Saggy What


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"That's great and it'll give your Cooper's ligament a good stretch." he then handed me a t-shirt "Put this on over the top.". God it felt so wrong hearing him say that. We were both actively trying to let the bit of the body that held boobs up to stretch and be useless. If I'm honest I think it was pretty non existent with me anyway but hey, it felt naughty to play around with it like this anyway.

I pulled the t-shirt on. It felt good but also strange. I never usually went braless but this wasn't quite braless, it was all very different. I was pleased that the t-shirt wasn't too tight. As always it was obvious that I had a very big chest, but it wasn't too attention drawing.

"So I'm off to work, you have to stay like this all day ok?"

"Yes dear." and I smiled at him. It shouldn't be too tricky, I didn't have much planned.

"I mean it, no putting another bra on. You have to get used to being like this. We're making a change to your body, remember." his serious face on.

"Yup I understand and will do." It was interesting how much he was into this. I wasn't turned on right now but it was exciting.

"Stand up for me, let me see before I have to rush." he checked his watch. I nearly laughed, it was his own fault that he was going to be late - spending too much time playing with my tits. That'll teach ya.

Standing up, I could instantly feel and see the difference. Ok this was going to be tricky. It wasn't regret, but it certainly was concern. He was happy though "Fuck me yes. Just look at those." I was, he was right. He quickly leaned in, coping a feel, a quick kiss on my lips and "Dam I'm soo lucky. Love you, back tonight." and he vanished out the bedroom door and down the stairs.

I just stood there looking at myself in the full length mirror. I was used to having big boobs, however they were usually up here more. I visualised where they usually sat in the bra. I usually had two half watermelons sticking straight out from my chest, each one bigger than my head. Right now they actually looked smaller as nothing was bunching all that boob into one place. Though they looked smaller in overall volume they made up for it by hanging lower down. For all intents and purposes I was braless. So nothing too scandalous apart from I never went braless.

I twisted my body side to side a little looking at my profile and left my arms dangling at my side. Yup as the men from the other night had pointed out my boobs naturally hung below my elbows. God I had fecking huge, heavy tits. I was glad that they weren't thin, empty type boobs like some Chris had shown me on that site. I smiled, feeling proud of them. Jeezz so today I was going to spend the day like this. It was all part of the plan.

Something twigged in my head as I looked at myself in the mirror. Something about me didn't quite look right. I had nice jewellery on as normal, obviously there was the difference at the top. But something. It was my jeans! My trouser jeans didn't match what I was going for here, though I'm not really sure what look I was going for. I quickly decided that a skirt would be better here. A nice just above the knee one. I paused at that thought.

I next to never wore above the knee. Why was that suddenly in my head? I didn't even have many that would fit that look. Without overthinking it I changed. Which was an interesting look into what the day would hold. My boobs were free and totally reminded me of that with every movement and getting in the way by swaying to my arms.

With my skirt now on I stood and looked back at myself. My legs looked longer and great, my ass and hips just wanting a grab and of course my boobs looked great. I looked a lot sluttier. Shit that was it. I wanted to look sluttier. God where had that come from and why?

End of Day Report

It was around 7pm when Chris arrived home. I'd tracked him on Find My so I was just making him a cuppa as he appeared. Hearing the back door open I turned to greet him with a cuppa in hand. He just stood there and looked at me, his mouth open, before he exploded...

"My God Emily, today has been a nightmare. I wanted to call and text so many times. I wanted you to send me pictures of what you look like and hear how you got on. But I decided to tease myself and wait until I got home." he was almost panting and hardly taking a breath "Fuck me you look hot and FUCK. Did you stay like that all day? What did it feel like? Did anyone see? Move your arms. I want to see them better?" I put his tea on the worktop next to me and put my arms on either side of me on that worktop. He grinned, continuing "Fuck I can't believe you stayed like that all day? You did, didn't you?" I didn't respond, wanting him to get it all out of his system. "Fuck they look huge. I'm soo lucky. Please tell me you liked it? Your nipples are up? Did anyone get to see you today? They did, didn't they?" He already knew the answer I could tell. "Do they feel different? How's your back?".

At last he took a breath. Without taking his eyes off my boobs he put his laptop bag down next to him. "Oh my god love, you look soo fucking sexy and amazing. I'm soo lucky and soo happy. Thank you." Well, I really had made his day hadn't I? I'd still not said anything to him, too many questions. He slowly, as if in a trance, walked towards me with his eyes locked to my chest. When he reached me he didn't kiss me, didn't really acknowledge me as a person or woman he just reached for my tits. One with each hand he hefted them, the weight missing from my chest and back was always a relief.

