The Divorcee

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A friend's divorce triggers an incredible adventure.
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[For my dear Lana]


Rhonda Evans had been divorced for... who knows how long. Wow... a year and a half already. Still, by now well set up in a nice flat, a well- paying job and a positive view on her perspectives - finally. And now this! Her old friend from the academy, Mary Driscoll - seemingly happily married for more than ten years - knocking at her door and asking for refuge. Cheated on, disappointed and heartbroken. And still somehow kind of relieved. It didn't take Rhonda long to find out that relief actually turned out to be the most predominant part of her complex set of emotions.

"I'll never be with a man again, ever!"

"OK, OK. I believe you. I felt the same way too, although I'm not that hardheaded anymore."

They both had a late Saturday night together with two bottles of red wine almost empty. Being tipsy always made Mary melancholic, all the way down to almost pathetic, and the tears were never far away.

"But I miss the nearness. I miss sex. Goddammit I guess I'm plain horny! Constantly! Since John found someone else, I practically haven't had anything for months... years."

"Well don't tell me! You're a hot gal, for crying out loud. Why wouldn't you go out and get something for yourself?"

"Just like with some guy you mean? Never!"

Rhonda was quiet for a while. Then she decided to open up completely.

"So, if not with a guy, what about a girl?"

Mary looked at her with tear- stained eyes, almost like she had seen a ghost.

"A girl? Wow... You're a lesbian now, is that it?"

"Hell no. Never was, never will be."

Now Mary was the one needing a moment.

"So why are you talking about a girl then? I'm certainly not a lesbian. You should know that."

Rhonda laughed and then got up.

"Why don't we open one more bottle, and then you hear me out - and properly? I was actually thinking about this before you showed up here - for quite a while. You'd really be surprised."

Glasses were replenished and Rhonda cleared her throat.

"We're both straight as rulers, no question about it, so that's cool. But I know this girl, from our agency; a young intern probably in her early twenties. She's working as an aspiring press secretary; overly sweet, brunette, quite tall and very innocent looking. And," Rhonda cleared her throat once again, "she's been hitting on me for quite a while, in fact, after she found out I was divorced. And more and more openly as she noticed that she eventually got me thinking."

"Thinking of what? You just said you're straight, right?"

"Absolutely. She got me going when she started whispering things to me - about serving me."


"Serving. To be blunt, she made me understand that she loves to give head; to give oral - to women, that is. She explicitly used the word serving, meaning I wouldn't need to worry about returning the favor. I'd be served and I'd just leave afterwards. Does that make sense?"

Mary was still just looking at her.

She even bragged about being trained by a teacher from her college, and from all that training she had an extraordinarily strong and flexible tongue. Can you believe that?"

Mary was stunned - to say the least - and completely forgot about her glass. Rhonda took a deep swig of hers before she continued.

"And the best thing of all - in fact the thing that got me thinking about it at all - was that she so heavily underscored the fact she will never want anything in return. If I could enjoy being served by her, it didn't matter if I were a lesbian or not, as her teacher hadn't been either. I only had to let her do me, just once, so she could convince me. You won't believe with what confidence she said those very words!"

"You must be joking. She really said that? Nothing in return?"

"I was thinking of actually giving it a try, but so far I haven't got the nerve, understandably. What if it all got awkward? Then I'd still have to see her every day at work afterwards. But on the other hand, if I'm not alone, when there's two of us... well..."

She took another sip, took a deep breath, and looked straight into Mary's eyes. "Since you're so horny, you say; why don't we try her out together? What have we got to lose? With you supporting me, I think I should be able to handle it. And we'll find out soon enough if it's something we like or not."

Again Mary was left open mouthed. The idea had been totally remote to her up until a few minutes ago, and now she was asked to take part in a kind of a lesbian orgy? Returning the favour or not - lesbian it was anyway, wasn't it? But - then again - if she didn't have to do anything? Her thoughts churned. Could she actually be okay with having a girl do her... orally? Even enjoy it? Again the thought had never crossed her mind. 'A young well- trained girl'... practically begging for it - to a senior female staff! All the attempts of receiving head from her previous lovers had been miserable, to put it mildly. About as miserable as the regular sex, in fact. So, she had never actually seen getting head as anything but a bleak foreplay to some bleak straight sex. But those were all guys, of course. Would a girl be different? Better? At least she would know how to do it, wouldn't she?

