Sisters Summer


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I nodded sagely. "You are wise in the ways of social etiquette."

"But speaking of which...."

"You want me in your butt?"

"If you're up for it."

"Practically always, as you well know."

I kissed my way down Kara's body, stopping at her pussy for quite a while. She had grown comfortable with me doing most anything I wanted with her, which I loved, but she still often preferred me playing with her bum in some fashion. I couldn't fully determine whether she liked it better physically, or because it was our special connection. Or, indeed, just because it was naughtier, and she liked the thrill of being a butt slut for me.

In any case, I eventually flipped Kara over and sloppily ate out her butthole for a long while, followed by stuffing it with my strapon. Kara burbled happily into the bed and helped me to fuck her from any angle I liked. My beautiful, sexy, beloved big sister.


Kara and I got a place of our own that winter. It became necessary, being more cooped up with our parents than before, and given the thoughts always in our minds.

It wasn't a great market for buying a house, but Kara had gone back to work and had landed a rather decent paycheck for herself. I picked up a little part time work while I was still going to school, with the intention of doing more when classes ended in the spring. Kara insisted I not distract myself too much from my studies, which I agreed with, but I didn't want her supporting us all by herself.

Mom and Dad helped out with the deposit on our new place, with the understanding that it was a loan with no interest or pay back date. Honestly, I don't think they were worried about getting the money back at all. Seeing us happy was the goal. And, honestly, I think us all living together again, while nice, drove them as slightly crazy as it did Kara and I.

I was excited right away for summer, for being freely naked whenever I wanted again, for doing so many things with Kara, having friends over, and everything else. But even immediately, even still mid-winter, I felt nervous and thrilled and ever-so-lucky to be all alone with my sister. To have a place of our own.



"I know we're not fully moved in and unpacked and stuff yet."

Kara gave me an amused look. "It's coming along, but you're right, we're not."

"Right, but maybe... maybe we could still do something special? The house is all ours and everything. Just you and me."

Kara cocked her head. "You have something in mind, I take it?"

"Well... yeah."


I eyed Kara shyly. I didn't feel shy with much around her these days. Hardly anything really. "You haven't been in my butt yet," I said softly.

Kara's smile turned to thoughtfulness, then back to an even wider grin. "That's where your mind is, huh?"

"Well it would be special, wouldn't it?"

"I like your pussy, Triss."

"I know. And I love the things you do to it. But sometimes you tease my bum a little too. And I know how much you like that stuff. So... maybe you could do some more to me. It'd be my first time, you know, same as with you this summer."

Kara moved in and kissed me tenderly, running her fingers up into my hair. "Do you really want it?" she asked. "Or do you--"

"I really want it. I keep thinking every time you lick me there, or put on a strapon, or whatever that maybe you're gonna want it. But you never really do much beyond a little licking." I finished with a slight pout.

"I'm sorry, Triss. I like it with you, but it's not like... I'm not the butt slut you keep saying I am."

"So you say."

She caressed my hair. "I think you may have to consider that you're more the butt slut here. Even if the butt in question is mine most of the time."

"I'm not! It's just 'cause it's what you like."

"Mmhm. Same here."

I hesitated. "So what do we actually like then?"

"Each other. Whatever feels good."

I nodded. "Well... I want you, Kara. And maybe... maybe I want to try something new with you. And give you something no one else ever got."

"And if you hate it?"

"Then at least we'll have tried it once. Together."

Kara kissed me again. "You know, the more I think about it...."

"You want to?"

She nodded, eyes bright and mischievous. "Maybe I'd like to take my little sister's anal virginity."

Her fingers closed into fists, snugly gripping my hair. I shivered as she pulled my head back and exposed my neck, kissing and nibbling on it while holding me helpless.

"Well you don't need to say it quite like that."

"Make you my little butt slut," she continued, undaunted.


"You started this," she whispered. "Don't blame me now."

Her hands tickled my sides as she slipped under my shirt. She was taking control, getting into the idea of what she was going to do with me. I felt a nervous pounding in my heart. Excited and hopeful, yes, but I hadn't done all the butt play that Kara had. Not with my own body.

We'd figured her out together, though, and that was what we could do with me too. At least once. I needed to give myself to Kara in all the ways I could think of. I needed to. And this was, after all, a weirdly special little thing between us.

I could do it. With Kara, I could do anything.

We got out of our clothes together in a flurry of kissing and feeling each other all over. Kara led me to bed and pushed me in. Her eyes had a wicked, horny glint to them. I was excited too, but more nervous.

