Salacious Tales Pt. 01


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The withdrawal of his manhood from her snug fundament caused more grunting and bucking from Eleanor. Thrusting firmly into her bowels again caused Eleanor to squeal and cry out in pleasure.

Releasing her right nipple, Daniel reached his right hand down and deftly frigged her clitoris. Eleanor screamed in pleasure and a moment later, Daniel bellowed then squirted his semen deep within her bowels.

In the morning, Daniel roused his bride with kisses. Then they pleasured one another with their mouths and fingers. Daniel suggested it was high time that he see for himself whether his bride could master the kitchen and Eleanor did pad, as unclothed as the day she was born into their kitchen.

Eggs, bacon and sweet cornbread was set upon the table and both husband and wife sat in the nude to enjoy their morning meal. Then Daniel showed Eleanor that the table was sturdy enough to support them as he placed her on the table onto her back with her ankles draped over his shoulders.

"Do not fret, my darling bride," Daniel smiled as he prepared to leave their quarters. "We shall enjoy the noon meal in the hotel's dining room."

Through the long morning, Eleanor completed the novella, The Impertinent Lodger. After a pleasant lunch with her husband, Eleanor fetched The Taste of the Rosebud, another novella from the pen of Adora DeGatta. Making herself comfortable on her stool, Eleanor read the provocative words.

The novella The Impertinent Lodger had been one hundred and thirty six pages in length. The Taste of the Rosebud was a slightly thicker tome of one hundred and fifty four pages. Eleanor drank in the words as Adora DeGatta described two maids living under the iron fisted rule of their unreasonable and quite vindictive mistress of the manor.

"Seems to be solely for the benefit of Senora Joven," Eleanor observed.

"Of course, Lita and Lena don't seem to mind too much," Eleanor decided, continuing to read the racy volume.

Reading the description of the two maids performing analingus on Senora Joven made Eleanor wonder. She knew just the thought of such a vulgar, vile act should fill her sensibilities with disgust, but in truth, she felt an odd warmth in her belly.

"My dear husband's fingers do pleasure me so," Eleanor thought. "And, oh! Oh, the feelings of his manhood as he sodomizes me, oh! Just the thought is enough to..."

Just before she could dash into the stockroom so that she could heft skirt and crinoline to waist level in order to pleasure herself, two soldiers entered the mercantile. Eleanor blushed and giggled as the two soldiers heaped words of praise upon her. She'd been in the background when Henny, Jenny, their mother Georgia, and now more recently her sister Penny had been to subject of praise. Being the center of attention was certainly a heady experience for the new bride.

"Thank you. I shall make sure my husband is told that our patrons do enjoy being greeted by myself," Eleanor stated.

Upon discovering that the brunette beauty was married, the two lowly privates made their purchases of tobacco and hard candies and left.

Waiting a few moments, Eleanor fumbled underneath the counter for her novella. Again reading a few words, Eleanor was once again on the verge of dashing away to pleasure herself.

"Are you enjoying reading such indecent words, my dear?" Daniel asked, stepping up behind his seated wife.

"I, oh, oh yes," Eleanor admitted, leaning back into his embrace.

"Hmm, Adora DeGatta? Yes, yes, she does speak very highly of the pleasures women can bring to one another, does she not?" Daniel said, seeing the author's name and title of the book on the top of the page.

"Yes. Although she doesn't speak of the pleasures my darling husband brings to me," Eleanor agreed.

"Adora DeGatta? No, no, I would imagine not," Daniel chuckled.

"And why is that?" Eleanor challenged, closing the book.

"Adora? DeGatta?" Daniel asked. "Well, let us see. Gatta, Spanish for female cat?"

"Oh," Eleanor said, then frowned. "And..."

"Adora. Adore. The author has a pseudonym that means adore the cat. Adore the pussy," Daniel explained, even lightly rubbing his fingers over her crotch.

""OH!" Eleanor gasped, realization dawning on her.

She then looked at the book again. Twisting on the stool, she looked at her husband.

"Then why do you have such books on your shelves?" she inquired.

"I bought a stack of dime novels from a New Orleans bookstore, Burgess Books. In the front of the store were the usual tomes, both fiction and reference. But, behind a curtain, away from the other selections were these books of erotic, libertine, quite bawdy pleasures," Daniel stated. "You needed to request entry into this section of the store."

So? Why'd you include these books from Adora DeGatta in your selection?" Eleanor pressed.

