Salacious Tales Pt. 01


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"Mr. Rose," Lenny said, offering her hand to the suitor.

"Mr. Rose," Georgia said, Southern accent nearly absent now. "Has asked if he might call upon you."

"Oh!" Lenny asked, looking from Daniel's face to her mother's tightly pinched features.

"And, of course, he would like to know if that would be agreeable with you," Georgia snapped.

"Yes, yes, I do believe that this should be most agreeable," Lenny said, blushing hotly.

"Wonderful! Simply wonderful," Daniel enthused. "If it pleases you, I shall fetch you at seven this very evening; the dining hall is featuring Shepherd's Pie. But, of course you may also order venison if you would prefer. He also does a fine cobbler, a mighty fine cobbler indeed using canned peaches."

Taking his leave, Daniel left the boarding house. He smiled as he heard a very unladylike squeal announce his departure. Taking a moment to light a much needed cigar, Daniel crossed the path and stepped onto the wooden sidewalk in front of the Territory Bank of New Mexico. A rapping sound drew his attention to the boarding house again and Daniel glanced from the first floor windows up to the second floor's five windows. In the fourth window of the boardinghouse, he saw Eleanor's beaming face. With a happy wave, she pursed her lips and blew him a kiss. Then the curtain fluttered shut and she disappeared from sight. Daniel smiled up at the vacant window, then continued along his path.

That evening, Daniel again sat in the parlor of the boarding house. He rose when Eleanor entered the parlor. Bigging Georgia Sheffield a pleasant evening, Daniel escorted Eleanor from boardinghouse to the dining room of the Desert Rose Hotel.

The dress looked a bit too tight, a tad uncomfortable on her. Daniel smiled; it was apparent that this gown was Eleanor's very best dress.

If she was ill at ease in the far too snug garment, Eleanor's effusive mood disguised her discomfort well. The blackberry wine served with the hearty meal contributed to Eleanor's happy mood and loosed any social decorum she may have possessed. Twice during the meal, Eleanor did playfully reached over and stroke Daniel's bushy mustache. She squealed and laughed happily when he bit her impertinent fingers. The third time she reached over, he caused another shriek of laughter when he playfully snapped at her fingers.

Then she redirected her hand from his handsome face to his lap. The starched sun-bleached table cloth obscured his lap from view. Nothing could obscure the rise of his thick brown eyebrows or the startled gaze of his large eyes.

"Miss Sheffield," he hissed, cheeks colored. "That, that is most forward, most forward indeed."

"Henny and Jenny said they was going do their best steal you away," Lenny said, big brown eyes filling with tears.

"Eleanor, they, I have no designs on either of your two sisters," Daniel said, removing her hand from his lap and bringing her hand to his lips.

"In truth, Miss Sheffield, I find your sisters tedious, most tedious indeed," Daniel continued, softly kissing the tip of each finger of her pudgy hand.

He softly placed her hand onto her own lap. He poured her some more of the thick, far too sweet wine. She quickly drank the glass and smiled at him.

"It's just that, I mean, Tom? He said he fancied me, then Henny just up and..." Lenny whispered.

"Not all men are as fickle as young Thomas Fielder," Daniel assured the girl, pouring the last dregs of the wine into her glass.

After they'd enjoyed the canned peach cobbler, Eleanor was very agreeable to a wagon ride by moonlight to Sopopaya Lake. She even let a giggle escape her smiling lips when Daniel firmly placed his hand upon her left buttock to assist her into the seat of his buckboard wagon.

"Ah, but you shouldn't put your hand upon a lady's posterior," Lenny playfully chided him.

Before he could retort, she kissed him. Pulling her lips from his lips, she giggled and rubbed his mustache with her finger.

"I've not decided if I like your mustache or not," Lenny declared, then rested firmly against his side as he clucked to the horses.

"You not only like my mustache, you think my mustache feels most delightful as it graces your beautiful lips with tender kisses," Daniel insisted.

They could have walked from hotel dining room to the lake, but Daniel knew that some of the wildlife that frequented the lake at night were unsafe to happen upon. Thrice he himself had come too close to rattlesnakes and once, a group of feral hogs had let him know they wanted nothing to do with his presence while they watered themselves.

After a few kisses, kisses that progressed from closed lips pressing against closed lips to open mouthed and even softly touching one another's tongues with their own tongue, Eleanor again placed her small hand directly upon Daniel's crotch. She gasped and shuddered mightily when Daniel's fingers sought out her hard nipples through bodice and corset. There were no breasts to speak of; there was not even a swell of flesh to indicate any development underneath bodice and corset. Her nipples, however were large and quite aroused.

