Supper with Mistress


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Mindy puts the tip of her finger to Chris's tightly clenched asshole. She presses very lightly, then wiggles the tip of her finger to smear a good coat of the gel around all of his rings.

"OW!" Chris shrieks like a girl, his body stiffening up hard, as Mindy more shoves her finger into his bottom. I'd told Annie to be "hard" this time. I guess Mindy heard that. Or maybe she's a closet sadist. Mindy pretty much just shoved her finger, and she pushed it all the way into his bottom with a single fast thrust.

Chris pants a few squealy sobs as he stills. Mindy gives him a second to calm down, something I wouldn't have done. Then Chris grunts again as Mindy curls her finger up inside his rectum to find his gland.

"Let's just check on these testicles quick first..." Mindy says. Before Chris can react, his dangling balls are gently cupped in Mindy's bare hand. Mindy feels them tenderly, more playing with them than actually checking them. Chris relaxes a little as he feels Mindy's gentleness. Mindy keeps his balls in her hand as she puts her thumb to the strip of skin between his balls and asshole.

"UH-MM!" Chris half purrs and half grunts as Mindy begins feeling his prostate. I'm sure she's lightly stroking her finger over the hard gland, massaging it through the paper-thin walls of his rectum. And just slightly rotating her finger as she does, smearing the lubricant even more thoroughly over the flesh of his asshole.

"You're right," Mindy says to me, "His prostate is very swollen like it has a couple of years' worth of semen backed up in it." Medically speaking, there's no such thing. Prostates do swell up, but it has nothing to do with insufficient release. And Chris's isn't swollen up. But that doesn't mean we can't say it is!

"And after this little boy has ejaculated twice already," Mindy adds. "I'm not sure anything short of a good long fucking until his tiny cock just runs out of cum is going to make that little stop swelling up."

"You're probably right..." I say to Mindy in a very sweet voice. those who know me, which is most everyone in here, recognizes my very evil, teasing, tone. I'm up to something. But Chris and Susan won't catch it. They've never met me before.

I lean over and look Chris straight in his eyes. "Would you like a good fucking... from someone who really knows how instead of that gutter slut you're stuck married to? We've already seen you just don't have enough penis to satisfy her..." I turn my head, looking directly at Shawna.

Shawna is a fairly small woman, not quite 19 yet, who looks to be about 16. She has a rather plain, but not ugly, face. More like the teenager next door. But she has a fairly shapely body to go with that ordinary face. She's looking back at me with an eager look on her face. Shawna, like the rest of the toys here, doesn't have a clue what I have in mind. But she does know that she likes getting fucked by men. It shows on her face.

Chris does what I knew he would. he turns to see who I'm looking at. He sees Shawna. She scoots her chair back a bit, letting him see the shape of her body. She's slim, with small, but perky, breasts. Today she's wearing snug-fitting jeans and a blouse that shows the shape of her body. Chris smile appreciatively. He can't see Susan looking at him with some reproach on her face, as if to say "you want to fuck that young girl? She could be our daughter!"

"Yes, Ma'am," Chris answers eagerly.

He can't see me as I hold my hand up over his back and wave for Kevin to come up. He keeps his eyes on Shawna. I look to Shawna. "Flash your breasts, girl," I tell Shawna.

Shawna doesn't hesitate, even with her mother seated across the table. She reaches under her bouse and fumbles around for an instant. then she's lifting her blouse up. When it rises up enough, Chris can see what she was doing. She's lifted her breasts out of her bra, the cups tucked under her slightly pointy mounds. It lets Chris enjoy the sight of her firm mounds rising off her chest, with their soft curves. And unlike Susan's breasts, Shawna's have no sag at all to them. It shows him her light pink, pencil-eraser-wide nipples standing up hard and eager. They're a fairly light pink, with rounded tips and noticeable sides to them. And they're surrounded with moderately small rings of the same color. Both her nipples and her mounds seem to jut out towards him so eagerly.

What it really does is distract Chris as Kevin is coming up behind him. Annie greets him with a finger to her lips, hushing him. She reaches down to his pants and starts unfastening them for him. She pushes them gently down to his ankles, taking his undershorts along with them. Annie puts her hand to Kevin's cock, very tenderly stroking it in her loose grip.

It's unnecessary, Kevin's cock was stiff long before Annie freed it for him.

