Surrounded Ch. 03


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I knew deep down, when it came to it, my heart lied with Amanda. My wife. I married her for a reason. But those sluts, those evil, nasty, sexy sluts, they owned my body. They could play my body like an instrument. I knew better, but when I was around those women, and their lush bodies, my animal brain took over. I became something else when I was with them. I was truly the monster they created. I didn't like how far those sluts took me.

I was being tugged in two directions. My heart with Amanda, my body with those two whores. The prize was my soul, and I was terrified where it would end up.

These thoughts had torn me up inside ever since the car accident. Part of me just wanted to run, to take my wife and go, to escape the grip these two sluts had over me, and get my wife free of the awful things they made me do. I knew it was impractical, that my wife would no doubt ask questions, but for the sake of my soul and my marriage, I had to escape those two women. They did this to me. They were the root of this. Their corruption had spread, and my wife was starting to be affected. I couldn't allow that.

I looked at Amanda, at her soft smile, full of love, even after the awful things I had done. I looked up at the bandage near her hairline, where she had bumped her head in the accident, a reminder of the things I had put her through. My heart again went out to her, and I that reminder of how awful I had been to her made me feel a little sick. I excused myself from my wife and began to walk towards the restrooms.

I thought about what I had been up to these last few months. Even though I had permission to fuck any slut I wanted, I hadn't partaken, Katie and Michelle had kept me busy. And now that I was reconsidering things, thank God I hadn't fucked another woman. I had thought about it, but I was smart enough to know not to get with another woman like Katie or Michelle. I didn't need another woman who wanted to control me. To conquer and own me. I knew if I did fuck around, it would have to be a one-off. Some slut I could fuck once and walk away from. Not someone as controlling as Katie or Michelle. Someone a bit more passive. But I hadn't quite reached the point where I was trolling for easy pussy at seedy bars. I hadn't reached the point where I was the pursuer. I had only ever been the pursued, so I knew just to keep my head down and stick with the sluts I had.

Before the accident, there wasn't a day that went by where I didn't fuck at least one of them. One of them would visit me for lunch at work, or I would meet them after work, or I would meet with them both at one of their places. I didn't have the energy to fuck around. Since the accident, they had kept their distance. They were evil and nasty, sure, but they didn't want Amanda hurt or anything like that. They were not pushing their luck with me in this sensitive time, at least for a short time. And when they had tried to make contact, I had successfully eluded them. I was two weeks sober of my addiction, but that part of me hadn't been cleansed from me yet. I only hoped I could stay from those two, but I feared I wouldn't be able to. That inner beast still existed in me, and looking around the banquet hall, at the beautiful trophy wives, I knew there was a good selection here, if I tried. But I didn't. I was trying to be a good husband, and I knew I had to quit my addiction cold turkey. I made my way out of the banquet hall, into the hallway of the hotel, to clear my head a bit, to figure out what the hell I wanted to do.

Could I do this? Could I quit cold turkey? I hoped so. I knew it was a bad idea to even think about resuming my affairs with those two again. I had tried to do some mental gymnastics to try to convince myself of a way to still somehow protect my wife while still fucking her older sister and her best friend. The bad thing is, I knew I could do it, I could totally get away with it, but I knew I shouldn't. They would make the beast inside me return, and I would do bad things to Amanda again. I would be fucking those two skanks, fucking them hard, filling them with my cum and no doubt saying vicious insults about my lovely wife as I did so, cause that just tended to happen when I fucked sluts like them. And they got off on it too. It came with the territory, apparently. But, I had to be a good husband. I had to be a good man. I had gotten lucky by containing my corruption to only two women. I needed to cut the sluts and myself off before the corruption spread further inside me.

I pushed open the door to one of the restrooms. As soon as I did, moans hit my ears. Female moans. Looking to make sure I was in the correct restroom, I investigated, looking for the source of the noise. I made my way deeper into the restroom, and looking down, I saw more than one person in the last stall. I walked over to check, and noticed the last stall door was open. And when I peeked across, I was frozen in shock.