"I, I, when I bring myself pleasure, I pinch them real hard," she gasped out then pressed her hungry lips to his lips.

"Augh! I, oh yes, oh dear Father!" Lenny cried out as Daniel pinched her large nipple very firmly.

With shaking hands, Eleanor unbuttoned his trousers, babbling about something Henny had hinted at. She again gasped, shuddered then cried out when Daniel's thumb and forefinger clamped down upon her left nipple.

"Oh dear Father, I, and this, this will somehow fit into my cleft?" Lenny gasped, freeing Daniel's throbbing erection from his trousers.

With one more kiss to his lips, Eleanor said Henny had instructed her on a delightful pastime, one that Daniel was sure to enjoy. Then Eleanor did say she had not expected Daniel's manhood to be quite so large. Nevertheless, she would do her best.

"Oh. Oh dear Father," Lenny murmured, bending at the waist as she knelt upon the hard wooden bench of his wagon.

"Oh dear Father!" Daniel agreed as Eleanor brought her mouth to the head of his member.

"I, oh, oh dear sweet Eleanor," Daniel cried out as her small tongue lapped all around the flared head of his cock.

Her groping hand had peeled his foreskin down, exposing the extremely sensitive head of his manhood. Her soft yet insistent tongue came into direct contact with this most sensitive part of his anatomy, sending currents, waves of pleasure throughout his body.

While her tongue lapped at the head of his manhood, her fist stroked up and down the shaft of his column. Her fingers did not meet her thumb as her fist encircled the shaft but she held him firmly as she sank her mouth down over his head and foreskin.

"I, oh, oh dear Eleanor, I, I fear I shall spend," Daniel warned, panting heavily.

"Mm hmm," Lenny moaned deep in her throat.

With a guttural groan that caused a nearby owl to hoot loudly, Daniel did spurt mightily. Eleanor let out a squeal but continued to lap at his cock, continued to stroke his column.

"Oh, oh dear Eleanor, please, please do stop," Daniel finally moaned, slumped over.

"I, did I please you?" Lenny asked, pulling her demanding mouth from his slowly wilting member.

"Oh, oh yes, dear Eleanor, you pleased me greatly," Daniel smiled, pulling her to again sit correctly on the bench of the wagon.

"Henny said it would taste real bad but I should just swallow it," Lenny disclosed. "But it didn't taste bad at all."

"So, I've somehow chanced upon a true fellatrix?" Daniel thought, remembering an illicit novella he'd read, written by one Randy Gent. (1)

In the novella, 'The Enterprising Young Maiden,' (2), a younger sister witnessed her older sister performing fellatio on their landlord, in lieu of their rent. The illicit sight inspired the younger sister to also begin performing fellatio on random men, young and old. By the story's end, the younger sister, having charged each man fifty cents for these oral act, has accrued enough money to purchase their very own home.

"Now, now my dear Eleanor, may I pleasure you?" Daniel asked, sliding to the board underneath the seat to kneel between her plump legs.

"You, you shant put your manhood into my cleft," Lenny said, firmly placing her hand between her knees to prevent him from raising her skirt and crinolines.

"No, no, see? My manhood, I have tucked it away safely," Daniel smiled, softly kissing her lips.

Eleanor relented and allowed him to lift skirt and single layered undergarment. By the moonlight, Daniel was able to see a dark thatch of curls. He could also see a glimmer of pink flesh attempting to bisect her triangle of hairs.

"We shall just..." Daniel murmured, placing her heavy thighs onto his broad shoulders.

"I, oh! Oh, that, what? What are you doing?" Lenny grunted in alarm as Daniel's breath blew across her overheated labia.

She grimaced as his thumbs gently opened her sex. A low, guttural grunt escaped when she felt Daniel's tongue flickering along her very wet labia.

"Oh, oh dear Father!" Lenny cried out when Daniel's lips captured her bud of pleasure.

I, oh, oh aieegh!" Lenny screamed as her climax overwhelmed her senses.

Twice more, his tongue and lips caused her to cry out to the Heavenly Father. Finally, he gently kissed her right, then her left thigh and pulled his head from between her legs.

She gasped and wheezed, attempting to catch her breath while he took his seat next to her. She turned weakly and pressed her lips to his smiling lips. Pulling back, she smiled and rubbed his mustache with her finger.

"I have decided I do care for your mustache," she declared.

"Splendid. Most splendid indeed," Daniel smiled and she giggled.

Arriving to the boarding house, Daniel assisted Eleanor from the wagon. He hugged her tightly to himself and kissed her tenderly. Again, she smiled and rubbed his mustache with her finger.

