Salacious Tales Pt. 01


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"This, this is, oh, we shall..." Eleanor demanded, panting as she bounced vigorously on her husband's stiff member.

While Eleanor and Daniel were enjoying the joys of intimacy, just down the lane, the Reverend Mark Vincent stood at his pulpit, leading his congregation in prayer. So intent was he on the printed words on the handwritten notes he did not see the dark clothed man stepp into the aisle from the fifth pew. Others in the congregation did notice the tall figure as he strode with purpose toward the pulpit.

"You dare call yourself a man of God?" the stranger spoke just as Reverend Vincent and a handful of others intoned 'Amen' at the conclusion of the prayer.

"I, what?" Mark asked, startled.

"Ah!" Helen gasped out from her perch at the piano.

"Dad...daddy?" Julia asked, rising to her feet from the pew just behind Reverend Mark Vincent.

"You, this, this cannot be," Vincent Marks gasped, raising his hand to his face, as if to ward off any physical blows that might come his way.

"Oh, I know, you and your sister had hoped, had hoped and prayed that I'd perished in that fire," the stranger smiled a malevolent smile.

"Yes!" Helen snarled, somewhat harsh features becoming fearsome in her hatred of the stranger. "I had hoped we'd be well shed of you, you, you reprobate!"

""Daddy, they, they said you'd died," Julia happily proclaimed, rushing to embrace the tall man.

"Oh, they'd done their best to make sure I did," Reverend Elijah Webber Chuckled, holding his ecstatic daughter in his arms. "And did your mother and dear uncle ever tell you whom had set the blaze that supposedly took my life?"

"Lies! It, there is no truth to his claims!" Vincent Marks implored his congregation.

"Sister? Uncle?" some people mouthed to one another, then returned their attention to the quartet at the front of the church.

A throat clearing drew the attention of some from the disconcerting tableau playing in the front of the church. Colonel Danbridge, in full military dress uniform stepped from the fifth pew and beckoned with his head. Four soldiers, also in full dress uniform stepped forward.

"Reverend Vincent, Mrs. Vincent?"

"Actually, it is Mrs. Webber," Reverend Elijah Webber intoned. "And, that man? Is no Reverend. He is simply Vincent Marks."

"You shall be remanded to the stockades of Fort Engels until such time that this matter be resolved to the satisfaction of the Federal Government of the United States and Territories," Colonel Danbridge intoned. "Gentlemen, if you would. Please take the two into custody."

A loudly protesting Vincent Marks and a thrashing, kicking Helen Webber were dragged from the church, each held by two uniformed soldiers of the United States Calvary. Colonel Danbridge followed the procession from altar to the side door of the wooden building. With a slight bow, the man placed his hat upon his head then shut the door.

For several long moments, the celebrants sat, looking at one another. Finally, Mr. Cleland stood and wobbled his fairly drunken gait to the doors of the church. When the door slammed shut behind the drunkard with a reverberating 'thud' others began a mass exodus of the building.

Unaware of the drama and the questions generated on the other end of town, the Roses continued to enjoy one another, enjoy the coupling of flesh. Eleanor had found Daniel's touches to her throat and shoulders to be quite stimulating. She discovered, his gentle nips and bites to her pale back were very exciting as well.

"Oh, oh, Daniel!" she gasped, groaned and giggled as her husband gnawed aggressively at her fleshy posterior as she posed on hands and knees on their bed.

"Daniel!" she shrieked, large brown eyes opened wide as her husband used his tongue to lap at her bunghole.

As many churchgoers made their way to their home, or to the dining room of the hotel from the church, Daniel positioned his bride on her shoulders and knees on their bed. She peered over her shoulder as he bade her reach back with her small hands and pull upon her ample buttocks forcefully. She wondered what her husband was seeing; his face certainly displayed a pleasure with the view.

"I, oh, oh mmng!" Eleanor grunted as she felt Daniel's thick finger pressing firmly against her tightly clenched bunghole.

The greased tip of his finger did press into her opening. Eleanor shivered in obscene pleasure as her husband's finger fully entered her rectum. She gasped, grunted and cooed, beautiful brown eyes tightly shut as his finger probed the depths of her fundament.

"OOoohh!" she groaned as a second finger joined the first one.

"My darling, am I, is this unpleasant?" Daniel asked, voice thick.

"No, no, it, it is just ah, mm, peculiar. Most peculiar," Eleanor allowed.

