Sabella & Malcolm Ch. 13


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"I'll deal with Carolyn," Malcolm said surprising Sabella when he brought his lips down on hers delivering another passion filled kiss that made her toes curl.

"I love you, Sabella," Malcolm said placing light butterfly kisses on her neck. "I love you so much, it scares me. I never knew I could love anyone this deeply."

"But Malcolm this..."

Afraid of what she was going to say," Malcolm cut her off with another passionate kiss and all thought left Sabella's brain.

His lips were like an intense magnet causing her body to arch towards his. Needing more of her Malcolm brought her arms up, raised her shirt over her head and threw it on the floor. The bright red bra she wore surprised and stunned him, he'd never seem anything like it. It seemed to make her skin glow.

"Beautiful," Malcolm said as if he could hardly pass a breath through his lungs. 'I'm glad bras haven't changed,' Malcolm thought to himself as he tried to undo Sabella's bra and ease it down her arms.

"We can't do this," Sabella said pulling her shirt down stopping him. "Mabel is downstairs."

"We, could if we were quiet," Malcolm said kissing her on the neck.

"What if she needs help with the twins?" Sabella said closing her eyes and strengthening her resolve not to give in. "We need to talk about the situation with Carolyn."

"There's nothing to talk about," Malcolm stated. "You and the twins are not leaving me."

"We have to," Sabella said. "It's the only thing for us to do, it's the only way to keep me and the twins safe and for you not to go to jail."

"Nothing is going to happen to you or the twins," Malcolm said, "and I'm not going to jail."

"How can you say that?!" Sabella asked becoming angry with Malcolm's nonchalant attitude. "Can't you see how determined Carolyn is about becoming your wife? She's willing to lie and say that you raped her to get you to agree to marry her."

"No one is going to believe I raped Carolyn," Malcolm said. "Everyone for miles around knows that she has been trying to get me into her bed for years, and I haven't been interested, in her then and certainly not now."

"We still need to leave," Sabella said. "This stunt that she just pulled proves that she's dangerous and out of control. If this stunt doesn't work, she'll try something else, and I don't think I'm willing to leave the twins or myself in her line of sight as weapons to be used against you."

"," Malcolm said the determination in his voice coming through loud and clear to Sabella. "I'll deal with Carolyn and you and the twins won't have to leave."

"It would be easier to let me and the twins leave," Sabella said.

"It would kill me if you and the twins left," Malcolm said his voice filled with pain. "I love you, Sabella."

"We never should have started this," Sabella said, "especially since nothing can come of it, not here, not doing this time."

"Are you saying you don't love me?" Malcolm asked.

Sabella looked at him tempted to lie to him because it might enable him to allow her and the twins to walk out of his life. She pulled her bottom lip between and bit down lightly on it pondering what her answer should be.

"I want to hear the truth, Sabella," Malcolm told her.

"I love you," Sabella said tears streaming down her face once again, "I tried not to because I know it can't work out between us, but I couldn't help myself. I love you Malcolm and leaving you would cause me unbearable pain, but it's the only option we have."

Malcolm pulled Sabella into his arms, bringing her body against his, then he kissed her. She kissed him in return, the two of them becoming lost in the passion that seeped through every pore of their bodies.

They were both about to give into their desire for each other when the sound of one of the twins crying broke through the cloud of passion that had surrounded them.

"We'll talk more about this," Malcolm said resting, his forehead against Sabella's, "and we're going to come up with a solution, one that doesn't take you and the twins away from me. But, right now we need to get downstairs and help Mabel with Serena and Solomon."

"Okay," Sabella replied.

As they made their way downstairs Sabella's mind was on one thing and one thing only; getting her and the twins out of Culbert County and the dangerous situation they were in.

By the time they reached the living room Sabella had decided that she and the twins would slip away later that night when Malcolm was asleep.

Leaving him was the last thing she wanted to do because she hadn't lied when she told Malcolm she loved him because she truly did, and if she only had herself to worry about in this situation she would consider staying by his side fighting against those trying to keep them apart or harm them.

But, she had the twins to consider and given the unfair way people of color were treated doing the time period Sabella knew she couldn't there, not with Malcolm.

She didn't know she and the twins were going to go when they left Malcolm's ranch, but she knew they would stand a better chance of surviving if they were moving rather than standing still.

