Submitting With Sister

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Submissive twins become human sextoys.
31.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/07/2022
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Chapter 1

You watched in abject horror as Jenny dropped to her knees. Your twin sister. Your second heart. Your eternal rescuer. She knelt down before this ugly, old stranger and brought her hands up to rest against the front of his jeans. He was grinning down at her manically... the look of a starved wolf that cannot believe its own luck. Yet she was smiling back up at him: That same smirking confidence that you had always known of her. That made you sure that she still had everything under control, whatever the situation. You just couldn't understand what she was thinking, here. What deal could she have possibly made with this balding creep and his friends?

Said 'friends' were either side of you... not in a threatening way, exactly. Just flanking and overshadowing your small and slender form, each with a hand resting upon your shoulders. It all left you feeling so exposed though: The ever-true size difference between you and full grown men. The dusty, dirty surroundings of this flat so far from the pristine luxuries of home, and, of course, the complex mix of anxieties created by your current, unfamiliar attire. The cold kiss of drafts between your freshly-shaved legs. The slight dig of metal fastenings from your heavily-padded bra. The tickling near your ears from loosely dangling pigtails, tugging out from your scalp to achieve 'maximum cuteness'. And, most of all... the soft, constraining feel of your sister's cotton panties, leant to you along with all this disguising attire of her old school uniform. A pleated skirt and pure-white blouse that you had only ever worn once or twice before... in the safe and private womb of her room and the depths of night.

You gasped, audibly, as she began tugging down Mr. Skeg's zipper. Earning a quick reassuring glance from your only sibling... and a much less reassuring smirk from the man himself. You had never met anyone with a name like 'Skeg' before... though you were pretty sure that was actually just a nickname. You had never been this far out of town before either, on the grimy side of the city full of fenced-off warehouses and boarded up windows. Where little private businesses like the 'tool-rental shop' below seemed to grow out of damp and smelly alleys in between neon signs for 'thai massages' and 'late night pharmacies'. It was all so different from the clinical world of private schools and exclusive soirees that your parents lived in. The life that you and Jenny had been dragged along in, as occasional showpieces and more-often nuisances. You had both agreed that you needed to escape... but... but this?!...Was this really the only way?

She reached into that opening she'd made... and drew out his thing. It terrified you to see that flopping, fleshy lump between the careful grip of her delicate fingers. A sudden urge to rush forward and grab hold of her. Drag her away from this horrible man and horrible place and just keep running forever through the sunny afternoon outside... It was stifled by your usual trembling self-doubts though. She was the decisive one from the two of you. The impulsive fighter and defender of that unshakeable bond you shared. This was the final stage of her plan to save you both from the strangling hold of your parents. You couldn't ruin that... whatever happened here. Jenny must know what she was doing.

What she was doing. Which was stroking the shaft of that... penis... and causing it to grow into a twitching, swollen tower in front of her. Then leaning forward without hesitation and pressing her lips against it. Those same lips that had pushed themselves against your cheek, or forehead... or occasionally very own mouth, so many times before. You had shared one precious, intimate moment after another with that female echo of yourself over the years. Stored every secret night you each had snuck into each other's room and cuddled up in front of a movie, or let her teasingly play with your hair and try out some new makeup on you. Every single one had been sacred to you. But to see her now so casually performing something sexual upon someone else... it sent aches rolling out through every limb, only to all come back and meet within your heart. You scrunched up the front of your borrowed, pleated skirt between two dainty, clenching fists and felt yourself physically shaking with futile insecurity. Unable to hold all the emotions this vision was boiling up in you, or even decipher what they all meant. Were you indignant that this man was getting pleasure from your own most-precious sibling? Angry at her for debasing and sacrificing herself so easily, just for your own benefit? Or something else all together...

