Rise of the Bubblegum Princess 3rd


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Trixie fell for her Cerulean sin the moment she was freed from being Trixie Smiles and became Trixie Wendell. Trixie leans in, circling her tongue around Cobalt's asshole as she uses her hand to tease the wanting Cobalt playfully.

Trixie continues licking and rolling her hand on Cobalt's wet pussy. As Cobalt makes adorable mewling sounds of encouragement, "Fuck, Trixie, just like that." Trixie slides two fingers with a slick slosh sound deep into Cobalt's quivering snatch. Trixie's tongue explores deep into Cobalt's rectum.

Cobalt, striking the wall with her open palms, grasping, moaning, and mewling, tosses her head back with a growl, "So good, so good!" As Cobalt wiggles her bottom driving it deeper into Trixie's mouth.

Trixie, catching her breath, "Are you wanting a spanking, C?" Is that why you're wiggling your ass trying to get my attention?"

Cobalt slurs, "No, I don't like spankings; they hurt." Cobalt's telling falsehoods here.

Trixie, rubbing her hand over Cobalt's silk-like skin, gives Cobalt a playful slap, "I don't think you're telling the truth, but I'm not gonna do it unless you ask me to spank you."

Cobalt is caught up in a whirlwind of pleasure and confusion. She wants to be spanked so badly it's a craving, a dull ache in her pussy. But it's so embarrassing to have it done, which also appeals to Cobalt. With a whisper, "Will you spank me, please?"

Trixie, with her own shot of liquid courage, "I didn't really hear what you were asking me. Do you mind repeating yourself?"

Cobalt grits her teeth, "Will you please spank me?"

Trixie, doing her best to hide her amusement, "What am I spanking you for exactly?"

Cobalt, turning pink with embarrassment, "For fucks sake, will you spank me!"

Before Cobalt realizes it, she's shouted it out, turning beet red.

Trixie laughs, "I'm sorry. You want me to spank you?" Trixie rubs Cobalt's ass with her trembling in sexual anticipation.

Trixie lands a solid smack on Cobalt's right cheek as Cobalt instinctively shoots her hand between her legs, working her throbbing clit with her fingers.

Now getting into it, Trixie smacks Cobalt's ass with another swat. With a sharp smack, she connects with her target, and Cobalt yelps in pleasure, groaning, "Ohhhhh."

Trixie smacks again, alternating between her cheeks. She smacks Cobalt's ass with a hard five strikes causing a mini orgasm to escape Cobalt's lips. As she continues to masturbate, feeling her orgasm building, "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, I'm gonna cum, fuck, I'm gonna cum. She squeals, "Fuck, I think I might squirt, Trixie." Cobalt pleads, "Fuck fuck fuck."

Trixie reaches with her left hand, yanking back on Cobalt's hair as she strikes her ass a little harder, each strike causing Cobalt to orgasm. She squirts, spraying it out on the floor. Her knees buckle as Trixie sits Cobalt in her lap, holding her close, stroking her cheek.

Cobalt, catching her breath, "Fuck, that was intense," as she's still shaking a bit, breathing deeply. "Oh, Trixie, if you tell the others about this, I'll do something very bad to you, so understand!"

Trixie knowing Cobalt's buttons, gives her a reassuring squeeze, kissing her cheek, "Have my word, my princess."

Domino dances with the pony girls and a group of guys. They're having a great time when Sabine butts in, grabbing Domino around the neck and kissing her on the dance floor.

Sabine, with a whimper, "My ass hurts."

Domino laughs, "You made the bet; you gotta live with the consequences."

Domino notices that Sabine is drunk, "Oh man, you're drunk, Sabine."

Sabine, slurring, "I'm not drunk; I'm just in party mode, hahaha."

Vicious and Sherry are dancing with a couple of guys, moving to the beat. Sissy is in a deep conversation with a girl about her outfit. It's a movie-quality replica of Sailor Mercury's outfit with some creative liberty to make it pop.

Sissy curtseys at the compliment and explains she made it herself; it's kind of a hobby of hers. The girl's ecstatic that she made it. Looking at the craftsmanship, she's definitely impressed. The two continue their conversation.

Cobalt and Trixie emerge from the bathroom. Jessica watches as Cobalt stumbles around laughing.

Jessica swoops in, taking Cobalt by the hand back to the bar. Trixie is stunned she just lost Cobalt that quickly. At the bar, Jessica and Cobalt carry on chatting when a spunky orange-haired girl skips up.

Wearing a schoolgirl outfit with a monogram of a heart with a BS in the middle, Jessica watches intently as the orange beauty approaches Cobalt, "Mrs. Cobalt, this is for you." She holds a necklace box out for her.

Cobalt tips her drink back while taking the box, opening it up. It's a beautiful gold necklace with a blue sapphire heart inscribed on the back: don't forget about me, love A.

