Samhain Surprise


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"Yeah, I see what you mean. Nicolette drinks a glass two or three times a day. I even went as far as to ask her to let me taste it." He shrugged. "It basically tasted like how I eat a steak, rare."

"You're right Evan, it does. I did basically the same exact thing."

Then he said, "Look, if you love her and if you like being with her, which I always thought was more important, none of it matters what so ever. What it all boils down to is this, if you love her, marry her. If you worry about getting older, let her turn you. I've been nothing but happy since that that day myself. But I can guaranty, that she's probably thinking of the same things since she feels the same about you."

Then he grinned, "I've known her for a very long time, so it's a forgone conclusion that she really loves you. I've never seen her act like this with any others, on both sides."

Evan smiled at that, "I guess you're right, like I said, I really didn't have a problem with any of it. I think it was always more... just being able to talk it all over with someone that's been through it also and not just to myself. Thanks for talking to me about Andre."

Andre nodded his agreement, "That's no problem my friend, as I said, I've been there. And, I had some of the same thoughts go through my mind. I think everyone does when they're trying to make any decision like this."

Evan closed up the garage, and as they started to walk back to the house Andre asked, "So, when are you going to ask her?"

Evan grinned, "Her Birthday is next month, she got me a car for mine. I guess... I'll just give her a husband." Andre grinned and slapped him on the back.

After the two of them left, Nicolette and Britta were having the same type of conversation. Britta smiled as she watched Andre and Evan walk out. She turned Nicolette and asked, "So, how's everything going sweets?"

Nicolette smiled at her, "It couldn't be more perfect Brit," She grinned, "Well, maybe it could be. I keep hoping he'll ask me to marry him."

Britta laughed, "I've got a feeling that's coming soon Niki, Andre told me that Evan wanted to talk to him. He didn't say what about, but I can kind of guess. Evan really seems like a nice guy."

Nicolette nodded, "Oh, he is Cher, I've never been with anyone like him."

"So, he doesn't have a problem with the whole vampire thing then?"

"No, absolutely not. He had questions like any of them would I suppose, but he seemed to understand it all." She smiled, "He even asked to taste the glass of blood I was drinking the other day."

Britta grinned, "Andre did the same with me, and it was a couple weeks before he asked me to marry him." She cocked her head, "I've heard that from others like us also, it's seems like the final they do before they make a decision about it all. Did he have a problem?"

Nicolette shook her head no, "Non, he just shrugged and said to me it tasted like how he liked his steak, rare."

Britta looked at her, "Do you think he'll ask you to turn him? Do you want to?"

Nicolette sighed, "If he asks me to marry him, I'll offer to. I would like too, so we can always be together, but it'll be up to him. I'll still love him no matter what."

Britta nodded, "I felt the same way about Andre. But I think... it works out better that way, if they do want to be turned."

Just then, Evan and Andre walked into the living room and went to their respective mates. Evan smiled and leaned down to kiss Niki, "I love you."

She smiled from ear to ear, and stroked his face, "I love you too hon."

Evan grinned as she said it back, he really loved her accent when she told him in English. "Have you checked on dinner? Or do I need to?"

"No, I already looked at it, maybe another half-hour or so, then we can start on the rest."

He nodded, "Okay, good. Do you want some more wine? I can open another bottle if you do."

She shook her head no, "Not right now, I'll wait until dinner. Just come and sit with me."

He smiled as he sat next to her, "As you wish." She grinned and hugged his arm.

In a little bit the roast was done and they finished up the rest of the things to go with it. Then they brought everything out to the dining room and they all sat down to eat.

Andre and Britta smiled after the first bite. "This is wonderful Evan," Britta exclaimed. "Where did you learn to cook like this?

He thanked her. "Just by doing it really, and a few cooking shows. After I finished with college, I got tired of going out and eating microwave pizza's and things. So, I started watching some of the cooking shows, and it didn't seem to hard, so I tried it. It ended up turning out great, then I tried another, then something different, so on and so forth."

Then he laughed, "Granted, I ended up throwing some out and we won't even talk about how bad they were. I don't think the guys dog next to my apartment would eat it."

