Sister Zone


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With that settled, they got back to making love, although quietly because they were kissing most of the time. I didn't mind the lack of dirty talk, since this was more romantic, and that was what I'd wanted them to be. Even so, watching his cock slide in and out of her pussy, as she rolled her hips in that gentle fucking motion, was more than enough to keep my own pussy nice and wet. And, my own pace had slowed down to match theirs, with my fingers running lightly up and down my slit. But, my mind was more on what they'd just finished talking about than on their fucking. Because, my own period was a little over a week away, and now that I knew he'd do it, I definitely wanted him to lick me during mine too. Along those same lines, I was also thinking about how her period would affect the coming weekend. What I mean is, how far would I go myself, in joining what my brother would do. Sucking his cock when it was clean wouldn't be a problem, and it didn't matter if his cock was covered in blood when he fucked me. Nor would it make a difference when one or both of them ate my pussy. The real question was whether or not I'd be able to kiss or lick either one of them once things started to get bloody, and I didn't know the answer yet.

I was broken out of my reverie by the change in the sounds they were making, which told me they were both getting ready to cum. The fact that it was only a change in their moans, because they hadn't stopped kissing, sort of bothered me. But, that had been what I wanted, hadn't it, for them to be romantic and for him to fall in love with her quicker? So, I concentrated on the sexual side of it, and watched his balls pulse as he flooded her with sperm, and watched her asshole open and close as she came. I did love what happened next though, when he offered to have her sit on his face again. That's when she told him that she was saving all his sperm for me tonight, so he'd just have to be happy with her sucking his cock some more. As she slid off his cock, and down his body to slip it into her mouth, it was easy to see some of that cream trying to leak out of her pussy. And it still amazes me how hot seeing those traces of white between her pink pussy lips made me. A little over a month ago, I'd never eaten a pussy before, and I had my first threesome less than a week ago. Now, one of my biggest thrills was licking my lover's cum out of another girl's cunt, and it shocked me how quickly I'd come to love that.

It didn't take long for Pinar to get my brother's cock ready for what she wanted next, their first romantic ass fuck. He'd fucked her in the ass plenty of times over the weekend, so that part wasn't new. This time though would be the first time they'd done it face to face, and that's what made it romantic. They could kiss and talk softly to each other this way, and that's exactly what they did, with her continuing their conversation where they'd left off. Since she'd brought up the thing about eating her during her period, she wanted to know if he had anything he wanted that he was afraid to ask her for. He kissed her softly, and said that there was nothing he wanted that he didn't already get from us. And when she answered that he was sweet to say that, but everyone had fantasies that hadn't come true yet. He said that of course he had some of those, he just wouldn't be afraid to ask for them if he really wanted them. Everything that he'd ever been afraid to ask a girl to do with him, were the things we already did. Like asking a girl to suck his cock, or let him fuck her in the ass, and especially asking her to suck his cock after he fucked her in the ass. Or the two that she had asked for, the golden showers, and eating her pussy during her period, things he'd wanted too. And, let's not forget asking a girl if they could bring another girl to their bed, always a hard one to ask for. All his other fantasies were small things compared to those, and definitely not things he'd be afraid to ask for.

Naturally, she told him she wanted some examples of his fantasies that he wasn't afraid to ask for, with details of course. And he was right, that they were things that were a lot easier to ask a girl to do than the things we already did. That didn't make them boring, because I wouldn't say no to any one of them. Like being tied to the bed all night long while he drove me crazy with his fingers, mouth, and a collection of sex toys. Or, taking turns filming the other two of us making love, although Pinar did have reservations about that one. In general though, they were just different ways of doing the things we already did. Like fucking every hole in sequence for only a certain number of strokes, so we wouldn't know which hole he'd cum in. Or, variations on the role playing we'd done our first weekend, except not pretending we were family. My favorite though, and from the fact that it made her cum too, one of Pinar's as well, was the slave bowl idea. That was where one night a month, we'd all put our names in a bowl, and the one who got picked would be the slave of the other two. The only limits on it were that we couldn't make our slave do anything that we hadn't already done, and that everything had to be some kind of sex act. So, we couldn't make my brother clean the house, or tell someone to do something we all thought was disgusting. But, we'd already done so many different things, including dirty ones like golden showers, that the possibilities were endless. And, I was already thinking of a few things I'd want each of them to do when they were the slave.

