Roxy's House of XXX


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Within minutes Roxy's prick was violently shuddering in you, before she could erupt she pulled out and grabbed your hair pulling you up to face the camera. Fisting her cock, her chunking stinking load bubbled up and washed over your young face. She covered every inch and your mouth opened by reflex to swallow every dollop that sprung forth. When she ran out she pulled you closer so her balls rested on your face. They slopped up the excess cum and you gleefully licked it off her sweaty salty sack. You went back and forth with her doing this until she was as clean as possible of your ass juices, her sweat and cum. She then showed your disheveled face to the camera and then planted another deep kiss on you, relishing in your filth and new stardom.

She let you collapse on the bed. Gasping and coming down from the high, you heard her stop the camera and connect it to the laptop and start offloading the footage. You curled up into a tight ball enjoying the pint of cum you ingested as it settled in your stomach. You passed out.

A few hours later you awoke. You looked around the room, Roxy wasn't there but there was a pink dress laid out next to you with platform sandals next to it. And a note:

"Take a shower and get dressed, time to open up for the day. "

You found your phone and saw it was a bit after 9pm. You shrugged and did as you were told, eager to start your night.

Opening at 9PM...

You still felt groggy as you walked down the video arcade hallway. Halfway down you yawned and felt that your face felt dry and tight. Feeling your cheek you realized a film of Roxy's cum remained on your face but as you turned the corner into the showroom you were met with a roar of jeers and woos from several women. Roxy had opened and your day, now night, was far from over.

Roxy was beaming and patted a stool she put behind the counter for you to sit on. You did your best to sit cross legged like you'd seen many women do. Then you saw on the wall monitors Roxy was already playing the sex tape you shot only hours ago. The editing was amazingly tight and varied. She had graphics emphasizing your ass and small pecker. She even added sounds from TikCok to memeify you. All while advertising the new #RoxysBitch Onlyfans page. Your mouth was agape. Roxy leaned in, "Now shut that sweet mouth before someone sticks something dirty in there." You obliged and looked at her, you were really nervous and unsure about this.

"Oh it'll be fine hun, just smile and enjoy yourself. Tonight's just a meet and greet, we'll work out details later. Bdubs! It's really hot that you left my love gunk on you. These cocktwats are gonna be so jealous! NEXT!"

A middle aged Latina stepped up. She had long black hair with wide soft curls, brown eyes and a big smile. She looked absolutely enamored with you. She was wearing a blue and white baseball jersey with the sleeves rolled up and a long jean skirt that was still waving as she settled in front of you.

"Hiii, I'm Maria, I'm a big fan!" She said in a sultry thick Columbian accent.

You smiled and said "Thanks this is kinda new to me, no one ever really noticed me until now."

She leaned forward letting her chest rest on the counter.

"Well, I notice you and would love to keep noticing you."

You turned beet red... "Well you can notice him once a week on his Onlyfans page #RoxysBitch just 14.99 a month! Would you like a free picture with our star!?"

Roxy's voice was uncharacteristically serious and confident. She really had her act down. Maria handed a phone to Roxy and came around the counter. She got in close and put her arm around you. It was hot and her pits felt moist on your shoulder. You could feel her package pressing into your right cheek and her strong hand on your other. You smiled big and gave the peace sign like the dork that you are. Roxy took the pick, took another one in portrait then looked up. "That shits dumb Ryan, do something sexy!" You froze after a few seconds Maria leaned in, "I'd love it if you could pose like you're about to receive my load all over your pretty face. "

Without thinking you opened wide and stuck out your tongue. Roxy snapped some more pics and handed it to Maria, "NEXT!" You glanced at Maria, she locked eyes with you and smirked, "Let me show you something." That smooth sexy accent sounded like it was already sliding into you. She made a couple of motions on her phone and showed you the screen. There was a single photo of a caramel dick rippling with veins going down to her knees. A fat cockhead jutting out of a foreskin bigger than your whole dick. "Remember me, I'll be in your DMs" She backed off and made way for the next in line.

Two ladies made their way up together. One was old, maybe late fifties, wearing a big sweater with an embroidered barn on it, She had high waisted mom jeans and white sneakers on. Her hair a large perm with red and brown coloring. The woman next to her was like a mini version only with straight brown hair and big thick glasses. She was smiling wide which showed off a metallic sheen of braces.

"One at a time ladies!" Roxy barked.

