Samhain Surprise


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She was wearing what he thought was called a cocktail dress. It was a skintight black dress with red accents with a plunging neckline that showed the sides of her breasts. The sleeves of it were made of a patterned lacy material and she wore a pair of black hi-heels. Her long curly red hair framed her face and her makeup was sort of like she had on Halloween night.

In short, she absofuckinlutely gorgeous.

Nicolette walked slowly down the stairs, her heels clicking on the wood. She saw Evan sitting on the couch and he looked deep in thought. He looked so wonderful in the black bespoke suit she got him, he always looked handsome, but he really looked good in the suit. He had said he wasn't a suit person when they went to the tailors, but he had agreed it did look really nice when they came back to pick it up. She smiled to herself, he was finally getting used to being in her social strata after he had come with her a few times to the shows at the galleries she worked with and a few other places he went with her, like the cocktail party they went to at one of her patrons who normally always brought her work. He and his wife paid her to have "first-look rights" on everything she did at the main gallery she exhibited her work at. That gallery handled the majority of her artwork, and the other one she worked with, handled all the smaller and less expensive pieces.

She smiled, walked over and kissed him, "You look wonderful mon chéri, that suit fits you to a Tee."

Evan kissed her back smiling himself, being careful not to smear her lipstick. " Merci mon amour. But you look magnificent enough for both of us. You are so beautiful my love, you take my breath away every time I see you."

Nicolette smiled stroking his face, "I'm glad I do, that way I know you'll stay with me mon amour. Now, are you ready to go and celebrate your birthday?"

Evan grinned, "I believe so, I just need to get my keys."

She grinned, "Don't bother love, I have them here." She opened her clutch purse and pulled out the key fob and handed it to him.

He looked at it, "This isn't mine."

She grinned, "It is now. Joyeux anniversaire mon amour." (Happy birthday love)

He looked at her stunned, "What did you do Niki?"

Nicolette grinned once more and took his hand, "Come with me love, your present is in the garage."

Stunned, he let her lead him outside, then they stopped in front of the garage door. She smiled again, "Please close your eyes Evan."

Still stunned, he did as she asked. Then he heard the garage door open, and heard Niki say, "Open your eyes love."

He opened his eyes and his mouth dropped open, sitting in the garage was a Red Aston Martin DBS Superleggera, with a huge gold colored bow on the roof. He looked at her in disbelief and she smiled as she pushed his mouth closed, "Happy birthday love. Your old car was starting to look a bit ragged."

He slowly walked in and touched the car, still not believing she did this. He went to the door and pushed the button and opened the door, then looked at the inside of it.

Nicolette smiled as she watched him, then he walked back to her and she could see the tears rolling down his cheeks. He kissed her, then picked her up hugging her, saying thank you over and over. Her eyes were also filled with tears, as he put her down and said, "No one has ever done anything like this for me before. I don't know what to say Niki, it's almost as beautiful as you."

Nicolette smiled and said once again, "Happy birthday my love. I'm glad you like it."

Evan just couldn't believe this, he loved her so much and he had from the start. He stroked her beautiful face, then ran his fingers through her silken hair as he pulled her a little closer, his hand on the back of her head. He knew, without any more doubt, that he loved her, and it was time to tell her that.

So, with his eyes full of happy tears he said to her, "Je t'adore Nicolette. Je t'aime maintenant et pour toujours. (I love you Nicolette. I love you now and forever.) He leaned in and kissed her.

Nicolette couldn't believe her ears, he told her he loved her. Tears rolled down her face, as she kissed him back, his words still ringing in her ears. It had taken her almost three hundred years to find her soulmate but she finally did, and he just kissed her. "You wonderful, wonderful man. Et je t'aime aussi. (And I love you also.)

She stroked his face lovingly, "I have since I told you about me, and still you stayed with me. The obeah woman was right, I love you now, and I will love you a thousand years from now. Je t'adore Evan, Mon âme sœur. (I love you Evan, my soulmate.)

Evan held her close as she told him she loved him also, and called him her soulmate. He knew, without a doubt, it was all true. "Tu es mon âme soeur aime aussi. (You are my soulmate also love)

They held each other and kissed some more. Then Niki broke the kiss and asked, "Is my makeup alright love? Or is my face a mess from crying?"

