Sigma Lambda Tau: Guess Who


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"Able," Miray said.

"Jeez," Jenny said, as Able reluctantly withdrew and clambered down. "Why didn't you pledge Sigma?"

Because I'm not a slut, Miray thought, but that was ridiculous now. She was a slut, and even if her family would be horrified she liked it.

The last boy climbed up onto the bed. Miray's emotions threatened to overwhelm her - hope that she'd get through this, fear that she'd stumble in the homestretch and end up getting pregnant in front of strangers, and increasingly forceful lust. One more, she told herself. One more, and then I'll be free to do as I wish.

Miray felt the bed shift, felt a rising sense of vulnerability as he moved between her legs. She took a deep breath, focusing herself on the physical.

The boy put both hands on Miray's hips, holding him steady as his cock pressed against her lips. He slid in slowly, and Miray groaned in pleasure.

It was Danny, she knew. She waited, letting his cock slide into her, letting his legs press against hers as they joined together. He pulled back slowly, finding a slow rhythm.

Miray reached back awkwardly and placed her hand on his. She wanted him to know that she wanted him, wanted more, no matter what happened.

"Danny," she sighed.

The crowd shouted, and Miray heard scattered applause. Danny squeezed her hand, then withdrew. Miray sighed, half in disappointment and half in relief.

Jenny pulled Miray up, then reached behind her head and untied the blindfold. Miray blinked as she looked out at the crowd. Smiles greeted her - some of them happy with her victory, some just happy she was still naked. Miray raised an eyebrow as she caught sight of the redhead, still touching herself as she watched, but figured it was par for the course.

"Let's hear it for Miray!" Jenny said, holding Miray's hand high, and the crowd cheered.

Miray caught Alice's eye, on the other side of the bed. Alice gave her a hesitant smile. Miray was torn between her own joy at her success and her anger at Alice, but she let the anger slide. She only had room in her heart for one primal emotion right now, and lust was not inclined to yield her crown.

"So, Alice," Jenny said as she walked to her side with the blindfold in hand. "That's what you should be aiming for."

Alice gasped softly as Jenny slipped the blindfold over her eyes, her chest rising and falling quickly as she tried to keep herself calm. Jenny led Alice to the bed, and Miray watched her climb up, her slender arms braced against the mattress and her petite breasts presenting themselves in Miray's general direction.

"Have a seat," someone whispered. Miray glanced over to see three boys sitting in four empty chairs, naked save for their half-masks. With a start, she realized that these were three of the boys who had just fucked her. Their masks were even labeled.

She settled into the seat that Danny had indicated. He was Black, with lovely amber eyes and a slender build. On her other side sat Able, a white guy with a black goatee, and Chad, a tall blonde guy with blue eyes.

"Baker wandered off after his last turn," Danny whispered. He was still hard, and he was idly stroking himself as he watched Alice, although he didn't sound like he was anywhere close to cumming.

"His loss," Miray said. She thought about reaching over and taking his cock, and wondered how quickly he would reciprocate.

Jenny opened another door, and three more boys in half-masks walked out. Jenny frowned, looking behind them for a fourth who wasn't there. With a shrug, she turned and looked at Miray's remaining suitors. Silently, she beckoned Danny to join her.

"Work, work," Miray whispered.

Danny laughed, softly enough that only Miray could hear him. He took her hand and squeezed, and somehow it felt more intimate than having his cock inside her. He stood, and walked over to join the other boys.

"Here are your references," Jenny said. "Starting with Able..."

Miray wondered for a moment what she owed to Alice. They'd been friends for years, despite coming from different backgrounds. She couldn't help Alice figure out which of her four boys was fucking her, couldn't help her escape or succeed. But would it be wrong to masturbate to the sounds Alice made as the boys each gave her a reference fuck, or to the way her mouth went wide with pleasure when they bumped their hips against hers?

Alice had chosen this, Miray decided, and had roped Miray into it to boot. It was Alice's fault that Miray was this horny, and there was nothing wrong with Miray using Alice to sate herself. She lowered her fingers to her lips as Danny gave Alice a gentle thrust.

"Alright, Alice," Jenny said. "Are you ready?"