The thought came to her mind that taking Malcolm's truck might be a good idea, it would allow her to blend in better, rather than driving her modern vehicle.

But, she dismissed the idea because, just as people would be able to spot Malcolm on sight, they probably would be able to spot his truck also. And they would probably call the police the moment, they spotted anyone besides him driving it, especially a black woman.

Sabella had some things she needed to work out, but she was still determined that she and the twins would be leaving Malcolm's home that night.


Later that evening after helping preparing dinner, helping Sabella and Malcolm bathe Solomon and Serena and preparing them for bed, and getting Sabella to promise that she wouldn't do anything crazy, Mabel made her way home.

She was about a mile from Malcolm's ranch when she passed one of his ranch hands Bob Hendricks' truck sitting on the side of the road and him sitting on the running board.

"Do you need any help, Bob?" Mabel asked stopping her car.

"No, I'm fine," Bob replied, "just waiting on Bob Jr. to come bay and pick me up."

"Why don't you buy a new truck, Bob?" Mabel teased.

"Don't see the sense in throwing away good money on another truck when this one still has a lot of good years left in her," Bob said giving his usual answer when the locals suggested that he get rid of his old truck that he named Betsy.

"The only thing holding that thing together is the rust that's all over it," Mabel said, "and pretty soon that's going to eat through the entire truck and start leaving bits and pieces of it along the road as you drive it."

Bob was about to say something, when at that moment the driver's side front fender fell off and landed on the ground with a thud.

Unable to help herself Mabel broke out laughing, so loud and hard tears started rolling down her face as she watched Bob go over, pick up the bumper and toss it into the back of his truck.

"That can be fixed," Bob said his face turning red with embarrassment, "it doesn't mean I need a new truck."

The minute Bob finished what he had to say, the driver side front headlight fell to the ground.

"That doesn't count," Bob said going over and picking up the headlight and tossing it into the back of the truck along with the bumper, "it wasn't working anyway."

As she spoke Mabel began laughing so hard she could hardly breathe.

"I hope your son gets here before the rest of your truck winds up in the back," Mabel said as she drove away. "You'd be better off getting a new truck."

"Nosey, busybody," Bob muttered to himself as he watched Mabel drive away.

"That nosey, busybody is right," Sheriff Jenkins said climbing out of the back of Bob's truck and he wasn't smiling. "You need to get a new truck."

Sheriff Jenkins was hiding in the back of Bob's truck because he was wanted to keep an eye on Malcolm's ranch and he didn't want him to know he was watching.

So, he convinced Bob to help him out because he was one of Malcolm's ranch hands and he knew that no one would become suspicious of him sitting on the side of the road because his truck was always breaking down.

"You dropped that damn fender on top of me when you threw it in the back of your truck," Sheriff Jenkins said dusting the rust off his uniform, "and you hit me on my ankle when you threw that

damn headlight in the back."

"I'm sorry, Sheriff," Bob said. "I forgot you were back there."

"I'm going to give you thirty days to either get a new truck or get this bucket of bolts fixed," the Sheriff said, "and you can't drive this piece of junk around town either. If I see it on the road again, and it's not being towed by a tow truck I'm going to give you a ticket and impound this thing myself!"

"That ain't fair, Sheriff," Bob said, "not when all of this happened because I was trying to help you."

"That's why I'm giving you thirty days to do something about it," the Sheriff said, "instead of impounding that thing now. Now get out of here and try not to drop any more pieces while you're leaving."

"That's gratitude for you," Bob mumbled as he climbed into his truck. "People ask you to help them out and instead of sayin thank you, they threaten you. That's gratitude for you."

"Davis!" Sheriff Jenkins said into his walkie-talkie.

"Right here sir," the deputy replied.

"Bring the car," Sheriff Jenkins replied, "and if you see Bob Hendricks give him a ticket for driving an unsafe vehicle."

"I see him right now," Deputy Davis said, "I'll be at your locale, as soon as I'm through with Bob, over and out."

'Serves the ungrateful bastard right for mouthing off to me,' Sheriff Jenkins thought to himself.

"How long are you going to stay out here?" Deputy Davis asked the Sheriff when he reached his location.

"As long as it takes," Sheriff Jenkins replied. "Something is going on, on that ranch, and I'm going to find out what it is, if it's the last thing I do."

