Sleeping with Friend's Mom Ch. 06


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Pete does just that, hearing Helen moan softly. His mom and Ben's moans began to die down now.

"Sounds like they're finished for now," Helen said, "but we're only just beginning."


"I wonder if they heard us," Ben asked as he laid next to Audrey.

"I'd be surprised if they didn't baby," Audrey panted.

She lays her sweaty head against his shoulder and lazily runs her hand up and down his chest. She loved doing to him after having sex with him.

"Sometimes I wish when we make love that you were my husband and Pete was our son." Audrey said yawning, "and that I married you instead of Jason."

"Do you still think that way?" Ben asked.

"Mmhm," Audrey said, "I do and I think that you would've been a good father to Pete hun. Just as I know that you'd be a great dad to this baby growing inside me."

"Care to tell me about this fantasy you told me earlier?" Ben asked.

"Of course," Audrey yawned again, "it's a nice fantasy to think about. During our wedding, Pete was the ring bearer and your best man. My parents were there, same as yours. Watching us exchange vows of love and became husband and wife."

"Our honeymoon was perfect too." Audrey continued, "In my fantasy, we went on a cruise ship and visited some exotic places. While also making love in our cabin in-between meals and taking pictures to send to everybody back home."

"That does sound enticing doesn't it," Ben said.

"It is and I was serious when I asked you that earlier." Audrey stated, "I want you to be my husband and go on those kind of trips with me. To be the father Pete never got to have and also the father to our baby when it's born too."

"It's what I think about when you're here with me," Audrey continued, "knowing every morning when I wake up you'd be there beside me."

She then lays her head back on his shoulder and turns to face him. Smiling at him.

"It's a nice thing to think about," Audrey said, "planning our future together and growing old together. Just like my parents. I wanted my marriage to be like theirs. They've been together for 60 years. Can you imagine being in a relationship that long? Watching your kids grow up to have kids of their own and living the rest of your life with someone you know is meant for you?"

"I bet Pete is still having fun with that Helen chick," Ben said.

"I bet they are baby," Audrey yawned again, "Let's sleep now."

She closes her eyes and sighs contently. Feeling Ben wrap his arms around her as they slept. She was glad to have told Ben about her pregnancy and about her fantasies about marrying him.

But more importantly, she was happy he felt the same way as her. That one day, they would tie the knot and live as husband and wife.


Meanwhile in Pete's room, Helen laid next to Pete on his bed. She ruffles his hair, as he lays his head on her chest. Hearing the soft thumping of her heart.

"Aren't you glad that you're with me now?" Helen asked, "Kim may be my daughter, but the girl can't hold a candle to me and what I can do."

"I am," Pete said, "maybe my mom was right about what she said earlier today."

"About what sweetie?" Helen asked.

"About finding what I want," Pete said.

"What you want?" Helen asked, "And what is that?"

"This," Pete stated, "This right here."

"Me?" Helen asked.

She turns her head to look at him.

"Yes," Pete said.

"Then I'm glad you think that way," she said smiling, "because...I do too. You're a good looking guy Pete. My daughter was wasted on you."

She lays her head back on his pillow.

"I'm just glad I got through to you, "Helen said and sighs.

"Wonder what Kim would think if she saw us together," Pete said.

"Oh gross mom!" Helen said in a mock Kim voice, "You're dating my ex boyfriend now? He's a worthless old-fashioned idiot."

"You sound just like her," Pete said.

"I am her mother after all," Helen stated chuckling.

Her phone pings and lights up on Pete's nightstand. She reaches over and grabs it.

"Speak of the devil." Helen said, "I guess Kim wants me to meet her new boyfriend tomorrow. Something about how...oh that's messed up Kim!"

Pete glances at her screen.

"He knows how to treat a girl right and isn't afraid to state what he wants," Pete read, "unlike that pussy of a ex-boyfriend who wanted to wait for everything."

Helen types out a reply.

"Sure and I got someone you got to meet too," she wrote, "in fact he knows how to treat a woman right and was amazing on our first day together."

She then giggles and turns off her phone.