"Yes," Alice said. It was the voice she used when she was trying to convince herself of something, and Miray felt a pang of sympathy for her.

"Alright," Jenny said. Silently, she pointed at Baker, who climbed up behind her.

Miray had heard Alice tell her stories about her sexual escapades before, but it had always been in the abstract - Alice grinning and dropping a lascivious detail or two, and letting Miray fill in the rest. Miray had always been thrilled to hear these tidbits, but seeing it in person was more exciting than she'd imagined.

Alice moaned as Baker slid inside her. He gripped her hips with both hands, setting a determined rhythm as he thrust into her wet cunt. Her hair swung back and forth, and her breasts swayed with his thrusts.

"Yes," the redhead whimpered as she watched. Miray could hardly keep from moaning herself, as her fingers slid inside her wet pussy. Alice had barely started and she was already putting on a show.

Alice moaned again as the boy thrust into her, then suddenly seemed to come to a decision. "Baker!" she cried.

"Good start," Jenny said. Baker climbed aside, and Chad took his place.

Alice gasped as Chad slid into her. Miray thought about how hard she'd worked to set her lust aside for the sake of the contest, and wondered if Alice was capable of it. She'd been with boys plenty before this, and she'd never had to put any reins on her horniness. Miray was torn between a hope that Alice could get it under control, and a hope that she'd get to see Alice cum. Then again, she supposed it was out of her hands.

"Able," Alice grunted.

"I'm afraid not," Jenny said, sounding not at all afraid. "Sixty seconds."

Chad shifted his rhythm as Jenny spoke, grabbing Alice's hips and pounding into her. The crowd grew quiet. The only sounds were Alice's worried moaning as Chad's cock plunging into her wet pussy, his hips slapping against hers, and Miray and the redhead's fingers dancing along their lips.

Chad was determined; Miray could see him biting his lip as he pressed himself onward. He really was trying to cum in her, Miray realized. She didn't think he was going to make it in time.

Alice looked like she was barely holding on to whatever control she'd had. Her eyes had rolled back, and sweat dripped down her cheek. She bit her lip with concern and glanced futilely around, but it didn't last long; her lust was like a sea where she could barely reach the surface.

"Time," Jenny said.

"Fuck," Alice said. "Chad!"

Chad looked frustrated, but he pulled out. Silently, Jenny pointed to Danny, and he climbed up.

Danny looked across the bed and caught Miray's eye. Miray was done with holding back, and she slid her fingers into her cunt as he watched. She smiled at him, and he smiled back, holding her gaze even as he slid into Alice.

"Oh," Alice gasped helplessly. Miray couldn't see what Danny was doing, but she could see the effect it was having on them both. Alice moaned, her arms shaking as the pleasure washed over her; Danny's abdomen was tense, not because he was on the edge but because he was trying to divide his focus everywhere.

Miray wondered whether Danny had been holding back with her, whether his desire to please her had been the thing that kept him from letting go inside her. Miray imagined herself back in the game, guessing wrong until Danny couldn't hold his pleasure back any longer. It was so easy to stare into his eyes and want to get lost in them. As she watched him move carefully inside Alice, reading her moans and adjusting his pace to drive her higher, Miray decided that he deserved a climax, and no matter where it happened, she wanted to see it.

"Doing okay there, slut?" Jenny asked.

"Yes," Alice gasped. "Um. Danny!"

Miray winced. She was pretty sure that Alice was guessing, which didn't bode well for her. Beyond that, though, she didn't want Danny's time to end.

Danny gave Miray a rueful smile as he pulled out and climbed back down. She was vaguely aware that Able had climbed up, but Miray's attention was taken up by Danny and Alice. Alice's slutty moans formed the backdrop, the soundtrack for Miray's thoughts. Alice herself was a metronome, her hair and her little breasts and her whole body swinging back and forth to the rhythm of her fucking. And Danny was a conductor, of a sort. He was still watching Miray, even as Alice moaned right in front of him, and he stroked his cock as he held her gaze.

Miray bit her lip as she stuck her fingers deep into her pussy. She tried to time her movements to match Danny's, to imagine that they were pleasuring each other. Danny groaned softly, and Alice squeaked in apprehension.