Cobalt laughs at the cocky bitch upping her game. The orange girl asks, "May I put it on you?"

Cobalt smiles, "Sure." She turns around as the Blackstone girl puts the necklace on Cobalt.

Jessica, watching, doesn't look thrilled at the gift.

The orange-haired girl curtseys and walks away. Jessica fumes, "Fucking bitch upstaged me. I gave you jewelry first, and you never wear it, grrr."

Cobalt reaches into her dress and pulls out the charm. It's attached to the end of the sorrow dagger, "I always carry it on me, but it's cute that someone got jealous."

Jessica turns visibly red, drinking the rest of her drink. She leans close to Cobalt," Are you drunk enough that I can put you on a leash? Cobalt rubs her legs together at the possibility of being on a leash for Jessica.

Cobalt grins, "I won't submit to you," she pushes Jessica's nose, boop, "but you're welcome to submit to me." She grins.

Jessica smirks, "I'm going to get you one day." She kisses her cheek and saunters off.

That's when Matthew Masters steps up to Cobalt. Matt, in a condescending tone, "You have a big fan club. I don't see what's so special about you."

Cobalt knows this game. Even drunk, she knows this game. She takes another sip from her cup, "I'm not anything special, but at least I'm not a douchebag like you."

Matt feigns being hurt, and he reaches for Cobalt's hand. She moves it away, really not interested.

Matt grins, "Give me a chance, baby. I can make your night. I can make you cock crazy, baby." Cobalt shakes her head, "Listen, don't care, not my type, and leave me alone. Last warning."

Matt, not to be deterred, "Why you being a cunt? I'm just trying to get to know you, and you're being a bitch." Cobalt, who is walking away, turns around when suddenly Domino is scooping her up, "Whoa, Kitty, don't do it."

In a very unfriendly manner, Cobalt addresses the gentlemen's comments, "So I'm a cunt 'cause I told you repeatedly I wasn't interested? Nicely too, I might add. But somehow, you're entitled to my time because what? You're a guy? If this bitch weren't holding me back, I'D MAKE YOU MY BITCH, SO I'D RUN IF WAS YOU 'CAUSE SHE CAN'T HOLD ME FOREVER!!!"

Matt sees she is being restrained. He runs for the door as the bar erupts in laughter at the scene that played out for them.

Finish This the Night by Amber

Play You're Going Down by Sick Puppy

Cobalt, Domino, and Vicious are tracking Marcela, aka Marcy. Blackstone bitch, she's like a chameleon blending in and becoming what she needs to be to capture her prey.

Marcy is the bait for the trap, and that boy is on the line. Twenty minutes from now, James is going to be abducted and turned into a girl for the pleasure of rich assholes.

Unbelievable. Nope, Blackstone has a reputation for making boys into some of the most drop-dead gorgeous women. They just don't ask if you want to or not; a modern version of slavery.

They stroll down the path arm in arm. It would be quite cute if Marcy weren't such a bitch. As the hero trio walks up to the lovely couple, Cobalt takes point as Domino and Vicious flank, so no escape points are available.

James becomes defensive in the face of such an aggressive move, "Hey, what's going on here?"

Cobalt glares at Marcy, "Hey Marcy, what's going on with you? I'll bet you're using a different name, so what is it this time?"

Marcy turns pale, "My name's Kara. I don't know anyone named Marcy."

Vicious snarls, "Did she offer to show you her boobs for a discount, maybe mention her macabre hobby about collecting boys?"

James is surprised because he has heard both these things, "Yeah, she did."

"She wasn't kidding. Can I come closer, James?"

James replies, "Yeah, please, I want to get this sorted out."

Vicious, calmly, "I'm Vicious." She points at Cobalt, "Mrs. Serious is Cobalt. The big girl is Domino. Look, we aren't trying to flex on you, James, but Marcy is bad news."

James, taking in what Vicious is saying, finally realizes he is in danger. As Vicious approaches, Marcy becomes visibly upset, trying to manipulate the situation with tears, even going so far as turning on James as part of the people attacking her.

James is surprised at how quickly the girl he had fallen for changed and threatened him. Marcy pulls her phone; that's when Cobalt strikes and knocks Marcy to the ground, snatching her phone away, then tossing it to Vicious. She scrolls through the text messages showing that tonight, she was going to abduct him.

Cobalt, patting down Marcy, finds the syringe showing it to James, "This was the drug to knock you out." Cobalt injects Marcy quickly.

James's anger boils over, yelling, "Fuck, what do I do?"

Vicious calmly gives orders, "First, move to where your family is. Second, never go anywhere alone. They don't like losing and never admit defeat. Third, don't trust random people."

Cobalt, being a smartass, "Hey, if you need a moment to blow your new boyfriend, we can give you a minute." James blushes, and Vicious gives Cobalt the finger as Domino scoops up Marcy.

