Storm of the Heart


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As the small fire increased in size and warmth, Ricky grabbed a soup pan and stepped outside the cabin to fill it with snow. Hanging the pan over the blaze to melt the snow, he grabbed a large bowl and filled it snow before setting it on the hearth.

Now that the cabin was heating up, he set about to the next task. Dragging a small stool over near the couch, he then took the supplies he had gathered; arranging them within easy reach on the side table.

Uncovering Morgan's leg once more, he picked up a pair of tweezers and began the arduous task of picking out the denim fibers. Once he was done, he got up and took the pot of hot water from the fireplace. Carefully he bathed her leg, trying not to notice the shapely curve that had always fascinated him before. Then he grabbed the bottle of antiseptic. Taking a deep breath while knowing the pain he was about to unintentionally inflict, his hold tightened on the leg even as his other tipped the bottle.

While her scream was expected, it tore at his heart. With a quiet murmur of indistinct words he threaded a needle with a fine fishing line that he had soaked in the antiseptic. As gently as he could, he sewed a series of tight, neat x's effectively pulling the skin together and closing the gaping hole.

When he finished, he palmed a gauze pad liberally dousing it with the liquid. Holding her leg as stationary as possible, he applied the square of necessary fire before securely wrapping a length of gauze and then an ace bandage to hold it all in place.

Looking down at his handy work convinced that he had done what he could with what he had to work with; he tucked the blankets back around her and began to clean up his mess. What concerned him most was that she seemed to burn up with fever and had not acknowledged his presence.

After dumping the dirty water into the sink he added the bowl of melting snow to the pan, positioning it once again over the fire. Taking out another pan, he opened a can of chicken broth that had been kept at the cabin for cooking purposes. Once the broth was warm, he returned to her side and began the laborious job of spooning the liquid down her throat.

At first she fought him, not knowing what she was doing or what was going on. Twice she kicked off the covers causing her body to shiver violently with chills. He calmly covered her back up while whispering his love which seemed to soothe her.

Hours passed but inside the cabin, no light came in to distinguish night from day. As more time passed, his body ached from lack of sleep. Finally, not able to keep his eyes open any longer, he laid his head on her chest and passed out.


It was cold outside the covers and her first thought was that the condensation pump must have frozen again causing the furnace to stop running. Her body felt like it had been trampled by a heard of elephants but she had to pee.

Opening her eyes brought it all back as she caught sight of the cabin in the dim light of the battery operated lantern. Wait, battery operated lantern? Where did that come from? She fought to sit up but a huge weight in the middle of her chest held her stationary on the couch.

Shoving at the heavy figure brought forth a groan of protest as it struggled to become upright. Seeing Ricky's familiar face brought tears to her eyes and an immediate response from him.

"What's wrong? Morgan honey, are you hurting? What can I do?" He exclaimed all in one breath.

"Ri..Ric..Ricky? Wha..what are you doing here?" She licked her lips weakly, suddenly very thirsty. "Oh no! The wolf!" She looked around frantically, as if it might be right there in the cabin.

"The wolf is dead Morgan." He said matter-of-factly as he grabbed a cup of water from the nearby table. Helping her to a reclining position, he tipped the cup helping her get a drink. Bracing himself for the argument he knew would come from her love of wolves he said "I'm sorry but I had to kill it. It tried to attack me when I first got here and it was trying to get into the cabin."

"It's ok. I would have killed it myself if I had been strong enough. It tried to eat me Ricky." She reassured him.

"Are you sure you're not upset with me?" He asked, stressed at the possibility.

"How could I possibly be upset with you?" She looked into his hazel eyes. "You're here for me when I need you most, what is there to be mad about?"

"If you really mean that, then prove it. Kiss me." He demanded. "Not just a little peck either. I want the real thing."

"Come down here where I can reach you then." She giggled, wrapping an arm around his neck. Pulling him down close she met his lips with hers, savoring the soft texture of his moustache.

He deepened the kiss determined not to let her off easy. Sliding his tongue between her lips, it met hers in a frenzied dance of knots. Breathing as one, they moaned in unison at the pleasure their contact gave each other.

It had been months since they had last met but their bodies had not forgotten. Like star crossed lovers, their hands eagerly sought out each other. The fire had long since sputtered out leaving the cabin temperature quite frosty and the battery from the lantern threatened to leave them in the darkness.

Mindful of her injury, Ricky scooped her up and settled her across his lap without ever releasing her lips. His nimble fingers plucked the buttons on her shirt from their holes leaving her lacy bra as the only barrier between her breasts and his searching eyes.

Releasing her mouth, his lips moved on to her chin and along her jaw bone to her ear. After a quick kiss on her earlobe they continued slowly down her neck alternating between sharp nips followed by a soothing swipe of the tongue.

Her nipples hardened in response to the exquisite torture begging for his attention. Her breasts pressed into his hands as if of their own accord. His hands cupped around her breasts, his finger and thumb both finding the hardened buds tweaking them to full attention.