"She'll be so surprised when we walk in together," Helen said, "and I'm going to make damn sure she knows that you're MY boyfriend now. That her lose is my gain."

"In fact I'll even KISS you in front of her," Amber explained, "with tongue too even."

"How about you don't meet her new "boyfriend" tomorrow and just spend the whole day with me?" Pete suggested.

"Well ain't you the greedy one," Amber said, "but sure that sounds like a plan. I have a sicking feeling that if I wouldn't have liked meeting him to begin with."

She then nozzles close to Pete and sighs again.


The next morning, Audrey was in the kitchen making breakfast. Humming to herself.

"Mind if I take a cup?" said a voice from behind her.

"Oh you don't even need to ask," Audrey told Helen, "cups are above the sink."

She watches Helen out of the corner of her eye. Then heard her pour out a cup of coffee and sipped from it.

"I take it last night was...eventful for you?" Audrey asked.

"I take it that it was for you as well?" Helen said.

Audrey blushes.

"I can't deny that my boyfriend brings out in me," Audrey stated, "I love it in fact."

"I heard you were going through a divorce," Helen asked, "can I ask what happened?"

"Oh you know how it is" Audrey said as she cooked, "husband was a cheating scumbag who decided his family was beneath him."

"Tell me about it," sighed Helen, "give your husband a young female boss and soon he thinks she's more important than his wife and kid."

"Ain't the the truth," Audrey said, "seems your marriage ended the same way?"

Helen nods her head.

"He was always sleazy even before he got that fucking promotion and started working under that little homewrecker."

"So after that," Helen continued, "he spent more money on himself than us. luckily my job had a stable income."

"Wish that was the same for me," Audrey sighed, "I literally had to borrow money from my parents. All the while scumbag was buying expensive suits, a new car and staying in fancy hotels."

"That's how I put two and two together actually," Audrey continued, "because his...boss wore this sweet smelling perfume and it was all over his shirt when she paid me a visit a few months ago. Telling me that he was with her on our anniversary and that they were in a five year long affair."

"Jesus! Aren't anniversaries supposed to be sacred?" Helen said, "I bet you even spent the whole day preparing for it too."

Audrey nods her head.

"Made his favorite too." Audrey stated, "Maple pork chops with scalloped potatoes and strawberry cheesecake for dessert."

"Sounds yummy," Helen said thinking about it.

"It was and I even wore special lingerie under a dress I bought earlier that day too," Audrey continued, "but he never showed up. Called me though, telling me that he won't be home until late tomorrow. So here I was...alone and a special dinner I made about to get cold. When Ben came over."

"Was he that guy you were with?" Helen asked.

"He was," Audrey said nodding her head, "so Ben came over to ask if Pete was home. I told him that no he was at his girlfriend's house and offered for him to come inside."

Audrey pauses for effect.

"He took my husband's place that night," Audrey said, "we ate the dinner I made and then that strawberry cheesecake in the living room. Talking about why he was there. Turned out he had a crush...on a girl older than him."

Audrey smiles warmly at remembering that night.

"So being the honest woman I was," Audrey continued, "I gave him advice on how to win her over. It then occurred to me that I didn't ask him her name. So I asked him and he was nervous to tell me. He tnen said my name."

"Must have been a shock," Helen said as she sipped her coffee, "to hear him state your name as the woman he had a crush on."

"It was," Audrey said, "but I tried to dismiss it as just a harmless hormonal teenage boy thing. But...he was serious and it was just so adorable. I think that was the night I really understood what being in love with someone felt like."

"We were secret from my soon to be ex-husband and my son," Audrey stated, "Stealing a kiss here and there behind their backs. It was adventurous and I loved it. Last Thanksgiving was the first night we made love to each other. It was breathtaking and amazing. He was everything Jason was not."

Audrey sighs contently.

"I take it my son was the same way to you last night?" Audrey then asked.

"He was clumsily and awkward to be honest and I couldn't help but find it cute as well." Helen said, "but he was amazing once we really got into the rhythm of it."