The finished eating and talked a little more, then Nicolette went and made coffee for them all, while Evan got the cheesecake out of the fridge. He plated it up and squeezed a bit of bottled caramel sauce over each piece and put them all on a tray and carried that out while Nicolette brought out the tray with the coffee and things for it.

Evan set it on the table and smiled once more, "Now this is from the bakery, I've never gotten the hang of making good cheesecake."

The laughed as he passed the plates out and they made their coffee like they wanted. Andre and Evan had theirs black, but Nicolette and Britta both had Café au lait.

Once they finished, they talked for a little more then Andre and Britta needed to leave. She smiled, "Thank you both for dinner, it was fantastic. The next time it's our turn." Then Andre added, "Evan, I'll tell my friend about the car, he'll probably want it, so I'll give him your number on Monday."

Evan nodded, "That's fine, since I work from home, tell him anytime he wants to call is good."

They walked them to the door and said goodbye, then Andre and Britta got in their car and left for home.

On the way home, Britta said, "Evan is so nice, what did you he want to talk about?"

Andre smiled and took her hand. "What I thought he wanted to, he's thinking about asking Nicolette to marry him and wanted some advice."

Britta smiled, "I told Niki he probably was going to. That's wonderful love, did you help him any?"

He nodded, "I think so, he had the type of questions you'd think he'd ask. Basically, the same that I did when I talked to Fritz before I asked you."

She squeezed his hand, "Did he say when he was going to ask her?"

"Yes, her birthday is next month and he told me, "Her Birthday is next month, she got me a car for mine. I guess... I'll just give her a husband."

They cleaned up the dining room and kitchen, then loaded up the dishwasher and turned it on. He made her another Café au lait and he topped off his, then they went out to the living room and talked until the coffee was done. Evan smiled and took her hand, then led her up to the bedroom for another night of wonderful love making with the love of his life. And hopefully soon, his wife.

Over the next few weeks, Evan searched for the perfect ring for her, but he couldn't find exactly what he wanted to give her. Finally, he called Britta up and asked her if she knew a good place to look. He figured she might know of a better place than one of the chain stores in the area that he was used to going to. She did and sent him the address.

He went there and found the perfect ring for her, it was a white gold three-stone ring with a one carat oval shaped diamond center stone and two square half carat stones on either side, he just knew she'd love it. He also found a beautiful matching set of diamond earrings and necklace to go with it, and they were of a similar design as the ring.

Her birthday was on Saturday two weeks from then and he figured he'd give her the earrings and necklace when they got up. Then after they got home from dinner, he'd ask her to marry him. If she said yes, then he had decided to have her turn him. He had thought long and hard about it, and he finally decided he just couldn't grow old and be without her.

It was Saturday morning and Evan got up first like normal. He was in his usual spot, spooned up to Niki with his arm wrapped around her still cupping her breast, her erect nipple between his fingers. He smiled and kissed the nape of her neck as he massaged her breast. "Good morning Niki. Happy birthday ma belle amour. (my beautiful love) Je t'adore."

Nicolette heard him and smiled as she stretched, then turned in his arms to face him. " Bonjour à toi aussi. Merci Evan, je t'aime aussi." (Good morning to you too. Thank you Evan, I love you also.)

They kissed and he smiled stroking her back, "Once I get up and dressed, I'll make you breakfast. Your choice, downstairs or would you like breakfast in bed?"

She grinned, "Downstairs is fine love, you're so good to me."

He kissed her, "That's because you deserve it love. I've never loved anyone or anything as much as I love you." He kissed her again.

"Now, I'll go make you breakfast. Since it's your birthday, we have Brioche French toast and bacon. And a Café au lait."

She grinned and snuggled under the blankets, "Umm... that sounds delicious, I just may get used to this."

He grinned back and leaned down to kiss her once more, then went to go take care of his morning ablutions and get dressed. Once finished, and as he went to walk out, he said, "I'll let you know when its ready love."

He went downstairs and stopped at his office first and got the box with the earrings and necklace, and the single rose in a vase he picked up yesterday. Then went to the kitchen and put the rose on the table in her spot and put the box in one of the drawers, he'd give it to her after they ate. Then he got the coffee going and started making the rest of their breakfast up.

Nicolette smiled and hugged herself. She had never been as happy as she was right now. She got up and dressed, then put on a little makeup and brushed her hair. She had just finished when she heard Evan calling for her to come down, that her breakfast was ready.