One of the other strangers, resting his grip upon you, seemed to notice this and offered what might have been meant as a consoling squeeze. It only served to make you feel more feeble and useless though, as you collapsed spiritually into acceptance that you were just going to stand here and watch... While your sister slid near the whole length of that free-standing meatstick into her mouth and began sliding herself up and down it. Skeg tangled some of his stained and calloused fingers into her hair and used this as leverage to thrust himself further down her throat. She gagged and spluttered a little, causing shining dribbles of saliva to leak down from her chin, but went back for more stoically. Showing not a hint that this bothered her at all... nor that any of this was a new or unexpected scenario for her. Suddenly everything you thought you knew about your rebellious and often AWOL sibling slipped away. Was this the sort of thing she had been doing on all those occasions she had played hooky from school? Somehow, the idea that there were things your sister hadn't told you about her 18 year old escapades seemed even worse than the actual scene you were observing. You deflated within yourself and simply watched the rest play out, eyes glazed and empty.

Chapter 2

Some time later, when the men had gone... the two of you were finally left alone in this cramped but cozy space that was apparently now your own. Sat awkwardly on the musty sofa, with your sister's legs across your lap, you shuffled your knees together trying to feel comfortable in your skirt. Jenny seemed to have already made herself right at home. Finishing off the last of the takeaway pizza that Skeg had left for you. It would seem that he was going to be delivering all of your food from now on, to try and reduce the risk of you being recognised if your parents got the police involved in searching for you. Not that you thought it very likely they would even have noticed you were missing by now. The plan had involved telling the myriad of staff and servants who dealt with you day to day different stories as to where you were both heading. None of them knew you well enough or dared or cared to cross professional boundaries in double checking with each other. Only Nanny had ever been able to keep track of Jenny or known which tutor you were with to bring your afternoon snack to... and she was gone now...

You found yourself weeping a little, to remember that one kind soul who had ever really seemed to care about the pair of you. It was with her loss, half a year ago... that you had finally solidified upon your sister's oft-decreed plans to run away from all of that. With the looming threat of being shipped off to some fancy college on the other side of the world... while Jenny stayed on alone to be ever more at arms against Father's wishes that she be a 'proper lady'... it had had to be now. You couldn't bear to be separated. Though, watching the ancient, flickering television... and listening to the strange and terrifying sounds of drunken people laughing and shouting at each other in the street outside. It was hard not to think that this might have all been some huge mistake.

An arm wrapped itself around you. Jenny could always tell when you were upset. She squeezed you into a warm embrace and made sure you could feel that that was the same at least.

"What's up, bubble-butt?" She asked, murmuring the words almost directly in your ear. All through your life there had been a sense that, when she was so near, nothing could really go wrong. Your heart beat louder in your chest, as if it was trying to reach out and make sure it was still holding the same rhythm as this girl with whom you had shared a womb.

"T-that thing you did... you... you took him into your mouth..."

She chuckled, dryly. As if knowing this had been coming and yet still baffled about why you would make such a deal out of it.

"I gave him a blowjob, Jo... You know what they're called. You're not a completely clueless, little virgin..."

She tickled you under the chin, clearly trying to cheer you up and just move on.

"B-but, are you going to have to do that again?"

Jenny sighed, exasperated by this whole direction of conversation. Nothing but boring semantics to her mind.

"Yes. That's part of the deal... the main part really. But in return we get this place, aaaalllll to ourselves; and whatever food or stuff we ask him to buy... Hardly seems like a bad price for the occasional mouthful of man-gunk."

You couldn't help but feel there was still more to that 'deal' than she was letting on... but the description 'man-gunk' had already put a bad taste in your mouth, so you did let it drop... for the moment. The other burning question still needed asking though.

"And I have to dress... like this... all the time?"

You gestured to the definitively girly uniform that was wrapped about your, well, not-particularly masculine self. Your sister had always seemed to delight in dressing you up in her clothes and 'prettifying' your slender, delicate self... but before it had only ever been in private. When no-one else but Nanny could ever possibly see. To go out like this in public had been a whole new level of terrifying, as you stumbled from one private taxi to another that morning... confusing the trail of your escape.