In a damn near cliche midwestern accent, the older one cheerily replied, "Ooooh we're together ya see. I'm Marie Goldenwangen and this is my daughter Sherri Goldenwangen."

Roxy slid in close, "Oh these two are just peachy ain't they?" You smiled and murmured, "Be nice."

You extended your hand and greeted them, "Hi welcome to Roxy's I'm-"

"Roxy's Bitch ya I wish ya wouldn't use the language but ya no wat? You are just so darn cute, my little Sherri here can't get enough of ya. And honestly ole Marie here thinks you'd be a hell of a fun roll in the sack if ya catch my drift!"

You just smiled politely and nodded slowly. Roxy poked you and as you jumped from the surprise, "Well thank you both I'm still finding my groove but you can keep in contact with me on our Onlyfans."

_"And next week you can see the vid of his fat mama blowing her balls into his sweet ass!" Roxy's pronouncement was met with whoops an hollers. The mother and daughter both blushed red. Marie looked nervous as she said, "Well now guess we'll have to see that... tell ya what you take a pic with us and maybe we can take you to The Olive Garden some time. Getcha some unlimited soup and salad! Wouldn't that be nice Sherri?"_

Sherri just looked down and mumbled, "Yeah and I could feed you my breadssssssTICK." She looked up and smirked afterwards. A chill ran down your spine as Roxy called for them to take their free pic. They both shuffled around and got on either side. Both taking awkward grabs and grazing hand movements to feel you up. You figured might as well lean in and just grabbed both of their noticeably large bulges straining in their jeans.

"Ooooh" CLICK, CLICK CLICK Roxy snapped the pics quickly and handed them the phone as she shuffled them off.

"MR. Biiiitch! We love you! Please reply back to us online!"

Roxy giggled, "NEXT!"

"OK ladies! My Bitch needs a break! I know! but what are ya gonna do? Bitches can't live with him, but you can stick your dick in every hole! 15 minutes! Then she'll be back!"

Roxy escorted you back to her basement apartment. As she held your hand as you carefully traversed the stairs in your heels, she said enthusiastically, "Ryan, this is really great and I'm so impressed by you pretending not to be grossed out by all these freaks."

You reached the bottom of the stairs with her. The truth is all this attention felt amazing, but having Roxy in your corner is what really felt special.

"I'm only able to because you're by my side."

Roxy stared deep into your eyes and forcibly grabbed both your ass cheeks lifting you like a sack of flour. You rose to meet her lips and it was near magic. She broke the kiss after a few moments, "Kiddo, you gotta keep that stuff in check... It'll dissuade the girls from thinking they have a chance."

She placed you down and pecked you on the cheek again before heading back up, "15 minutes! Not too many left!"

It hurt that she wasn't quite reciprocating but you figured she'd be doing just that to your ass before too long. Sitting on the bed you pulled your phone out and opened TikCok, you had blown up even more and tons of new vids of your meet and greets were trending. Lots of Ladies said they were subbing to your OnlyFans. You had some texts too. One from your mom and one from.... Nightstick.

You clicked her name:

Roxy's Bitch huh? Thought I had firmly planted my flag in you, guess you don't want the job. "

You quickly loaded up the vid and scrubbed to the end where Joann got right up next to your cum coated face. Taking a screenshot you quickly sent it along with "Sorry, things have gotten complicated."

Your phone wooshed as the pic and text finished sending. A few seconds later it chimed and there was just an eggplant emoji. Then another message,

"Can't stay mad buuuut I can see this is from a vid, send me that!"

"I'll send it but I have to go soon. Talk later."

You started the upload and walked back upstairs. Sandra was pretty amazing, you'd hate to screw that up but then there's Roxy... Your phone wooshed. Only then did you realize you actually sent Sandra a vid of you getting deep dicked by your mom... The door flew open. Roxy in her all her punk edge glory was beaming down at you. "Breaks over KID! Let's tease some money laden cunts!"

Early in the morning

After coming up there was another 4 hours of meet n greets. SO many women lusting after you, the buzz was still strong. The 2nd to last woman finished sneaking her number to you after signing up for the sub while in front of you.

_"Last one!" _Roxy said with eagerness.

"I thought I was the first but guess that wasn't enough..." Sandra swaggered up in her amazingly tight jeans and sexy leather jacket. She had a smirk on her face.

_"Sandra? What-" _Roxy tried to respond but was interrupted

"I need to speak with him, can we take a booth?"

