Schools and the Second Ch. 03


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Teresa and I were also wearing our swords in our sash belts. The Japanese security men had been furious and had yelled at us. Takaki Nagamasa yelled back at them. I just stared hard at them until they remembered their manners and bowed with the word 'sumimasen, apologizing to me for their embarrassing lack of manners.

As the 'three old men' approached, we all bowed, me a little less low than the others. The three men bowed with equal exactitude as me as I formally welcomed them with words in English that Nagamasa translated. Honor was scrupulously maintained in the ritual exchange of greetings with courteous words and strong formality. Once that was done, we then moved towards the cars that would take us to the Nextdoor County Civic Center, where Tom Usagi's family were in a side room.

That side room was now a shrine. A photo of Tom Usagi, surrounded by candles and flowers, faced the entrance. To one side was the family.

Misaki-san and Nagamasa were the first to go to the shrine, where they bowed. As Teresa and I came up, I presented a candle to a young man who was the caretaker of the shrine. He added it to the others as Teresa and I knelt on the tatami, the mats placed five paces in front of the shrine, and bowed low. We were followed by the Ambassador and the Ichimoku CEO.

Then we all went to greet the family, and were invited to kneel/sit before them. We all bowed, and the Ambassador gave words of condolence. He then pulled out a scroll and spoke, and Nagamasa interpreted for me: "The Emperor has written a poem to honor your son's bravery in death." the Ambassador was saying.

He read the poem, his sonorous voice seeming to fill the room. The poem was generally about a lone tree braving the harsh winds as the sun set. Though not spoken, the implication was that when the sun rose again, the lone tree was no longer there, taken by the wind, the kami, as Tom Usagi's Spirit had been taken by the kami in the night as he braved the unstoppable winds.

We all bowed after the reading of the royal poem. As we were going to retreat, Tom Usagi's grandfather, a very old man wearing a formal kimono, affixed his eyes upon me and said "You are the Iron Crowbar and the Iron Wolf?"

"Hai." I said firmly.

"It was you that went into the school, and rescued your fellow Officers and stopped that madman from killing others?"

"Our fellow Officer stopped the madman, Sire." I said, being formally respectful. "We came in afterwards."

Teresa spoke up, to my surprise. She said "We were not in time to save Usagi Tom-sama. Sumimasen." She bowed low, and I bowed low with her. Everyone bowed back, and I could sense that what Teresa had said was very well received.

Then the elder Usagi said "We are grateful to you for your courage in saving your fellow Officers, and we are grateful to them for saving so many students. Our family is praying that the kami will walk with Chief Evans and bring her back to you."

"Arigato gozaimasu." I replied. A few moments later, we all took our leave of the family, as they were going to begin a private ceremony...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"You did most very well, Teresa-san." said Takaki Misaki as we headed back to the Baseball Fields. "Who has been teaching you our customs?"

"Your daughter Mariko-san, Sire." said Teresa. "I ask her to teach me something about Japanese culture every time I see her. For this occasion, she told me how apologizing even though there was nothing we could do was important, and the family would respect that."

"And they did." said Misaki. "The Ambassador was also very impressed. His report and mine to the Emperor will reflect that."

We arrived at the Baseball Fields. The Ambassador, Misaki, and the Ichimoku CEO continued in their cars towards NCHS for the memorial ceremony. Teresa and I went onto the field that did not have the Ambassador's helicopter. That other field had four helicopters waiting... and Chief Moynahan and Sergeant Prince waiting for us.

Part 17 - Missing Man

As he prepared to get the memorial ceremony started, Captain Paul Price looked up in surprise at who was approaching him. "Commander Ross!" he gasped. "Uh... how is the Chief?" Cindy had come up to him, wearing her formal uniform with medals, her M.O.V. around her neck.

"She's stable, and showing signs of getting stronger." Cindy said. "And when she wakes up, I'm going to tell her about the great job you've been doing."

"Thanks." said Price. "It'll be good to have her back, though."

Just then an Army Colonel in formal uniform came up to them. Cindy recognized him. He had been the Wildcat ROTC Cadre Commander, and was the Iron Crowbar's friend. "Hello, Colonel!" Cindy greeted him enthusiastically.

"Commander Ross! Hello!" said the Colonel. "How is your sister doing?"

"She's getting better." Cindy said. "How are you? Don said you'd retired."