After explaining the slave bowl thing, and with Pinar half whispering that she was already his slave and would do anything he wanted her to, it didn't take my brother long to cum himself. And, if watching the sperm drip out of her pussy, knowing I'd have to wait to taste it, wasn't torture enough, seeing more of it coming out of her asshole was. But, Pinar obviously does love me, because she told my brother there was another fantasy she'd like to ask him for right now, that included me. She'd heard about something called a daisy chain, and thought that would be the perfect way to end the night. So, she wanted the three of us to lay on our sides on the bed, and make slow love to each other that way. Naturally, she wanted his cock in her mouth, so she could get some more of his delicious cream. Since she'd promised me that the sperm he'd put in her pussy and asshole was all mine to lick out, that's what I'd be doing. And, because they'd been selfish and only let me watch all night, she wanted him to take real good care of my poor little pussy for me. She was right too, an hour of gently licking each other like that was the perfect way to finish this.

I won't go into too much detail about what we did that weekend, because it was really just more of the same things that we did the weekend before. Even Pinar's period starting Saturday morning didn't change things all that much. OK, I'll admit that I was a little reluctant to fully join in at first. By late afternoon though I gave up fighting myself, and quickly found that I don't mind the taste of blood at all. Plus, the fact that we were a little messy, just gave us an excuse to play in the shower, where of course, we played another kind of shower game with my brother. The only real important thing that happened over the weekend was that Pinar got her wish on Sunday. And, even more importantly for both of us, she got it without having to pressure my brother for it. We'd just come out of the shower, yes, doing what you think, and we were lying on the bed with our heads on my brother's chest. He was lightly caressing our backs, in one of those romantic after sex moments, when he said he wished he didn't have to go back home. He wished instead that he could stay here, where he was happy, with the girls he loved. Pinar, for once, didn't say anything to break the mood, she just snuggled down tighter against him. But, the smile on her face, and the tears of joy in her eyes, said more than any words could ever say.

Since my brother's family came back home that night, the reason for his comments, we had to go back to our "exercise" schedule. That meant that on Monday and Friday, we'd make whatever love we could as a threesome in the few hours we had together. Wednesdays though, were our our alone times with him, where we'd take turns being the one to make love to him. I know that I'd promised Pinar one night a week alone, but because she'd gotten him to start using the L word, she didn't need it anymore. We had thought about doing that, but I'd have to have a night alone too, and we'd rather have two threesomes a week than two alone nights. And, two weeks later, Pinar got her other wish, the one about me moving in with her. I mean, I was already sleeping there on weekends, and going home late or sleeping over on exercise nights. My parents thought it was a guy's house I was sleeping at, so were relieved when they saw it was obviously a girl's house. That meant they didn't put up too much of a fight, except to have me, and Pinar if she wanted, come to dinner twice a week. Although, if they knew that "my" bed was never slept in, they might not have liked that so much.

My brother wasn't the only one who fell in love with Pinar, although I'd already loved her in some ways before. Living with her though, gave me so many more reasons to love her than just the sex we shared. She was smart, as well as sexy, and as much fun to be with out of bed as she was in bed. Even if my brother didn't join us three nights a week, I'd have been a happy woman. Naturally, being able to share him with her, without any jealousy, just made life even better. The only thing that kept it from being perfect was the fact that my brother didn't share that house with us. If you think that we'd get bored having him there all the time, because all he'd want was sex, you'd be wrong. Because, the next time his wife took the kids on a trip, he practically moved in with us for the two weeks she was gone. And, about half of those nights, there wasn't any sex at all, although there was definitely a lot of love. The sex we had was better too, because there was no reason to hurry any of it. Plus, waking up with him was something we all wished we could do every day.