"Able!" Alice cried.

"Yep," Jenny said, as Able silently withdrew. She grinned wickedly, then pointed at Danny again.

Danny climbed up. He set his hands on Alice's hips, gently guiding himself to her.

Alice moaned softly as Danny's cock reached her lips, then loudly as he began to slide inside. They were beautiful, Miray thought - Alice's pale skin contrasting with Danny's brown, the way their sweat and their intense focus pulled them together, the way he pulled her close as she moaned. Miray knew that if her friend didn't keep her head she could easily end up pregnant, but it was easy to set the risk aside when the coupling looked like this. Besides, the risk wasn't hers any more.

"Oh, fuck," Alice gasped. There was a chorus of sympathetic moans from the redhead, from the crowd, even from Miray. Danny kept quiet, and Miray suspected that it was not because he was trying to deceive Alice but because he was trying to get her off.

"You got a guess for who this is," Jenny asked, "or are you gonna wait and do a DNA test?"

"No," Alice gasped, pulling herself together. "Um. Chad!"

"Nope," Jenny said. "Guess again in a minute."

Alice frowned, behind her blindfold. Miray knew she must be worried. At first she was torn between hoping that her friend would make it through, and hoping that Alice would get some comeuppance for dragging her into this. But, as she pondered it, she felt her anger melting away. She'd enjoyed it, and she'd won. Alice would either win too, or Danny would cum in her, and either way Miray would be happy to watch.

Danny hadn't changed his pace, Miray saw. He wasn't in a desperate rush to cum in Alice, like so many of the others. Alice didn't seem to have noticed, because Danny's focus was entirely on getting her off.

Miray had known Alice for years, but she'd never seen this side of her. Alice made a soft, little moan with each thrust, her volume rising with the motions that Danny sought. Unconsciously, she was arching her back and moving her ass back to meet Danny's hips. She squeezed the sheets on the bed, and her arms wobbled as she tried to hold herself up. She was lovely, and she was helpless.

Miray's attention had been so focused on Alice that her own climax almost came as a surprise. She gasped as she felt it rising up, her fingers plunging into her cunt until the wave broke across her. She moaned as she felt her pussy squeezing down, felt her body surrendering to the pleasure she'd been putting off all this time. She let herself fall into it, let the appreciative moans and smiles of the crowd cushion her.

Danny's eyes were waiting, at the bottom of her fall. He smiled as he watched her shake and gasp in pleasure, his expression of shared joy as intimate as an embrace. This was what he'd been waiting for, what he'd tried to give her when she was guessing, and even though the height of her pleasure she was glad that he was there to share it.

Jenny gave Miray a grin, too, then checked her stopwatch. "That's time, honey," she said.

"Able!" Alice gasped.

Miray sighed, her worry tinged with exasperation. How could Alice have had so many boys and not be able to tell the difference?

"It's not Able, either," Jenny said. "Sixty more seconds."

Alice's worry was barely visible beneath her overpowering lust. As Miray watched, she leaned forward, her arms too exhausted to keep holding her up. Danny reached forward and put a hand between her shoulder blades, holding her close to the mattress. Alice moaned as she felt the new angle from Danny's cock. Miray could hear surprise and shock in Alice's tone, and sat back to watch her reach her summit.

Alice's orgasm was as beautiful as everything else about her. It was primal and unrefined and fierce. She wailed in helpless pleasure, her body shaking as the pleasure rode her. Miray was certain that Alice had entirely forgotten the crowd, and the risk, and Sigma Lambda Tau, because her orgasm needed every bit of her brain. She cried out again and again, her fingers gripping the sheets, her toes curling with overwhelming joy. She pitched forward, unable to keep herself up, unable to do anything but feel.

Danny's expression was exquisite. Miray knew that he could feel Alice's pussy squeezing him, her body urging him on. Miray realized that this was what he'd been aiming for all along - he'd been trying to push them over the edge. She wished she could see his brow furrowing, and feel his body rising towards his own climax. But he caught her eye as Alice's orgasm trailed off and his began, and she caught him just like he'd caught her.

"Oh, yes," Danny groaned. "Oh, Alice, yes!"

