Samhain Surprise


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He really would like to talk to Andre about it, maybe get a few things settled in his mind. He hoped they took up Niki's invitation to have dinner here one night.

He took another drink of coffee, then decided to play Halo a bit. He grabbed his headset and plugged it in, then put them on this way he wouldn't disturb her with the noise. He started the game up, and began playing from where he left off the last time.

He had been playing for close to an hour, then smiled as he felt Nicolette's arms go around him and she kissed his neck, letting the tip of her tongue swipe across it. He shivered and paused the game, then turned around. She sat down in his lap and gave him a real kiss, before pulling his headset off. She grinned, "I decided to take a break, I needed some attention mon chéri."

He put his arms around her to hold her and grinned, "As you wish." Then he kissed her while running his hands up and down her back. Then he grinned at her, "Just so you know, that "As you wish" did mean what it did in the movie. Je t'adore."

She grinned and kissed him back almost breaking some ribs as she hugged him. "I love you also."

Evan smiled at her, "You almost done love?" He looked at the clock, "It's almost lunch time."

She nodded, "Just about, I need to touch up a few places though. It might be better to eat now, then go back and finish." She nodded again, "Why don't we do that."

He agreed, then reached over to shut down the game and stood up holding her. She grinned and put her arms around his neck. Evan grinned at her, "I suppose this means you want me to carry you."

She grinned, "Oui."

He laughed and kissed her, then carried her into the kitchen and set her down on a chair.

He stroked her face, "What would you like to eat love?" She gave him a leering grin and he laughed, "I don't think that has any nutritional value love."

Then he grinned, "Or at least unless you bit me for real." She grinned back, then smiled at him with her fangs extended, "Oh, I suppose you mean like this?"

He grinned back and nodded, "Yep, that would be what I meant." He was surprised when his cock hardened slightly as she grinned showing him her fangs. Nicolette smiled to herself as she saw it too.

She smiled at him again after retracting her fangs. "I don't know love, nothing big. Surprise me."

Evan nodded and opened up the fridge doors to see what was still there, they'd need to go shopping soon. Since neither of them wanted anything big, he made them up a couple salads with some field greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, sliced red onion, diced bacon, some left over shredded chicken and topped it off with a little crumbled Roquefort cheese. Then he made up an herb vinaigrette dressing and added that. He cut up some slices of baguette and put them in a bowl, then brought everything over to the table.

He got them something to drink while Nicolette set the table and they both sat down to eat. She smiled, "This is very good Evan. I love the salads you make, they're always so good."

He smiled, "Thanks love, I'm glad you like it. I used to do a lot of these for lunch, since I was sitting all day working."

As they ate, he asked her, "Will the exhibit next weekend be crowded? Or is one of the small ones?"

She smiled and swallowed, "Not very crowded. It's opened to anyone that shows up, it's not one of the "Invitation only" ones. Besides my work, I understand they'll be a few new artists at this one also according to the director of gallery." She shrugged, "This painting is just because I felt like it, not for anyone special."

He nodded his understanding, and they talked a little more until they were finished. Evan kissed her, "You go finish while I clean up hon."

Nicolette smiled and kissed him, "Thanks love. I shouldn't be long; I just want to check it over and see if anything needs a little touch up. Then it's got to dry for few days."

He smiled and stroked her face. "Okay love."

She went back to her studio and he started cleaning up. As he did, he once again thought about marrying her and everything that would go with it if he did and she said yes. He really hoped Andre and Britta came over soon, he'd really like to talk to him and get this all settled in his mind. He really saw no downside to it, or even having Niki turn him, though he didn't know what she would feel about it. So, he'd have to drink a glass of blood two or three times a day, that hadn't really bother him when he thought about it. Now maybe if everything he thought he knew was true, it would, but it wasn't. He got the sponge and went over to wipe down the table, then he sighed.

He walked back to where her studio and his office was, and saw she had the door open and he walked in. She was just studying the picture so he bent down and kissed her neck. "All done love?"

She smiled as she turned and kissed him. "Oui, just checking everything one more time. What do you think love?"

Evan looked it over, it was beautiful just like all her paintings. "It looks wonderful love. As I've told you before, everything you do looks so real."