As for my brother, he was obviously a much happier person, and in better shape too, because of the sex we had. And it was the fact that he couldn't hide his happiness from his wife, that finally ended his marriage. His being in better shape was easy for her to understand, because he supposedly went to the gym three nights a week. But, his being happy, when she did nothing to make him that way, could only be because some other woman was doing that. I never understood that woman to start with, because she had a wonderful husband, who'd do anything she wanted, and a life other women would kill for. And all she had to do to keep him was give him a little sex now and then. Instead, she lied to him constantly, about loving sex with him, then pushed him away whenever he wanted it. She'd rather have the constant fights her behavior caused, than have a man who loved and worshipped her. That way, she could blame him for her unhappiness when he started turning cold on her. Now though, he was that loving and caring husband again, who went out of his way to make her happy, and she couldn't stand it. So, she had to find out what was causing him to be nice to her again, and put a stop to it.

She followed him when he left work a couple of times, with a friend's car so he wouldn't notice, to find out where he went. Then, when she was sure he'd be with us at Pinar's house, our house now, she came there with the police. Next thing you know, she's filing for divorce, and us girls are both being charged as the cause. Turkish law is funny in that a wronged wife can also get alimony from her husband's lover, and she'd hit the jackpot because he had two of them. We'd all end up supporting her in style for the rest of our lives, even though she was the one who'd done all the real wrong here. The problem was proving that in court, and the help we needed came from the last person I'd have expected. My brother's best friend, and my ex-boyfriend, turned the tide, by telling the judge the whole history of my brother's marriage. His wife added the finishing touches herself, by attacking him for defending the man who was fucking his girlfriend. And, by practically admitting her guilt when she said it didn't matter what she'd done, he should still have supported her for revenge. So, even though losing custody of his kids was a major blow, she got nothing out of the deal for herself. The house was put in his kids names, at my brother's insistence, and other than reasonable child support, she didn't get a dime.

The next couple of months were hell for him, and only the generous visitation rights he had, and us girls of course, helped him get through it. Had his wife been a smarter woman, she could even have gotten him back by using his kids as bait. But, instead of trying to win him back by seduction, she continued to blame him for their marriage falling apart. And the conditions she set for his return amounted to him living a monks life. He wouldn't be allowed to leave the house, except to go to work, without her being with him. His computer time would be strictly regulated, and he'd be required to participate in the activities she liked instead. And only after he'd proven himself a good husband, by assuming most of the household chores, would they talk about possibly having sex again. He may not have wanted the divorce in the first place, even though his wife had only caused him pain, without giving him any joy. But, although his kids meant the world to him, there was no way he could have gone back under the old conditions, let alone these harsher ones. Her unwillingness to accept that her behavior had been wrong, and wanting revenge instead of trying to fix their marriage, lost her any chance she might have had.

After that though, things began to get better, as the shock wore off and he realized this was for the best. We'd only made love on rare occasions during his mourning period, it had mostly been just holding and comforting him. Now, he was back to his old loving self, and spending almost all the time we wanted with us. Getting him to spend the rest, by giving up his apartment and moving in with us, took another whole month. And that was mostly because he didn't want to burden us with his bad habits, like the amount of time he spent on the computer. We finally convinced him, by showing him that we weren't like his wife, and had gentler ways of persuasion when we wanted some of his time. It was during one of those, when we had a cuddle break from making love, that Pinar asked my brother to make her biggest fantasy come true. She had a Daddy, and she had an aunt, but she didn't have anyone to be her Mommy.

My brother immediately told her that he couldn't even handle to two of us, so there was no way he would add a third girl. That's when she told him what a silly Daddy he was, because we didn't need a third girl. Just like she didn't need an aunt, and he didn't need a sister. She needed a Mommy, he needed a wife, and she wanted to hear the sounds of a baby brother in this house. Then she turned to me, and in that same little girl voice, asked me if I would be her Mommy. Our little girl always gets what she wants, and she got this too. Our "daughter" still sleeps with us, and she insists we call her that even when we're not having sex. And she says she has no plans to ever leave our bed, even after the baby is born. Yes, she got that too, but she had some help, with both of us screaming for her Daddy to fill my stomach with his little babies.