A handsome, well-dressed young man, what looked like an employee of the hotel, was on his knees in the stall, facing one of the walls of the stall. And in front of him was a woman. She was pressed against the wall of the stall, and she was beautiful. A stunning blonde with smooth silky flesh. Her large breasts were hanging out of her top, and her pants were around her thighs. The man behind her was on his knees, his face buried between her ass-cheeks. The woman was grinding her ass against his face, and he was diving in, his hands on her ass-cheeks, spreading them so he could dig his tongue deeper into this hotty's asshole. On one his finger, the finger holding this slut's ass, was a wedding ring. And looking at the slut's fingers, it became clear this was not the man's wife.

"Oh fuck yes!" the woman gasped. "Eat my ass with your married tongue. You've wanted this for soooo long!"

This woman's voice struck me as familiar, and as she moaned in pleasure, her head rolled around, and she saw me watching. And immediately, I knew I recognized her, but it took a second to remember her name.

Elise! That waitress from Francezca's! Holy shit! I had originally thought this was a sweet, big-hearted girl, but Katie told me otherwise. She suspected this girl was a secret slut, and it was clear, by the way this girl was making a married man eat her asshole, that Katie was correct. She wasn't a sweet, big-heated girl. She was a nasty, big-breasted slut. This apparently sweet young waitress was really the slut Katie suspected her to be.

Elise looked at me, and her face registered the same surprise I did. But then she smiled, and mouthed the word, "Hi." I gulped and turned away, as she smiled wickedly. I turned and ran away quickly, and as I exited the restroom, her moans echoed around the walls.

Dread gripped me as I escaped the restroom. I wanted to escape Katie's evil clutches, but judging by what I just saw, her tendrils were spread wide, even to such a seemingly sweet girl like Elise. Her influence was spreading beyond just me and onto others. She could corrupt others beyond one man.

I could drive 1000 miles away, start a new life... and there would be sluts there too. Sluts with huge tits that loved showing off their cleavage to men like me. Girls that would tip up their top just under their massive breasts to show off their flat belly. Girls in booty shorts aching for a good fucking from a married man. Girls with whale-tails, showing off their tiny thongs.

The dread truly hit me. No matter where I went, no matter how hard I tried, there was no getting away. I was surrounded by sluts, and there was no escaping them. Slutty girls were my kryptonite, my weakness. That weakness still lied in me, I knew it. I couldn't think of Katie or Michelle without getting hard for them. Evidence of my betrayal still existed, namely the children growing in their bellies. I should be repulsed by this, by going that far with other women. A good man would, but the knowledge of it made me want them more.

I should be repulsed by all of it. I should be. But the thought of those two still made me shiver. I tried to think only of Amanda, but the thought of Katie, and Michelle, of their hot naked bodies. Those massive fucking breasts. So soft and smooth to the touch. Their perfect asses. The way they fucked. So perfect. The way their luscious bodies bounced. The way they badmouthed my wife...God, being with them was amazing. It should all be so repulsive, but I fucking loved every minute. Every fucking minute. Every naughty action. Every bit of venom they spewed, and that I spewed in response. I should hate myself for taking part in it, but God I fucking loved it. The thought of it still turned me on.

That's why I had to stay away. Those women had me the balls. I couldn't trust myself around them. I knew they would come crawling around soon. It had been a week, and I'm sure those two were in need of rough sex as badly as I was. And although Katie opposed the idea, after a week without pleasure, she probably would give in and give Michelle the roll in the sheets she wanted. Michelle had denied she wanted one-on-one lesbian sex with Katie during our first threesome, but I still got the impression she was kinda game to go at it alone with Katie. In a flash, an image hit me. Katie and Michelle, in bed together, naked, covered with sweat, going at it, all that skin, all that tits and ass...

No! I couldn't think about that. I couldn't let my mind even start moving in that direction. I had to stop. I needed to purge this corruption from me. I had to get it all out of me. I just hoped it was possible. I just had to avoid them, escape them at all costs, and hopefully that would solve this. Hopefully. I would play my part, make sure to give them everything they needed to raise my child, but I couldn't be around them. Because if I was, I would submit to them again. I knew it. I had to avoid any sexually tinged situations like the one I just saw, cause if I let myself fall under their influence for a moment too long, I would be corrupted again. I had to avoid any woman that could possibly tempt me.

Rushing away, trying to get as far away from the restroom, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. That was why I didn't see the person I walked into.

