Salacious Tales Pt. 01


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"Well, Mister Marks..." Daniel began.

"That is Reverend Mark Vincent," Reverend Vincent snapped.

"Reverend Vincent, Mister Marks, it is of no great importance to myself," Daniel said, sitting back and unbuttoning his jacket.

The maneuver exposed Daniel's Colt.45 in the well-worn holster. Reverend Vincent's flat brown eyes opened wide at the sight of the large weapon. The well-worn condition of the holster did not escape the man's attention; the holster, and therefore, the gun had been used to some great extent.

"Reverend Vincent, you can either marry Eleanor and myself in your church," Daniel said tightly. "Or the next reverend shall perform the services."

"I, are you threatening..." Reverend Vincent blustered, eyes firmly fixed upon the heavy and lethal gun at Daniel's side.

"Oh, I would never deign to threaten a man of the cloth, a man of faith, even if I do not believe in that man's faith," Daniel smiled magnanimously, reaching into the pocket of his jacket.

He pulled out the telegram. Reverend Vincent watched as Daniel quietly read the words on the slip of paper to himself. Daniel smiled, placing the telegram on the man's desk. Mark looked at the telegram, losing color.

"I...I see," Vincent David Marks said, Adams apple bobbing up and down.

"I know not, nor do I care what happened in Ohio that caused you and Helen to flee out west to Sopopaya," Daniel said.

"It, it was a misunderstanding. A grave misunderstanding," Reverend Vincent mumbled, wiping at his brow.

"Shall we say next Saturday, the twelfth?" Daniel smiled, standing.

"Two in the afternoon?" Reverend Vincent agreed as Daniel plucked the telegram from the desk.

"Four. Four in the afternoon. From there, we can meet in the hotel's dining room for a wedding feast," Daniel stated.

"Very...very well," Reverend Vincent mumbled.

From the church, Daniel strode with purpose to the stationmaster's office. He dictated another telegram and paid for the telegram. He checked his watch and nodded with approval; the eastbound train's approaching whistle could be heard; right on schedule. From the train station, Daniel hurried to Mrs. McDermott's boarding house.

Georgia plastered a happy smile upon her lips when Daniel announced the date and time of the wedding. She then began a list of demands. Daniel listened to each demand for but a few moments before finally stating that she, and her daughter could certainly attain all of Georgia's desired gowns and decorations and imported flowers.

"After all, Mrs. Sheffield, it is the bride's family's duties and responsibilities to proffer payment for their daughter's nuptials."

"I, well, see I, we..." Georgia stammered.

"Now, if you wish? I would be most happy to accommodate a simple, elegant celebration for Eleanor and myself," Daniel smiled. "And, I shall even supply the wedding meal for all of our guests."

Mrs. McDermott's widowed sister, Mrs. Timmons was a seamstress and did reach an agreed upon fee to create a wedding dress for Eleanor as well as dresses for Georgia Sheffield and Henny, Jenny, and Penny Sheffield. Daniel agreed to the proposed charges and even ordered the bolts of cloth for the seamstress.

"Oh! Oh, you, you will just love my wedding dress!" Lenny enthused during one of their meals together.

"My dear, sweet Eleanor, I am sure you will look absolutely beautiful in anything Mrs. Timmons creates for you," Daniel smiled.

"And Mrs. McDermott heard Henny say she was going to rip it? Right before the wedding?" Lenny continued. "And she went and told Momma, anything happens to my wedding dress? The dress her sister was working so hard on? Mrs. McDermott would have Momma and Henny and Jenny and Penny leaving her home forthwith."

"Well, I do hope Henny pays heed to Mrs. McDermott's words," Daniel agreed.

On the afternoon of the eleventh, Daniel greeted a man that stepped off of the two fifty pm train. The two men shook hands and Daniel waved an employee of the hotel forward. With a bow, Jasper took the man's quite heavy valise and followed Mr. Daniel and the guest from train station to hotel.

"Ah, a saloon?" the guest asked, glancing over as the jaunty, jangly music spilled from the louvered doors.

"Would you care for some refreshment? We do have a whiskey, Iron Barrel whiskey," Daniel offered.

"I am sure it is of fine quality," the guest agreed. "Perhaps later. For now? I wish nothing more than a hot bath and a soft bed."

"Very well," Daniel smiled, indicating the door of the hotel. "We can provide you with both the hot bath and the soft bed."