"In truth? Curiosity," Daniel stated. "The mere thought of one woman enjoying the touch, the taste of another woman is so forbidden, so illicit to be quite stimulating indeed. Never being privileged to actually witness two women in those acts? Well then, reading the words shall have to suffice."

"You are deviant!" Eleanor declared, laughing. "Oh! I, I have married a deviant as well as a sodomite! Oh, the shame, the very shame and scandal of it all!"

"Shush, woman," Daniel laughed, hugging her tightly. "Although, the two women that operated the establishment; they declared themselves to be sisters, but I do believe they were more sisters of thought than sisters of birth. Perhaps had I inquired, they might have been persuaded to allow myself some voyeuristic pleasures? Hmm.""

"Oh! You, you are truly deplorable, despicable, why, why, so shameful!" Eleanor protested, giggling.

Daniel smiled and kissed her laughing mouth. He had noticed; when they'd first begun to keep company with one another, his Eleanor had spoken with the same unrefined linguistics that her mother and sisters displayed. But, slowly, as he and his wife conversed, she was prone to better speech, better grammar. He was sure the bawdy works she enjoyed were also helping to shape her vocabulary.

After their evening meal, after a quiet stroll about the town, the two again found themselves in their own quarters. Eleanor immediately went to the bookshelf and grasped another book from Adora DeGatta. She then grabbed a book penned by Randy Gent.

"And this? Randy Gent?" Eleanor inquired.

"Randy? It is an adjective which would be defined as 'raring to indulge in amorous pursuits,'" Daniel stated. "Gent is another name for a man, a shortened form of the word gentleman. Though any man who might be randy? Is rarely willing to behave as a gentleman."

"And Felina Lafemme?" Eleanor inquired, selecting another book.

"Pussy girl," Daniel deciphered. "Although, in truth, I do suspect that Randy Gent and Felina Lafemme to be one and the same; their writing styles are incredibly similar in their descriptions of the sexual acts themselves."

"And Anonymous?" Eleanor inquired.

"Anonymous? Usually quite craven persons too cowardly to put a name to their words. Writing under the blanket nom de plume, they feel emboldened to write whatever they wish with no fear of remonstrations or disapproval."

Then why have their works within your library?" Eleanor asked.

"They amuse me," Daniel admitted. "For that reason and that reason alone, I allow their words to grace my shelves. Or, disgrace my shelves as it were."

"Hmm. The Strife of the Second Wife..." Eleanor mused, looking at the Felina Lafemme novella.

"An excellent choice," Daniel agreed. "It is both erotic and amusing."

In the morning, Eleanor perched upon her stool and began to read the Felina Lafemme novella. The premise was that Paul Ronette, the husband had come into the possession of the chateau of a beloved uncle and travelled to begin working the land of his new estate. The wife was left to close up their Paris apartment and other business concerns in Paris then would join her husband in three months hence. First, a careless lodger set the entire building ablaze, killing several people. For days, no one knew the fate of Magdalene Ronette, the wife. Then, lightning struck her parents' home where Magdalene had sought refuge from the apartment fire. Then illness befell her. The carriage she commissioned to ferry her to her husband's new chateau was beset by highwaymen that killed everyone within the small, cramped carriage. Magdalene had eaten something which did not agree with her and had demanded to be let out just moments before the carriage was to be waylaid.

In the meantime, poor Paul received no less than four communiques declaring his beloved Magdalene to be deceased. So, after meeting and falling in love with a serving wench at the nearby tavern, Paul Ronette did take Guinevere to be his wife.

"If, if you were to be told that I am deceased..." Eleanor asked Daniel as they dined.

"I would be too overcome with grief to even consider taking another to be my wife," Daniel stated immediately.

"Oh, but I would not, I should not expect you to remain alone," Eleanor stated.

"But, would that be fair and right? For, any wife that shall follow you? Would always know that she did not measure up to the exceedingly high standards that you have set," Daniel pondered out loud. "And, she would always know that she did not hold my heart."

Daniel could see that his words pleased his young wife. She made noises that he was too handsome a man to pine away for her, should she be departed.

"And you, you are far too young and too beautiful to remain a widow for overlong," Daniel said. "Should I proceed you to the heavens, I must insist that you wed again, my darling Eleanor."

"Oh? May I take my pick of any of these men?" Eleanor teased, feigning keen interest as she gazed about at the other patrons of the hotel's dining room.

"Oh, you little vixen!" Daniel laughed at her antics.