By the time Daniel wormed a third finger into her bunghole, Elinor was grunting and gasping, driving herself back to meet his forward thrusts. She gurgled something unintelligible when she felt the mattress sag under her knees.

"I, OH! Oh, oh dear God," Eleanor protested as the blunt head of her husband's thick member pressed insistently against her constricting bunghole.

Daniel paused, the head of his manhood firmly ensconced within her struggling nether hole. The feeling was divine; such tightness, such heat squeezing, pulsing around the sensitive head of his member. His foreskin was curled down, fully exposing his glans to the sensations afforded him by this vulgar act of sodomy.

"Oomph!" Eleanor let out a gasp and grunt as Daniel pushed forward, forcing a few fractions of an inch into her squirming channel.

"Oh, oh dear, dear Eleanor, this is truly a delight, a very rare delight," Daniel enthused, forcing more of himself into her posterior.

"I, I fear you shall tear, tear me into two," Eleanor grunted, voice hoarse with strain.

"Do you, shall I cease?" Daniel inquired, gritting his teeth against his desires to simply plunge fully into her and plunder her bunghole with savage thrusts.

", I mmng!" Eleanor wheezed after a long moment of deliberation.

Removing his hands from her ample hips, Daniel reached around and grasped Eleanor's flat chest in his hands. Eleanor squealed when he forcefully pinched her hard points, twisting them between thumb and forefinger.

Her climax had her shaking and grunting. The shaking did cause more of his greased phallus to slip into her still quite resistant fundament. Eleanor gasped and gurgled deep within her throat.

"Ung!" Eleanor grunted as Daniel, still torturing her nipples, began to withdraw from her bunghole.

"Ah!" she gasped out as he again thrust forward into her raw bowels.

"Oh Daniel, dear Daniel, this, this is surely immoral," Eleanor panted.

"Some would insist that the act of sodomy is indeed most immoral," Daniel agreed, reaching his hand down to her furred cleft.

"Aieegh!" Eleanor shrieked when Daniel's fingers pinched the bud of her pleasure.

"For after all, man and wife should join for the sole purpose of procreation," Daniel stated. "And it is most unlikely that we should procreate in this manner."

Her shaking and bucking drove Daniel's manhood firmly into her bowels. Daniel felt her muscles constrict, pulse, then relax rapidly, again and again. A second pinch to her clitoris caused another shriek, then a bellow as his bride bucked in frenzy.

As she thrashed helplessly, Daniel withdrew, then thrust vigorously into her delightfully tight orifice. He plundered her with abandon as she now rested, knees and shoulders supporting her while she babbled some incoherent sounds.

"Oh dear Lord! Yes, oh yes my lovely, my darling wife!" Daniel exclaimed, having made the dire mistake of looking down.

The sight of his manhood plundering, thrusting in and out of her light brown anus, shiny with pomade did cause the sperm to bubble up and burst forth. His willpower was insufficient to stem the conclusion of this indecent coupling.

"Oh, oh I did wed a most marvelous woman," Daniel murmured as he slumped on top of his wife's smooth back.

Eleanor responded with an inarticulate grunt. Daniel laughed happily at her response or lack of response. A moment later, she twisted her head in an attempt to peer at her husband.

"And I did wed a most vulgar creature," Eleanor teased her husband. "A brute who forces me to perform most immoral acts."

"Oh?" Daniel asked, recognizing the teasing lilt of her voice. "These immoral acts. Did you perchance enjoy these immoral acts?"

"Oh, that is of no importance. The true question might very well be, would I have performed these immoral acts were it not for my husband's insistence?" Eleanor retorted. "For after all, did you not just state that the sole purpose for man and wife to join together is for procreation? And you did admit that this, this most heinous, vulgar activities shall not result in procreation."

"Well then, Mrs. Rose, would you have submitted to these depravities had your husband not taken such liberties with your person?" Daniel enjoyed the protestations of his young wife.

"I had no knowledge of these vulgar, vulgar, what did you call them? Depravities! I had no prior knowledge of these depravities so who is to say?" Eleanor giggled, then groaned as her husband pulled his shrunken manhood from her stretched and raw bowels.

"Ah, but now, now that you are well versed in these profane acts, these indecent pleasures?" Daniel insisted. "Now that you have learned of the act of sodomy..."

"I should insist that I be properly sodomized as often as we are able," Eleanor declared.

Watching a trickle of his semen oozing from his wife's fundament, trickling down along the splayed lips of her cleft had Daniel's member struggling to rise again. But even after a vigorous stroking with his hand, Daniel was unable to fully engorge. With a playful bite to each bountiful cheek of her posterior, Daniel fetched a linen scrap to sponge her reddened anus free of lubrication and semen.