The following afternoon, Daniel again polished his boots, dressed in his finest suit and hurried to the church. The wedding was a simple, tasteful ceremony. Daniel did pledge to uplift his bride, to cherish her all the days of his life. With happy tears, Eleanor promised to love, honor, and obey Daniel Samuel Rose until the bonds of death proved to be stronger than the bonds of matrimony.

A boar had been roasting over an open flame for the better part of two days. The chest cavity had been stuffed with chopped onions, chopped green peppers, herbs and spices and canned pears. Cutting the chest open, the three cooks had made a gravy out of the contents, chopped up some meat from the shoulder and mixed together gravy, meat chunks and wild rice to serve alongside the thick pork chops.

At meal's end, the waiter proudly wheeled out a cake. The bride and groom served wedding cake to their guests, toasted their guests, friends and family alike, then disappeared to begin their lives as man and wife.

Daniel and Eleanor traversed the wooden sidewalk from hotel dining room to the side door of the Rose Mercantile. Daniel urged Eleanor to proceed him up the stairwell to the second floor. He did smirk; the full skirt of the wedding dress did rasp against the walls of the narrow stairwell as she tromped up the hollow sounding boards.

Daniel unlocked and opened the door of the apartment and hoisted Eleanor into his arms. Looking into her loving eyes, Daniel felt a swelling of his heart as they stepped over the threshold into their home. Her genuine smile of happiness filled his heart and mind to overflowing with gratitude.

For three dollars apiece, two of the dancing girls had thoroughly cleaned Daniel's apartment the previous afternoon. Upon entering Daniel's abode for the first time, Eleanor saw a clean, well-organized home. When Daniel set her onto her feet, Eleanor took in the spacious second and third floor abode. She fell in love with her new sewing room and agreed with Daniel; this room would readily make a fine nursery for their children.

The three bedrooms upstairs would provide plenty of room for these children when they'd did grow out of the need of their nursery.

"And here is our bedchambers, my darling Eleanor," Daniel said, stepping aside so that his bride could enter the second floor bedroom.

The setting sun did cast some light into the northern window. Daniel strode to the low dresser and lighted a kerosene lamp. Then, taking his bride's small hand into his large hand, he smiled down into her wide, innocent eyes. Pulling her to himself, Daniel bent and softly kissed her lips.

"By the by, you are simply a vision of true beauty in that gown," Daniel stated.

"Thank you," she beamed under his praise.

"And, I, we shall take great care to preserve this gown for any daughter that shall grace our home," Daniel assured her as he slowly turned her to face away from himself.

"Oh," Eleanor said when she raised her eyes and saw that she now faced a free standing looking glass that showed herself and her husband standing, her just in front of him as he moved her long hair aside.

"Oh," she gasped as she felt his fingers at the small pearl buttons that fastened the back of the elegant gown.

"Oh, oh Daniel," Eleanor gasped a guttural moan as his bristly mustache grazed along her bare shoulder.

Daniel loosed all the buttons down to Eleanor's waist. He displayed an intuition when he hoisted the dress upward, rather than attempting to force the gown down over her heavy full skirt. As the gown left her form, Eleanor was stood in only her full underskirt of stiff lace and crinoline. Daniel opened the door of the armoire and used a cloth padded clothes hanger that Mrs. Timmons had provided to him for this express purpose. Shutting the door of the tall piece of furniture, Daniel turned and beheld his nearly naked bride.

Sliding his jacket from his shoulders, Daniel smiled at the blushing girl. He draped his jacket over his clothes horse sat in the corner of the room.

"Now, now my dear wife," Daniel husked, stepping behind her again. "Now I shall fully expose your charms to my wondering gaze."

Kneeling, he kissed from shoulder along her spine to the swell of her full buttocks. Each kiss caused a tremor from his bride. His teeth playfully tugged at the hem of her skirt, pulling her skirt downward, exposing more and more of her buttocks to his hungry eyes.

"Oh!' both Daniel and Eleanor did groan as the skirt fell from her buttocks to puddle at her feet.

Delivering a playful bite to each buttock, Daniel urged Eleanor to step clear of the garment. Rising, he carefully folded it as Mrs. Timmons had instructed him to do. When the loudly rasping and skritching garment was folded, Daniel opened the lid of the cedar chest and placed the garment into the depths of the brand new chest.

Turning, Daniel caught the sight of his bride's nude front in the reflection of the looking glass. Her lovely brown tresses had looped across her left shoulder, obscuring her left breast and hard nipple from sight. Her right breast, the right half of her dark curls and her plump thigh were visible.