Kara ate out my butthole for quite a while before she did anything else. I wasn't used to such lavish treatment of my bum. I regularly slobbered all over her ass, but she usually only licked mine a little while playing with my pussy on occasion. Nothing like her current attempt to devour it entirely.

I sighed happily and relaxed into the experience. I felt so adored and appreciated. It wasn't going to make me cum or anything, but it was really nice, and weirdly kind of comforted me and my nerves.

"Why don't I do this more?" Kara mumbled while still face-deep in my ass.

"I don't knooowww," I moaned. "You should though."

"I really should. God, your pussy's getting so wet even."

"Is it?"


Kara slurped across my pussy a few times, tasting my wetness, then went back to my ass. She rolled me on my back and pushed my legs up so that my ass stuck in the air where she could eat it and still look down at my beaming, panting face.

"You ready?" she asked, kissing my thigh.

"I think so."

"We'll go slow. We can stop any time if you need to."

Kara darted nakedly off the bed to fetch needed supplies. I rubbed my pussy while I waited for her to bounce back into bed with me. Rather curiously, she grabbed our double-ended dildo instead of a strapon.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"For your bum, silly."

"No, I know. But... I thought you were gonna fuck me."

"Still the intent. Just... one end's gonna go in me too."

"Oh my god!"


I couldn't help giggling. "Kara, you know this doesn't really work. We've tried it before. It's fun, but it's not practical."

"Who said anything about being practical?" Kara asked, leaning over to kiss me. "I just think it'll be hot. And if it doesn't work at all, I'll get the strapon for you."

I was still giggling even after her kiss. "Well, it'll be fun anyway."


Kara pushed my knees back again, letting me watch while she held my ass in the air. Once she had us both positioned, she worked on lubing and relaxing me, getting first her fingers inside me, then the dildo.

It took some time, but we were in no hurry. It was fairly common for us just to spend time exploring each other like this anyway. No real urgent goals other than to see what worked and what felt good. If Kara wanted to mix some private little fantasy of hers into this encounter, I was happy to go along with it.

"Ooh! That dildo is so big," I said, whimpering slightly.

"Sorry, Triss. It is gonna be more than my fingers though. No way around that."

"It's ok. Be gentle with me." I made big eyes at my sister. "It's my first time."

She snorted. "You goofball."

"Well it is!"

"Yeah, but your innocent act doesn't fool anyone. Least of all me."

Kara pushed the toy a little deeper inside me. My eyes rolled back and I hissed in a small breath.

"Unf. I'm gonna be so fullll," I whined.

"Yeah you are. Just remember you wanted this."

I smiled. "I still want this, Kara. If I can't give all of myself to you, what's the point?"

"Lots of point still, I assure you."

"Oh? What if I didn't want sex at all?"

"Then I'd have to masturbate a lot. But I'd still want to be with you. It's not about specific sexual acts, you know."

"Says the girl about to go ass to ass with me."

Kara pouted. "Well... I mean as long as I have the opportunity...." She shrugged. "Just because something's not necessary doesn't mean I don't want it really badly."

"Hehe, that's what I thought."

Kara worked me up to the point that she could thrust the dildo in and out of my butt, and I generally just enjoyed it. It was still a lot, and new to me, but it was nice, and the fascination on Kara's face suggested she wished she'd tried playing with my ass a lot more before this.

Trying to double up and put the other end in her butt led to more giggling than anything. We tried various positions, but had a hard time making anything sexy actually work. The attempts were fun and kind of hot, but mostly silly.

"How do they even do this in porn?!" Kara demanded.

I snickered. "I don't know. It's probably not meant for real application."

"We can do it in both our pussies sometimes though."

"We can. But that doesn't really work all that well either. Plus the angles are slightly easier." I shrugged. "You want me to try face down, ass up again?"


We managed some limited success eventually, and I really liked feeling her butt against mine, knowing we were sharing a toy deep inside both of us, but it still seemed like more of a porn thing than something we could use easily.

"Grrr, that really didn't go as well as I'd hoped," Kara said after we'd given up trying to fuck each other's asses together.

I laughed and hugged her. "It was fun. That's what matters."

"I should have done something simpler. That was your first time doing something like that."

"Hm, maybe. We tried something you wanted to try. I'm happy with that."

"Even though we looked like idiots."

"Haha, yeah. Even with that. Who knows, though, maybe if we'd filmed it it would have looked sexier."

"... don't give me ideas."

I stroked Kara's hair. "You can film whatever weird butt stuff we do if you want. I don't mind."

"I'm not all about the butt stuff, you know. You don't have to keep implying that I am."

"Sure you aren't," I cooed, not even trying to sound sincere in my assurances.

"But if you're gonna be that way about it...."