She smiled and stroked his face, "Thank you mon amour. You're so sweet."

Then she laughed, "At least with the painting, I don't get as wet as I did when this happened."

Evan looked at her a little stunned, "That was your ship hon? I thought you had a sloop, not a brig."

She nodded, "Oui, I did, but Roland and I also had the brig we captured from the Spanish one time. It all depended on what we were doing, whether we used the two sloops, or a sloop and the brig of war." She shrugged, "It really depended on the area we were raiding at the time."

She smiled at him, "We normally only went after Spanish ships and wannabe pirates. We didn't attack French or British ships, because of me being French, and Roland being British or really, he could be considered American, I guess. But they weren't called that yet, the revolution hadn't occurred when we were raiding."

Evan nodded his understanding, then asked, "Wannabe pirates?"

She grinned, "Oui, they were amateurs and not members of any of the established bands."

Evan nodded his understanding again. "Okay, that makes more sense. How long does the painting need to dry?"

She stood and put her arms around him and gave him a proper kiss, "A few days, then I can box it up. I think I have one the right size out in the garage."

"Oh, is that what they're for? I was wondering when I saw them, I should have known."

"Oui, so we'll have to take my car on Saturday, if it will fit, I know it won't fit in yours. Or I may just have the gallery come and get it." She laughed, "They make enough in commissions off my work, so they can do a little work too.

Evan smiled and kissed her back. "That's fine by me, I'll measure it for you on Monday, then you can decide."

They enjoyed the rest of their weekend, then on Monday, Evan checked to see if the box she needed to use would fit and it wouldn't. Nicolette called the gallery and let them know to pick it up, and they did that on Thursday. They were getting dressed Saturday morning; they were leaving in an about an hour so they could get there before the gallery opened. Evan wore one of his suits and Nicolette wore a dress similar to the one she wore for his birthday, just not as revealing.

He was sitting on one of the chairs in the bedroom and talking to her as she sat at her vanity putting on her makeup. Her makeup for today was a little more conservative than when they went out. But she was just as beautiful and he told her that smiling.

She smiled back at him and he saw it in the big mirror on the vanity. "Thank you hon, you're always so sweet. Je t'adore Evan."

He smiled, "Umm... I love you too Niki."

She picked up a brush and brushed out her hair a little, then she stood and turned the vanity light off. She walked over and got a necklace out of her jewelry box, and held it out to him, "Could you help me with this Evan?"

He stood and smiled, "Of course." He took from her and she turned around holding her hair out of the way. He put it around her neck and fastened the clasp, then leaned down and kissed the back of her neck. "All done babe."

She turned and kissed him. "Merci Evan, I love you."

He kissed her back carefully so as not to smear her lipstick. "You're welcome, and I love you too Niki."

He stroked her face, "That's a pretty necklace, it fits you. Where did you get it?"

She gave him an impish smile. "Off a Spanish Marquesa when we took her ship. She was a stuck up salope espagnole (Spanish bitch) and called me a puta francesa (French whore), so I took it." She grinned, "She swore for half-hour after I did. So finally, I told her I was going to feed her to the sharks if she didn't shut up, that she was getting on my last nerve."

Evan grinned, there were times he forgot that the love of his life used to be an actual pirate. "And did she, or did you end up feeding the fish?"

Nicolette grinned as she picked up her clutch purse, "No, I didn't. But I should have, I never met one of them Spaniards that wasn't a stuck-up bitch."

Evan laughed, "Remind me never to get on your bad side love."

She grinned to herself and remembered what her first-mate had said, "Never, ever piss off a red headed woman."

She gave him a leering smile, "Oui, or I may just have to but you in irons and have my way with you."

He grinned back, "We don't have time for that now, but keep it in mind for later. That might be fun."

She laughed and hugged him, "je t'aime tellement Evan." (I love you so much)

He smiled and said softly, "Je t'aime aussi (I love you also) Nicolette, and I always will."

She whined a little as she rubbed against him, "We need to go, but you just wait till we get home."

Since they didn't need to bring the painting, he drove and they soon got to the gallery. They walked in and she greeted the director of gallery named Cynthia. Evan watched as they greeted each other with the standard almost-kiss on each cheek. Then Cynthia greeted Evan and he took her hand as he said hello.