A bit of awareness managed to penetrate Alice's post-orgasmic haze. "Wait," she cried out. "No, wait!"

He couldn't wait, Miray knew. He was pulling her hips close against his with one hand and holding her against the bed with the other. Miray could feel the crowd holding its breath as he drove into her, his body rising up until he couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Yes!" he cried. He pushed forward, driving his cock into Alice's wet pussy. He roared wordlessly, and Alice squealed along with him, as his climax began. Through her own pleasure, Alice could feel his cock pulsing inside her, sending wave after wave of his seed flowing into her welcoming womb. She tried to climb up, tried to twist away from his grasp, but her body had barely recovered from her own orgasm and her limbs refused to move. She wailed into the sheets as he thrust into her, each thrust driving her further forward and sending more anonymous sperm into her cunt.

The crowd sounded as overwhelmed as Alice had been. Miray looked around, and caught the last moments of the redhead's own orgasm. Miray couldn't tell whether Alice or Danny's climax had set her off. Miray suspected that a dozen or so members of the crowd would try to find a room in a minute or two.

Danny fell forward, catching himself before he collapsed onto Alice's back, as his climax waned. "Yes," he gasped softly, as the last pulses of his seed flowed into her.

"Yes, indeed," Jenny agreed.

"No," Alice argued, trying to pull herself up. She reached for her blindfold, and Jenny reached down to grab her hand.

"None of that," Jenny said. "You don't get to see him."

Jenny smiled at Danny. "Your sixty seconds are up. I hope you enjoyed our hospitality, Danny."

He nodded. He pulled out, drawing a final moan from Alice, and stood. He gave Miray one final smile, then opened the door and walked away with the other boys.

"Alright," Jenny said, letting Alice go. Alice pulled the blindfold off and sat up. She glanced down at her pussy, where a drop of Danny's cum was all that had come back out.

Miray sat down on the bed. Alice hesitated a moment, then threw her arms around Miray, pressing herself close.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Miray said. Her anger had exhausted itself, and her lust was sated for the moment, and beneath it all her friendship remained. "Let's just get you dressed."

She helped Alice up and started handing her her clothes. As Alice slipped her shirt on, she caught sight of Jenny walking away. Jenny looked over her shoulder at Miray. She caught Miray's eye, then held her hand up to her cheek in the gesture for call-me. She smiled, and stepped away.


"I wasn't sure if you'd call," Jenny said.

They'd met in the study, just off of the entryway into the Sigma house at the top of sorority row. The Sigmas were preparing for another party in the neighboring rooms, but the study was quiet.

"I had to take care of Alice first," Miray said.

Jenny nodded. "That's awfully kind of you, considering."

"She's pregnant," Miray went on.

"It happens," Jenny replied.

"It happens to your pledges a lot," Miray said.

"That's part of being a slut," Jenny said. "You've gotta be able to stay in control. Like, anyone can fuck a bunch of boys; boys are easy. Sigma Lambda Tau is for girls who can fuck a bunch of guys, and make all of those guys want her even more, and not get pregnant until she wants to."

"And what about Alice, and the other girls?"

Jenny smiled. "The university has a good child care program. She'll be fine. And Danny was so good, right? Shouldn't he get to spread his seed a bit?"

Miray hesitated. She wanted to be angry on her friend's behalf, but Danny had been lovely.

"So here's why I wanted to talk," Jenny said. "We really like that you helped your friend, even when you didn't have to. And you did pass one of the challenges. So, if you want, you would be welcome to join us as a sister."

Miray blinked. "You're serious."


"My parents would lose their minds."

"That's not a no," Jenny grinned. "Think about it. You could live here, and come to all of our parties. You could have the absolute best of guys, or girls, or both. It's pretty nice."

Miray considered this. Before the guessing game, she never would have thought of herself that way. It was a bit shocking, how much she'd changed. "Alice would be pissed, too."

"She'll probably get over it. You can invite her to the parties, and she can have some of the guys too. Plus she can be on the pill this time."

Miray leaned back in the plush chair. She couldn't entirely set everyone else aside, nor would she want to. But, if she was being honest with herself, she had enjoyed what she did at the party. Her family might be horrified, and Alice might be shocked, but they'd come around.