"Oh! I had nearly forgotten!" Daniel said and handed her the tin of chocolate confections that he had held back from the carnival workers.

"Oh! Chocolates! I, oh, won't Henny and Jenny be so jealous!" Lenny gasped excitedly.

Saturday afternoon, just as he was preparing to close the mercantile, an unaccompanied Georgia Sheffield entered. She did return Daniel's greeting even as her eyes swept the good offered by the store. She even paused to finger the few bolts of velvets and satins on display.

"Mr. Rose, I do not believe we've seen you in church in all the time we've called Sopopaya our home," Georgia said, accent heavy.

"No, no ma'am, you've not," Daniel agreed.

"You don't believe in God?" she asked, now fixing him with a hard stare.

"Hmm? Why of course I believe in God. The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost," Daniel said, resisting the urge to make the sign of the cross on forehead, heart, and left then right shoulder.

"Then why..." Georgia demanded.

Daniel knew that the Catholic Church forbade mixed marriages. Any Catholic that should marry someone of a different faith could be excommunicated from the Catholic faith, and therefore, their children could not receive the sacrament of baptism. Without baptism, their children could not hope to enter the gates of Heaven.

"I will be there this Sunday," Daniel decided.

"Very well," Georgia Sheffield smiled a surprisingly genuine smile. "And afterward, we shall have Sunday dinner at Mrs. McDermott's home. She does prepare a very fine fried chicken dinner."

"Oh? Should I bring anything? Perhaps a freshly baked loaf of bread?" Daniel offered. "Or I shall bring cobbler; Jasper has happened upon a blackberry bush."

"Blackberry cobbler! Oh, that, that would be most wonderful," Georgia agreed.

Daniel found the service long and woverwrought. The Reverend Vincent was indeed most enamored with his own voice and did drone on overlong. As Thomas Rose, Daniel's father would have said, 'Man uses a lot of words to say nothing.'

Glancing about, Daniel could see that others would be in agreement with him. Some men had begun to nod off in the stifling heat of the building. Even Julia, the reverend's daughter looked absolutely bored with the whole ordeal as she perched on the small pew just behind her father.

As Reverend Vincent droned on, Eleanor looked up and smiled at Daniel. Daniel returned the young woman's smile and she shivered in happiness, leaning heavily against him. A throat clearing from Mrs. Sheffield caused Eleanor to sit upright again, but again, she beamed happily up at Daniel.

"I shall fetch the cobbler and meet you at Mrs. McDermott's home," Daniel said when Reverend Vincent finally ran out of words and bade everyone a good Sunday.

"Yes, yes. We shall meet you at Mrs. McDermott's home," Georgia agreed.

"I can go with him?" Lenny begged her mother.

"You may not," Georgia said, causing the eighteen year old girl to pout like a petulant toddler.

The dinner itself was fine; Mrs. McDermott was a good cook and prepared a fine Southern style meal of fried chicken, mashed potatoes with a skillet gravy, black eyed peas and steamed turnip greens. There were even large flaky biscuits.

During the meal, Henny, Jenny, and Penny did much to annoy Eleanor. The three sisters missed no opportunity to denigrate their sister in front of Eleanor's suitor. Their blatant flirtations with him did irritate Daniel and Georgia's blind eye to the antics of her daughters did mystify Daniel.

Once home, in his rooms on the second and third floors above his mercantile, Daniel found his King James Bible. He had a Catholic Bible, a Family Bible should he ever begin a family of his own. Written in the leaf of the book were his mother, father, one brother and two sisters. There were the names of his parents' parents as well as the siblings and offspring of these parents. But the Reverend Mark Vincent had held aloft a King James Bible as he ranted and railed.

The King James bible had been gifted to Daniel by Earl Jarvis, his friend and business partner. He and Daniel had happened upon the idea of operating a stagecoach from Lake Charles, Louisiana to Houston, Texas and to Dallas, Texas. The money had been good, had been steady. There had been many that fancied a visit to the thriving Texas communities. There were also some that commissioned Earl and Daniel to take them east, from Lake Charles to New Orleans.

Shortly after the War of Northern Aggression had come to a close, on a lonely stretch between Lake Charles and Dallas, the stagecoach had been waylaid by seven Confederate rebels. The seven did not survive the confrontation, but Earl had not survived either. With his last breath, Earl had told Daniel to take his Bible; it was a very special bible.