I loved this type of attention from him. I'm sure that a lot of people would say it was demeaning but he is my husband and this is my body. I love that he worships it and me, I feel like a goddess when he's like this. A big titted goddess at that. I learned years ago that everything in life is all about how you choose to look at it. I choose to love feeling the power that I have over him like this and the power he has over me. Both of us wanting to please each other. I was going to ride this wave as long as I could.

"God darn Emily. I can never get over the weight of these." and he leaned in for a kiss, whilst still massaging what he could get into each hand. Which was maybe one third of each boob. This kiss was perfectly timed and I smiled at him.

The next few moments was him quickly taking his shoes off, grabbing his cuppa and sitting at the dining table. He beckoned me to him. "Tell me about today.". Smiling, I quickly joined him. Sitting at his right hand on our large oval table. "Did you stay like this all day?"

My first words to him so far "Yup honey I did."

"Wow, firstly. Thank you, love. I can't believe that you've done this for me, for us."

I beamed, "I can't believe I'm doing it either. But we'll see how it goes. Today was interesting."

"Ohhh share please."

I knew this was coming, I'd already thought about how I'd tell him "Well they're always there. They're always getting in the way. My arms feeling them. It's normal, I'm used to it. However, today it was very different." looking down at them. They were currently hidden under the table top. I knew what he'd like to see. I lifted myself in the seat enough so that they appeared. I leaned forward so that they were now hanging over the table and lowered myself down. Literally plopping them onto the table.

"God darn it Emily." he gasps in response.

I smirked happily that it had the desired effect. "Every single movement I've made today they've been there far more than normal. Every step, they remind me they're not in a bra. Every twist, every pick something up, every turning a tap on, every pick up my mobile." he nodded and I carried on "Even when I sit down I have to deal with them differently." as per my example just now. "When I was on the sofa earlier on my mobile, I had to move them as a nipple was in the way.".

"How did it make you feel?"

"Like I have fucking huge tits." he grinned "Like I have really fecking huge tits." he laughed. So did I. "Today just drummed it home more. A lot more than normal."

"And the bra?"

"Well that made it feel even worse?"

"Oh?" he looked disappointed.

"Worse, as in made them feel bigger and heavier." he raised an eyebrow in confusion so I elaborated "This bra thing that you've made. I feel like it's drawing attention to them more in my head. It's like I know I have a bra on but it's somehow broken. I've caught myself at least 10 times today going to move a strap as it feels like it's not right. It's so strange and hard to describe."

"I like that."

"Yer I thought you probably would. I think it's been good, as it's kinda made me aware of them at a different level. Something like a picture frame. You know, like it sets them off, drawing my mind to them." he nodded and grinned like it was all part of a plan coming together.

"Did you like your hanging free tits today?"

"Yes" I didn't bother teasing him or drawing it out. I genuinely did, but I couldn't answer why. I was glad he didn't ask.

"Will you do it again for me?"

I nodded and smiled "Yes babes."

He almost punched the air, like he'd won the lottery "Yes". Simple things I guess. "What about the tied bit at the top, the root?"

"Yer that's added to it. The tight bit at the top, almost makes the pendulous nature of them more obvious." That was certainly his plan.

"God imagine you going like this everywhere." I was, so was he, clearly. "You're getting used to this, being ok with it. They're very obvious."

"Yer I know." I also know that's part of the point for him and sort of me. I was certainly starting to find my exhibitionist nature with this. "I can't walk very fast like this, they just move too much." he nodded at that.

"That's fine you can just run everywhere." he laughed, smart arse. I gave him a disapproving look. "How do you feel about all this?" he gestured towards my tits sitting on the table.

I didn't need to think about the answer, I'd been thinking about nothing else all day. "It feels wrong. As we said before women want pert breasts. We have bras to show them off nicely, to present them so to speak. A lot of women even have them fixed way before they get to this stage." he looked blankly at me. Clearly knowing there was a lot more to come. "So it's strange to try to embrace something so alien to me." I chose my next words carefully, deliberately as I wanted to gauge his reaction "You're forcing me to go against the grain, to stand out." he looked shocked, good he heard me. Then this is the next part to that "And that's what I love." no reaction, he was waiting for more. "I love that this makes you so excited, I love that other people appear to love this.".