"Are you naturally quiet or were you just being that way for my sake?" Audrey asked.

"I'm naturally quiet," Helen explained, "Pete was the one getting loud during it."

"Yeah I heard when I passed by his bedroom last night," Audrey chuckled, "he sounded like that guy from this porn video me and Ben watched a few weeks ago."

"You watch porn?" Helen asked.

"Sure it spices up things and that video was kind hot as we fucked watching it," Audrey explained, "we tend to watch one together every now and then."

"Still weird," Helen said, "and you say Pete sounded like the guy from"

Audrey turns off the stove and takes out her cellphone. Then types in the name of the video and showed Helen.

In it, a woman in her thirties was standing naked in front of a standing mirror. Then the camera pans out to show her shapely ass as she bent over to slide into a pair of white panties. She then grabs the matching bra and puts it on. Only to have trouble with hooking up the back. So she called in a guy who looked to be in his late teens or early twenties and asked him to help her with the back. He does, as she makes light chitchat about things in general. After it was done, she turned to him and offered him to sit in the armchair as she studied herself in the standing mirror. She then walks over to him and places his hand on her crotch. Pressing her clot against his hand as he touches her. She then sat next to him on the armchair and began kissing him. Running her hands up and down his chest in the process. She then took off his shirt and tosses it behind the chair, Then began kissing his neck and sucking on his earlobe.

She then took his hands and places them behind her back and told him to take off her bra. Revealing her perky small tits to him. He tosses her bra behind the chair like she did to his shirt and kisses her tits. She moans softly and ruffles his hair afterwards. Encouraging him to keep going. The camera then zooms in on him sucking on her right nipple. Coiling his tongue around it.

The couple then began to remove the guy's pants and underwear in one go. Revealing to her and the camera, a flaccid 5inch long cock. A cock that she slowly stroked as they kissed. Her dainty hand moving up and down his shaft. She then got on her knees and began sucking and licking his shaft. The guy was moaning as she pleasured her. Her hand slowly pumping his shaft, as her mouth licks and sucked his tip.

The camera then cuts to her naked and straddling him, grabbing his cock and guides it inside her. Then began to rude him. His hands cupping her ass as she does. They're both moaning softly as she rode him. The camera zooms in a bit, showing that his cock was covered in a thin condom. His left hand pulls out from under her ass, and began to squeeze her breast. Her hair falling over her face, as she reached between her legs and began playing with her clit. Causing her to more more loudly for a bit.

The camera then cuts to her still riding him, but now her front is facing the camera. Her hand now goes from playing with her clit, to fingers his ballsack. The guy's hands cup around her breasts as their rhythm increases and so does their orgasms. A thin layer of sweat was forming on the woman's body as she leans back into him. Her ass pressing to his stomach in the process. Wiggling her hips as she came hard and kisses him.

The last angle of the camera was of the giy behind her, as she was bent over the armchair. Thrusting his condom covered cock inside her pussy. He takes it out a few takes and jerks it, as he fingers her pussy. She was really vocal during this part now. Cumming on his hand, as he slips his cock back into her and thrusts hard. The slapping og her ass meeting his waist is heard and shown. As well as her hand squeezing his ballsack between her legs and lovingly grabbing atvhis cock to guidecit back inside her when it popped out.

He then starts panting heavily and takes his cock out of her, just as his cum shoots from his tip and lands on her ass. She reaches behind her to scoop some up and brings it to her lips, as he kisses her back and asks if she needed help with anything else. She nods her head and smiles lovingly at him as the video ends.

"," Helen said afterwards, "I can see why you thought that."

"I just wished that they made a modern version of it," Audrey stated, "it's still a pretty hot video regardless and Ben seems to like it when I ride him like that actress."

"But what do you think about it?" Audrey asked.

"Well it was pretty good," Helen said, "I give you that much. It's still nothing I'd like to do intimately with Pete."

They then talked about what they had planned for the day. With Helen saying that Pete suggested they spent the whole day today.

"Why does he want that?" Audrey asked.

