Space Wrecker Ch. 03


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The Starboard side of the hanger bay was missing the second lead shielding wall and the long decontamination chamber. I did not do hot or radioactive recoveries so I had deleted them. The long-term effects of radioactivity in that section of the ship reduced the ships service life. So I had deleted both lead walls and 'hot' drones from the load out. I also deleted the deco chamber, I was planning on parking one of those sleek, two seater jumpers there some time in the future to take me planet side. Leaving the Galveston in orbit when I wanted to explore some planet.

Chree flung her locker redesign up onto the galleys big screen. She had detailed the redesign in each compartment. They were going to be a little tighter packed, but nothing the drones could not handle. With the plan set, we finished our respective drinks and headed down to the hanger bay.

The maintenance drones with the help of the Eight-seventy-five's had all ten of Julies drones on their bases. They even had all the hanger decking plates back into place. I was about to ask what we needed to do when Chree looked up saying, "SARA are all Drones recharged?"

'All drones are on their bases, recharged and awaiting orders. All ten of Mech Six series drones still waiting software upgrades. They are unable to function at this moment.'

"That is fine SARA, please run Chree A001, locker reassignment. All available drones."

'Running Chree A001 locker reassignment. All drones assigned to this task. Estimated time to completion, thirteen hours, forty two minutes and thirty six seconds.'

All of the sixteen seventy-fives came alive stepping off their bases. I heard the starboard side hanger door locks release. We watched the massive door move in and to the side. I walked towards the starboard door as it was opening, I looked out to an unobstructed view of deep space. I just stood there staring out system, no planet or ships to mare the view. I do not know how long I stood there looking, yearning to go explore those distant stars.

Chree pulled on my arm, "Come on Mark, there is nothing we can do except get in the way. Plus SARA is waiting to reduce the hanger deck grav-plates to five percent so the drones would have an easier time moving things in and out."

Chree led us upstairs, as Julie pushed me towards the couch, my kitty and bunny girl chose a side. The left, right thing again. "I promised Julie we would watch some old earth classic movies today that I told her about."

I gave Chree the raised eyebrow trick.

"That's all we can do as the drones rearrange our outside storage."

I nodded yes, but internally railed against the delay, we could be pulling wrecks into the higher orbit and getting them ready for transport home back to Domnia. But as I settled onto the couch, my bunny snuggled up on one side and my kitty on the other nice and cozy. Well..., a day spent with two beautiful girls, just started to sound good as I rubbed my hands across both of the girls naked, furry hips.

Chree's tablet held an ecliptic collection of old and new movies. Some were what I would term ancient movies. One she insisted we watch was in black and white, making it filmed back in the mid-nineteen hundreds. We jumped from old classics to some of the modern stuff earth was pushing out to the colonies. However, like my girls, I agreed, that the older stuff had much more character.

Looking back, a day spent on the couch relaxing was worth it. The next two weeks we went back to eight-hour shifts, as we pulled all of the Felidae federation ships up into higher orbits, then worked on getting the Conda getting her ready for her last flight home. Time had no meaning in deep space, Hell I did not even know what planet or space station our clocks were set to. Somehow, we were able to split the day into three even shifts.

It became a sexual game of rough or kinky sex in the mornings after breakfast with my bunny girl, work, light lunch more work and soft, slow sex with my kitty after she had her morning repast. Julie liked the slow tender type of sex. Whereas Chree liked the rough, role-playing, types of sex.

"Maybe once we are outbound," Julie said with one of her sexy grins, as we lay on the bed in a post sexual haze one evening, "I will drag our bunny slut down to the gym for a post workout sexathon." Julie sat up and grinned at me. "We could double team that little bunny slut until she begs us to stop." Then she winked at me, "Then maybe you could tire me out too!"

Just hearing her say that got me had again, Julie smiled and slid down to take me in her mouth moaning out her pleasure, "MMMnnn dat advantages of having a human lover."

We spent those first seven days moving those Felidaeian ships that were scheduled to be brought into dry dock for repairs into a side-by-side line, and in order of delivery first. Then we carefully lined up those ships from the biggest to the smallest that were deemed for the scrap yards. We had eight groupings headed for the Felidaeian scrap yards.

As I parked, the last ship destined for the scrap heap. I stared through the hole into its command center. I hoped the pilot survived, but by the destruction that a rail gun round did I doubted it. Another life lost to ignorance and pride. Looking over the line of ships in this tow the amount of lives and credits was not worth the price of someone's pride.

It took just one person to step away and say, this conflict is not worth the price of a mere habitual planet. Just one person and all of this could of have been avoided. I turned back and looked at the little torpedo frigate. The round enter just behind the view screen, it blasted its way through the command module, blowing a larger hole out the bottom. If the pilot had his or her space suit on, they might have survived the sudden decompression. I hoped that he or she did. Looking over at Kazar II, his or her life was not worth the price for this planet.