After a long walk about the town, one which they had occasion to stop and speak with Reverend Elijah Webber, the new minister as the man escorted his daughter Julia Webber and Eleanor's sister and close friend to Julia, Jennifer Sheffield about the small town, Daniel again left Eleanor to mind the store. Eleanor settled upon her stool and read with delight the first night of Magdalene's arrival at Chateau Ronette. Paul was understandably shocked, stunned, and delighted to see Magdalene. UNTIL his wife cleared her throat and asked her husband whom he might be kissing and hugging in such a familiar manner?

By supper time, Eleanor had read most of the book. Subconsciously, the heel of her hand rubbed against her crotch through dress and crinoline shift as she read about the two wives pleasuring their man, then, once he was satiated, the two wives pleasured one another.

While Adora DeGatta's descriptions of female-female love had been quite titillating, Felina Lafemme's tableaus seemed more erotic in their descriptions. To Eleanor, Ms. Lafemme's accounts of their sexual exploits seemed the more open and honest. Ms. DeGatta's depictions of sexual pleasures seemed to be more clandestine, almost shameful in nature.

Eleanor heard Daniel's heavy boot steps as he entered the shop from the rear. When his arms moved to encircle her waist, she twisted and kissed him with abandon. Pulling him into the rear of the shop, she knelt, unbuttoning his trousers.

"Mmph! I, oh, oh dear Eleanor," Daniel gasped as his wife sank her hungry mouth over the head of his manhood.

While she labored to pleasure her husband, Eleanor had worked the hem of her dress and her crinolines to waist level. The fingers of her free hand plumbed the depths of her womanhood while she moaned and slurped noisily along the head and shaft of her husband's manhood.

After swallowing her husband's seed, Eleanor rose to her feet. Smoothing her dress down to make herself presentable, Eleanor offered her hand to her husband.

"And, what, pray tell are you tasting, my dear?" Daniel asked as Eleanor brought the fingers of her other hand to her mouth.

"Nothing that should concern you, dear husband," Eleanor said, even as a faint blush began to color her cheeks.

"Hmm. Well then," Daniel smiled, opening the door of the mercantile.

"But it is one of my favorite tastes," Daniel teased as she again placed her hand into the crook of his elbow.

"Daniel! Mr. Rose, I declare, you, you are a heathen!" she squealed, lightly slapping his arm with her free hand, her tainted hand. "To speak of, oh! I, I have truly wed a heathen, a brute!"

"If being fond of one's own wife marks me as a heathen, then, yes, I am truly that," Daniel agreed.

"But to speak aloud of the taste of one's own wife in such a manner and even while we are about in public," Eleanor stated, even turning her nose up in disdain.

"We shall never speak of it again," Daniel smiled.

"I should hope not!" Eleanor declared.

"Shall we instead speak of sodomy?" Daniel teased and she squealed in indignation.

A moment later, she burst into elated giggles. She clutched her husband's arm, resting her head against his shoulder. She smiled when she felt his loving lips at the top of her head.

Another Felina Lafemme novella kept Eleanor occupied for much of the following morning. The premise was simple enough; the mistress of the home hired on a very buxom young maid. Before the end of the first chapter, the fetching young maid had seduced the somewhat hesitant master of the house. By the end of the second chapter, the mistress of the home had managed to seduce the young maid.

Eleanor quickly pulled her hand from in between her thighs as the door of the mercantile opened. She thrust the book under the shelf as a group of men entered. They looked over the wares and bought several pairs of dungarees. One young man even bought a fancy holster and belt.

While Eleanor tallied up the purchases, a young Latina girl entered. The girl smiled uncertainly and Eleanor greeted her with a smile and a simple 'Hello.'

"Hola," the girl said, relieved at Eleanor's smile and friendly greeting.

The men left the mercantile, chattering happily with one another. Eleanor opened one of the bins and offered the Latina a hard candy. The girl accepted, a beautiful smile revealing small white teeth.

In halting English Rosa Seernude Juarez told Eleanor she was hopeful of gaining employment. The manager of the hotel had been quite rude to her and Rosa was unwilling to chance the saloon. As she spoke, she moved her ankle length black hair out of her warm brown eyes, searching Eleanor's eyes hopefully.

Rosa had a slender face with high cheekbones, warm brown eyes, a strong nose and full lips. Her form was slender, with small breasts just visible underneath her simple burgundy colored shift. Her hips were not small; they were not as pronounced as Eleanor's hips, but they were not slender.

"I speak Mexican; you have Mexican people come in?" Rosa blathered. "And, my father was Nudenoya, Deer Hunter, a Noffe warrior so I speak Noff."

"Oh my poor Daniel," Eleanor smiled, feeling her cleft become quite wet.