Jenkins settled down in his car watching Malcolm's ranch. Something told him that, that colored girl would be coming down the road sometime that night, and he would be there to greet her. He only hoped she would be driving that thing he saw her sitting in, in Malcolm's driveway. He wanted to get his hands on that baby.


"We're all sleeping in my room tonight."

"What?" Sabella replied, her surprise at Malcolm's declaration coming through in her voice.

"We're all sleeping in my room tonight," Malcolm repeated as they were about to take the twins and go upstairs to bed.

"I'm not sleeping in your room," Sabella said her tone determined and defiant.

"We're not going to argue about this, Sabella," Malcolm said his tone just determined and defiant as Sabella's. "You, the wins and I are all sleeping in my room tonight."

"Why?" Sabella asked getting angry because if Malcolm got his way her plan to leave would be thwarted.

"To keep you from leaving me in the middle of the night," Malcolm said.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sabella said trying to bluff her way out of the situation.

"Tell me you weren't planning on leaving me in the middle of the night," Malcolm said the tone of his voice daring her to lie to him.

"Malcolm, what else can we do?" Sabella asked.

"Sheriff Jenkins is after you, Carolyn is trying to blackmail you and what about Solomon and Serena. There's no telling what's going to happen to them, and it's all because of me. Don't you see that all of this could end if I left you and Culbert County?"

"Your leaving here would not change this situation," Malcolm said, "not for me or the twins. Why can't you see that? If you were to leave suddenly now without any explanation, Sheriff Jenkins would probably try to bring me up on charges of murder for you and the twins. Of course it wouldn't matter to him whether you were dead or alive, he would just welcome the opportunity to harass me and make my life a living hell so, get the idea of leaving here out of your mind."

"Why can't you see that you're wrong?!" Sabella screamed causing Serena to wake up and start crying. "See what you've made me do?" Sabella said going over and picking up the crying little girl.

"You made me wake her up."

Malcolm was about to say something in response when the phone rung.

"I wonder who that could be calling this time of the night,"" Malcolm mumbled as he made his way over to the phone. "Hello?" he said gruffly.

"I'm sorry to disturb you this late at night, Malcolm," replied, the voice on the other end of the phone, "and I wouldn't be calling this late, but I have something that I think you should know."

"I'm sorry, Bob," Malcolm said, "it's been a long day, and I'm taking my frustration out on you. What is it, you wanted to tell me?"

"I think the Sheriff is watching your house," Bob said innocently.

That bit of news didn't surprise Malcolm, but the fact that Bob knew it did.

"How do you know he's watching my house?" Malcolm asked.

Afraid of losing his well paying job, Bob told Malcolm a half truth. Sheriff Jenkins had questioned him and the rest of Malcolm's ranch hands about the colored woman staying at the ranch.

He hadn't told Malcolm about it so he used that information to explain why he knew about the Sheriff staking out his place, but he didn't tell him the part he played.

"He questioned me about that colored woman staying at your place," Bob said, "and he wanted to know if I ever met or seen anybody besides her at your place. And tonight when I was driving by your place, heading home, I saw him sitting in his police car about a mile down the road from your place staring in the direction of your ranch. Are you in some kind of trouble, Malcolm?"

"No, Bob," Malcolm replied. "The Sheriff and I are at a standoff over something. Thank you for calling and if the Sheriff asks you any more questions, please let me know."

"You got it," Bob said. "That'll teach that damn Sheriff to give me a ticket," Bob muttered to himself feeling smug about what he'd just done.

"Who was that?" Sabella asked.

"Bob Hendricks," Malcolm replied, "one of my ranch hands, he called to tell me that the Sheriff was sitting a mile down the road watching the ranch."

Hearing that the Sheriff was a mile down the road watching the house almost caused Sabella to drop Serena, as she collapsed onto the couch.

Malcolm rushed over to her and took Serena out of her arms and placed her back in her bassinet, grateful she'd gone back to sleep.

"Why is all of this happening?" Sabella asked bringing her hands up and running them through her hair. "Why was I brought back through time? It couldn't have been to bring all of this trouble down on you, I refuse to believe that. But, why am I here?"

"I think you were sent here for me, Solomon and Serena," Malcolm said. "God sent you here because he knew that the three of use needed you."