Inside of the bible, Daniel found information about a savings account Earl Jarvis had in a New Orleans bank. Daniel had no idea how Earl Jarvis had accumulated the ten thousand four hundred and nine dollars and thirty two cents in the account. But he agreed with Earl, it was a very special bible. This, along with his own savings had been used to settle in Sopopaya, in the New Mexico territory.

Now, in his parlor, Daniel sat, back to the late afternoon sun streaming through his window and looked up the passages Reverend Vincent had quoted during that Sunday's service. As he read, Daniel's lips pursed in consternation. The Reverend was less than precise in his statements even as he claimed his words did come straight from Scripture.

Monday morning, Daniel greeted the stationmaster and asked to send a telegram. He impressed upon the stationmaster the importance of discretion. For, should others learn that information entrusted to the stationmaster would become heralded about, few would ever use his services again. With reddened face, the pudgy man did agree to secrecy.

Twice more, Daniel took Eleanor to dinner then to the lake. He also spent two evenings sat in the parlor of Mrs. McDermott's home, playing chess with Eleanor. In truth, she was a dreadful player, but Daniel still managed to lose the game to her.

A few days after their courtship had begun, the stationmaster sent a young lad with a folded telegraph. Daniel smiled as the young boy happily accepted a silver dime for his service. Then Daniel unfolded the slip of paper and read the words. His eyebrows rose, then settled again and Daniel smiled tightly.

The third time they went to the lake, Eleanor climbed over the bench of the wagon to lie in the back of the wagon. When Daniel joined her, he saw that she had completely disrobed. She possessed large light brown areolae with long nipples. Her belly was soft, with a tunnel of a navel. Her sex was covered by a dark thatch of brown curls, her hips were full and her thighs were plump.

She held out her chubby arms and begged him to lie with her, to pluck her maidenhead. Daniel knelt and gaped upon her pale, plump flesh with want, but made no move to free his aching manhood from his trousers.

"No, no dear sweet Eleanor, I shall not," Daniel said with great reluctance.

Bidding Eleanor to dress again, Daniel took her directly to the boarding house. A much chastened Eleanor sat on the bench next tto the silent Daniel as the horses trotted a now very familiar path.

"Please, please do fetch your mother," Daniel ordered, entering the dark parlor of the house with Eleanor.

"You, you don't want to be with me?" Lenny sobbed mightily.

"Please, Eleanor, do ask your mother to meet with me," Daniel asked, softly kissing her.

He heard her heavy feet trodding along the floor then up the stairs. A door slammed a moment later. Daniel smirked; there were more than two sets of feet treading the hall directly overhead.

"Yes, yes, what is it?" Georgia ordered, sweeping into the parlor as Daniel lighted one of the lamps.

"Mrs. Sheffield, I do apologize for disturbing your rest," Daniel said, bowing to the woman. "But I see no reason to prolong the matter. Mrs. Sheffield I've come to request the hand of your daughter, Eleanor Sheffield in holy matrimony.

Georgia gasped, placing her hand to her breast. There were three gasps then a heavy thump from the great dining room just past the parlor. Striding into the dining room, Daniel ignored the three blonde girls clad in their sleepwear and lifted the unconscious Eleanor from the floor. He smirked at the three blondes as he returned to the parlor.

"I, Mr. Rose, I, Lenny?" Georgia asked as Daniel settled the slowly reviving Eleanor onto the settee.

"I, this, this ain't you just trying make me jealous?" Henny demanded, storming into the parlor.

"Daniel, you, you really want, you really want marry me?" Lenny whispered, staring hard at his face.

"Yes, yes my dearest Eleanor, I really do want to marry you," he softly agreed.

"I wholeheartedly give my blessing," Georgia said, shoving the incensed Henny out of the room. "Of course, you'll have to arrange with Reverend Vincent when he can do the wedding."

"Oh, splendid," Daniel said.

The following morning, Daniel dressed himself in his Sunday's finest. After applying a brisk polish to his boots, Daniel walked from the hotel to the church. Entering the large building, Daniel wondered at how loud his footsteps sounded as he walked along the aisle that bisected the pews, left and right. Daniel paused for a long moment outside of the minister's office, then rapped smartly on the man's door.

Entering the man's office, Daniel and the Reverend Vincent exchanged stiff pleasantries. Upon being offered a seat in the stiff and uncomfortable chair across the desk from Reverend Vincent, Daniel took his seat and broached the subject of marriage to Eleanor Sheffield.

Reverend Vincent smugly declared that unless Daniel were to be baptized in his church and renounce his Catholic faith, then Daniel Rose would not be married in his church. He sat, thick lips curled in an imperious smile as Daniel regarded him. He frowned slightly when Daniel smiled widely.