And, he spied his wife's graceful shoulders, pale and rounded. Her arms were chubby, also quite pale. Her back was smooth from shoulders down to her prominent posterior. Each large buttock was a pale white hillock of flesh; the hillocks were bisected by a deep furrow. Daniel felt his excitement spurt into his trousers as he envisioned the beauty that lay between those glorious mounds of feminen grace.

Daniel again approached his wife. Eleanor's eyes watched him in the large looking glass. Her lips curled up in a smile as he smiled at her reflection.

"Oh!" Eleanor squealed as Daniel bent and scooped her nude form up and into his strong arms.

With several kisses, Daniel carried her to the bed then lay her down on the soft goose feather mattress. Her two pillows were of goose down; Daniel had purchased this bed with the purpose that it should be comfortable, inviting. After all, he planned to spend much time in this bed, devoting much of his efforts to pleasuring his wife.

Laying against her pillows, Eleanor watched her husband as he removed his shirt. Her eyes opened wide at the sight of his thick mat of chest hairs and his well-muscled arms and chest. Then, after he slid his highly polished boots from his legs, he unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his trousers.

"I, oh, oh yes," Eleanor hissed in delight at the sight of her nude husband.

His arms and chest were hairy, muscled, the arms of a man. His belly was trim, tapering into narrow hips. His manhood was an impressive sight, even as she had seen it four times previously. In its excited state, it was an imposing column of flesh. His hairy pouch contained two large orbs, orbs that she knew from experience could provide much of his delicious semen. His thighs were also very hairy, very muscular.

"And you desired me? Over my sisters? Or even my mother," Eleanor wondered aloud as she gazed at her husband's beautiful form and handsome face.

"I am the one that is amazed, dear wife," Daniel stated as he climbed into the bed to lie next to her. "Amazed that you should desire me."

"And I do desire you," she whispered, bringing her lips to his.

He kissed her lips, then her throat. His bristles tickled her sensitive skin and she shivered. He kissed her flat chest and began gnawing lightly as he neared her left areole and hard nipple. Reaching the hard nub, Daniel sucked the nipple into his mouth and gave a forceful draw on the tender bud.

"I, oh, oh yes, oh dear Daniel," Eleanor squealed in climax.

Leaning over her, Daniel captured her right areole and treated the tender bud to a forceful suck, then a light grazing with his teeth. Again, his bride cried out in climax.

He kissed downward, along her plump belly. He delved his tongue playfully into the deep tunnel that was her navel. She squealed in displeasure, then laughed out loud as he gave a large bite to her soft belly. Sucking one more kiss from her lips, Daniel then eased Eleanor's heavy thighs apart. He knelt between her thighs and brought his mouth to her triangle of dark curls.

"Oh, oh dear Daniel, dear sweet Daniel," Eleanor sighed happily as her husband feasted upon her essences.

His tongue flickered up and down her puffy labia, delicious little licks of his tongue. When he reached her clitoris, Eleanor trembled then bucked slightly as he gave several forceful swipes of her bud of pleasure. She then cried out in climax when his teeth nipped at her clitoris. Twice more, her loving and attentive husband did bring her to pleasure with mouth and tongue and teeth.

"I fear, in my overexcited condition, I may not pleasure you," Daniel stated, walking on knees to her head.

He held his manhood in his hand and presented the head of his member to her lips. Without hesitation, Eleanor opened her lips and swallowed as much of his manhood into her mouth as would fit. Inexplicably, Daniel held her hands above her head, forcing Eleanor to use lips and tongue without the use of her hands to bring him to his conclusion.

"Mm, I, oh, oh God," Eleanor fidgeted, squirming from side to side.

"I, please, I, must touch myself," Eleanor grunted, trying to free her hands from his firm grasp.

"Finish me," Daniel ordered, voice firm.

"Ooooohh!" Eleanor moaned and sucked forcefully at his member.

"I, oh, oh yes, oh dear girl, dear sweet girl, I, I spend," Daniel moaned and began to pump his seed into Eleanor's mouth.

In his climax, Daniel released his grip on Eleanor's hands. Upon gaining freedom, her hands flew to her sex and she rubbed herself frantically. Before his last spurt of semen pulsed into her sucking mouth, Eleanor screamed in release.

Lying down next to Eleanor, Daniel cuddled her in his arms. He reached a hand down and lightly stroked her nipples, then her belly, and finally, he combed his fingers through the tuft of dark hair between her legs.

His fingers slid up and down along her cleft. Her sex was wet, drooling her excitement. As he rubbed his fingers over her, his thumb grazed her clitoris and she shuddered. When his thumb again grazed her bud of pleasure, she let out a low, guttural moan.

"Dear wife, you, are you ready?" Daniel whispered into her ear.