"Okay," Miray said. "I'm in."


I want to thank Sylvidoll for her editorial help.

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bumpercarsbumpercars22 days agoAuthor


I'm glad you liked it! I do plan to write more SLT stories.

I tend not to get upset about comments unless they're actively rude, so no worries on that score. I understand that the sort of stories I write won't be for everyone, and that's okay.

bumpercarsbumpercars22 days agoAuthor


I'm glad you loved it! I'm enjoying adding to this series (albeit slowly), so hopefully there'll be more for you.

DEGEDEGE22 days ago

LOVED IT. 5 from 5 .

Don't pay attention to the prudish ones that doesn't even have the courage to put a name in the comment.

Having said so, I loved the "guess game" SO HOT!! So bad Alice couldn't hold herself in clear mind (wink wink) Love this series. Hope we can read more adventurs from SLT

AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago

LOVED IT!!! Loved the way Alice lost control and ended knocked up.

Can't stop reading this series!!

bumpercarsbumpercarsabout 1 year agoAuthor


I'm glad you enjoyed it. I do enjoy writing about that sort of struggle for internal control.

I'm also glad you like SLT's ideas about morality - I feel like several of the SLT stories have been about figuring out where they draw those lines. They're fine with risky choices, and the people they let in are just the ones who can manage that risk without letting go of their own desires.

shadrachtshadrachtabout 1 year ago

The loss of control to pleasure, both narrated from the person losing control (but ultimately keeping it) and then watching someone else lose control - very hot and very well written. I even like that SLT had their own internal integrity and morality. They own it, and it should've been no surprise to anyone (except maybe Miray, at the beginning) what they were about.

bumpercarsbumpercarsover 1 year agoAuthor


There are a few things to note here. First, an unplanned pregnancy does not equate to an abused child; plenty of unplanned children are loved and welcomed, and plenty of planned children are abused. There's nothing in the story to indicate or even suggest that Alice's baby will not be loved.

Second, I think that the gap between reality and the tone I strike in this sort of fiction is pretty clear. When a moral rule is violated in my stories it's meant to be erotic, and there's nothing erotic about child abuse or neglect.

Finally, I think you're being very generous to churches in your estimation of who would help in this scenario. Some churches would help Alice, I agree, but plenty more would judge her, shame her, and lobby the government to make conditions worse for her. "Find a church" is not advice I would give to a single mom in need of support.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What about the person who did not choose to be involved?

The baby.

He / She has just been sentenced to being an unwanted, resented child.

If you doubt that just scan the daily papers for parents in court for cruelty to their children.

There is a way of reducing the odds that this will happen. You will need the close support of reliable, available friends around you for the rest of your life. Think Church, one where everybody welcomes all who seek help, but rejects refuse to help some one in need, (especialy where young children are involved)

bumpercarsbumpercarsalmost 2 years agoAuthor


Yeah, it kinda has to have good child care - SLT is certainly responsible for getting a lot of babies conceived.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Lol I bet the university has a good child care program and a very very in demand program too.

Thanks for putting in the time to write this for us.

bumpercarsbumpercarsabout 2 years agoAuthor



AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Excellent stuff.

bumpercarsbumpercarsabout 2 years agoAuthor


Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. There should be another SLT story coming before too long. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great as always! :) I love impregnation erotica, and your SLT stories are great!

bumpercarsbumpercarsabout 2 years agoAuthor


I hope that's a good "oh my god?" :)

bumpercarsbumpercarsabout 2 years agoAuthor


Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've been meaning to write more about SLT and it just took me a while to find the right vein.

bumpercarsbumpercarsabout 2 years agoAuthor


I'm glad you liked it! I do plan to write more, including more stories involving Sigma Lambda Tau. I'm glad you're enjoying the themes - I definitely enjoy those themes as well, and I think basically all Sigma Lambda Tau induction tests involve pregnancy risk of some sort or another.

bumpercarsbumpercarsabout 2 years agoAuthor


I'm glad you enjoyed the stories! I do have more ideas for SLT kicking around, so hopefully you'll read more about them.

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