"I did." said the Colonel. "But I wanted to come over with the Wildcat cadets. Cadet Usagi had a scholarship with us, and the family has allowed our Cadet Ranger Company to be the pallbearers."

"Aw, that's nice." Cindy said. She then introduced the Colonel to Cpt. Price.

"Where's Commander Troy?" the Colonel asked after the introductions.

"He's flying one of the helicopters in the Missing Man formation." Cindy said. "Maybe you can visit him later today."

"I'd like that." said the Colonel. "I was thinking of----"

"Who's in charge of this ceremony?"

The voice rudely interrupting them and asking the question belonged to Bettina Wurtzburg. A number of reporters had come with her and were right behind her in a seemingly threatening display of numbers. Bettina tried to ignore Cindy, who was staring daggers at her.

"I am." said Captain Price, taking charge. "What do you want?"

"We want the American Flag on Usagi's coffin to be removed." said Bettina. "Usagi was of Japanese descent, so it's offensive to his family and to the Japanese Ambassador. It's offensive to Chief Evans, who is Canadian. And it's offensive to the students; it reminds them of gun violence."

"What?!" the Colonel roared. "You're saying that the American Flag is a symbol of gun violence?"

"Yes." said Bettina. "I'm sure Commander Ross agrees, since she's a Canadian, too."

"You're a fake news liar, bitch!" Cindy roared. "I am a natural-born American Citizen. And how dare you attempt to speak for MY sister?"

"And Tom Usagi was a natural-born American Citizen, too." said the Colonel

"We agree with Ms. Wurtzburg." said Bill Hacosta. "The American Flag on the victim's coffin is inappropriate and deeply offensive. It should be removed, and not seen at the memorial service."

The Colonel was about to go ballistic, but Cindy stopped him by saying "Allow me to handle this, Colonel." She then turned on Bettina and squared up to the redheaded reporterette. "Bettina, not only do you have sex with your sources to get stories---"

"I'm going to sue you for that." Bettina threatened.

"I hope you do." Cindy fired back. "I've got the proof. But furthermore to this subject, you, Ms. Wurtzburg, are under Federal investigation for High Treason, and what you've said here just confirms that you and your fellow journalists are traitors. I will be sure to let the FBI know what you've said here, Traitor. Now get out of here before I decide to arrest you for leaving the jurisdiction of the Town & County."

"Do it, then." said Bettina. "Go ahead, arrest me."

"Bring it, bitch!" yelled Hacosta. "We'll all say you exercised Police brutality against our fellow reporter, and we'll defend her physically. You can't stop all of us, bitch, and we'll put you in the hospital right next to your sister. You can watch her die!"

There were gasps, even among the other reporters. Hacosta was trying to goad Cindy into a rash action, and they all knew it. But Hacosta was taking it too far for some of them. They began peeling off and moving away. And some of them realized that Hacosta's words were empty: it was not likely that any reporter there, much less all of them together, could not defeat the Green Crowbar in personal combat. And she knew it too.

"Let's see, then." said Cindy. She moved towards Bettina.

"Well, hello Commander Ross!" said Lieutenant Micah Rudistan as he stepped up between them, wearing his formal uniform. "Allow me to effect this arrest for you."

Bettina stepped back into the group of reporters still there. Cindy said "It's okay, Lieutenant. I'll just notify the FBI that Bettina is fleeing the jurisdiction. In the meantime, Hacosta, you'd better flee. If my sister dies, you die. I will find you, no matter where you go and what you do. And I will kill you."

"Is that a threat?" Hacosta yelled, almost happily.

"Oh, it's definitely a promise." Cindy said.

"I hope you have the chance to try." said Hacosta. "I hope your bitch sister dies!"

By now there were a number of TCPD and NCPD Police Officers gathering, led by Sheriff Griswold. "Get out of here, Hacosta. You have no idea of the size of the cow patty you just stepped in. Mr. Rudistan, escort these journalists to where they're supposed to be."

"Yes sir!" said Rudistan. But the reporters were already scrambling in every direction to get away.

"Did you get all that?" asked Hacosta to a reporter, cameraman, and sound man as they walked away.

"We sure did!" said the other reporter happily. "We got her threatening you."

"I just hope she doesn't make good on that threat." said the sound man.

"She's about to get sued, if not be put in jail." said Hacosta happily.

As they walked away, the Sheriff and Cindy watched them go. "Everything all right, Ms. Ross?" queried the Sheriff.