As the women leave with Marcy, they dump her in the backseat of the waiting sedan. Cobalt joins her. The trio sped down the interstate with Domino driving and Vicious riding shotgun.

Marcy finally stirs, regaining consciousness, and looks around, seeing Cobalt, "FUCK YOU! WHERE AM I? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!"

Cobalt replies, "Are you offering? Back of a sedan headed down the interstate back to our home. You've been abducted and are going to be judged."

Marcy is digesting what Cobalt has told her, "Why are you doing this to me?"

Cobalt, in a very cold tone, "That's what every victim you helped obtain for Blackstone said. EVERY ONE OF THEM THOUGHT, WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?! So tell me, Marcy, why did it happen to them?"

Marcy, angry, "They were chosen because they would make amazing women. That's what they should be. They were pathetic excuses for men at best."

Cobalt pulls sorrow from its sheath. Cobalt's temperature is dropping. Most anger runs hot; Cobalt's runs cold, and in that cold comes focus, "I know what you do, Marcy. You bitches aren't half as clever as you think you are. Does the name Peter Baker ring any bells for you?"

Marcy's eyes flicker at the memory of young Peter Baker, the only boy she met after capture. Cobalt continues her icy words carving deep into Marcy.

"Peter became Rose Oberlin. Who then wrote the Rose Diary that I now own. It's a treasured item I keep with my blue Rose and Trixie's necklace. It was a fascinating read that explains a lot about Blackstone's operation. I know exactly what you've done."

Marcy tries all the greatest hits: just doing her job, it wasn't personal, she had to make a living too, blah blah blah.

Cobalt is still playing with sorrow, "In the words of Lestat, I'm going to give you something that I didn't give Jessy. You're going to know exactly what we will do to you. First, your voice is going away, and you'll never talk again. It's pretty painless, from what I hear. Second, you're getting that lovely Blackstone tattoo brand on your upper thigh. Third, you're getting your nipples and your pussy heavily pierced, like freakshow-level pierced. Then I give you back to Amanda, simple as that."

Marcy, terrified at Cobalt's nonchalant way of talking about her modifications, is almost scarier than the actual modifications. "So I'd sit back, shut up and try not to piss me off anymore. I can always think of new things to do to you."

Finish You're Going Down by Sick Puppy

Play You Can't Take Me I'm Free by Bryan Adams

As Cobalt, Domino, and Vicious ride to Blackstone Academy, Vicious ponders, "Do you think this is like when Luke Skywalker met the Emperor or is it more like Luke confronting Jabba the Hutt?"

Cobalt bursts into laughter, "Definitely more Jabba the Hutt than Emperor. Think about it this way, if Martha Stone is the Emperor, then Amanda's Darth Vader. Amanda could never replace her mother's spot like Vader couldn't take the Emperor's spot. But Martha could and would replace Amanda in a heartbeat, daughter or not."

Vicious sucks in air, "Rule of the Sith always two."

Sissy chimes in with this gem, "If a Stone offers you candy, don't take it." The trio burst into laughter as the limo pulls up to Blackstone Manor.

Cobalt speaks to both girls, "So does the doorbell play the Imperial March or Toccata and Fugue in D minor? You know Dracula's theme?"

Cobalt's still laughing when she exits the limo with her black rocker pants and a cut-off shirt. It has the Fairytail logo in black on a blue shirt with Scarlett written on the back, like a cut-off jersey.

Vicious slides out in her white sundress matched with a green corset. Sissy's dress is a pink gothic number with paw print crystals in red. Her red and pink outfit screams beautiful, elegant, and ladylike. The fishnets give her that little edge. The outfit needs not to be overly sweet.

Two misses come stalking forward in their matching black pencil dresses and flowing blouses. They look like evil school teachers.

Cobalt bursts into laughter, pointing at the two misses approaching, "The doorbell has to be the Imperial March. You have stormtroopers," she's crying, laughing so hard. Vicious and Sissy are chuckling, fighting the laughter back.

After a few minutes, Cobalt's able to compose herself as Amanda welcomes them to Blackstone Manor, "Please follow us to the dining room. I figured we could have a meeting while dining."

Cobalt, with a grin, "Hell yeah, food is always a great idea." Cobalt's a steak and potatoes girl, but she loves to eat. They enter the dining hall. Mrs. K, aka Katlyn, Mrs. R, aka Roxanne, and Mrs. P, Penelope, joins Amanda as several sexy maids wait to serve and attend.

Amanda does a small clap, "Drinks, girls." The maids bring wine and a few other assortments of beverages.

Cobalt takes a sealed soda pointing it out for the other two to do the same. They nod, understanding.

Amanda starts the conversation, "I noticed you're wearing the gift I sent, Cobalt."