"Kim messaged me last night telling me that she wanted me to meet her new boyfriend," Helen explained, "also bragging about how he knows how to treat her right and isn't afraid to state what he wants. Unlike Pete who she called a pussy for wanting to wait for everything."

"I think we saw them yesterday during our little family brunch," Audrey stated.

"At the diner?" Helen asked.

Audrey nods her head.

"She was wearing a skimpy outfit and got into a big truck with some guy," Audrey explained, "they started having sex in it too. Right in front of a family diner."

"Fucking hell Kim!" Helen said, "girl has no common sense at all."

She then sighs and clears her throat.

"Thanks for telling me this Audrey," Helen said, "Kim wasn't supposed to leave the house yesterday and she broke that rule."

"Why wasn't she supposed to leave the house yesterday?" Audrey asked.

"She was supposed to be grounded for getting bad grades," Helen said.

"Tell Pete I had to deal with my daughter and that I'll make it up to him later."

She then drains the rest of her coffee and heads out the front door.

Audrey sighs and packets her cellphone. She really didn't get to tell Helen what her plans were for today.

She looks at the clock on the wall and out three plates. Audrey, Ben and Pete.

Her plans for today were to visit her parents with Ben and tell them about their relationship. Then going to talk to his parents about letting him move into her house. Ben was nineteen after all and this was something they both wanted. Then to go shopping with him and buy some things for Ben's upcoming birthday party. He'll be twenty years old this year.

It'll be his first birthday they shared as a couple too. She also planned on shopping for baby clothes too. She wondered if their first baby would be a girl or a boy. She hoped it would be a baby girl.

She also wondered what Pete would say when she started to show. How would he take know his mom was pregnant and that Ben was the father?

It was something she had to think about after all.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

This needs to continue. It'd be great.

phreecboiphreecboi7 months ago

Good story but really needs an editor, there are wrong names throughout and many other smaller inconsistencies. Helen changes to Amber, Ben became George. I think Audrey was wrong at least once. I'm still confused if Ben's dad is in the picture, because it usually refers to his "parents" but I don't think I saw the dad mentioned even once.

ramj11ramj118 months ago

Where is the update for this great story?

NickCaveNickCave9 months ago

On the very first page of this story, Ben's cock was 8 inches. Somehow it grew to 10 inches. Pete insisted on waiting to have sex until Prom night with Kim, but he agrees to fuck an older woman after a short conversation?

Asperger27Asperger279 months agoAuthor

Still working on newest chapter. Just been busy. Account is still the same, its just under a new email address.

DiCassanoDiCassano9 months ago

updates on this story? Or you have new account?

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore198110 months ago

Well you stated getting pissed at someone getting married probably means Pete might be the 1 pissed at his mom and Ben as for the humiliated part goes that can be a few ways but both would be completely fucked up if it is the mom and Ben could be Pete and Helen and the daughter getting pissed and then humiliated again would be a little fucked up as far as how this part ending I get why she left but Pete strikes me as the kinda of person that won't believe it so easily he will probably think she didn't want to spend the day with him and really wanted to meet her daughter's new boyfriend

Asperger27Asperger2711 months agoAuthor

Chapter 07 is in the works now. I'm putting something that I added towards the end of ch.06 into ch.07.

Now will have someone getting pissed at someone getting married snd humiliated to boot. Won't say who, but it will be hinted in ch.07.

Helen sadly did have her tubes tied after the birth of her daughter. But she will rub it in Kim's face that she's dating Pete now and also took his virginity. All if that will be added in Ch.07.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Good story. I hope Helen was joking about her tubes being tied. I would love to read that Pete knocked up his ex's mom and Helen telling her daughter she is going marry Pete and have his kids and watch Kim get pissed

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Love the direction the latest chapter is taking. However, you might consider getting an editor as there seemed a lot more grammar errors than before. Also the character names kept switching: Audrey became Aubrey, Helen became Amber, Ben became George.

Asperger27Asperger2711 months agoAuthor

There will be. I plan on making two more chapters soon.

Thanks for the boast in confidence.

boaman007boaman00711 months ago

Great story, well written. Will there be more chapters?

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