He smiled to himself, that was something else he had to learn as he started moving in these circles with Niki. He'd had to learn the basic etiquette for these situations so as not to embarrass himself or her.

They talked a little, then they walked to where they were displaying her painting. Niki looked it over and she was happy on how they displayed it. Then she twined her arm in Evan's and they walked around to see what else was on display.

As they walked around, they greeted some of the other artists she knew and introduced themselves to the couple of the new ones. Nicolette spent a little more time talking with the new ones giving them some advice. After they walked away to go over to get a glass of wine, Evan said to her, "There's some nice paintings here today, but I don't see any that matches yours love."

She smiled and hugged his arm, "Merci, love." Then she grinned a bit, "But I think you're a bit biased Evan,"

He smiled back, "Well, maybe a little. But seriously, these others are nice, but they don't hold a candle to yours. It was also nice of you to give the two new ones some advice."

She nodded, "I usually do. When I started, one of the older artists did the same for me. So, I do it also." She shrugged, "It's just the right thing to do."

Evan nodded and they talked a bit more. As they were, he saw her smile and he turned around and smiled himself, Andre and his wife Britta were walking up. They greeted each other, then Niki asked, "What are you two doing here? I didn't know you were coming."

Britta smiled, "We were sitting home and got bored, and I remembered you said you were going to have your latest painting on exhibit. So, we decided to come here instead." She looked around, "It looks like a nice turnout."

Nicolette nodded, "Yes, I think your right." She smiled once more, "But, I'm glad you're here, I was going to call you later or tomorrow to see when you wanted to come over for dinner."

Britta looked at Andre then said, "I'm not sure, let me check our schedules and I'll text or call you. But more than likely, it'll be next weekend."

Nicolette nodded, "That's fine, we've got nothing going on that I know of. Just let us know."

They all got some more wine, and walked around a little more looking at the all the things on exhibit. Then like what normally happens all over the world, the girls started talking together, leaving the men to fend for themselves. Andre and Evan grinned at each other, then Andre asked him, "So, Evan, how are you two making out?"

Evan smiled and took a sip of wine, "Wonderful really, I've never been happier in my life to tell you the truth."

Andre nodded, "Yes, it was the same with Britta and me at the beginning. There is a learning curve, but I found it pretty much worked itself out as we spent more time together."

Evan nodded, "That's true I think." He looked around and leaned forward slightly, "When you come over to dinner, I was wondering if we could talk a little when we had more privacy?"

Andre nodded, "Certainly, what about?"

Evan blushed a little, "Well, I know you two are married and have been for a while. And...."

Andre smiled, "I think I understand are so I guess you're having thoughts in that direction also?"

Evan nodded, "Uh, yeah. That's pretty much it."

Andre smiled, "Yes, we can talk and I'll try to help you sort things out. For lack of a better term."

He sat back and took a drink of his wine, "It can be a little confusing, even a regular relationship. But in one like ours," He waved his finger between them. "It can be a little more so."

Evan nodded, "Exactly, I've thought about it a lot. But it would be nice to have someone to bounce some ideas off." He laughed, "It's not like I could go to my other friends about it."

Andre grinned, "Yes, trust me, I know exactly what you're talking about. Our community isn't that large, but it's bigger than I once thought."

They talked some more like Nicolette and Britta did, then Cynthia came over to talk to Nicolette. She nodded, and came over to Evan, "I'll be right back love, someone has a question about the painting."

He nodded. "Sure hon. I'll be here if you need me." She kissed him smiling, then followed Cynthia over to where her painting was displayed.

Britta joined Evan and Andre, then smiled, "How are you doing Evan? Settling in alright?"

He nodded, "Pretty much, it takes a little getting used to, both at home and at these kinds of things." He smiled adding, "These kinds of things were never in my normal day."

Britta smiled back, she liked him. He reminded her of Andre when they first got together. "So, tell me, what do you do Evan?"

He took a sip of wine, "I'm a draftsman for a local company. The nice thing is that I work from home."

She nodded, then smiled, "It's quite amazing that so many of us, on both sides, are into artistic type of things. Nicolette paints, I design clothing, Andre here is an interior designer, you're a draftsman, I also know some architect's, sculptors, and so on and so forth."