He grinned and cut me off "What's THIS love?" I knew his game.

It was actually tricky for me to say this as it was still very new and weird "Me having big saggy boobs and letting people see them." Now I know that's not exactly what he wants.

And he picked up on it grrr "Not quite."

I comic huffed "Ok, so it's about making my huge tits sag more and look bigger and heavier." god darn that sounded so wrong. But he grinned. Yer yer I get it. "See it's weird to say that and know that's what you want to happen more. Something in me says WHAT THE FUCK this is crazy. But I love you, I truly do, and knowing how much you like it I want to do it." we both paused a second before I corrected myself "Noo I think it's more than that. I'd never do this myself, obviously. But because you're making me do it. I like it." pushing it back to him again, deliberate. "And not being in control of this turns me on. So yes I'll keep doing it."

We both smiled at each other. "Did anyone see you like this today?"

"Narrr, I didn't go out." I was lying and he knew it, I knew he'd seen the delivery driver that came.

"You sure?" and the timer on the oven went. I got up and went to put dinner out. He just sat there watching me. I quite liked it. I had to be careful with my newly unfettered boobs that I didn't get them in our dinner plates.

We ate dinner and talked about other boring normal things. However I was wearing my bra contraption under my t-shirt and as it had all day it felt weird. He kept looking and smiling, I wonder when the novelty of this was going to wear off.

Washing Up

After dinner he got up to do the clearing up, loaded the dishwasher, ran warm water into a bowl to clean up the bits that didn't fit. He was washing the wine glasses and had a few bits more to do, he'd been at work all day and I thought I could do that. "You go sit down hunky." I'll do those.

He turned, looking tired. "It's ok I've got it."

I stood up and walked towards him "Nope I want to look after my man, I have it covered." he smiled back and stood to one side. Quickly drying his hands as I stepped up to the sink to finish off where he was. My hands made light work of the glasses and I was quickly down to the last pan when I felt him snuggled up behind me. It was nice and a usual interaction until...

"I noticed that nice skirt you have on babes. You never wear skirts." he wriggled up close behind me so that I could feel his entire body against mine. I then felt him pulling the hem up on it a little, tugging it up my thighs. He stopped when it was mid thigh, now a very short mini skirt. "You should wear it like this. It looks much hotter." and he started to kiss my neck.

I'd stopped washing up and started to melt into him. This was unheard of, this was sexy as hell, this was fast turning me on, I liked this a lot. With my hands still in the water, the bowl now empty, no longer washing up, he continued to kiss and tease me "What made you change into a skirt?".

His hands now reached round the front of me and of course cupped a boob each. Kneading and playing with them. I didn't answer his question except for a sexual moan. "Something made you put the skirt on. I think we need to buy you some mini skirts to go with the new you."

"Ummmmm yesss" was my auto answer to his manipulations.

"Saturday I'm going to take you out to get some new clothes for you. Ones that suit my new slutty wife."

"Ummm" I closed my eyes and felt his foot tapping mine, pushing my legs apart. I helped him and spread them wide. This caused the skirt to pull tighter on my thighs reminding me how short it was. He's also moved his fingers to start attacking my nipples. I was really getting turned on now, my body responding to him.

"I'm going to take you out shopping with your big fat cow tits on display." Ohhh god, I knew it would happen one day but so quick and cow tits, ohh god. "People will notice you and look, you know that right?".

"Ummm yess, ooh god no."

"You'll do it for me won't you?"

God if he makes me feel like this, obviously yes "Umm yes babes." One of his hands leaves a nipple moved to my back pushing me forward over the skin. That sort of wakes me up. There's a bowl of water in front of me "Errrr" I ask him.

"Suush and do what you're told slut." oooh god I like this new Chris. He continues to push me forward. This other hand then moves from my boobs to leave them to swing forward and out, confined only by the t-shirt. He stops pushing me forward but leaves that hand there. This other hand pushes down between the front of me and the skin. He swiftly finds my wet panties and starts to fiddle with me.

"Ohhh gawwwddd Chris." is all I can say to him, it feels soo good. I feel soo naughty. Just like when I was on that webcam. Taking my wet hands out of the bowl I reach for the far side of the sink to brace myself. At the same time he pushes me further forward. Oh god is he going to try to fuck me like this. Over the kitchen sink?