The following day we were able to marry the front half of the Conda to its tail section with the Hennessey group ship looking on as they cleaned up their equipment and reloaded their containers back into their ship. They had worked extra hard to clean up both faces of the broken ship, but the damage was worse than expected. Whole deck sections had to have supports welded to its neighbors.

The Felidae's built there ships with extra internal bracing, but when she blew, that explosion broke the back section apart internally from itself. Anything and everything was used to weld the top deck down to the bottom keel plates to hold her together. The only thing holding the whole mess together was the thick outer armor plating. The Hennessey group was experienced with type of mess and did a wonderful job.

Then the hard work started, first by bring in Julie's Xanadu and welding her wrecker to both halves, followed by the frigates, Terarza, Harazah, and Phenthia. As all four ships were welded to the Conda, all ten of Julies and all sixteen of my eight seventy fives were out patching the Conda's hull for her final journey home. As all eight of my cutter drones were welding and bridging the two halves together. I never had all twenty four of my drones in action before, let alone adding Julie's ten, SARA let us know she was low on memory resources.

This upset Chree, who starting looking in to how I added the second memory core and its configuration. We were going to need some down time to 'fix' my mistakes. Two days later with the last pull test completed, we sent a message to the Felidae-ian Admiralty on our time line and fired all six engines. This was going to be a slower than usual trip, allowing us plenty of time to speed up, and then slow down as we enter the Domnia system. With strategically placed cameras watching our four welded on ships and tail section, we headed out of system. It took nearly forty eight hours of slow acceleration to hit JUL's to our first FLT jump point.

We burst into the Domnia system nearly forty light minuets from Domnia. I programmed a thirty minute cool down for the five fifties, then fired all engines into reverse at twenty percent for a gradual slow down. It was a long five days of drifting in and slowing down. It was long, boring eight hour shift's punctuated by bouts of sex with either my kitty or bunny and nearly twenty four hours of sex as Julie did drag our bunny slut down for a post workout sexathon.

Each of my mates had their own style of preferences. Julie's was more tender and loving, whereas Chree's were a little rougher, with a darker flavor. Not that Julie's were all that tender either, she caught me just as I finished a work out on evening. What ensued was several hours of rough, barnyard matting that left Julie slightly horse the next day, and Chree horny enough that she woke me early the next day and drug me down to the hanger bay to play, with cutter drone number eight providing the restraining mechanism again.

About eight hours out, at the end of my shift is when we started encounter our first small pleasure craft, along our flight path, several turned and started following us. I started broadcasting warnings nearly every ten minutes as more and more of these smaller ships were closing in on my filed flight path. Julie took over as I laid down for a six hour nap.

I was awoken to a soft tongue waking my flaccid cock from its nap. Looking down I saw some short ears, and felt a heavy purr accompanying the mornings blow job. Then it hit me, if Julie was waking me, who was in the pilot's seat!

"Relax my mate!" Julie said as I tried pulled myself out of her soft mouth and extra-long tongue. Saying, "Who is at the controls?!"

"Chree is piloting the Galveston at the moment, Julie reassured me. "And we have a full wing of fighter escorts, and two cruisers keeping our flight path clear." Julie grinned at me, "Your friend Admiral Moser personally assured me that if any private or military ship disregarded the law, by encroaching on our flight path, he will personally ordered them blown out of the sky."

I grinned at that as Julie took me back into her mouth again. So King Chotoka promoted Captain Moser to full Admiral. Good I thought, he was a good man and deserved it. Julie was, distracting me.

Julie looked up, "I have been texting father all morning, he was surprised, and extremely happy to learn that I was at the controls." Julie smiled and licked my cock like a lollipop, before looking up at me again. "He sort of let it slip out, planet wide, that one of his own royal daughters, is bring in the Conda."

"He said the people erupted in celebration over that news, and even stepped in when a small hand full of old military leaders tried to start a coup. It started and ended before the palace even heard about it." Julie grinned at that, then licked me one long time with an evil grin.

"Once we park the Conda, at a hot bay, and recover our equipment, daddy said he will personally send the royal yacht up and bring us down for a massive celebration, a paragrey no less."

I looked at Julie, "A what."

"A 'paragrey'," Julie laughed, "imagine that, they wanting to throw one in my honor."

"What is this 'para-gray' thing love?"

"'Paragrey,' It's a hero's parade, down the main street to the main plaza where traditionally daddy gives a speech and awards a bariff," seeing my confused look at what a bariff was, Julie reached up and traced her claw from my shoulder to my waist. "It is a gold and jeweled cloth, which hangs here, it's, a, hum...,"

"A sash."