"Well not all the time..." She stated... drawing out the syllable to make sure you could tell what she would prefer.

"I just told Skeg that I had a twin... and he made assumptions. I don't think he'd let a boy stay here. He's a bit of a perv, really."

She said that as if it wasn't immediately obvious about a man trading living quarters to two teenage runaways in exchange for oral arousement. Sometimes you were really not sure your sister lived on the same planet as everyone else.

"I just think it's best you stay dressed up for the first few days at least... until things settle down. He's got a key after all... but once we know him or his mates are not going to just wander in, you can wear whatever you like."

The idea that that creepy, old man had access to this 'sanctuary' at any time... and that he and his friends might at any point 'just wander in' chilled you to the bone. But again, Jenny just seemed to breeze over it. Jumping on top of you to play-wrestle in that way she had always ever won.

"Besides... I think you look so much cuter like that! You know I've always thought of you more like a baby sister anyways..."

Once again that one hour she was born before you was rubbed in your face, along with a stifling press of her t-shirt clad chest. You couldn't fight her... you never had been able to. She was your big, over-protective sister... and you trusted her entirely.

Chapter 3

"Time for bed" declared your sibling, fussing with your hair as your head lay in her lap.

The past hour had been a glorious one... lounging there in a darkening room as she unpicked your pigtails. Absentmindedly forming them into various little plaits, only to unwind all that work and start again. Your shoulder-length mop of straight, blonde silkiness had always been one of the many excuses used to bully you at your all-boys, private high school, but you had stubbornly refused to have it cut down for this very reason. Jenny hardly seemed to need a moment's free time in order to begin casually playing with those soft strands and caressing your sensitive scalp. It was just what she did while thinking on other things... yet the tingling sensations of it had always sent you into a mesmerised trance of comfort and tranquility. It was half an effort not to begin purring as those slightly-scratching fingertips wove their way into your soul.

Sleepily you dragged yourself to your feet... only remembering to quickly tug your skirt down a few seconds later. You hadn't actually looked in on the sleeping arrangements of this tiny, little apartment you were supposed to call home now. There were only three rooms total, it would seem: The lounge with its small, tiled kitchen area behind the sofa. An especially cramped bathroom where the rusting bathtub effectively leant against a toilet... And then the bedroom you were now entering... Which mostly comprised of a large double mattress, left lying on the floor alongside one battered chest of drawers and an ancient-looking wardrobe.

One mattress. One.

The realisation set in upon you with all sorts of conflicting additions. Not only were you now living with Jenny alone, in a strange place so far from the servant's wily eyes and father's damning judgements. She clearly intended for you to both share the same bed. Lying side by side through the hot summer nights while cars and screeching drunks wandered below that small window. The idea seemed so utterly... wonderful... that you could hardly bear to face it. You just stood in the doorway staring, twisting a foot in one uncomfortably-girly shoe.

"Something wrong Jay-Jay?" Asked your twin, using yet another of her many nicknames for you. She was already half through the process of stepping out from the matching tartan skirt she'd been occupying. A camouflage you'd shared to avoid unwelcome questions from strangers as you dragged heavy bags of possessions across the city. 'You were just two private school girls heading home for the summer. They made you wear the uniform right up until you left.'

"W-we're sleeping together?" You stammered before you could stop yourself. Not really wanting to ask the question in case the answer was an obvious 'no'. Instead, your sister just shrugged and looked around puzzled. As if the idea that there might be other options had never even occurred to her.

"Well, yeah... Just like when we used to go camping as kids. I guess I could go on the couch instead if you wanted?"

"No! it's fine. We're just older now... I didn't... Of course we can share!" You recovered yourself quickly from an outburst of the heart thumping in your chest. It was just like when you were kids. Brother and sister lying side by side in the darkness. Sharing small, sweet secrets and the smell of each other's breath... Except for the fact that you were both eighteen now. And you were wearing her panties. And her breath might still contain traces of your new landlord's semen.