Kevin is one of my toys. He's a rather cute, and masculine, decently beefy-looking guy. He's also 19. I picked him for this role for one reason. He has a cock that's almost seven inches long, and a good 1 ½" inches thick. His body is mostly hairless, except for his pubes which have a dense jungle of long black curls surrounding his thick cock. And furring a pair of rather ample balls that are hanging loose in their sack now. His cock is circumcised, baring its fat, light pink, soft head. At the very base of that fat head, it has to be almost 2" across. but spongy soft, not rigid, and hard like the shaft just beneath.

And Kevin has been my toy for some time now. Long enough that he's gotten over any instinctive taboos. He's learned to give himself to me. He'll do anything, with anyone, if I tell him to. He's done it all already. And I do mean all. I can't think of anything that Kevin hasn't done during one session or another, except for me that is, and "cum buckets" as he did. So I knew he wouldn't even think twice when I told him what to do.

"Oh, you think that girl's breasts are pretty, don't you?"

"Yes, Ma'am, her breasts are very pretty, Ma'am," Chris eager, and happily, admits.

"Are you sure you want to fuck now?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Chris answers enthusiastically, his eyes locked on the grinning Shawna's breasts.

I nod to Annie. She watches Chris's bottom as Mindy slowly pulls her finger from. Chris grunts softly as Mindy does, her exit far gentler than her entry. Then Annie moves fast. She brings Kevin's cock up, putting the spongy head of it against Chris's tightly clenching asshole. Kevin's cock is so thick that covers not just Chris's ring, but every bit of the pink-purple flesh surrounding it, making it look like he doesn't even have an asshole in his crack.

"Then here's your fuck, my naughty little boy," I tell Chris with a hearty laugh to my voice. It's Kevin's cue.

"NOOOOO!" Chris screeches out in a desperate panic. I feel his muscles tensing up hard. I feel him pushing hard against me, trying to hurry and stand up. and get away from the fat cock pushing snugly against his asshole. I'm sure his asshole is tensing up even harder to resist. "I'M NOT A GIRL!"

"OW!" Chris screeches out loudly. He jumps forward or tries to, his hips already flush against the table. He tenses up, his shoulders rising up a bit. His jaw hangs open. His eyes squish shut.

Kevin pushes every bit of his length into Chris' bottom. Annie and Wendy nicely hold Chris's cheeks wide open for Kevin, too. It takes a second or two for all of Kevin's length to push into Chris. Chris screeches his long, "OW!" drawing it out, the entire time Kevin is pushing into him. Kevin stops only when the front of his balls dangle and bump against the backside of Chris's smaller balls.

"I'M A BOY! I'M A BOY!" Chris shrieks out, his voice girly high and desperately pleading, "PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME BE A GIRL, MA'AM! I'M A BOY!"

Everyone laughs.

Kevin starts stroking his cock in Chris's tight asshole. Kevin takes full strokes, pulling out until little more than the head of his cock is left inside Chris's bottom, then thrusting in all the way, bumping his balls softly against Chris's. "Take it like a man!" Kevin tells Chris with a little taunting laugh to his voice. then he thrusts a little harder into Chris's bottom.

"O! M! G!" Cassandra blurts out, "It's two men... fucking!"

"So PERFECT!" Meredith answers. "Guys always want me to do that, so why should they be willing to do it?"

Chris starts grunting "UGH!s" with every one of Kevin's thrusts. His grunts grow harder, and girlier, with every thrust it seems. He grips the far side of the table, hanging on firmly. He stays tensed up.

I call Susan to come over. She comes, a little reluctantly. She tries not to look at what her husband is doing. I ask her if Chris has ever asked her for anal sex. She says yes.

"SEE!" Meredith blurts out, "He wants to do it to her, so he deserves to get it, too! What kind of pig would ask a girl to do something for him he wouldn't do himself!" Meredith's comments get a good chuckle, and agreement, from the other girls in the audience.

"No one is going to believe this..." Cassandra blurts out, pulling her phone out again. She's kind of been the picture queen tonight. But she's been good about not showing faces. And I've watched closely. She gets up and comes over to me. "Can I get a close-up?" I nod to her. I don't care about pictures of Chris's cock. No one is going to recognize that.

Cassandra makes sure her camera is on, keeping it pointed at the floor. She puts it under Chris, between his spread legs, and pointed up now. the image that fills the screen shows Chris's cock standing straight down, rock hard, twitching and dancing around as Kevin bumps against Chris's bottom. It shows Chris's balls hanging down. It shows Kevin's thick, long cock steadily thrusting into Chris, above the back of his balls, and vanishing. It shows Kevin's big, hairy balls bumping against Chris's slightly smaller ones, knocking them slightly forward.

It has a good view of Chris's cock. Straight on, the tip of it pointed right at the camera. It really lets the crisp twitches of his cock show, as his cock dances in front of the lens.