I tickled Kara's neck, making her swat at me. "What ya gonna do?" I asked.

The answer, it turned out, was to get our strapon. The one I normally fucked her ass with. I rather bemusedly rolled over and presented my bum for her. I was going to be so deliciously sore tomorrow.

Kara sank into my ass pretty easily this time. I was all warmed up for her. She was really quite enthusiastic about it for someone who supposedly wasn't all about the butt stuff.

"Goddamn, this is pretty fun, huh?" she said. "No wonder you always want to do it to me."

I mewled and clutched at the sheets. "I do it 'cause you like it," I whined, struggling not to get overwhelmed.

"Now who's not being honest, hm?"

"... ok, so I kinda like doing stuff to your butt too."




"I love doing anything, as long as it's with you. Even if it doesn't really work right. Or if I'm sore tomorrow. Or whatever. Just as long as it's together."

Kara slowed down fucking my bumhole. "I'm going too hard, aren't I?"

"No. It's ok. I'll feel like your dirty little butt slut after, is all. And that's kinda hot."

"Oh Triss...."

Kara pulled out and dove in with her face instead. She kissed my bum aggressively, getting her tongue deep in where I was still gaping for her.

I had to admit I liked this stuff better. Harder stuff was fun and horny, but just getting all loved on by my sister was best. Spending hours kissing, touching, licking, and adoring each other made me the happiest girl.

"That's niiiccce," I purred.

"I don't want to hurt you," Kara mumbled around my butt.

"I don't mind a little. I think you should still be a bit rough with me sometimes. Especially if you soothe me like this after."

Kara growled and flipped me over. She latched her mouth onto my pussy and licked with loving, practiced technique. It was even better because I could see her eyes now, even while she was tongue-deep inside me. I loved watching her eyes while she made me cum.

She was in a particular kind of mood on this occasion. The kind where she made me cum multiple times. Which I really liked, even just for the physical intimacy of the process, but she could take it too far.

I got all gooey and melty for her after the second or third time cumming on her tongue. Eventually it got to a point where I had to weakly push her away and curl up protectively to keep her away from my pussy.

"Stop," I whimpered. "You made my clit sore now too."

Kara just grinned wickedly. "Oh, did I?"


"I thought you wanted me to be a bit rough."

"That's... I mean yes, but that's not rough. That's being gentle too aggressively."

Kara laughed. "Oh Triss." She crawled up and kissed me with lips that were saturated with my own flavour. "I love you."

I grinned shyly. "I know. You're gonna have to cuddle me a lot now though."

"Mmm. The sacrifices I have to make."

Kara wrapped me up in her arms and held me while I recovered from too many cums, and too much love. The latter of which I feared might be a permanent condition. The best kind of problem to have, though.


Time passed with Kara and I and our new life. I remained just as happy as could be, particularly once summer rolled around again. It was so freeing to be out in our own yard, clothing extremely optional.

We were able to have our friends over whenever we wanted, and really didn't behave ourselves hardly at all. Our friends either tolerated or appreciated our exhibitionism, depending on the person and their mood at the time.

I felt like Mom and Dad clued in more at some point as to what Kara and I being together meant, but they never really pushed it, and were careful not to ever ask for more detail than they wanted to hear. It was a fairly good place to be in with them.


"You're a little showoff some days," Kara whispered in my ear.

I laughed. "What do you mean some days?"

I was naked. Of course I was. Sitting in Kara's lap, letting her play with me. My friends were over, sunning themselves with us.

All three of them had become bolder, since modesty wasn't really a thing at our house. Jess and Rey were tanning fully nude like I was, and Kathy was topless with only her bikini bottoms on. Mostly they ignored us, but Jess had definitely rubbed herself off at least once already. She'd unabashedly watched me get felt up by my sister, while I watched her rub her pussy.

"Some days worse than others," Kara corrected herself.

"Hm. That's fair. Same for you though."

"Not so much."

"You're just as naked and horny as I am. And who's feeling who up right now, hm?"

"Only 'cause you plonked yourself down in my lap. What's a girl to do?"

"Hehe, yeah." I squirmed happily. "Hey Kara? Wanna eat my pussy?"

"... yes."

We got some teasing and eye rolls as I lay back for Kara and she kissed her way to my wet little pussy. However, I saw at least Jess's hand slip between her legs before I lost interest in anything other than my sister, and I was pretty sure Kathy's was creeping in that direction too.

Sometimes horny friends were the best friends.

I luxuriated in the sun and Kara's licks. She made me melt in front of my friends, licking, sucking, and kissing me in all the very best ways. The ways she knew I loved. All with an audience for our sisterly playtime. We were really quite incorrigible that way.