After another meal served in their bed, the two lovers did fall asleep clutching onto one another.

While the two lovers napped on their first full day as husband and wife, Mrs. McDermott gingerly entered her home. With a furtive glance around, then an elated giggle, the widow stepped into her kitchen to meet the disapproving eyes of her sister.

The previous evening, Mrs. McDermott, with more than a few shots of Iron Barrel whiskey in her belly, had marched into the kitchen to demand to know the cook's secret for the wild rice dish. She was not seen again until late the following day. Her sister Abigail Timmons prepared the Sunday breakfast and Sunday lunch for the boarders of the McDermott boarding house. When Abigail quietly asked her sister Hannah which cook had bedded her, Hannah blushed furiously and admitted it had been all three.

"Oh, don't look at me like that, Abby," Hannah giggled guiltily. "It's not as if I can conceive at my age."

"But still," Abigail snapped.

Abigail then leaned forward and asked, "But how was it?"

"It was simply divine," Hannah admitted. "The delights continued and continued and..."

"Well, there are two chickens roasting in the oven for the evening meal. I and I alone did labor in preparing the morning meal, the noontime meal, and am nearly completed the evening meal and I fully expect to be recompensed for my time and my labors," Abigail demanded.

"Oh. Very well," Hannah smirked, slapping five one dollar coins onto the sideboard.

"All three?" Abigail asked once more as she resumed dicing the carrots.

"All three," Hannah affirmed as she began sifting the flour for her biscuits.

"Harlot," Abbie accused.

"Jealousy is not a very becoming trait, dear sister," Hannah said, measuring out the butter.

Monday morning, Daniel instructed his wife on the ledger system of the mercantile. Once Eleanor had demonstrated her capacity for simple arithmetic, he gave her a passionate kiss and left the mercantile to see to his other concerns. Perching herself onto the tall padded stool he had situated behind the counter, Eleanor sat and waited. And waited. And waited. Through the plate glass window, she could see the occasional pedestrian saunter past the mercantile. She saw the occasional horse and rider traverse the dirt path in front of the mercantile. Twice, a stagecoach with teams of four horses did clatter past, most likely on their way to the hotel.

"Come, my darling, let us dine at the hotel," Daniel invited, entering the store through the side door.

Over a fine meal of baked chicken, Eleanor confessed her tedious morning to her husband. Nodding with understanding, Daniel did suggest that she would perhaps enjoy reading; he had many fine books in the parlor of their apartment.

"Simply take one to the counter and read; the lighting is good throughout the afternoon," Daniel invited.

Escorting Eleanor from the dining room of the hotel to the side door of the mercantile, Daniel kissed her, then departed again. There was a train due at two fifty pm with more provisions for hotel, saloon, and of course, the mercantile and it was imperative that he supervise the loading and distribution of these goods.

As our mercantile shall be my final stop, I shall remain here for the duration of the day," Daniel smiled. "Then, we might enjoy a meal at the hotel...or perhaps enjoy a meal in our own quarters, hmm?"

At first Eleanor determined, should they dine at home, they could do so then retire to their bedchambers forthwith. Then she thought of the labors to prepare such a meal, the cleaning of plates and cups and pots and pans and determined that they should enjoy the meal in the hotel's dining room.

In the parlor, Eleanor did search through, with interest, her husband's vast collection of weighty tomes of entrepreneurship, modern construction, business principles and two Bibles and one dictionary. He even had some books on United States and Territorial Laws. In the second bookcase, Eleanor discovered her husband's collections of literature. The first, second, and third shelves proudly displayed leather bound books, classic and modern novels. The fourth and fifth shelves held some paper bound booklets written by 'Anonymous' and Randy Gent, Felina LaFemme (3), and Adora DeGatta (4)

Eleanor pulled Adora DeGatta's novella, The Impertinent Lodger from the shelf and hurried down the stairs into the rear of the mercantile. She flipped the sign around that announced she was open for business and unlocked the door. Then she settled her haunches onto the stool and began reading.

"Oh!" Eleanor gasped, beautiful eyes wide. "Oh! Oh my!"

She was but thirty pages into the lusty words when she had to dash to the stockroom of the mercantile. Hefting her skirt and crinoline to waist level, Eleanor did briskly rub her very wet sex to a most satisfying climax.