It's been less than a minute since Kevin first thrust into Chris's bottom. Maybe, just maybe, Cassandra has about fifteen seconds of video clip. Chris screeches out the loudest, most desperately pleading, "PLEASE, MA'AM, PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME BE A GIRL!" He grunts hard as he sucks in another breath. "NO!!" Chris screeches out. It's loud enough that I'm sure Cassandra is going to have a nice soundtrack to go with her video.

"OH FUCKING GROSS!" Cassandra screeches out. She drops her phone, her hand flying out from under Chris. "HE FUCKING CAME ON MY PHONE!" Cassandra forgets her phone. She jumps back a few feet.

Now everyone is laughing hard a Chris. There's nothing Chris can do. Except to stand there, leaning over the table, and get fucked. His cock jumps around under the table, spurting huge, thick, rivers of his cum down onto the floor. And a little more onto Cassandra's phone. At least it landed with the lens up so her video will go on.

Chris starts bawling. "I'M NOT A GIRL! I DON'T WANT TO BE A GIRL!" His cock keeps cumming. The crowd keeps laughing. Susan just stares at him in utter disbelief. She never imagined he could cum like this. Nothing is close to touching his cock. Just Kevin's cock still steadily thrusting into Chris's bottom.

Kevin's thrusts don't vary. He doesn't seem to notice that Chris is cumming, although I know he does. It's hard to miss. Chris's asshole will be snapping tighter with spasms around Kevin's cock. But Kevin knows not to stop until I tell him to. And he knows that he's not to cum. I told him to fuck Chris, so that's what I expect him to do. He's nothing more than a dildo to me.

Chris cums hard. It's by far the most intense orgasm of the night. It takes about half of a minute for his cock to stop spurting cum down to the floor. "I'm done, Ma'am!" Chris begs me, his voice quiet now.

"Shut up, little girl. Obviously, the man isn't done, is he? You'll know when he's done. Your butt will be full of his hot, fresh cum. A girl gets fucked until the boy is done. I'm sure that how this slut is used to getting fucked, isn't it, slut?"

"Oh, yes, Mistress," Susan says in a voice that tells me Chris has been too quick for her more than once.

"Maybe now this naughty little girl will have a new appreciation for the girl's experience," I tell her with a very satisfied note in my voice.

"UH!" Chris grunts out, "NO! Please!" I peek under the table just in time to see his cock start jumping again. And spurting a few more drops of cum down onto the floor. Except for the second spurt, which lands entirely on the screen of Cassandra's phone. For some reason, I think next time I see Cassandra, she's going to have a new phone. And Meredith will be telling the story of what happened to Cassandra's last phone.

"Again?" I balk, mostly announcing it to the audience, but mocking Chris as I do. "It hasn't even been a full minute, and already you're cumming on the floor again?"

"I told you, his prostate was way over full with backed up semen!" Mindy giggles. "And the young lady over there was right..." Mindy points to Meredith, whose name she doesn't know. I didn't exactly introduce my audience to each other. "IT IS SO HOT TO WATCH TO BOYS FUCKING!"

"Ain't it, girl?" Meredith joins in.

"Would any of you other ladies like a closer view? Come on up and see."

The first one to come up is Beth, a 38-year-old blond housewife. She's not a toy of mine. Both she and her husband just love to watch. I think she's enjoy joining in but just doesn't have the nerve yet to actually try it. She's also Sabrina's neighbor and the one who introduced me to Sabrina. That earns her invites to a show now and then.

"Oh, wow..." Beth says quietly, "look how tightly his butt hole is stretched out... that pink skin is tight around his huge penis... And it is a very big penis... Mmm..." She takes a step back.

Chris's cock is still hard. And it's still twitching. It's only been about three minutes, but I can tell by the look on Kevin's face that he could cum whenever I want him to. Orgasm control, an essential skill for porn actors and my toys!

Beth looks up to Kevin, "Hey, hunky, is that butt nice and tight?"

"Hell yes, Ma'am," Kevin answers with a little erotic strain in his voice. "Tightest pussy I've ever had, Ma'am."

Chris sobs heavily, repeating "I am not a girl!" over and over again in a very high-pitched and girly voice.

Chris screams out "PLEASE, MA'AM, DON'T MAKE ME A GIRL AGAIN!"

I look under the table and watch as Chris's cock cums again. It's the third time he's cum in about five minutes. His cock twitches hard, jumping around wildly enough that it snaps up against the underside of the table a couple of times. But he spurts only a few drops of cum.