"Yes sir." said Cindy... as she reached up to her pocket and clicked the 'ink pen' inside it. The journalists would find that they'd recorded static, as if the Slender Man had visited them...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Nextdoor County High School JROTC cadets marched onto the football field. The stands were full to overflowing, and people ringed the fence-enclosed field. Following the JROTC were contingents from Wildcat School ROTC and the University's ROTC programs. Though Tom Usagi was not going to attend the University, their cadets had asked to participate, a request that had been granted.

Then came the pallbearers with the coffin. BOW Enterprises had created a device whose bottom part was the same as the tracks of Tanya'a Tank, and the upper part basically a gurney. This device actually carried the American-Flag-draped coffin, with the pallbearers attending and guiding it to the middle of the field.

The NCHS Band played the Star Spangled Banner, then U.S. Congressman Condor and State Senator Woodburn spoke. The U.S. Deputy A.G. had shown up, but he said he would not speak at the event. So the Japanese Ambassador spoke. He spoke perfect English, and he made sure to note that while Tom Usagi was of Japanese heritage, and that the Japanese Nation was proud of him, Tom was born an American and loved his country, and that it was only right that an American Flag cover his coffin. People in the stands clapped, some politely, some in agreement. The American Mainstream Media covering the service looked disgusted.

Then a bugler played 'Taps'. As the last echoes of the bugle call faded away, people heard the low rhythmic beats of helicopters. The football field runs south to north, with the home stands on the west side. Everyone looked south.

The front chopper was the University's Life Flight chopper, piloted by Teresa Croyle. Her wingman behind and to her left was me in the TCPD Bell 206. On her right, parallel to me, was Chief Moynahan in the Cobra, and his wingman to his back and right was Sgt. Prince in the University's Bell 206 that the football coaches used for recruiting trips.

As we came over the football field, the Chief radioed for us to fly straight and level. Then, as we passed directly over the coffin, the Chief revved up the Cobra and lifted it out of the formation. It looked to the people on the ground that it was going almost straight up into the sky, but in reality the Chief was also keeping it's forward progress on a level with our own. His exit left a gap in our formation, the 'Missing Man'.

We continued north until we were out of sight, almost to the University-City Highway. We all turned west and flew on to our County, returning our choppers to their home bases.

We would see it on TV later. It looked impressive, particularly with helicopters doing a maneuver usually done by jet planes. And it would make Fox Eight News and many Fox stations around the Nation. But Burt West, Publisher of KXTC Channel Two News, had cut away from the service before the flyover had happened, and he'd given strict instructions that the flyover not be shown. Bettina said on the evening broadcast that it was 'an offensive reminder of America's culture of guns and machines of war'."

Part 18 - Stalker In The Night

"You look exhausted, Don." said Edward R. Steele at 10:30pm, Wednesday May 8th. He was our host for the Charter Commission meeting. Stephanie and Selena were at the Mountain Nest with Marie, Carole, the boys, and Laura, and of course the redoubtable Bowser and Buddy.

"It's been a long, long day." I said with a tinge of sadness.

"The helicopter flyover was very well done." said Savannah Fineman. "Everyone really liked it." Everyone else murmured agreement.

"Thanks." I said. "The saddest part for me was meeting the family. Tom was a very promising young man, and they had great hopes for his future."

"Do we have any more business tonight?" asked Edward. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it can wait."

"We did a lot tonight." I said. "We've laid the keel of the ship we're building, so to speak. The spine of the structure is in place, and we're getting input from the Government agencies now. That's your homework... we have to read all of it."

"I read some of it already." said Rev. Joseph E. Williams. "Looks to me like every agency wants themselves to be expanded, and some have suggested that 'rival' agencies be done away with. I'm really looking forward to the Police Department's recommendations."

I knew he was teasing me, but I winced. "Commander Ross was working with the Sheriff on the Public Safety Department's report for us." I said. "With her sister in the Hospital, she's badly distracted. I'll have to talk to the Chief and Sheriff, and see what she'd written up for them."

"I figured Sheriff Griswold would've been directly in your ear, Commander." said Williams, humor in his eyes.

"He may not be all that happy with me when all is said and done." I replied. "I already know some things he wants that I'm not particularly happy with. But we can save that for a later time. What say we put this night in the books, and adjourn?"

"I second that motion." said Edna Carter. We all gathered up everything, then made our goodbyes and left. Then Edward came with me, knowing he could ride back with his family.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"DADDY!" yelled Carole as Ed and I came in the front door of the Mountain Nest. She and Marie ran up and hugged my legs. Then Marie hugged her dad as Jim and Ross came up to give me hugs. But Ian had held back.