As I got my bearings straight, I apologized to the person I ran into. And as I studied this person's face, I realized I recognized her too.

I had met her before, one time, in this very hotel. I had met her at my bachelor party. I recognized her immediately cause she was one of the strippers. A shiver ran through me as I made this connection.

Her name was Aisha. She was a stripper, a voluptuous black woman. I couldn't help but appraise her. Her body was as luscious as ever. She wore tight jeans, which molded to her firm legs and round ass. She wore a tight t-shirt and jacket, exposing a sliver of her smooth black belly and showing off some deep cleavage and her giant breasts in her molded, tight top. Her hair was long and full, and her face, her smooth black lips, smoky, sexy eyes, were as alluring as ever. I looked at her, and she looked at me, and recognition crossed her face.

"Uhhhh, Matt." she said, my name coming to her, pointing at me.

"Aisha." I replied nervously.

"That's right, honey." she purred. "I left a good impression, I see."

"Uh, yeah, you were definitely memorable." I replied, not wanting to be rude but not really wanting to talk to her. "So, uh, what are you doing here?"

Aisha smiled and reached down into her jeans. She pulled upward, revealing a tight, stretchy, neon pink thong strap.

"I've got work to do." she said with a smile.

"Well, I'm, uh, sorry I ran into you." I stammered.

"I'm not." she purred. She stepped in closer. "Now, I remember you very well. I was hoping you would come visit me, cause clearly, you were craving for something special."

"Uh, sorry." I replied, nervously.

"It's alright." she said. "Now, I've got a job to do, unless you would be willing pay me a bit more than the boys upstairs... then I could focus all my energy on you?"

This was exactly what I was trying to avoid. Situations like this, being around someone so... voluptuous. Despite my renewed loyalty to my wife, her offer sounded really tempting. Instantaneously, my beast side reemerged. Seeing more of her hot black body sounded irresistible, but knowing where I was, surrounded by colleagues, and that my wife was waiting, my better instincts wore out.

"I'll have to pass." I replied.

She pouted, sticking her bottom lip out.

"Well, Matt. I know how married guys get. How they regret settling down with one girl, when there's so much out there to enjoy. So, if you need a bit of... titillation, come find me. I work at the strip club over on the west side of town, you know where it is?" Aisha said.

"Uh, yeah, I think so." I told her without thinking.

"Good. Come there and find me. I'll give you a private show." Aisha said. She stepped forward again, pushing her huge black breasts into me. "And, maybe I could let you indulge that need of yours. I saw it in your eyes at your bachelor party. That need to see what a black woman is really capable of. And trust me, baby, the rumors are true."

"What?" I said with a gulp, surprised at how brazen she was. She smiled wickedly.

"I'll see you soon, Matt." Aisha purred. With that, she stepped around me and walked towards the elevators.

I was trying to quit my addiction to these sexy women. I really was. But they just kept coming out of the woodwork. The last thing I needed was more women after me, especially in the state I was in. I knew I needed to stay clear of Katie and Michelle, but God my dick missed them. Me and Amanda had fooled around while she recovered, but I knew deep down I could never replicate with her what I had with those two whores. My cock needed their loving touch to get the caring for it needed. My cock needed the energetic maneuvers of a woman not simply making love to it. My cock was aching to be conquered again. That's what it needed. And Aisha, she was like Katie and Michelle. She was a conqueror, out to defeat me, to own my cock like they did. She wanted to prove her point, to prove the superior bedroom skills of black women.

And as she sauntered away, and shook her full, round black ass at me, I was watching. I could see it now. I could feel the beast inside me coming to the surface. I felt what I most feared, that fate was working against me, forcing me in one direction. I was afraid that no matter what I did, no matter how much I tried, fate was trying to get me to cheat again, trying to get me to leap into the arms of another woman. I just knew I would eventually end up in that club, with her dancing for me, shaking her hot black body in the buff, showing me the goods. I don't know how, but I knew. I could practically see it now. I could feel the wheels of fate turning. I could feel my soul being tugged down a dark path. I knew Aisha was right.

I would be seeing her very soon.


(Author's Note: Sorry for the long wait. Hope you all enjoy this chapter of Surrounded, and the others that will come in the future...eventually. But for now, onto other stories. I have some good ones in mind coming soon. Thanks for reading.)