Julie grinned kissing the tip of my cock, "Yes! That is, a sash! Then that evening, there's a ball, or party at the palace in honor of the hero's."

Julie grinned with pride, "He told me that the people are clamoring to see us. He said we are on everyone's lips. First, being a royal daughter, and 'the' pilot, bringing home our war dead. And of course, the human Captain of the Galveston, who defied the Admiralty."

Julie grinned at me, "You are a famous human on my home world now. Daddy is promoting us to the people, calling us the Felidae-ian, human couple who will help bring home peace, between our and your people." Julie looked down at my cock, "Now lay back and give me your scent, I want to make sure I smell like you for this paragrey, like any first wife should."

Julie attacked my cock with gusto, using her hands and mouth. She used her long tongue to its advantage, wrapping it around my cock like a snake one way, only to unwrap it and go the other way as she worked my cock up and down with her lips and her magical tongue. She had me whimpering in moaning within the first minute, by the two minutes flat she had me coming.

Even when I was done she kept up the mouth, tongue and hand routine until I begged her to stop. Julie licked and groomed my pubic bone as she rolled off the bed. She looked over her shoulder at me as she sensuously walked out the door.

"Rest up my mate. We need to do this several times a day for the next week or so."

She grinned at me, "I want everyone to tell by one sniff, that I am yours." Julie walked out swinging her hips extra wide as her tail swung counter point.

I groaned laying back down, thinking that this had to be a nightmare and she was going to be the death of me! No sooner than I drifted back to sleep, Chree came running in jumping on the bed. Chree quickly crawled over attacking my slightly fading hard on.

"Wake up fly boy!"

Startled, I looked down. Chree had a big grin on her face, and a hand full of me. "Jules says we need to stock up on man scent. She wants everyone at this celebration thing to know whose crèche we belong too." Chree leaned in and swirled her tongue around my cock head, eliciting a moan from me. She leaned back sporting a wicked grin on her little bunny face, "Get used to this fly boy, Jules says we are on scent retrieval only this week..., and we are going to see if we break your record of seven times in one day!"

I groaned as Chree reached up taking my hand and wrapping it around her ears as she deep throated herself, humming. Then it hit me, Oh my fucking hell, my girls were milking me for scent! And Chree wanted me to be aggressive about it! She guided my hand up and down holding her ears. Chree wiggled around pulling her kofer from between her legs, then started aggressively rubbing herself against my leg as I was forced, to force her head up and down my cock. It only took a minute or two for Chree to moan loudly around my cock as she came. Since I didn't give my bunny her treat she started short stroking me deep in her throat until I couldn't take it anymore and delivered her the goods.

"About time fly boy," she said after licking me clean. Chree rolled out of the bed with a wicked grin on her face.

"Rest up fly boy, Jules wants round two!"

Hell no I thought and crawled out the other side of the bed, "I needed blow job break." Good god! Did I just say that! I could lose my man card for saying that! A long hot, steamy shower helped restore me. Well the long part was, I was furiously thinking of what foods or drugs was going to help me out of this situation, my girls were going to milk me to death if I didn't think of something quick.

I slipped into the galley for an egg and bacon bowl. I saw Chree sitting on the command chairs arm as Julie was at the controls. I saw a long line of pleasure ships lining our flight path as we were slowing down, just coming into orbit around Domnia. Out of the front view screen, I saw two a Felidaeisn fighter craft leading us in. The greyish sleek spheroid looking craft had no apparent wings or rudders. Strictly VTOL or space launch only. But the four goose necked rail guns surrounding the back portion of the craft said these tiny ships could pack a punch.

I just sat down to my breakfast bowl as Chree walked in putting her coffee mug into the scrubber, allowing me a few more bites before she wiggled her way onto my lap. She gave me a kiss and a few grooming licks on my cheek. Then with a sassy grin on her face she said, "Morning fly boy."

I swallowed my food, setting my fork down, I ran my fingers through her white fur along her back. "Morning my little bunny slut."

Chree smiled and shivered as I found that one spot just above her fluffy diamond shaped tail. Chree reached back and took my hands off of her back and put them on her breasts. "Entertain yourself here if you must, her Royal highness has issued a crèche decree and has both of us on scent retrieval methods only." Chree looked into my eyes, I could stare into her blue on blue eyes for hours myself. "Something about throwing your scent into everyone's faces." Chree grinned, "Sort of saying in your face losers! Personally I think she going a little over board, we both smell of you, but she wants it extra strength."

Chree shivered as I tweaked her nipples rather hard and started suckling on them, it was time for my morning cream! I was rocking my hips, letting my hard-on tell Chree it wanted in.