Cobalt, playing with her necklace, "Oh, yeah, thanks, it's really pretty. I don't wear much jewelry. It's probably the most expensive thing I own now, hahaha."

Amanda smiles, "I'm glad you like it. You're not an easy one to shop for."

Cobalt, with a wink, "I give you credit; you one-upped me on my CD, but you gotta give me my props on being original."

Amanda smiles, "It was cute that you think you are the wolf. But on to less happy topics. Katlyn and Roxyanne wish to issue a formal challenge to you and a partner of your choice."

Cobalt, "What's that exactly mean?"

Katlyn speaks up, "A fight, bitch. A fight."

Cobalt, grinning, "Abso-fuckin-lutely. I'm going to enjoy your total and complete humiliation."

Katlyn angrily, "Then let's put something on it. Let's wager."

Cobalt smirks, "Ever hear of the blank check bet?"

Katlyn looks confused, "Blank check?"

Cobalt addresses Katlyn, "Winner gets whatever they want within reason."

Katlyn and Amanda, in unison, "Deal."

"We have a few conditions for this fight since it's here, and you get home-field advantage. We wanna pick the music we play, and everyone who lives here must be in attendance. I also need you to loan me a girl for the fight."

Amanda, unfazed by the requests, "All that seems doable. Now to more pressing matters. It seems as though some of my people have gone missing, not to mention the savage assault on my aunt's driver."

Cobalt grins mischievously, "Well, it's a dangerous world we live in. Sometimes people get judged for actions and inactions."

Amanda, "I want Jessy and Marcela back."

Cobalt looks guilty, "Well, we brought them for you. They're all wrapped up. The thing is, they're never going to be able to do the job they did before. Well, maybe Marcela, just not the talking part but Jessy, nope, never again."

Cobalt pulls her phone out, "Hey Sabine."

Sabine's chipper voice rings out, "Yeah, boss?"

"Bring the presents now, thanks. So we've returned them to you, and they have been judged."

Amanda gets a call from Dr. O and glares at Cobalt, "Was that necessary to do to them?"

Cobalt returns the glare, "Peter Baker thought so, and I agreed."

Katlyn slams her fist down, "You come into our home, hurt our people, mock us, and expect no retaliation?"

Cobalt turns, looking directly at Katlyn, "You'll have your day, and it is today, but you will find no satisfaction in this day, Katlyn."

Amanda draws the conversation back on course, "Cobalt, my dear, I've seen what you're capable of, and I feel you have a place here among us in Blackstone."

Completely caught off guard, Cobalt spits her soda across the table and begins coughing. Even the prim and proper lady, Mrs. P, makes a comment to Cobalt, "It must be some mistake. You can not be a woman."

Cobalt wipes her face with her arm, "Huh, you're Mrs. P, right? Oh yeah, the evil Mary Poppins person, right, Sissy? Well, I can hop up on the table and take my pants off, and you could check for yourself, cutie."

Mrs. P glares at Cobalt, "It's time to make you an obedient proper young lady."

Cobalt laughs, "If I didn't have Sherry, I probably wouldn't even have clean underwear, haha."

Mrs. P is about to blow up, "Are you a wagering girl, Cobalt?"

Amanda cuts back into the conversation, "As much of a sore spot Cobalt's lack of femininity is for you, Penelope, we have business to discuss. Cobalt, you are the type of woman Blackstone could use."

Cobalt recovering from the banter with Mrs. P, "Yeah, that's a no thanks. I don't do what I do for money. I do it for your victims, so one day, I'll be the one to pull that fucking crest off the wall and shut this nightmare factory down."

Amanda smiles, "Bold proclamation. You aren't the first to make it. But, you are the first to make any progress, and shutting down our acquiring capabilities is commendable work."

Cobalt, with trepidation, "You're taking the stop of your business rather calmly. That's uncharacteristic of you, or so I've been led to believe."

Amanda, with a sneer, "No, I'm furious about it, but as a lady, and more importantly, a lady of Blackstone, I've made certain promises, and they will be kept, even if others don't keep to the spirit of the meeting."

The remainder of the meal is uneventful as the girls buzz around, bringing and taking plates away. When Cobalt grabs one, the maid is in shock, and she doesn't know what to do.

Cobalt gives that lioness to a gazelle look she has as the poor girl trembles, "What's your name, little girl?"

"Mandy, my name's Mandy."

Cobalt, looking at Amanda, "She will be working our corner for the fight. I like her because she's special."

Mrs. P interjects, "Mandy is one of mine, and I cannot in good conscience allow her around such a negative influence."

Cobalt licks her lips at Mrs. P, "Oh, now I want her even more. The idea of playing naughty school girl with you, Mrs. P, has me all kinds of tingly."

Amanda again takes the conversation over, "Mandy, you will work Cobalt's corner. What that means, I have no idea."