In a single flick of his wrist, the front clasp of her bra was released freeing her breasts to his ministrations. His hands returned to her nipples. The intense pleasure pain sensation had her arching her back giving him even further access. Her breathing became more shallow as he bent, fastening his lips to a pert pebbled nub.

With a growl, he took her nipple between his teeth tugging and lightly scoring it; drawing a cry from her lips. Having received the response he sought, he released the nipple turning to suck the other one deep into his mouth. He listened to her breathe, short quick pants of breath as he urged her on.

Using one hand, he slid it down between her legs to her sex. Feeling the damp heat through her jeans he flicked open the button and lowered the zipper making room inside for his hand to investigate further.

Sliding it inside, he fingered aside the brief strip of satin that nestled the piece of heaven she freely offered to him. Running his finger tentatively across her warm moist slit, he parted her lower lips slipping a finger in to test the wetness. Finding it ready he inserted a second finger moving them in and out giving her pleasure through the friction.

As her inner walls began to contract in the first of a series of orgasms, he gently slid her off his lap and back on to the couch. Carefully tugging her pants off and discarding them to the side he followed with his own. Looking down at her flushed face and shimmering vagina, he stroked his rigid shaft. Wetting his fingers, he rubbed them over the head of his cock lubricating it for entry.

Deciding it was set to go, he knelt on the couch between her legs. Positioning himself he made eye contact with her as he sank slowly in only to withdraw again. He did this over and over until she wept, begging him to take her fully.

At this request, he sank to the hilt allowing her body to cushion his even as he rested on his arms above her. "Oh God Ricky." She moaned. "I don't think I can take much more."

"You have no choice my love." He whispered in her ear. "Because you're going to take a lot more of it."

With that statement, he made it his sole purpose to bring her to the mother of all climaxes. He pulled out and slipped off the couch, turning her so that her leg was supported by the table. He then situated himself to the floor between her legs. Lowering his head, he kissed her there taking care to run his tongue over her glistening lips before sucking them lightly into his mouth.

Sliding his fingers inside her, he continued to lick and tease her unmercifully bringing her to the brink over and over as he increased the speed and friction of his questing digits. Finally, as he tasted the flood of her desires he raised up again singing deep into her constricting cavern.

Her hands reached to his shoulders drawing him down while she wrapped her legs around his lean hips giving him access to the fullest possible. As she reached climax again, she cried out her love of him, sinking her nails into his back even as he exploded deep with the recesses of her womb.

Collapsing on top of her, he roused himself enough to pull the blankets over them before scootching in behind her on the couch. Wrapping her tightly in his arms, he told her "Just because I can't say it, doesn't mean I don't mean it."

With a smile, she fell into a contented sleep totally forgetting that she had ever needed to use the restroom.


They woke with a start to someone banging on the door of the cabin. Ricky jumped up from the couch grabbing his khakis off the floor in the dark. Stuffing his legs into them, he pulled the pants up and zipped them. Not bothering with trying to locate his shirt, he made his way to the noise.

Unlocking the deadbolt, he pulled open the door letting in the blinding sunlight from outside. The bracing cold hit him full in the bare chest causing him to grimace. A ranger stood there with a scowl on his face that was quickly replaced by awkwardness brought on by Ricky's attire or lack there of.

"Sir, I stopped by to inform you that there has been a rather large wolf in the area bringing down livestock and threatening people but I see you have already taken care of the problem yourself." He nodded to the corpse of the wolf buried in the snow with nothing but its tail showing.

"The wolf attacked my girlfriend and then tried to attack me when I came here to the cabin a little later. It was trying to get into the cabin and finish what it started when I drove up." Ricky indicated the destroyed screen door and mangled wood door.

"Well, I'll load up the carcass and take it back to the ranger station to fill out the report. After that, I'll skin it out and you can pick up the pelt if you want it." The ranger offered.

"That would be great; do you by any chance have some gas and maybe a set of jumper cables? My battery is dead and Morgan's truck's fuel tank is dry. That's why we were stranded here."

"Sure." The ranger agreed. "Why don't you finished getting dressed and I'll load up the animal and get my gear out."

"That would be great. Thanks." Ricky stepped back inside the cabin grabbing another lantern. Firing it up, he set it on the table and proceeded to get dressed. "Guess this is our wake-up call." He said, picking up her clothes and handing them to her.

Stretching, she winced as the skin on her leg stretched too far. "I think that means my weekend getaway is over too."

"I'm going outside to help the ranger. He's loading the wolf and says he has some gas and jumper cables. Looks like we'll be able to leave today." He grabbed his coat and escaped out the door without another word.

Struggling, Morgan managed to get upright and pulled on her pants being careful not to dislodge the bandage. Looking around the room and not spotting her bra, she decided to leave it off. She'd be warm enough with her coat anyway.

Standing up, the forgotten urge hit her full force. "Now I remember why I hate remote cabins." She cussed under her breath. "Having no bathroom is a bitch!"