All of a sudden she felt a rush of heat through her body, and she shuddered and squirmed on her seat. Maybe it would be something entirely different? Something great? And suddenly her panties were getting damp, a reaction telling her very clearly that this kind of sex was just nothing she had ever considered, but a kind she could definitely indulge into.

Rhonda was silently studying Mary. She knew exactly what was going through her mind. Then, suddenly Mary smiled, which told her enough.

"The die is cast then! I'll talk to her in the office on Monday, okay?!"

"Well... okay."

Part 01

The first meeting was bound to be awkward, obviously, but the fourth generous glass of red wine had helped get things a bit more relaxed. Rhonda didn't want the three of them to get overly tipsy, so it was a delicate balance between calming the nerves and getting drunk. After all they were here to try out things, their emotions, senses, hunches; and for that they needed those very senses to... sense.

She had been quite surprised about young Lilly Tornton, the press secretary she had in mind for their adventure. She knew she was a kind of timid personality, but that she would be so meek and submissive was more than she had expected. Rhonda had put on a more businesslike attire the following days at work, dark bluish- black striped business suit, with knee- long skirt that matched her dark brown hair and the dark blue frames of her glasses. And to that high heels matching the glasses and finally ear and arm rings to break the pattern with a dark orange almost golden color. It was all composed to enhance her authority, not for her business needs, but as a signal to her young devotee that something had. On a certain occasion she made sure to drop a few papers on the floor right next to the girl's desk, and then bent down to pick it up with her skirt- covered butt right against her place in a very deliberate but still innocent- like. She didn't know if she would be able to see her stockings all the way up to her garters, but she certainly hoped so. At least the prominent back seams of her stocking should help underscore the added touch of exotism she was trying to convey as a way of opening up to the girl's heated advances.

She was careful not to make any other kinds of approaches, and waited patiently for the girl's next move, although she almost started to get nervous when nothing happened for almost a week. Had she been too obvious after all? She had seen this as such an easy win should she ever consider to take on her offers. What if she suddenly backed off and disappeared. All of a sudden she realized this was more serious to her than the game she had seen it as up until now. So, her relief was tremendous as she suddenly heard the whispered words 'you look fantastic,' from a pair of lips close to her ear. The familiar perfume invaded her senses and the nearness paralyzed her for a moment before she was able to take charge. But then she was able to turn her chair around and lock her eyes with her.

Like herself Lilly didn't have her hair set up, but had it flowing sleekly down her back almost down to her waist, a nice contrast to Rhonda who had it down to her shoulders.

"You don't look too bad yourself, Lil!"

"Oh, thank you Miss Evans." The girl wasn't used to such a distinct reaction, and by now had seen her advances more like a lost cause and just an opportunity to express her admiration for a very nice and good looking lady she had a passion for.

"I'd like to pick up on your offer, Lil"

"Wh... wh... I beg your pardon, Miss Evans?!"

This definitely was the time to be bold. "You know... what you've been offering - to serve."

The girl was speechless, and stood like nailed to the floor. Rhonda got up from her chair and took her sweet innocent face in both her hands.

"You told me - last time just a couple of weeks ago - that you'd love to serve me... right?" She smiled as she continued locking the shocked eyes with her own. "I'd like to pick up on your offer."

There was no one else in the office at the time, but people could pass by at any time. She pushed her lips to the girl's mouth in a soft but controlled kiss that had to end quickly.

"Last night I dreamed about you... serving me, and I got exceptionally aroused by it. I didn't think I could, but you've talked me into it." She smiled as the glimmer in the girl's eyes slowly transformed from stunned surprise to what could only be seen as raging passion. All of a sudden her hands were all over Rhonda's waist and butt and then she almost fell to her knees in front of her.

"No, no - not here baby." she almost had to pull the girl back up. "This isn't just a game of yours. We have to be careful."

"Sorry, Miss Evans."

"Call me Rhonda, will you?"

"Yes, Miss E - Rhonda..."

Let's go across the street to the lunch bar, shall we? I've got a few things to tell you!

Part 02

Lilly and Mary didn't say much, probably too uncomfortable or nervous to be able to get any kind of conversation running, so Rhonda had to handle both the wine rationing as well as the talking part of things. Certainly a good thing she had so much experience from all her formal work settings, even though this certainly was a hugely different kind of scene.