"I'd rather not, Ryan has me engaged as a manager now, you can talk to him here." Roxy said, surprising you both.

Sandra looked at you and you could only shrug, Roxy was really important to you now and you didn't want to piss her off. So you both moved over to a quiet part of the store, most of the women had left. As you approached the back wall you turned around only to see a wall of black powerful woman. Her chest heaving in front of your eyes. You looked up and her face wasn't unkind, but she was definitely miffed. Collecting what courage you had you uttered,

"Look I realize sending you that vid was a mistake, I didn't think before doing it."

Her eyes softened. "HA well I did not expect to see you riding the dick that made you begging for her to put a little bro inside you but I'm pretty modern hun. I don't mind you being a freak. But I thought you wanted to come work for me... be with me a bit more."

You smiled at the thought, "I do in many ways Sandra I'm still figuring all this out. I never knew I could have this much good in my life. No one has ever paid attention to me and as soon as I started working here with Roxy my life has changed entirely. I never knew.... I never knew..."

Sandra placed her long finger on your mouth. She looked like an ebony goddess laying mercy at your feet.

"You never understood just how much you love dick... I get it honey, you're a special guy alright and I mean to make this work still. I'll go talk to Roxy, wait here."

She sauntered off, her fit ass swaying and reminding you of the monster dick that was swinging on the other side of her.

A few minutes passed and another couple of women came up to you to describe how they jerked off to your vid and were eager to start seeing new stuff on the sub. Roxy called out for you and you excused yourself. As you approached the counter where Sandra and Roxy had been talking, Roxy yelled that they were closed and to keep an eye on their website for their next event. After everyone but Sandra left. Roxy locked up and came back to you.

"So Sandra told me about your little moonlighting..."

You turned bright red.

"It's ok... now that I know how talented you are... Anyways we worked a deal and I trust that you're cool with it. Sandra is becoming our largest patron and will be ensuring our sub stays strong and that you get everything coming to you. However I also have to make sure Sandra has access to you..."

You were practically beaming. But suddenly Sandra was behind you pressing herself against your back.

"She means I get to call upon you when I want and you'll come crawling."

Swallowing hard, you turned around. You eagerly hugged her.

"One last thing kiddo." Roxy interjected. "Sandra wants to be on your debut episode. Stretching that perfect pussy over her dick."

You jumped into Sandra's arms and planted a deep kiss on her.

_"Aww you really know how to make a girl feel special..." Roxy teased, "Head downstairs you two, I'll clean up here and get the camera ready, DON'T start without me!"_

You quickly dismounted Sandra and grabbed Roxy's hand before she walked off. She turned and looked... a little sad but quickly smiled. She peeled your hand off and shooed you off back to her apartment.

Sandra helped you down the stairs. You both sat on the bed next to each other.

It was awkward.

"So..." Sandra muttered

"So.... what's your plan?"

"My plan? For us?"

"Yeah what do you want to do tonight?"

"Oh, ooooh yeah right the video. Uh what should we do? I've got the dick, you've got the ass. I imagine I start fucking the ass and we keep going?"

"I'LL BE THE ONE DIRECTING!" Roxy's voice bellowed from the top of the stairs.

You grabbed Sandra's hand in surprise. She gripped back hard. Roxy was now all the way down the stairs and went to her closet. She pulled out a blue bikini and threw it at you.

"Put this on, Sandra take your jacket off and get in whatever state you want to be in."

"Remember, no showing my face and Ryan try not to scream my name during. Want to keep myself silent as a partner for now"

You nodded eagerly and changed into the bikini. The bottoms covered you but did show off your meager package. As you struggled with the top, Roxy came over and helped tie it up, Then she started messing with your hair and soon you had two small ponytails on either side of your head.

"Yeah there you look like a right slut now. Dumb adolescent haircut barely anything protecting you from that BBC."

You turned back to Sandra, she had her t-shirt on and no pants. Her semihard dick swinging freely.

"Ok Sandra just stand by the bed, honey you sit cross legged next to her." Roxy ordered.

Roxy turned on some more lamps to set a mood and then set up her camera tripod in front of the both of you. She lifted her camera looked through it and then adjusted some more lights and then came back to check her shot again.

"Ok I think we're good. First I need some pics for the thumbnail and wallpapers. Ryan give me a big dumb grin like you're fucking thrilled to be here."