Evan smiled and kissed her, "It's fine love, it still looks perfect. Your eyes are a little red, as mine probably are also, but you should be fine. Are you ready to go?"

She grinned from ear to ear, "Oui, my love. I'm ready, lets go and eat. Then we'll come back and make love the rest of the night."

Then she grinned once more adding, "But, we'll probably not be able to move in the morning though."

Evan grinned, "You say that like it's a bad thing love. Let's go love." They walked into the garage and he removed the bow, setting it on the work table. He opened the door for her and helped her in, then he went to the other side and open the door and got in himself. He smiled as he looked around the inside, then grinned at her, "Like I said, it's almost as beautiful as you love."

She grinned at that, "Let's go love, or we'll be late."

He nodded and started the car smiling at the sound of the exhaust. He put the car in gear and pulled out of the garage, and once clear of the door, he pushed the button for the garage door and it closed. He smiled as Niki put her hand on his thigh, and they drove to the restaurant with Niki telling him which way to go.

He smiled when they got there, it was the best restaurant in the area and he heard that the food was the best in the state. He pulled up to the entrance and stopped the car, and as he did, one of the valet's opened Nicolette's door and offered her his hand. She smiled as she took it and got out. Evan got out and walked around to her side and handed the valet the key fob. The valet smiled and handed him a receipt, and Evan put it in his suit pocket, then took Nicolette's hand and they walked inside.

Dinner was absolutely wonderful. Nicolette had told him she had eaten here many times before, and the food was always fantastic. While they ate, a few people stopped by to say hello to her and she introduced Evan to them as her boyfriend, which made him smile. Most of them were people who knew her from the art gallery, but one that stopped and said hello, was an actual friend of hers named Andre Nessler.

He smiled as he came up to the table, "Nicolette, how wonderful to see you. How have been?"

Evan watched as they interacted, he sounded German and he was a very good-looking man in his early thirty's. He was about Evans height and had short blonde hair.

She smiled back, "Andre, it's good to see you also. I've been well, better than well really. Allow me to introduce my boyfriend, Evan Carter."

Evan watched as his eyes opened wide, "It's a pleasure to meet you Evan." He offered his hand.

Evan stood and shook his hand, "Its pleasure to meet you also Andre. Any friend of Nicolette is a friend of mine."

They talked for a few minutes, then Andre was joined by an absolutely stunning woman, she had short blonde hair parted on the side and her build was like Nicolette's but her breasts were a bit bigger, and she looked to be in her late twenty's. Evan saw that her dress was similar to Nicolette's, but was sleeveless. She smiled and said, also with a slight German accent, "Nicolette, it's so good to see you again sweets."

Nicolette smiled back and stood to give her a hug and kiss on each cheek. "It's so good to see you also Britta. How have you been?"

Britta smiled as she twined her arm with Andre's, "Very good, thank you." She smiled and looked at Evan, then back at Nicolette, "I'd ask you the same, but its apparent you're doing very well also."

Nicolette laughed, "That's definitely true. Britta, allow me to introduce my boyfriend, Evan." She smiled at him, "Evan, this is Britta. She's Andre's wife."

Evan smiled and stood once again, then he took Britta's offered hand and kissed the back of it, "It's a pleasure to meet you Britta."

Britta smiled once more as Evan kissed her hand, "Yes, and you also."

He sat back down, then watched as Niki and them talked for a little bit more. Then they said they needed to be going and Nicolette said, "Well then, if you must. But we should do dinner at our place soon."

They agreed and everyone said goodbye, then they walked away.

Evan smiled, "They seem very nice love. Have you known them long?" By the look of them, he figured it was someone she knew from the art gallery.

She smiled and took his hand kissing it, "Oui, a very, very long time." She grinned and bit her bottom lip.

Evan's eyes went wide as she said, "Very, very long time" Then he nodded his understanding.

She grinned again, "I'll tell you about it later love, once we get home.

They finished dinner, then they had some coffee and dessert. Once done with that, they headed home also. Evan and her walked out to the front and he handed the valet the ticket stub.

The valet looked at the number, then he got the keys out of the locker smiling, "I'll bring it right up sir."