She tried to stand only to fall back to the couch. "Shit!" She muttered. She tried again only to end with the same result. Frustrated, she punched the sofa.

The door opened and a man in green entered the cabin. "You must be Morgan, I'm Ranger Bob. I understand that you were attacked by a rather large wolf the night before last. Would you mind letting me inspect your wound for verification? You see, shooting a wolf is a crime unless in self defense."

She propped her leg back up on the table and gritted her teeth as she pulled the mangled pant leg back. "This what you want to see?" She growled. "It hurts like hell and I have to pee so if you've had a sufficient look, can you please assist me to the outhouse?"

His face flushed red as his eyes went to the floor. "Ummm, sure. Of course Ma'am. But uh...wouldn't you be more comfortable if your boyfriend helped you?"

"I'm sure I would but he seemed a little busy. If you could just help me out there, I can take care of the rest." She winked at him causing him to redden further.

He stepped up however and wrapping an arm around her waist managed to help her limp to the door of the cabin. Stepping out, a perplexed look came across his face as he looked at the snow.

"Just what are you doing?" Ricky's irritated voice sounded from the other side of the doorway.

"What's it look like?" Morgan answered, equally irritated. "I'm up dancing a jig."

"If you can help us, um...your girlfriend here needs um... the restroom." The discomfited ranger announced.

Ricky stepped forward bumping the ranger out of the way and in one motion, swept Morgan into his arms and started around the cabin to the outhouse. Setting her near the door, he pried it open with one pull. Turning, he gave her privacy to take care of her business as he looked at her truck sitting next to his in the drive.

Cursing himself for a fool, he stalked back to inside the cabin and tidied up what he could. He'd have to return in a few days to finish up. Going back outside, he went to the ranger and gave him his phone number to call when the pelt was ready. He would have it tanned and ship it to her after all; she had a connection to it.

As he stood by his truck waiting for Morgan to announce she was finished, he heard a noise from the wooded area to the left of the cabin. He tread lightly across to where he had heard the sound. Peering through the brush he spotted a bit of grey fluff huddled in the gnarled trunk of a tree. As he watched it, it raised its head and looked right at him freezing in apparent fear.

Not knowing what else to do, he pushed his way into the thicket and knelt down next to the wolf cub. It shivered but didn't move beyond that. Reaching out to pick it up, it snapped at him with what little strength it appeared to have.

Picking it up from the scruff of its neck, he held it close as he emerged from the bushes. The ranger looked questioningly at it, shook his head but didn't offer a word of protest as he carried his little burden towards the outhouse where his girlfriend waited impatiently.

"Here, I picked you up a little something." He grinned extending the pup. "After all, can't have my favorite girl going home without a Valentine's Day present can we?"

She took the pup cuddling it close to her body. It immediately stopped shivering and snuggled even closer sensing her warmth. "Where did you find it?" She asked in wonder as she leaned heavily against the side of the small building.

Noticing her fatigue, he stepped forward and scooped her into his arms again. Marching over to her truck, he opened the door sliding her in behind the steering wheel. "The ranger has made an appointment for you at the local clinic if you can get there yourself. If not, I'll drive you over and get your truck dropped off at the hotel later. I've made reservations for you for at least a couple days. There's no way you can drive two days like you are."

"Sounds like you've got everything all planned out then." She said quietly. "I guess that means I should be going." Softly closing the door so he wouldn't see her cry, she started her truck and backed out of the drive never noticing the tears in his eyes as she left.

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LoneStarRiderLoneStarRiderover 12 years ago
Too many logic flaws.

Basically, it's a quite pleasant story, but there are too many logic flaws.

A cabin with electricity (the refrigerator) but no indoor plumbing (the outhouse)?

Morgan didn't even address the concept of the fireplace? (Although, nice touch about the cut firewood being "borrowed".)

A single-shot rifle? (Yeah, they still manufacture those; but still, not even a five-round clip?)

Morgan gets into the cabin, and moves the refrigerator with an injured leg?

Morgan has a serious injury, and the first thing she does (after the blankets) is masturbate?!

Ricky gets there, and even considering the cold, the pickup battery dies in just a few minutes?

And in the end, they part company, once again.......

Too many logic flaws.

WerewolfEnthusiastWerewolfEnthusiastover 12 years ago
i liked it

i actually really liked this story you can understand why they cheated they were/are in a loveless marriage so they took comfort in one another, it's not like either marriage had kids and the other spouses were to busy in there own lives to care what was happening to there marriages. but anyway i hope there is a second part to this it just feels unfinished, keep up the good work hope to read more from you soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Nicely written

But it's hard to care about 2 cheating assholes. She's probably fit rabies and that wolfs covered in fleas. Why give her the wolf cub it's not like she's going to keep it as a pet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Wonder how the sex helped her condition and leg?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
seemed more like a

loving wife story...

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

will the endeavor to survive. TK U MLJ LV NV

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