"Mark! Nock that off! Her royal highness said no vaginal sex for the next couple of days. She wants to save every bit of you for scent marking only. And if you keep that up I won't be able to keep my promise..., Oh Fucking hhHHEEEL!"

Chree quidfol giving me a taste of her breast milk, which triggered an orgasm in her as well. I licked her breasts clean then leaned back. I pushed Chree back a little trying to push both of our kofers to the side. "I could always get you off in others ways," and licked my lips, "And I never agreed to this scent only thing."

We both heard Julie yell from the control center, "Mark Walker! Quit teasing your bunny slut! Either stuff your cock down her throat and scent her, or quit teasing her. I want both of us to smell like you at the ball after our paragrey!"

Chree gave a little humpf, and slid off my lap, and winked at me, "Maybe later we could disobey her royal highness...," With a grin she whispered, "Can't wait to get her royal punishment."

As Chree turned to walk back to the control room, I swatted her ass. Chree turned and grinned as she quickly stepped out of reach, "Ya, like that!"

I shook my head saying "Bunny slut," as I picked up my fork again.

I was not, allowed, in the command center as Julie brought the Galveston into some hot bay. I watched from the salon thinking of places I could hide. On the Salon's main screen, the picture was split into a few camera views from outside our ship, and a few news feeds from Domnia. It looked like every ship that could reach GEO lined our path. Julie had several different, news feeds on the screen as well. It seemed we were prime time news worthy on all of them.

As soon as she docked the Conda, several news feeds switched from our live feed to views from various cities around the planet, as millions of Felidae-ians broke out in celebration. I grinned at one, as nearly everyone was sporting armbands, or flags, or wearing blue, gold, and white scarves. Not the Gold, white and black of the Felidae's national flag, but of the royal colors, the Howfio house colors. That alone said nearly all the people were, are behind house Howfio.

One news program still showing a live feed of Julie at the controls of the Galveston, I did not know what the newscaster was saying, but by judging from everyone's reaction behind her, showing a live feed from some city. King Chokota, just got the 'event he so desperate needed to change the Felidae Federation, with the right hero he wanted. Somewhere in all the peoples excitement they finally accepted my mate, as one of their own. The royal hero of the Felidae Federation. 'She' did the impossible task, and brought the last of their war dead home.

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akerinakerin5 months ago

love this chapter and it is ice to see you continue the story.

Archangel_MArchangel_M6 months ago

Fantastic! Looking forward to Ch04 in due course. <3

macclass71macclass717 months ago

Enjoyed immensely. Look forward to the creche meeting the respective clans.

KevinofflineKevinoffline9 months ago

Thank you. Look forward to new chapters.

Sextus_PropertiusSextus_Propertiusabout 1 year agoAuthor

Master John, and the rest, believe me, there is a chapter four coming, every time I find time to write I keep adding points for the next chapter and even the chapter beyond it.

I currently have four stories in the works along with building up my new property so as the snows melt, some things like a garden and alfalfa needs to be planted. Chapter 4 is turning into a Christmas one so maybe October November. Working on getting centaur love 15 finished.

MasterJohn6969MasterJohn6969about 1 year ago

Would love to see a part 4 and maybe a 5 & 6 also, there's plenty of room left for you to expand on this. 5 stars on all 3 chapters.

arcaedianarcaedianabout 1 year ago

You really need an editor... excellent story... but some words were off just a bit... I did get the meaning just fine though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story !!! Keep it up .

CHTechIndustriesCHTechIndustriesover 1 year ago

Yay! He’s back!

At least it’s 15 pages. I would say a long wait is, if not worth that, a fair trade-off.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Yay, you’re back!

Although I assume he’s going to pick up a mother crew member from the other warring group that you were hinting it, and there’s the lizard sisters, I just hope that you don’t get to carried away that he has some 20+ member harem and feel the need to add another new bunk mate each chapter.

You have a great balance between story and sex, and there have been some authors out there who get the story going then switch over to 95% sex to where you can’t even remember what the plot was anymore. Or they add so many characters that you can’t keep them all straight (eg, Three Square Meals)

My only issue plot wise so far was in chapter 2 when he offered Julie Ann an even split, when she was potentially going to be his apprentice. But I guess that can be explained by how lonely he was with being heartbroken after Chree ghosted him.

He might be rich, but as a good businessman, he would need to set aside some money for future replacements/upgrades, as not all of the wear and tear on his gear is immediate.

And good luck with the new place. Ownership of old homes can be… interesting. But at least you sound like you’re not in an area where it’ll get hit by a car and then spend years with his insurance trying to lowball you. (Claiming it was $5k in repairs that ended up costing $35k)

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