played.

As their tongues danced around each other, their hands began to move. Stroking and caressing in concert, moving slowly and erotically from one sensual zone to another. Fingers danced and played with nipples, lips moving to sensitive parts of the neck. They licked and sucked on delicate earlobes. Gentle kisses on shoulders eliciting moans of desire. Hands cupped breasts and massaged the beautiful firm orbs. Kissing again with a fire of desire and craving.