"Hey Ian." I said to my youngest male child. "Come over here and give me a hug." Ian came over and hugged me, and I could feel the vibe. "What's wrong?"

"I miss Mommy." said Ian sadly. "When can we go see her?"

"Well," I said, "they're keeping her asleep right now so she can get better. When they wake her back up, we'll go see her, okay?"

"Okay." said Ian.

"All right, I think it's some kids's bedtimes. Am I right?" I asked. The grumbling response was 'not enthusiastic' as they begrudgingly admitted I was right...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"What did we miss on the news?" asked Edward after the kids were put to bed, Marie staying with Carole tonight, and Selena in the guest room in case Laura and I had to go to the Hospital or my Police duties.

Laura said "The Deputy AG showed up and the fawning Media is showing him meeting with students. Then he gave a speech. I'll play the DVR of it."

The DVR showed the Deputy A.G., a tall, slender black man with graying hair, perhaps on purpose, flanked by 'students' that looked too old to be in high school, saying "We must do something about the Culture of Guns in America! We must overcome those bitterly clinging to their guns and pass common-sense gun laws to ensure tragedies like this do not continue to happen in our schools!" Students cheered.

The Dep. A.G. continued: "Assault rifles must be taken off our streets, and if necessary out of our homes! The 'bitter clingers' to the Second Amendment must make reasonable compromises to protect our children! And if that means a Constitutional Convention to remove the Second Amendment from the Constitution, then that is something that all Americans should want!" More cheering from the 'students'.

The Deputy A.G. finished up: "I don't understand why Governor Val Jared..." The crowd booed loudly, then the Dep. A.G. said "I don't understand why he has not already called the State Legislature into session! The only reason I can think of for Governor Jared's lack of action is because he's a Republican! We demand action now, Governor Jared!..."

As Laura turned off the DVD, I said "I recognized at least six of those people with the Deputy A.G. They are now or were in the past activists at the University, and some of them were involved in those riots we faced." (Author's note: 'Falsely Accused', among other places.)

"They're not high school students?" asked Edward Steele.

"Harumph." I muttered. "Heck no. And some of them are 'crisis actors', too."

Back on live television, KFXU's Priya Ajmani was interviewing Peter Dwayne Gordon of Clear Call Polling. Peter was saying "The polls are showing that people's minds are really unchanged by this. Those who already wanted gun confiscation support the Democrats' calls for more laws. Those who support the Second Amendment continue to do so."

And then I noticed it: the Deputy A.G. had been brought over to give Priya an interview, and he'd heard every word Peter had said. His face was 'fast' becoming 'furious'...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

2:05am, Thursday, May 9th. The night shift physician's assistant came out of ICU and walked down the hallway towards the Nurses Station. Neither he nor anyone else saw the young man in black scrubs come up the hallway and go into the room.

He hurried through ICU and to the door that led to the 'clean' room where Molly Evans was. He used a code to deactivate the alarm and let himself in. As he approached Molly's bed, he reached into his pocket, pulled out a syringe full of potassium chloride, and uncapped it...

To be continued.

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chytownchytown7 months ago

*****Really good chapter

Ravey19Ravey19about 2 years ago

Don to the rescue withvCarole's help?

brownmobbrownmobover 4 years ago
Hey thanks for the "Australia" mention

Better to be talked about our gun laws than the bush fires currently burning the country. all the best and keep em coming

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Happy New year

WW as much as you are a proverbial pain in the posterior the way you leave us hanging at the end of each chapter and especially at the end of a section. You are a magnificent writer. Please continue. And may happiness and all things good rain down on you for 2020.

WW junkies

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanover 4 years agoAuthor
Merry Christmas, next story submitted

Merry Christmas to all on this Christmas Day. The next chapter of the story has been submitted, and hopefully will be published soon.

john_sixfooterjohn_sixfooterover 4 years ago
One heckuva story to kickstart Christmas!

Once again, a great story!

The treachery, conniving, and deceit by Bettina, et al, is treasonous, most certainly. They deserve Ling Chi.

ju8streadingju8streadingover 4 years ago

please tell me some one shot that guy in the head

LeicestershirebullLeicestershirebullover 4 years ago
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas WifeWatchman and thanks for the great stories.

Wishing you and your family all the best for 2020, and looking forward to more trials of Troy

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