"That's a nice thought," Sabella said reaching out and gently stroking Malcolm's face thankful to him for trying to make her feel better.

"It's not just a thought, honey," Malcolm said reaching up and taking her hand from his face and taking it into his hand. "I really do think that you were sent back in time, to my ranch for me and the twins because we're meant to be a family."

"How is that going to happen, Malcolm?" Sabella asked. "Especially here in the south, where it's against the law for us to get married and where people would have no problem attacking us for walking down the street together and burn down your ranch, destroying everything you've worked so hard to build, how is God going to be behind this?"

"Okay," Malcolm said, "maybe God isn't behind it, but do me a favor, please?"


"Have a little faith," Malcolm replied. "Just a little faith in me, that I can work this out and in the end the four of us, you, me, Solomon and Serena are going to be a family."

"I'm scared," Sabella said. "I couldn't stand if anything happened to you because you're trying to protect me."

"I promise you, I won't let anything happen to me," Malcolm said. "I just found you and I'm not going to say or do anything that'll come in between us. I want to spend many, many years loving you, having children and growing old with you."

"You sound as if you're proposing," Sabella teased.

Malcolm got up from the couch went over to a roll top desk that sat in the corner of the living room, opened it, reached in and opened a drawer and took out a small jewelry box, walked back over to the couch, opened the box and got down on one knee.

"I am proposing," he said. "My grandfather gave this ring to my grandmother when he asked her to marry him and when she died, she left the ring to me in her will, saying that she wanted me to give it to the woman that came into my life, and that I loved as much as my grandfather loved her. I was young when my grandmother died so I didn't think much of the ring when she gave it to me, but as I grew older and began dating, I realized how special the ring was and what a great gift she left me. Also, as I grew up, I thought about my, grandparents, relationship, and I realized that just how much they loved each other. My grandfather didn't think the sun got up until my grandmother opened her eyes, rolled over and gave him, his good morning kiss and when she died it took him a long time to come to terms with her not being in his life any longer. But, he came around saying that my grandmother would get out of her grave and cuss him out something fierce if he stopped living his life because she wasn't there, he said she wouldn't want him giving up on life because the good Lord decided it was time for her to come home."

"Your, grandmother sounds like a very special woman," Sabella said.

"She was," Malcolm replied, "she was a very special woman who taught me and showed me what real love is. So, will you marry me?"

"I don't think I can accept your proposal, Malcolm," Sabella said.

"Why not?" Malcolm asked.

"Suppose I wake up back in my time?" Sabella replied. "I wouldn't feel right hav..."

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Malcolm asked. "I said my grandmother told me to give the ring to the woman I love as much as my grandfather loved her. You are that woman, Sabella, so whether you accept my proposal or not the ring is yours, because I love you the same way my grandfather loved my grandmother. It only becomes an engagement ring if you accept my proposal, otherwise its just a reminder of me a man who loves you with all his heart."

Sabella seeing the sincerity in Malcolm's eyes and hearing it in the words he spoke and knowing that she felt the same way about him, gave the only answer she could give.

"Yes, I'll marry you," she said. "I'll spend many, many years loving you, talk about having children with you, and definitely grow old with you."

Malcolm's face broke out into the brightest smile Sabella had ever seen on anyone's face as he pulled her into his arms kissed her and hugged her tight.

"You've made me the happiest man in the world," he said, "and I'm going to do my best to make our years together the best life you could ever have."

Malcolm understood why Sabella said they would talk about having children. They were raising the twins, so having more children would be something they would have to talk about.

He also knew that the harshness of the time and the way people of color and mixed raced children were treated would also would play a big part when it came to them deciding to have children. But, Malcolm wasn't worried about it, he knew that he and Sabella would have children, it was in their future.

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Lulu222Lulu222about 8 years ago

Loving this story more & more

fitandtrimladyfitandtrimladyabout 11 years ago
Sabella & Malcolm are special together

I forgot to mention this last chapter, but bravo to you on a will done and credible way of Sabella and Malcolm honest discussions about race and society. They're both perfectly matched a water seeking it's own level truly in this match made in heaven. I have truly enjoyed each and every chapter you've written and look forward to reading other stories by you, Mspat.