"Who knew that young maidens enjoyed such liberties with one another?" Eleanor wondered aloud as she walked on unsteady legs into the front room of the small store once more.

"Well, apparently Miss Adora DeGatta does, else she would not have written such..." Eleanor giggled at her own question.

Espying the novella his wife had been reading, Daniel did not wonder at his fortune that very afternoon. As soon as he and Jasper and Lucas, two hotel employees completed stacking the wares into the stockroom and Jasper and Lucas departed, Eleanor had Daniel's trousers loosened and was voraciously swallowing his manhood into her hungry mouth.

After a delightful meal at the hotel, a meal that was interrupted from time to time by well-wishers congratulating them on their nuptials, Eleanor dragged an unresisting Daniel from hotel dining room to their side door. Dashing ahead of her seemingly tardy husband, Eleanor divested herself of her bulky clothing the moment she entered their parlor.

"Come, my darling," Eleanor demanded from the bedchamber. "I am in need of you."

Daniel watched his pudgy wife as she thrust two fingers within herself. He noted, she used her left hand to pleasure her sex while her right hand did pinch and twist her left nipple savagely.

He quickly removed his clothing then lay between her thighs, his mouth seeking the nectar that ran from her glorious cleft. Nipping at the bud of her pleasure with his teeth did produce a most satisfying shriek from his needy, lusty wife.

"Oh, oh yes Daniel, my Daniel," Eleanor cried out as he slid his member deeply within her sex.

She climaxed thrice before her husband stiffened and loosed a torrent of semen deeply inside of her. She kissed his handsome face as he grunted and shuddered through his pleasure. She rolled with him when he dismounted and lay beside her. She continued to rain small kisses to his face, then to his chest and abdomen.

Taking his limp member into her mouth, Eleanor did reflect that the tangy taste she was experiencing was the taste of the two of them. This was the taste of her cleft and his member, the taste of their pleasure combined together. She did shiver with delight as she slurped noisily along the shaft of his manhood.

"I do not wish this; what proper young wife would ever wish, actually desire such carnal acts?" Eleanor sighed dramatically, pulling her mouth from Daniel's renewed erection with a loud 'pop.'

"No, no, I should think no proper young woman would ever deign to think of carnal acts, much less ever truly desire any such profane activities," Daniel agreed, smiling as he saw his wife busily rubbing her own cleft while she stroked his rampant member.

"But, dear husband you should sodomize me forthwith," Eleanor declared, bending and taking his manhood into her mouth again.

"Yes, yes I should violate you in this most grievous manner," Daniel agreed, gently pulling himself from her avidly sucking mouth.

"And as a proper young wife, I should succumb; it is, after all, my duty," Eleanor sighed, already moving to put knees and shoulders to the soft mattress.

Daniel smiled; in the dying light of the sun he could see her excitement mingled with traces of his semen trickling down her thighs. Her small hands were already reaching back to grip her prominent backside.

"Of course, I should not enjoy this, this depravity," Eleanor declared.

Delving his index and middle finger into the jar of lard, Daniel raced around her tightly clenched anus. He then thrust both fingers into her fundament. This did produce a gasp, then grunt from Eleanor. His two fingers plumbed the depths of her bunghole, lubricating the passage for his manhood.

"It is fortunate for me that I have wed such a tolerant wife," Daniel afforded.

"Oh, oh Daniel," she keened, her cleft squirting her excitement.

"Aieegh! I, oh, oh yes, oh yes my dear Daniel," Eleanor screamed out as the blunt head of his member pressed against her well lubricated anus.

Daniel resisted the urge to plunge himself deeply within her fundament. He forced himself to proceed slowly; after all, he did want to bring pleasure to his dear Eleanor, no matter his own urgency.

Several long, deliberate moments passed, Daniel pushing slowly, withdrawing, pushing again. Eleanor gasped, grunted and gurgled, small hands fiercely pulling her chubby buttocks open for his thrusts. Soon, he felt his hips pressing firmly against her smooth flesh, felt his coarse pubic hairs firmly pressed against her reddened anus.

"Oh, oh my darling Eleanor, I, I am fully within your fundament," Daniel gasped out.

"I, augh, I should hope so," Eleanor said, voice hoarse.

When he released his grip on her ample hips and grasped her hard nipples, Eleanor squealed and bucked wildly. As she bucked and thrust, her rectal muscles tightened and relaxed, tightened and relaxed along the length of his shaft.

"It is truly a wonder that I've not spent already," Daniel thought to himself as his wife's bunghole provided such extreme pleasures.