She smiled once more and walked downstairs to the kitchen. She grinned as she got closer and smelled the wonderful breakfast Evan had made. He really was a very good cook; he should have been a chef. Then she grinned, he was her own private chef instead.

She walked in and smiled as she saw the rose, and he was just putting the plates at their spots. She came over and kissed him, and he returned it smiling. "Happy birthday again love."

He pulled her chair out and she sat down, then he kissed her again and brought over her coffee, then he got his and joined her. He smiled as he watched her take the first bite and the first drink and she smiled. "Oh Evan, its fantastique. Thank you mon chéri."

Evan smiled, "Your welcome love. I'm glad you like it."

Then soon finished eating, then Evan made them their second cup of coffee. After he set her coffee down, he went over and got the box from the drawer and set it by her. He kissed her, "Happy birthday again ma belle amour." (my beautiful love)

She looked at him and smiled, then unwrapped it. She got a stunned look as she opened the box. With tears in her eyes she set it on the table and hugged him tight. "Thank you love, it's so beautiful."

Evan smiled, "I'm glad you like it love." Then he grinned adding, "I figured you needed a necklace from someone who loves you, and not from... how did you put it? Oh yes, instead of from a Salope espagnole (Spanish bitch).

She laughed and hugged him again almost cracking his ribs. The rest of the day went by fairly quickly, she got numerous phone calls, texts, and emails from a bunch of people she knew, both personally and professionally. Then about three in the afternoon, the doorbell rang and she went to answer it. She grinned, it was Britta and Andre. "Hi guys what are you doing here?"

Britta grinned and held up a cake box. "We came by for coffee and cake and to give you a birthday present." Andre grinned and held up a wrapped box. She told them to come in and they followed her into the living room. Evan saw who it was and smiled greeting them. He shook Andre's hand and kissed Britta on the cheek. Then she whispered, "Did you ask her yet?"

Evan grinned, Andre must have told her, "Not yet, when we get back from dinner."

Britta smiled, "I'd wish you luck, but you're not going to need it." She winked at him making him grin. The Britta handed him the cake box and she took the box from Andre, "Happy birthday sweets, you're going to love it."

Nicolette smiled and tore off the wrapping paper. She opened the box and her mouth dropped as she removed the dress from it. It was a short dark red dress with black highlights, it had a plunging neckline and the back was similar, but was held together with thin straps of material. It was absolutely beautiful. With tears in her eyes, she said, "Oh, it's so beautiful Britta, is this one of yours?"

She nodded smiling, "Yes, it's not even on the market yet, you have the very first one."

Nicolette hugged her and Andre telling them thank you. Evan smiled at the look on her face, and was impressed with the dress himself. "Britta, that really is beautiful, you do wonderful work."

She grinned, "Danke Evan. I figured she needed a special dress for her birthday." She winked at him making him grin.

Then he said, "I'll go make coffee and put the cake in the kitchen. Niki, Britta, Café au lait again? Or regular?"

Nicolette smiled at him, "Café au lait love" and Britta asked for the same, while Andre said just regular for him.

He went into the kitchen and prepped the coffee machine and started heating up the milk for the girl's coffee. He removed the cake from the box, it looked delicious, it was a Black Forest cake, he hadn't had that in ages. As he was getting the plates, Andre walked in smiling. "The girls went up so Niki could try on the dress. Need a hand Evan?"

Evan grinned, "No. I'm good. So how have you been?"

"Good, a bit busy with work though, the company got a few bigger jobs we've all been working on. I didn't hear, did my friend ever get a hold of you about the car?"

Evan nodded as he put a slice of the cake on each plate. "Yeah, he called me and came over to look at it. But he was looking for a newer model, so he asked if I could hold it for a bit while he looked for a newer one. If he couldn't find one, he said he think about buying mine." He shrugged, "I told him okay. I'm in no hurry, so we'll see what happens by the end of the month."

Andre nodded his understanding, "Britta said you were going to ask Niki after dinner tonight. How you feeling?"

Evan chuckled as he walked over to get the coffee. "Nervous. Britta said I have nothing to worry about, but I guess everyone does."