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Well written story…funny how the cheating-wife haters here on Lit seem silent when it’s a husband playing. Personally, I get a little board of the huge busted, huge ass woman, big dicked guys stories. But it is fantasy after all…

disturbedhrtdisturbedhrtover 6 years ago

elise needs to be in the fifth chapter

chifan7536chifan7536about 7 years ago
Excellent Story!

I just Love your writing. This was a Great story, the sexual tension/fighting that went on between Katie and Michelle was Awesome. All your stories have great themes !!!.PLEASE...write some more. Thanks.

RelentlessOnanismRelentlessOnanismover 7 years ago
Good fun...

...but I was hoping the waitress might have been incorporated into things a bit more. I know he caught her fucking some other guy towards the end of the story, but I was hoping for a threesome involving her and the sister-in-law. Perhaps you might surprise me in the next chapter, which I'm about to read. I'm not that interested in the black stripper angle, but let's see what happens.

Enneagram5Enneagram5over 8 years ago
Sooooo good

I can't convey how remarkable this story is.

This story is "Read all day even after Netflix binging all night" good.

Wish you would write another one. An by another one I mean another 50.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Another 1.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Time for a sequel

Don't forget about Amanda's mom, it seemed there was sparks when Matt gave her a hug.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
continue please

This story and the telling of it is unbelivable HOT please continue with part 4 and beyond

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

When is part 4! It has been so long !!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Enjoying the read

I like how Katie and Michelle are so similar yet so different. I view Katie as wanting to be the kept mistress who controls everything, and Michelle as the ultimate wife fantasy.

I'm more partial to Michelle since she seems to care more about Matt's needs, but I'm enjoying the story so far. Wonder if Katie's mom will get involved.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Even better than part 2!

I have to agree with lots of the comments below, I love this series and a big part of it is that it really seems like you maintain a "harder edge" to it than your other work.

I was also shocked that the evil girls didn't incorporate the accident into their degradation of the wife. You could have had some unbelievably evil and nasty play there. I really hope you keep it in your back pocket and it comes back in a big way in the next part.

The secret femdom angle (stealing/hurting your own family to get off) is incredibly hot and its an interesting angle that you haven't played up yet in your stories. I'm excited to see what you do with that.

I really enjoy your work and have full confidence the next part will even top this one (which I was not expecting to top part 2.)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Hottest Story on Literotica!

In my opinion this is by far the hottest story I've ever read on this web site. Amazing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Eager for part 4 & more new series.

I'm so eager for more w/ this series. I would also encourage you to do new series as well in the future. Keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Best Writer on the Site

The Surrounded series has been my favorite, but I love all your stories. Maybe sometime soon you can do one where a newlywed husband butt-fucks his wife's best friend as the maid of honor, similar to Michelle's nasty talk in Surrounded Ch. 2. Just a thought. Thanks for the hot stories!

2981notrohrm2981notrohrmabout 11 years ago

Scratch the part about part 2 - it's in NonCon. Not my thing but I'll make an exception for this story.

No whoops on Aisha, though - part 4 please with her gorgeous black body.

2981notrohrm2981notrohrmabout 11 years ago

I won't ask what happened to chapter 2 since this one was so damn hot, but I do have one request - nay, beg. Chapter 4 urgently with Aisha - I fucking LOVE black women.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
bigger boobs

I would like to hear about larger breasts. I mean, if you are going to make stories about crazy sluts can't we at least move past a ee cup. How about HH cup's like a september carrino type?

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 11 years ago
A Parody that Decries & Deifies the Sluts that Strut thru this World !

Double-edged words & meanings abound in this story. Crazy & giddy from the carnal heat. Wonderful stuff.

HeadguyHeadguyabout 11 years ago
Such a mixed bag!

I gave this a 4, but that was a compromise: the scenes with Matt, Kate and Michelle were past 5, but a lot of the rest was 3 or less: repetitive, "talky" and much of it boring. The adage that "sometimes less is more" definitely applies here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Best author on this site!

Would love to see more stories about Katie since she is so damn wicked! You could create a whole series about her conquests and evil seductions. Especially when she seduced her friends Dad to give up his daughter's college money. Just a thought!! Keep it up Talkman

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