Kara teased my clit, working it with her lips and tongue. She slowly, inevitably built me up to a lovely, toe-curling cum. My need and horniness was released and left me temporarily sated. Sated enough for some relatively innocent cuddles afterward, all just sprawled out languidly in the sun together.

"You two aren't ever gonna behave yourselves, are you?" Rey asked.

I smiled. "Hopefully not, no."

"Not our style," Kara agreed.

"I for one appreciate it," Jess said.

"I'm sure you do," Rey said, rolling her eyes. "I need to get less horny friends."

"No you don't. You'd be bored," Jess said.

"Well... maybe. Maybe you're right."

"Of course I am," Jess said. "Things have been a lot more fun ever since Triss started banging her sister."

Rey sighed. "You're kind of right. Just doesn't feel respectable."

"I can't argue with you on that one."

I grinned at Kara. "Hear that?" I whispered. "We're not respectable."

"Trust me, I'm aware."

"But we're fun."

"Also aware."

"... want me to lick your pussy next?"

"Sure. In a minute."

"Or... other places?"

Kara considered. "Lemme think about it. See how respectable I feel like being."

"Ok. You think on it."


Kara and I were exhausted by the time we fell into bed together that night. Exhausted in a happy and satisfied kind of way. The sort where I was content just for a time out before the next day. Time to recover so I could better love my sister again with more energy.

It was a vicious cycle of sorts, always wearing ourselves out together. But a lovely one for all that.

I snuggled up tight with Kara as we drifted off, feeling like the luckiest girl ever.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Note to readers: try not to bring your preconceptions of the topics or your expectations about how or how not the story should unfold. See how well the writer develops the story and the characters involved. For me, this was a lovely slow-burn sister incest lesbian story. I appreciated that it was a long time before the "hot stuff" which was entirely appropriate given the sensitive and insightful introspection of both sisters who were slowly awakening into their own new view of sexuality and the already close sisterly relations. And even those relations unfolded slowly as Kara had to come to grips with past insecurities. The exhibitionism was perhaps a bit much, but it was part of the two sisters coming out and affirming their new lesbian relationship. I've had friends like that who simply enjoy each other's company, and if things get really hot, they enjoy it more. Notice, it didn't turn any of their friends away from being straight, but at the same time they were happy sharing the eroticism of the two sisters. It was all very heartfelt and loving, both between the sisters and between the sisters and their friends. Such is as it should be in a world with less judgment. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Agree on all the public stuff. It really took me out of the story. Still well written, but it's a close miss for me. I enjoy your work though!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A great story. Almost believable, apart from all the sexual stuff in front of friends. Maybe i have just lead a sheltered life.

Re Anon who is pissed off coz he started to read a lesbian story.

3 things about your unfounded complaint.

1) What do you expect to find when the story tags read lesbian incest, sibcest and sister love.

Is that not a strong enough hint that this is lesbian love story between 2 sisters. state that this story is lesbian.

2) The authors note at the top of page one states that this is a romance between sisters.

3) The brief websites story description speaks of sisters reuniting .

You have no one to blame but yourself if you did not know in advance this story was a lesbian story.

Most of the authors here spend to a lot of time and effort to give us free entertainment and yet you cannot spend 10 seconds to check that your oversensitive dislikes are not going to be offended?

Please check the tags and other helpful bits of info before you enter into an insulting tirade.

All you have achieved is to show your ignorance and arrogance and other sexual problems for all readers to see.

As I understand it, Literotica set the tabs (that you choose to overlook) for each story, not the author. So again you lucked out by insulting the author for something beyond his control.

What's that old saying. Oh yeah.

Look before you leap.

NeshalinNeshalinalmost 2 years ago

Seeing this one is a bit more controversial judging by what others are commenting, butt I think this may be my favourite of your sisters stories yet! The two are very cute together and delightfully bold.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Beautiful, thank you! You could have gone a bit more into detail about how it felt for Triss to get anally deflowered. I mean physically, not emotionally. All we learn is, that Kara put her fingers in, then the dildo, and then it works. A bit too easy for the first time tbh. Other than that, a great story. I really enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Was not interested in a lesbo story, you should qualify what the story is about so we don't waste our time reading something we are not interested in. didn't get real far, but was majorly disappointed to say the least.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

WOW!!!! Great story, I loved the sprinkle of true humor siblings would have together. Thank you for the great time reading (something I don't really enjoy doing)!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very disappointing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This thing would have benefitted a brutal editing. It could have been 3 pages shorter. A lot of dull filler here

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It’s unfair how adorable you make them. Well played

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