Evan smiled and nodded. Then he grinned as Niki leaned over and kissed his ear. "Je t'adore Evan. Happy birthday my love."

Evan smiled, and kissed her, "Thank you, mon amour for making it so wonderful. Je t'aime aussi." (I love you too.)

The valet pulled the car up and got out, then he handed the key fob to Evan and he thanked him for him his tip. Evan opened the door for Niki and helped her in, then he went around and got in himself and started the car. He smiled at the sound once more and leaned over to give Niki a kiss. Then he put it in gear and took off towards home.

As they drove home, he asked her, "So, just how long have you known Andre and Britta?"

Nicolette smiled and set her hand on his thigh once again, "Oh, since about 1910 I think it was, I met them after I brought the house. Britta was the vampire and she met Andre in Germany, they were kind of like we are now, but they left just before world war one started. It had been getting bad in Germany, so they came here. They weren't married then, they waited until after the war ended."

She thought for a moment, "They got married in... 1920 if I remember correctly and she turned Andre on their wedding night."

Evan nodded his understanding, "Well, it was nice to meet them, they seem very nice. I hope they do come over too. It might be nice to talk to someone who was in the type of relationship we are." He laughed, "Maybe it'll help, so I don't screw up and tic you off."

Nicolette laughed, "I don't think you could ever do that love."

Evan grinned, "I don't know, we haven't been together that long yet love. Give me a chance. Or better yet, talk to Troy, I'm sure he could give you examples."

She laughed, "I love you so much Evan."

"I love you too Niki, and I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you that I do." He sighed slightly, "I've spent the last four weeks or so trying to decided when I was going to tell you. But I kept thinking that maybe, it was too soon."

She smiled, "I know love, I've been the same way." She stroked his thigh, "But that's over with now, we both love each other and that's all that matters. You make me so very happy, every day, in so many different ways. The best thing I ever did, was deciding to go to that Halloween party."

He smiled as he pulled into the driveway and hit the garage door opener button, then drove in after the door was all the way up and shut the car off. They got out and they were in each other's arms and Nicolette gave him one of her soul stealing kisses.

They broke the kiss, and went into the house and up towards their bedroom to make love yet again.

The next morning, they both looked like death warmed over. They had made love in every possible way they could think of, again, and they were both paying for it this morning.

Evan laid in bed trying to decide if he could actually move and Nicolette was laying up against him with her arm and leg draped over him. She also wondered if she could or even wanted to move. She grinned tiredly to herself, last night was fun, but they were both paying for it now. She had sucked Evan off again, and he ate her twice more between bouts of love making. They made love with him on top, then she rode him. She still couldn't believe how many times they made each other climax.

She moved closer and kissed him, "Bonjour mon amour."

Evan grinned tiredly, "Morning to you also love. Ah... is it morning? I think I lost track."

She smiled and moved a little so she could lay her head on his chest. "I think so, or at least the sun is coming through the window. But I won't swear as to what day it is."

Evan laughed a little, "Since I'm to worn out to move, why don't you take a look and see if my cock is still there, or if we wore it down to nothing. I don't think I can feel it anything from the waist down right now."

Nicolette giggled and reached down to take hold of him. "Yes, still there. But it's not responding like normal."

He snorted a laugh, "Gee, I wonder why that is? Oh, now I remember, it's because of you."

Nicolette laughed and kissed him, "Bragging or complaining love?"

Evan kissed her back, and stroked her face. "Bragging, always bragging my love."

They finally got up and dressed, then headed to the kitchen as both of them needed coffee, a lot of coffee and she needed her morning glass of blood. Once the coffee was done, they sat at the table and talked about what they wanted to do today after they did some things around the house, they didn't have a chance to do yesterday.

Then Nicolette said, "I need to do some work on my latest painting love, I have to have it ready for the exhibit next weekend. So, you'll be on your own for a few hours this morning."

Evan nodded, "That's okay, I've got a few things to take care of also. I need to move some stuff from the old car into the new one and decide what to do with it, sell it or sell to one of car buying places. After I'm done, I'll play a video game or something until you're done

She nodded, "If you want. I can call my friend up that got yours and ask him if he knows anyone looking for one."