"Can you read and write?" Eleanor asked and Rosa's beautiful face crumpled.

"No," Rosa whispered, staring hard at the floor.

"No matter; I will teach you," Eleanor said, wiggling down from the stool.

Daniel entered the mercantile from the rear door and could hear two women lively chattering in Spanish. Their laughter caused him to smile; laughter is a beautiful language.

Opening the door of the stockroom, Daniel was treated to the sight of two well-formed haunches perched upon stools. His wife twisted and peered at him over her shoulder, face flushed and happy.

"And here is our man now," Eleanor said, tugging the other woman's arm.

"Hola Senor Rosa," Rosa said, twisting to face Daniel.

"Hola Senorita," Daniel agreed, eyebrow cocked.

He listened as his wife told him that she'd hired Rosa Seernude Juarez to help her in the store. He fought hard against his smile; they had no need of assistance in the store. As Eleanor well knew, there would be long stretches of time between customers at their store.

"Hmm, ten dollars? A week? Quite generous, quite generous indeed," Daniel said when his wife mentioned the salary she planned to pay to Rosa.

"Ten? Dollars?" Rosa gasped, staring at Eleanor.

"This, Daniel, dear husband, this, does this meet with your approval?" Eleanor asked, suddenly worried she may have overstepped her rightful place.

"If it is what you want? Then yes my dear Eleanor, I approve," Daniel said. "Come, let us have the noon meal."

He bade the two women proceed him up the stairs; Eleanor had asked him to fetch them some venison from the hotel's kitchen. That very morning, she had prepared a marinade of vinegar and brown sugar and other spices, declaring they would enjoy the noon meal in private.

Two long hanks of hair flitted to and fro, affording Daniel teasing glimpses of two young, well-formed haunches as the two women climbed upward.

In their kitchen, Eleanor and Rosa quickly prepared a stew. Rosa even made drop biscuits for the meal and soon the trio sat at their table to eat.

"That was as fine a meal as I've ever enjoyed in my own home," Daniel declared, using a biscuit to sop of the last of the gravy.

"Gracias," Rosa said happily.

"Thank you," Eleanor beamed under his praise.

Daniel wished Rosa a good day. Then, kissing his wife, Daniel left the home. He intended to have a talk with Gregory, his hotel manager. Rosa, not realizing Daniel was the owner of the Desert Rose Hotel, had spoken of her ill-treatment when she'd inquired about a job. Daniel intended to stress to the ill-tempered manager the importance of courtesy.

Rosa helped Eleanor store the leftover stew in the larder, then the two women cleaned the dishes from the meal. Just before they left the upstairs, Eleanor pushed Rosa against the wall next to the door. They stared at one another, brown eyes peering into brown eyes. Then Eleanor pressed her lips to Rosa's lips.

"Si," Rosa sighed and opened her mouth.

Their tongues touched as they kissed one another feverishly. With her left arm, Eleanor pulled Rosa tightly against herself. With her right hand, Eleanor softly stroked Rosa's pretty face and throat.

"Si," Rosa sighed again, holding Eleanor tightly against herself.

Daniel and three employees arrived in the late afternoon; the westbound 2:50 PM train had brought more provisions for hotel, saloon, and mercantile. The four men worked quickly and Daniel bade the three employees a good day.

"Daniel, we have the second bedroom upstairs," Eleanor stated as the three hotel employees left the rear of the mercantile.

"This is true," Daniel said, checking his paperwork against what he could physically see.

"Rosa; she was employed by Lieutenant Durson," Eleanor continued. "At the fort."

"Lieutenant Durson? He was decommissioned just last week," Daniel said, looking up from his papers.

"Si," Rosa murmured, standing just behind Eleanor.

"And since we are paying her, as you said, a very generous wage," Eleanor continued.

"Of course she may reside in the second bedroom," Daniel said. "Now, I am looking for coffee. We should have fifty pounds of coffee but it is not here."

"This coffee?" Eleanor asked, pointing to a box on top of the boxes of leather goods.

"Yes, that box," Daniel smiled, giving his wife's bottom an affectionate swat.

In their kitchen, Rosa teased Eleanor about the swat her husband had given her. She squealed in surprise when Eleanor delivered a stinging swat to Rosa's shapely rear. The two women giggled and shared a quick kiss before serving the meal.

"And what, pray tell was all that ruckus about?" Daniel smiled as his wife and their employee entered the dining room.

"She was being sassy, quite sassy indeed so I gave her a hard swat to her posterior," Eleanor said. "And, if she is not careful, I shall give her a second one on her bared flesh."