"He - I mean she - Mindy says, "must really like getting it up the butt! Look at how many times she's cumming!" And everyone chuckles at Chris.

It takes him about two minutes before I see his cock jumping yet again. This time he doesn't bother to beg me not to make him cum like this again. He must have figured out it won't do him any good. I'll just ridicule him and make him do it. This time, I might even point out that no one is holding him down. Just him. He's staying put, allowing himself to be sodomized by a younger, better-built guy. In front of an audience of strangers who are openly gawking and ridiculing him for it. With his wife watching closely.

And then Chris's cock finally goes soft. I almost tell Kevin to go ahead and cum. But before I do, I see Chris's flaccid cock twitching crisply, jumping hard, and spurting a single drop of cum out. Soft, his cock flops around as the muscles twitch with his orgasm.

I decide that's enough and nod to Kevin. Kevin grunts hard, a heavy, deep satisfaction in his voice. He thrusts hard, once, ramming his cock into Chris's tight bottom.

"OH!" Chris screeches out as he feels the hot, sticky cum splatting against his insides, deep into his rectum. Chris's cock instantly starts jumping and flopping around again. But this time it just doesn't have enough cum let to spurt even a single drop. It's just a tiny bit that clings to the tip of his cock, making it sparkle with the freshness of it. And showing everyone that cum hitting the very depths of his bowels is enough to make him cum.

Kevin finishes his orgasm with long, soft strokes, squirting a full load of his cum deep into Chris's rectum, then using his cock to smear it all around inside Chris. He pulls his cock from Chris's tight asshole.

For a few seconds, Chris's asshole gapes wide open, closing back up very slowly after being held so widely stretched. It offers the world a view right inside his bottom, of the little bit of waste in there, and the huge puddle of Kevin's semen coating everything and pooling on the bottom of his rectum. Mindy quickly snaps a picture of it.

Those few seconds are all I need. I grab Susan and roughly push her into place behind Chris. "On your knees, slut!" I snap with a steely, sold firmness in my voice. "He cleaned your skanky pussy up, you can clean his skanky pussy up." I shove Susan's lips up to Chris's still-gaping asshole. "Lick up the cum, slut, all of it!" I reach down and swat her bottom with my hand.

"OOH!" Chris screeches out. His body snaps to full tension, shivering crisply and shuddering hard at the same time. "OH, OOH! NO!! OH, NO! I CAN'T STAND THIS! IT'S KILLING ME!" Chris screeches out, his voice the girliest yet, as he shivers and shudders, his hips grinding against the edge of the table.

I hold Susan's face to Chris's asshole for about half of a minute. Then I nod to Mindy. She has her camera ready. I use the tip of one finger to pull Susan's lip back, letting Mindy, and her camera, see the sight. It shows Chris's asshole, now snugly cinched back up. And it shows Susan's tongue sticking into Chris's asshole, his ring squeezing gently around her soft tongue.

Now that Mindy has the picture, I let Susan stop. She pulls her face back and pants a few times. "Damn, honey," Susan says with some exhaustion in her voice, "you didn't have to squish my tongue so hard with your butt!"

A huge laugh breaks out, along with a loud round of applause.

"SLUT!" Meredith loudly pronounces Susan. "NO FUCKING WAY AM I EVER GOING TO STICK MY TONGUE UP ANYONE ASS!" She has to raise her voice to be heard over the crowd.

"And now, it's dessert time!" I announce. I send a naked Susan back to her seat for the dessert. She hurries to her seat, blushing like a beet, and guzzles an entire glass of tea. Elisha brings her another with her cheesecake.

I have Chris stand by the nurses' table again. And now, for the first time tonight, his cock has gone fully soft. It's no more than about two inches long, and maybe a half-inch thick. It hangs loose and limp in front of his balls. And it doesn't dangle down close to as far as his balls do.

And no one has really touched Chris's cock yet.

Chapter 08: Cleaning Up

Susan eats her dessert very slowly, more using its richness to hide the taste in her mouth than savoring it. Chris doesn't get dessert, either. He gets to stand there with his shriveled cock on full display and watch.

The show is pretty much over. The only thing left to serve is the coffee. The last scene makes for a nice finale, I think, too. Now it's time for me to dismiss these two. But nothing says I can't humiliate them while I do!

I take Chris back to the unused table in the center of the crowd. This time I have Chris stand back a couple of feet from the table. Then I call Susan up and have her stand beside him. For the first second, she stands very uneasily with her hands at her sides. I can tell that, with her now seeing everyone's eyes on her nakedness, she wants to cover herself with them. I have her put her hands behind her head as Chris's are.