Andre nodded once more, "That's true, I was the same way, I think everyone is really. But I think she was right. Niki told her how you two felt." Then he asked, "And the other part that goes along with it? Still going to do it?"

"Yeah, I am. I just can't stand the thought of not being with her."

"I was the same way Evan, and if you're worried about it, don't be. As I'm sure she told you, everything you've seen or read about it all is BS. It doesn't hurt really, just a pinch, like they tell you when you get a shot, then there's just a feeling of euphoria. As I understand it, their saliva numbs and heals the punctures."

Evan listen with interest as he made the girls their Café au lait. Then he nodded after Andre finished telling him about it. "Thanks Andre, I was wondering about it a little. I'm really glad we met, you've made this a lot easier for me, so I appreciate it."

Andre smiled, "Not a problem Evan, we're both a lot alike and I remember what I went through. I had a friend of Britta's named Fritz, when were back in Germany, that basically did the same for me."

Then he smiled adding, "We are a fairly close-knit community here. I'll have to take you to the club most of us go to, the owner and his wife are vampires also, this way you can meet some of the others."

Evan thanked him again and put the coffee and the plates on a carry tray, then they headed out the living room. He smiled as he saw Britta and Niki sitting at the small table they had there. He set the tray down on the table. "So how did the dress fit love?" He asked as he set the plates on the table along with the silverware and some napkins.

Nicolette grinned, "It looked Magnifique love, you'll see it later, I'm going to wear it tonight."

As he set out the coffee, he replied, "That's wonderful love, I can't wait to see you in it. I'm sure you'll be beautiful, you always are."

She grinned at that and Britta elbowed Andre lightly. "You see how it's done?"

They laughed at that and Evan sat down. They talked about different things as they ate the cake and drank the coffee. Then Evan smiled and said to Nicolette, "Oh, I forgot hon, Troy sent me a text, and said to wish you a happy birthday. He also asked about meeting him and Laura for dinner one night soon."

She smiled, "Sure, I don't see a problem with that."

"Alright, I let him know and then we can figure out when."

Once the cake and coffee were finished, they all talked a little more until Andre and Britta said they needed to head home. They walked then to the door and Nicolette thanked them for the dress again and for the cake. They watched as the two of them went to their car and they waved as they headed home. They cleaned up and then they went back out to the living room until it was time to get dressed.

They took a shower together and helped each other dry off like normal, then Evan got dressed and Nicolette smiled, "Why don't you wait for me downstairs mon chéri. I want to surprise you."

Evan kissed her, "As you wish." She hugged him smiling and then he headed back downstairs.

It was a half-hour later and Evan once again heard her heels clicking on the stairs as she walked down them. He stood and smiled from ear to ear as he saw her, she was absolutely gorgeous from the top of her head to her high-heeled shoes and everything in between.

She walked up to him and smiled sexily, "So? What do you think love?" She turned around so he could see it all.

Evan grinned, "You look magnifique mon amour. (beautiful my love) You get more beautiful every time I see you. Je t'adore."

With a bit of tears in her eyes, she smiled at him and gave him a hug. "Et je t'aime aussi. (And I love you too) Merci Evan, you always know what to say to me, you make me happier than I've ever been."

He held her and kissed her once again, "It's easy to tell you love, because it's true. Are you ready?"

Nicolette smiled at him, "Oui, whenever you are."

They walked out to the garage and they made their way to the same restaurant she took him for his birthday, it was her favorite. The maître d' greeted them with a smile, this had become their favorite place to eat for special occasions and their occasional date-nights, so they came here often. He got one of his assistants to seat them and they looked over the menus until the waiter came. Once there, he asked them what they wanted to drink, and Evan ordered them Champaign. He had another bottle at home chilling for later.

Nicolette took his hand after they got finished looking at the menus. "I love you Evan. I've never had a better birthday; I thank the Gods for the day I met you."

He smiled back and squeezed her hand lightly, "So do I love. You know, I almost didn't go that night. But I did for some reason and thank the Goddess, I met the most fantastic woman in the world."

The waiter brought their drinks and he poured Evan some and he tasted it. He nodded, it was quite good, and the waiter filled their glasses and took their order. He was soon back with their salads and a basket of fresh baked dinner rolls.