She handed you a large and baggy T-shirt, that was again actually one of hers. Though you supposed if you were going to have to wear girly things everyday for a while it didn't make much difference. You stripped down to just that pair of tight, white cotton panties before putting it on... still not quite believing you were now going to end up next to your sister for hours, wearing little but her own underwear. The two of you scuttled under the thin bed sheet, needing little protection from the stuffy warmth of this evening. She automatically took up position behind you, lying one arm under your pillow and pressing her identically-sized frame against yours. You slotted together perfectly, of course... as once you must have done so in the womb. Yet she was the big spoon that embraced you, and you were the one left staring into the shifting shadows for hours yet. Listening to the sound of your own heart in your ears and feeling the soft kiss of her every exhalation against the hairs on the back of your neck.

Chapter 4

The next morning you woke up late but still tired... the night had been an endless morass of internal tossing and turning, while trying actually not to disturb that all-important embrace at all. Waking up to find yourself alone on the mattress, with the sun glaring in and cars beeping outside, was a hollowing feeling. Yet a clatter came through from the other room, so you blearily gathered yourself together enough to go and check Jenny did, in fact, still exist.

Rubbing your eyes with the backs of scrunched up fists; you stumbled through the doorway with a wide yawn. Everything felt a bit foggy still... as though you were trapped in the clutches of a dream. Half-remembered segments of a nightmare you might have had were itching around the corners of your vision. Of a creepy, balding figure standing over you at the end of the makeshift bed. Watching you and your sister sleep with malicious intent. So it was rather horrifying to pull your hands away and finally find clear vision... only to see Skeg's tooth-gap grin beaming over at you.

Your new and already disreputable landlord was already leering over the top of your sister once more, leaning against the back of the couch. While she was completely topless and voluntarily pushing her naked breasts together to make a valley for him to thrust through. You stood aghast to see those perfect, fleshy orbs; not the biggest but far finer than any brief glimpse into a classmate's elicit magazine that you'd been teased with up till now; being utilised by this awful, ugly man. You had caught glimpses of the things... through cracks in doors and in mirrors when your dear sister had oh-so-trustingly asked you to turn your back as she changed. But to have them fully laid out before you now... in this manner... It stole all the air from your body. Causing your legs to tremble with rage and... other things. You stared up at Skeg and caught him smirking like the happiest pig in the sty. Gloatingly enjoying the look of pure horror that must surely be splashed across your face.

Jenny, however... didn't seem to register your reaction at all. "Morning sleepyhead!" She offered in a singsong voice, craning her neck round to smile at you while not missing a beat in the rhythm she and the old man were sharing. "There's some pop tarts half-toasted on the side there... I got a bit distracted when ol' Skeggy turned up."

There wasn't a hint of suggestion in her tone that such an intrusion had been unexpected. Nor that the current arrangement they were in had taken much coercion. Nothing to reach out for in indicating that having her twin brother walk in on her being tit-fucked by the landlord was anything to be shocked about. You found yourself caught in the calm nonchalance of the room's atmosphere... sure that there should be some great fuss to be made about this, but not confident enough to take up that mantle yourself.

...and there was another problem. You were stood there in just that baggy t-shirt and the borrowed panties from the day before. Your smooth, little legs poking out at suitably feminine angles and hair its usual tangled, tomboyish mess of a morning. Yet, seeing what you were seeing was awakening a distinct feeling of tightness around the lacy waist of your underwear. If the properly-named Mr Skellins' eyes continued to wander up and down your half-dressed self as eagerly as they were... it seemed inevitable that they might find a bulge where they were least expecting. You couldn't deal with that now. It was all too much already! You ran toward the toaster in just the hopes of having a counter to lean against. Though unable to parse the idea of food slipping down your dried up throat anytime soon.