You smiled super wide showing teeth and it actually felt natural since you were ready as hell for Sandra's brand of fucking. CLICK CLICK CLICK

"OK keep the smile and give me two thumbs up"

You obliged. CLICK CLICK.

"Alright Sandra you mind getting hard? I want one more before I let you do what you want."

Sandra rolled her eyes and started fisting her healthy dick. She was staring a hole in you and you did your best to look as innocent and big eyed as possible. So she was at last at full mast and free standing.

"Ok hun now get right up next to that cock head and make it look like you have no idea how that's gonna fit inside you."

You simply remembered the first time you saw it and realized you had no idea how you could take it up your ass. You just knew you had to. As you found the look. Roxy clicked away from a few different angles.

"Ok I'm gonna start recording when I yell action at least start out with some oral. "

You nodded. "OK ACTION!"

Roxy started walking carefully trying to establish her scene. You quickly tried to ignore her and looked up at Sandra. She had a smirk, after a couple seconds she just winked at you. Then she opened her mouth.

"Aw hell look at this skinny tiny piece of white meat. What's wrong darlin? You need someone to keep you warm?"

You just looked sad and nodded. Sandra's cock twitched in front of you and she took a step closer.

"Guess I'll have to help ya stay warm in this deep dark basement. See this?" Sandra gripped her cock and held it in front of your face. "Why don't you put your hands on it and feel how hot it is."

You obliged, and it was indeed hot to the touch and you eagerly pulled it close to your cheek and nuzzled against its veiny thick mass.

"Aww already making friends I see, I think it likes you. You should kiss it."

"This is so fucking cheezy! I love it!" Roxy whispered.

Ignoring her, you lifted the heavy staff and extended your tongue out and aimed towards her plump, tight sack. Letting your tongue trace up from the very bottom of her pouch dragging it slowly up along her hairs and every detail of her cock. Stopping halfway to remoisten your tongue. When you reached her sheathed tip, you eagerly slid the hood back and kissed the underside of her glans. She gave a fully body shiver as a drop of pre leaked out. Moving your mouth over her wide head you lapped it up and began bobbing up and down her exposed tip.

"That's a good white boy there, I want you to keep going until you can taste my pubes!"

Sandra gripped you by the ponytails and began to spear your mouth on her divine shaft. Your eager maw began squelching and slurping up every bit of flavor. Her sweat, her pre, her musk was filling your nose and tongue with sensations. You uncrossed your legs and scooted closer to the edge of the bed as she began driving more and more of her midnight black shaft down your gullet. A moment later you were far underneath her as her cock was being entirely driven in and out of your face. Your tongue was indeed flicking the few wiry pubes covering her full and churning sack. Your throat was full of girlmeat and you had every intention of swallowing everything this cock was going to feed you. Sandra suddenly whipped her entire length out of you, your throat making a large schlock noise. Now free Sandra fisted her cock a bit letting some precum splatter all over you, then she drove back in in all the way. Your throat making all the hot slut noises it could from being full length deep dicked. Every few strokes she'd pull out quickly blast your face with your saliva and her juices then drive home deep again. After a few minutes she pulled you off then threw you back on the bed.

"Turn over slut! I want taste that ass before I move in"

You eagerly flipped over arching your back. Wordlessly Sandra ripped off your bottoms and gripped your hips, lifting you with almost no effort. Slamming her fat tongue on your rosebud, she began licking and prying it open. You tried to give her as little a fight as possible. After a minute of her lubing you up she let you drop and laid down on the bed. Her midnight pike standing tall 16 inches. You climbed on top reverse cowgirl style. You reached down to feed her into you and your hand looked so small next to it. Roxy had taken position right in front of you showing everything you both had. As the thick stiff hood touched your button you shivered just as she had.

"That's it baby, I wanna feel that dick pushing those guts out, get that pussy stretched over my dick now or I'm gonna just punt it up yo pussy!"

You let your weight fall and her fat cock popped into you. You both groaned in pleasure as her cock started drooling into your pussy. Immediately you began rising and falling on her meat. Every other stroke getting deeper and deeper. You let your tongue loll and your abused throat gurgle and groan like the bitch in heat that you were. After several minutes you felt the wide firm cumtanks slapping against your stretched tight ring. Sandra was now gripping your hips and driving herself upwards to meet you. The sickening slaps of her sack on your asshole were an amazing rhythm.