"Ummm god Emily, you are such an amazing, sexy woman. I love you, your body and everything about you." and my boobs are now in the soapy water, my t-shirt is wet. He knows exactly what he's doing. His other hand now joins his first. One set of fingers pulls my panties to one side and the other starts to fiddle with my wet clit. "Just look at you. Mini skirt on to tease everyone. Pussy wet ready for a cock. Tits now in a wet t-shirt. You're turning into a cock tease aren't you?"

"God Chris, yes." ohhh this felt good. His fingers felt good. "Ummmmmm" I could also now feel his very hard cock against my skirt covered ass.

"Did someone else see your huge tits today love?"

I knew what he was getting at and it was time to play "Ummm yes, the Amazon delivery man.".

"I know. Did you let me have a good look at your amazing tits?"

"God yes, he couldn't take his eyes off them" sort of true.

"Did you show them off like a cock tease that you are?"

Ohhh good his fingers on me felt good "Yes I didn't hide them. I let him look." I didn't really. I actually held my arms across them as my heart was beating too fast and I was too scared. But right now I could see myself standing at the door with him and I was thrusting them out enjoying his staring. "I think he wanted to ooh ggodddd." it was coming.


"I, ooh oogggoodddd, I think he, ohhh, wanted to grab them." I was close, so close. Picturing him leaning forward to just hold my tits. There at the door, a strange delivery driver.

"God you are a dirty slut. Next time let him."

"Ohhh ggdddddd yyeess."

"Promise me."

"Ohhh goddd I'm gonna" he knew what to do, his fingers applied a little more pressure, a little more speed and hit it me "Ummmm cccuuuuuuummmmmmiiinnnnnggggG" as my tits splashed around in the bowl. My body jerking. "Ugghhhh hhhhhhh"

"My dirty dirty slut." he continued to play me, I continued through an immense orgasm. Truly amazing. "That's it babes, cum for me, wet my fingers with your sex juice."

My head was spinning "Gooodddddd good, yyeessssss."

As I started to come down from it, he started to lighten up the playing on my clit. But he knew he could drag it out. With the odd burst of short quick strokes I continued to jerk "Ohhhh" softer but still soo pleasurable. "Ohhh". My arms just about still supporting me. "Ummmm".

He knew when to stop, when it became a little too sensitive. His fingers withdrew and he stepped back. I stood there like that and didn't move. "Fuck Emily you look god darn amazing." I knew what that meant and I knew what he was doing.

I held this pose for him not knowing exactly what I looked like. "You'd better not show them to anyone else you perv.".

"Teehee" he didn't deny that he was taking pictures of me like this and he didn't confirm he wasn't going to put them online. I bowed my head more, taking in breath, still coming down from the sexual haze. "Spread your legs a little more and before forward more."

I absently did what he instructed. My legs now wide apart, my wet pussy feeling the cool air on it. My boobs now deeper into the water. Then he blew my mind..

"I wonder what your black lover mutt1964 will make of these pictures. I'd imagine he'll want to breed you even more, lets see." I spun my head to look at Chris. Watching him typing away on his phone.

"God Chris no." but I knew he'd already sent them.

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xyz1562xyz156210 months ago

Thank you for your inside views. I found them extremely stimulating (informative). I enjoyed it very much and it got me very excited. You totally got me with what you wrote. Again, thank you so much for this.

I ask you for part two!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I love your stories. And I would love to read about breast enlargement by taking hormons.

All the best

bu5ty_tightbu5ty_tightabout 1 year ago

Well I was not expecting this. Shit and wow. /bow

NaturalHammerNaturalHammerabout 1 year agoAuthor

This was going to stand on it's own. But good comments, great feedback emails and my mind are all taking me to part two. Sort of writing it now ... do get in touch if you have ideas or want to see something happen.

rm888mrrm888mrover 1 year ago

Great story. I am looking forward to reading more.

Raveneye50Raveneye50over 1 year ago

Great story so far, don’t listen to others n——r added to the story keep it up. Should Emily ever meet him a nice long golden shower to clean those heavy hangers off would be a nice touch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Super hot. but will never understand why Whyppl think that the N-word is sexy. People who aren't Whyte read this stuff too. Wrenched me out of an otherwise very sexy story. And was entirely unnecessary. I'm a 34JJ. It's nice to read about someone who really enjoys that.

LivelovecumLivelovecumover 1 year ago

Very good. I liked that it was from her point of view. I have read and enjoyed all of Emily's stories.

limpcucklimpcuckover 1 year ago

Part two is a must, get writing fast!!!!!

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