"Oh, oh yes, yes my dear darling Daniel," Eleanor panted, clutching his hand firmly against her wet cleft.

"Very well," Daniel said, rising to his knees.

He knee-walked along their bed to kneel between her thighs. Hefting her legs, he placed her ankles onto his broad shoulders. Then he held his rampant manhood in one hand and leveraged the head of his manhood against her overheated sex.

"This my darling will hurt but momentarily," Daniel assured her and brutally thrust his hips forward.

Daniel winced as he saw the sudden flash of pain etched on Eleanor's face. Her brown eyes opened wide, her small mouth opened in a large 'O' and her body stiffened. Then, her eyes did shut and her teeth became visible as she grit her teeth.

"Oooohh," she let out a hard sigh and shuddered.

As much as it had pained him to forcefully rip her maidenhead, Daniel could not help but relish the feeling of her depths as her flesh did engulf his cock. The inner walls of Eleanor's sex gripped him snugly. Her muscles rippled and pulsed around his manhood as he rested, firmly notched within her depths.

"Oh!" she let out a soft moan as he began to withdraw.

The moan was repeated as he pushed his length within her cleft. She was snug, very snug, but was very well lubricated from their sexual play earlier. Soon, Daniel had a good, steady rhythm as he thrust in and out of her sex. There was a squelching sound accompanying the sound of his flesh slapping against her flesh.

"I, oh, oh dear Eleanor, I augh!" Daniel stiffened and Eleanor felt his semen flooding into her depths.

For several breaths, Daniel lay atop her. His weight was not unwelcome; Eleanor reveled in his manly scent, enjoyed the feeling of closeness as he pressed her against the soft bedding. His hairy torso rasped and rubbed most deliciously against her very sensitive nipples.

"My dear Eleanor, I do love you," he whispered into her ear.

"And I love you too, dear Daniel," she cooed.

He hefted himself onto his hands, freeing her upper body. Their crotches still meshed together as he rested his lower half against her. Then, with a grunt, Daniel dismounted.

Eleanor watched her husband's nude form as he strode from bed to a small washbasin on a small table. When he turned from the washbasin, Eleanor fought against giggling; his limp manhood looked absolutely ridiculous as it slumped down over his large testicles.

"Oh! Oh dear Daniel," Eleanor sighed happily as her husband pressed a damp linen scrap against her bruised vulva.

The cool scrap soothed her raw sex. The scrap of cloth also sponged the secretion of his semen and virginal blood as they trickled from her depths.

As he sponged her vulva clean, Daniel leaned over and softly kissed her lips. Then, with a smile, he kissed her eyelids, her nose, and again, her lips.

After a second trip from washbasin to bed to sponge her sex clean again, Daniel used the scrap to clean his manhood of her virginal blood and semen. He then lowered the wick of the lantern and located her sleeping gown. She gazed up at him with wonder as he assisted her into her gown. After several more kisses, Daniel pulled on his own nightshirt and they wiggled underneath the covers

"My dear, dear Eleanor. I am truly happy that you are now my wife," Daniel murmured into her ear.

In the morning, Eleanor discovered how her mother could have borne four daughters. While their coupling of the previous evening had been pleasant save for the moment of pain when her maidenhead was ruptured, Eleanor would have been far more agreeable to using her mouth upon her husband's manhood for the duration of their union.

And Daniel did again make use of his wife's mouth. He also used his own mouth to pleasure his wife. Then he again placed her ankles onto his broad shoulders and slid his erection into her sex. Eleanor gazed up into his eyes as the early morning sun illuminated their sleeping quarters.

"Oh! I, OH! Oh yes, oh dear Father!" Eleanor suddenly screamed out, dropping her legs from Daniel's shoulders to wrap firmly around her husband's narrow waist.

Daniel laughed happily and continued to drive himself into his wife's willing sex. After a few moments of forceful thrusts, she again cried out in climax, her thighs tightening around his hips.

At her third climax, Daniel joined her in his own climax, spending heavily into her. He moved to cleanse her but she had other ideas. Seizing his limp manhood, Eleanor brought her lips around his column and again brought him to life. Then, flopping onto her back, Eleanor demanded he again pleasure her with his manhood.

After their third coupling of the morning, Daniel slipped his trousers onto his tired legs and went to their cooking quarters. He selected some food as well as some cider for her and some beer for himself. They broke their fast in bed, both nude. Then, fast broken, they began kissing and touching one another. Daniel bade Eleanor to mount him and when she did so, her beautiful eyes opened at this newest source of pleasure.