Evan nodded, "That might be the best idea, I'd rather not have all kinds of people coming here and annoying us. Let me know what he says hon."

Once they got some coffee in their systems, Evan made them breakfast. Normally, breakfast consisted of croissants or maybe yogurt with some fresh fruit. But they were both hungry this morning after all the exercise they got last night. So, he made them some Brioche French toast and bacon.

After they finished eating, Evan told her he'd take care of cleaning up and she should go and get started on what she needed to do."

Nicolette grinned and kissed him, "Merci mon amour." Then she went up to the bedroom to change into her painting clothes so her good ones weren't ruined if she spilled anything on them.

While she was doing that, Evan cleaned up the kitchen, then he headed outside to the garage and he started transferring everything from his old car to his new one. Once he was finished, he debated at first on whether to clean the old car up now, or wait until they heard from her friend. He thought about it, and just decided to wait until Niki talked to her friend about it. He had brought the car used, and was still paying it off, but the car was still worth about fifty thousand in the shape it was in.

He finally closed everything up, then headed back into the house and went to his office. He smiled as he saw the door to Niki's art studio almost all the way close, she didn't like to be bothered or distracted while she was working. He could understand that, he basically did the same when he was working on a drawing or blueprint. His office and her studio were on the first floor, toward the back of the house and his room got a little sun from the two windows. But Niki's studio was modified and a few more windows were added to get more natural light into the room for her painting.

He started his personal computer, then while it was starting up, he decided to get some more coffee. He stopped by Niki's studio on the way to the kitchen and knocked lightly on the door, and she called for him to come in. He walked in and came up to were she was sitting and working. Then asked, "I was going to get some more coffee love, do you want anything?"

Niki turned her head and smiled at him, "No coffee right now, I need steady hands. But I will take a bottle of orange juice love."

As she wasn't painting at the moment, he leaned in and kissed her. "Okay hon, I'll be right back, do you want or need anything else?"

She smiled again, "No hon, I'm good. I love you."

"I love you too Niki. I'll be right back."

He went to the kitchen and poured himself another cup and took a sip. It was slightly cold, so he put it in the microwave to reheat it, and got her a bottle of juice from the fridge. He got his coffee, and dropped it off at his desk, then brought Niki her juice. He smiled as he got another "I love you" and a kiss.

He looked at the painting as she opened the bottle and took a drink. "The painting is magnificent hon; it looks so real that I'm surprised I can't feel the wind and spray. I really love your work."

It was a fairly big painting of a ship sailing through a hurricane ravaged ocean at dusk. He thought the ship was called a "Brig of War, and the sails were partially torn away from the masts, as the ship leaned over to one side as if it was trying to avoid the rocks in the painting.

"Thanks love." She smiled at him. "I just hope the people at the exhibit feel the same."

"They should, if they got half a brain and at least one eye." He replied grinning. "I'll let you get back to work, call me if you need anything love." He kissed her once again, and headed to his office.

His computer was up and running, so he checked his emails first. There was nothing important, most of it was junk. "I swear, I get as much junk mail as I do with snail mail."

He shutdown the program and decided to surf the web a bit. While he was doing that, he tried to think of something special to do for Nicolette. He still couldn't believe she brought him a car for his birthday. Especially the one she got him, the Superleggera wasn't cheap, they averaged like three-hundred grand.

While he was surfing the web, the site he was on threw up a pop-up add for a local jewelry store and it was advertising wedding rings and the other things they had on sale."

Evan leaned back, then picked up his coffee and sipped at it. He hadn't really thought all that much about marrying Nicolette, granted, it had been in the back of his mind day-dreaming a few times. But meeting Andre and his wife Britta, had started him thinking about it... a lot. And, it also made him think about letting her turn him, like Britta did to Andre

He had thought about it a few times over the past month since they started living together. Most of the time, he didn't even think about her being a vampire any more, it was just part of her. He remembered from when they talked about it, she told him; "Forget the myths, they're mostly Hollywood hype and all wrong." And she was right from what he'd seen. Granted, she did drink blood, he had even tasted it once, it just tasted like when he had a rare steak. He laughed to himself, "I've always liked my steak rare, maybe I'm one and just don't know it."