I find Sabella refreshing in many ways, especially since she's a virgin, but not annoying about it. She self assured in her desire, extremely smart, and capable, and definitely not a wimpy virgin pretending to be strong and relying on a mans love to strengthen her. The passion between Sabella and Malcolm is hot hot hot! Also Malcolm is truly a stand up guy who is strong and forceful with the right people who deserve it, and considerate and strong with those he care about. And he's not some rich asshole abusing his power and wealth like other silly stories of men trying to be alpha, but writers fail miserably in that area.

Characters like Malcolm are fantastic reads because writers like you know what a true alpha man is and comes through in both Malcolm and Mark' s characters. Thank you for not making Mark a weak black man afraid to actually fight to protect his sister, and literally has her back. Well done. Also Malcolm and Sabella are great together, and it's cure how Malcolm is connected to Sabella. Also, you could of written the story where Malcolm used Carolyn sexually, then discarded her, but you didn't take the lazy way out as a few writers on this site has done.

Your comedic part about Bob's truck made me literally laughed out loud! Not many writers have comedic timing, and that part was well written.

Alpha_MarmAlpha_Marmover 12 years ago
Can I place an order for a Malcolm?

His heart has been healed by love and forged in a furnace of courageous

fire. I want one just like him.

Where do I place my order?

Jujubee50Jujubee50over 13 years ago
When will the story continue?

I'm looking forward to seeing how the mayor handles Carolyn. Please update soon!

trinityx3trinityx3almost 14 years ago

You are a wonderful writer and I am sure your book that you are writing

will be good too. your latest update to Sabella & Malcolm story is great

and I look forward to your next update.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
what's next

Congrats on trying to get your book published, but I'm so happy u updated your story. I can't wait to hear what happens next.

Last_BreathLast_Breathalmost 14 years ago
Thank You

This series has highlighted a myriad of scenarios that deals with matriarchy and patriarchy views, stigma's associated with interracial relationships and class structures. Combined with the time frame that it takes place in adds a refreshing twist on the romance. Rather than deal with these issues in a violent outburst, I am enjoying the characters choice in how to approach lifes complications. Rather than engorging themselves in their physical desires, they prefer to actually think about it. Like many others, I eagerly await your next installment.

LadyeTLadyeTalmost 14 years ago

Love this story, can't wait to see where you go with it. I really, really, really want these two to stay together some way some how.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Thank you so much for updating, but I'm afraid I have another craving. Please, pretty please, don't make me wait a month to get it. Please?

tenstensalmost 14 years ago

I'm glad to see this story move along. Sabella was irksome in this chapter. For being such an educated woman I was surprised she let the idle threat of a psychotic woman make her run out in a dangerous world, in a flashy vehicle with zero protection. It just didn't seem plausible to me.

The proclamation of love and the proposal were so sweet and heartfelt. I thought that was really passioinate. I'm so excited for the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
worth the wait!

thanks so much for the update, i ate it up like a starving person that hadn't eaten in months!!! I love your writing and can't get enough so please, please don't make us wait so long for the next installment! Keep up the great work!

EroticLitKittyEroticLitKittyalmost 14 years ago
So weird!

Literally 2 days ago I thought to myself...I wonder what's going on with Sabella and Malcolm, and Ms. Pat? Really wished I'd thought about you sooner, but it was definitely worth the wait. Now I'm thinking about the next chapter ;-)

DragonSlayer_OKDragonSlayer_OKalmost 14 years ago
Patiently awaiting next chapter....

I've greatly enjoyed what I've read thus far...please continue.

netviper21netviper21almost 14 years ago
Sabella's comment...

You know when she said why is this all happening, i was waiting for the next line to be "...And why the hell can't the author get more chapters out to our readers!"

Awesome update! Can't wait for more to come! Good luck with your publishing, hope it works out great for you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Don't stop!

This is a great story. I have to learn to read slower ;-D

Love4wordsLove4wordsalmost 14 years ago
I'm loving it!!!!!


LakergirlLakergirlalmost 14 years ago

Thanks for the update. And one of my favorite parts so far is the Mayor saying Carolyn could be "colleral damage"!! LOVE IT!!! Folks like that need to get their comeupins!!! I sure hope Sabella & Malcolm stay in your face so I can get the rest of the story!!! lol Thanks and congrat on your other work in progress.

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