Evan nodded, "That is interesting. Andre, have you done anything I might know?"

He smiled, "Yes, I did a little work for Nicolette. I did her living room and kitchen when she upgraded them."

"They are very nice; everything is laid out so well. I really love cooking in her kitchen."

They talked a little more, until Nicolette came back smiling. She leaned down and kissed Evan. "Je vous ai manqué." (I missed you) I have some wonderful news love; I sold the painting."

"That is wonderful news Niki, how much did it go for?" He asked smiling.

She kissed him grinning, "$75,000.00."

Evan looked at her stunned, "That's is wonderful news love." Then he grinned. "Does that mean you're taking me out for dinner then?"

"Always the joker. I don't know what I'm going to do with you." She grinned and slapped his arm lightly.

He kissed her yet again, then whispered. "J'ai quelques idées d'amour." (I have a few ideas love)

She giggled. "We'll talk about that later."

The following weekend, Andre and Britta were able to came over to visit and have dinner. Evan, with Nicolette helping, had a nice prime rib roasting in the oven, along with a tray of roasted potatoes to go with it. Nicolette had taken a deep breath and smelled the roast cooking, "You're such a good cook Evan. Maybe you should think about becoming a chef."

He smiled, "I'm glad you like it hon, I love cooking for you. That's why it smells so good, because I love you and I want you to enjoy it."

She stroked his face and kissed him. "I love you too. You always say the right thing love, you make me so happy."

"The feeling is mutual Nicolette. I've never been happier in my whole life."

Once everything was started, they all got some wine and talked while they were waiting. It would take a couple hours as it was a big roast.

Then Andre asked, "Evan, I hear you have a used Vanquish you may sell. Is it here?"

"Yes, it is, I've got it out in the garage. Why do you ask? Do you know someone who might be interested?"

He nodded, "As a matter of fact yes. One of the other designers where I work said he was looking for one. Then I remembered you saying you had one, but hadn't decide what you were going to do with it."

Evan nodded, "Okay, why don't we go out and you can take a look at it, and take some pictures to show him. It's in really good condition."

Andre nodded, then they kissed their respective mates, and headed out to the garage. Evan opened the garage up and showed Andre the car. He took a few pictures, then smiled and asked, "So, what did you want to talk about since we have a little privacy?"

Evan grinned, "Why don't we sit and talk for a few minutes Andre."

There were a few folding chairs in the garage, so Evan grabbed two of them and they sat down to talk.

Evan took a breath and let it out, "Well, as we talked about at the gallery, I've been thinking about asking her to marry me. Actually, I've been thinking about it a lot. Would you have any advice? How has it been for you?"

Andre smiled, "Well, I don't know how much advice I can give you, but stupid question first. You do love her, right? I mean it's not just a passing curiosity is it? Because of the situation I mean."

Evan shook his head no, "Andre, I love her more that anyone, or anything in the whole world. There is nothing I don't like or love about her."

Andre nodded, "I kind of figured that. Then let me ask another question, how do you feel about her being a vampire?"

Evan shrugged, "I believe I'm fine with it, she explained everything to me and we've been together almost five months. Nothing seems any different than when she first told me."

Andre nodded, "It was like that for me with Britta. Once you understand that most of what people know is bullshit, they're really not any different than most people."

"Yeah, I know what you mean, I feel the same way. Have you seen any downside to it all?"

Andre shook his head no, "Not really, there is a learning curve, but you have that with any relationship." He cocked his head, "If you do marry her, do you plan on having her turn you? Or have you at least thought about it?"

"Yes, that's all I've been doing, thinking about it. But don't get me wrong, the idea of it doesn't bother what so ever." He sighed. "The thought of being with her and losing her because I'll age and she won't, scares me more than her turning me."

"I was the same way Evan, I constantly thought about it myself. "If I grow old, will she still want me. Or will I lose her?" What you asking yourself is normal, from others I talked with that were in the same position."

Evan nodded once again, "Yeah, that's it exactly. So, you don't see any downside to it all?"

Andre shook his head no, and smiled, "I haven't found any, but I can't say anything about others like us. But... as I said, you have things like that in any relationship. Really, the only real difference I've seen, is that Britta drinks blood and as far as I know, they all do it the same way."