That's how my biggest fantasy came true, the one that I'd had the night I fucked my "brother" the first time, and had never admitted. Because, reading all those incest stories to learn how to seduce my "brother",had affected me more than I thought. That night, I was really his sister in my mind, and I wanted what they all wanted in those stories. Because, when he'd been flooding my pussy with his sperm, and I'd been screaming for him to fill me with his baby makers, I hadn't been acting out a part. My feelings had been real, and I'd really wanted those things I'd said. The same things those story girls wanted, and what all girls wanted who had a handsome brother they loved as much as I loved mine. For my "brother" to love me enough to want me to be his lover, not just his sister. For us to run away together to somewhere we could live as man and wife. And for him to want to start a family with me, a real family, and give me his babies. I'd never admitted to that fantasy, because he hadn't actually been my brother, and I thought my fantasy was just part of that game. But the love for him had been real and not part of the game, and that's where the fantasy had really come from. That's one thing we all have in common with those stories, the kind of love they had, the kind that never dies. My daughter and I, and the baby in my belly, my "brother's" baby, will make sure of that.

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YSpammerYSpammerabout 1 month ago

Loved the story, but have to agree, that the beginning made for a somewhat difficult read. Not sure if it is because of the style (more like a narrative, than a typical "written" story, down to converting most of the dialogue to indirect speech or summary of what was said) or if it was because of the non-native English (note: myself being non-native English speaker) which - though with no real errors or bad grammar was simply a bit different and took some time to get used to. Somewhere at the point when the "quotes" were dropped, it clicked and then was able to read smoothly. I understand other readers might have given up, but should not have commented so harshly...

The plot was absolutely fantastic and the category fits the theme without a doubt. The character development is authentic and the background info peppered throughout the story gives enough to bring the it to life and adding more depth without dragging the pacing down.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not incest but tagged as incest = 1 star

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Ignore the naysayers! ! !


Ignore the naysayers above. The category incest is for stories about incest. It doesn't have to be about an actual family member. You explained well enough what made the characters form an incestual relationship and when characters are acting as brother and sister, father and daughter, then you have the basis for a story that is about incest.

It is a long story, a very long story. But that too is one of the things I enjoyed about it. Your descriptions and scene settings were spot on, as were the development of feelings of the characters.

Finally, if the above bad comments (ALL posted anonymously I might add; they don't have the nerve to say it to your face as who they actually are) are all anyone has to say about your story, they don't worry. There will always be nit-pickers out there.

Thank you for your wonderful story. I enjoyed it thoroughly and hope you will continue to write more such stories.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I got maybe half way through the 1st page and had to stop. This actually made my head start to hurt.

This story is long which is fantastic but a long bad story is no better then a short bad story.

The dialogue doesn't flow right and it is just off putting reading it written the way it is. The quotes with boyfriend and brother and sister are totally not needed and add to the distraction.

Wish there was an under 1 star rating.

AdanaliyikAdanaliyikalmost 7 years agoAuthor
Thnaks for the feedback

I agree that this story wasn't about actual incest, but I placed it in that category because it is the subject matter, a girl trying to seduce her "brother" (yes the quotes again). The girl has to go through all the same steps a real sister would to get her brother to sleep with her, even though the guy isn't really her brother. And all her actions throughout the story were based on what people did in real incest stories, so putting it in Erotic Couplings would have been wrong too. IDK to be honest.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

hard to follow..didn't like it...wrong catagory

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I have never seen 9 pages written without dialog.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Dry, too long...

Like reading my cellphone contract, I wanted to skip to the end so it was over with.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Doesn't "belong" in incest.

Too many "quotes" this isn't "incest" wrong "category"

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