For this their first meeting in her quite luxurious flat - now so generously shared with Mary - she had chosen the same attire as she had when she nailed Lilly back in the office, and she had urged Mary to do the same. That was no problem at all though, since Mary too held an executive position in the Tarrell Corporation. Not very senior, true enough, but still enough for her to be used to elegant business codes. Her suit was dark greenish, with a shorter skirt than her friend, and her glasses with red frames, the jewelry, arm- and finger rings elegantly matched her blond hair that had gotten some greyish stripes to it lately. Her hair had always been her most prominent asset with curls cascading beautifully down her shoulders and her back. How Rhonda envied that marvelous hair of hers! She was her usual smashing appearance, only unusually quiet and a little insecure in front of the girl who had promised them both her 'service.'

No wonder, of course. Rhonda was nervous herself, but for her part the rather expensive Chardonnay had started to take effect, and she felt her confidence coming along quite nicely. She looked at both her companions and had to smile. Lilly was almost as shy as she had been back at the lunch bar, struggling to lift her gaze and look at the two overwhelmingly beautiful Ladies that so suddenly accepted her offer of service.

Rhonda was sure her words from the lunch bar was still ringing in her ears:

"You know why I decided to pick up on your offer Lil?"

"No?" The girl had been quite brave, and although her hands were trembling, she had met her eyes with fully mobilized courage.

"Well... I'm having a girlfriend living with me right now, until she finds a place of her own - a divorcee. My age. And if we can be the three of us... well, then I thought I could get the nerve to actually try it out... What do you think about that?"

The girl's jaw dropped, and her eyes got moist. A rush went through her body, and Rhonda wasn't sure if it was from fear or excitement. She put her hand on Lilly's hands before she continued.

"I've talked to her about it - without mentioning you by name, of course. And she's willing to try too. Frankly, I think she's as excited about it as I am myself!"

"Is... uh - is she..."

"If she's good looking, you mean?" Rhonda smiled broadly as she visualized her friend's fair locks, her impressive bust and trim figure. "I'm 100% sure you'll eat her up at first sight!"

Another rush went through the girl's spine, and this time Rhonda was more confident it was from sheer excitement. Excitement and fear, probably, but in this 'good' combination. She had to have another proper look at the young Lady who was now literally squirming on her barstool. Such an ordinary girl - at least on first glance - with a slender figure, small but firm tits and surprisingly broad hips compared to her shoulders and waist. She sported an image of fitness and healthy living that was quite typical for the young interns around the office; staying in shape in order to improve their chances of finding the right rich man for their future family life. But Not Lilly. Obviously her sexual drive was still overruling her judgement - consciously or not - pushing her to pursue her dreams and fantasies rather than a quick and safe path into family life. At least for now. And the 'for now' was the time for this adventure, if it should ever happen.

So, naturally, it wasn't only the long brown hair, the greenish eyes and her somewhat helpless attempts to dress businesslike, that had Rhonda's attention. It would have to be that exciting mouth! Those sweet and very kissable lips had an entirely new significance, knowing what they would be capable of - if she didn't totally overestimate the benefit of that mysterious college training she had more than hinted about. Rhonda certainly wanted to find out more about that too, but not right now.

She felt her own heat rise as she once again decided to be very bold with the girl, feeling quite certain now that she wasn't going to back off almost no matter what she'd say or do. Shrugging lightly to clear her thoughts, she reached out and caressed the soft cheek and then slowly let her finger play around those rosy lips as she spoke.

"So, you think you will be able to satisfy us? We are both very horny, you know!"

The girl's lips trembled, both at the touch and her partner's very direct statement. She took a couple of deep breaths and Rhonda took her hand away as a waitress came into sight.

"Yes, of course I will, I was well trained," came the whisper as the woman passed by. "I will do my best, I promise!"

"Mmmm... I'm sure now that you will." Rhonda was herself squirming with excitement at the heat of their conversation. "It will be hard work - obviously - for you. Are you patient enough to work that hard?"

"Yes - yes I am!" Her response was so abrupt that Rhonda got the feeling there was some direct relevance to that particular question. Again she would like to ask more closely about it, but not now.

They were alone again. Rhonda raised her hand and formed a ring with her thumb and index finger. She tried not to tremble as she held it up in front of the girl's lips.

You've got a beautiful mouth, Lil. Well painted lips and teeth as white as pearls. Oral hygiene is important to us, obviously, and that certainly isn't a problem with you I can tell." She locked her eyes with the girl and adjusted the distance between her hand and the lips for the challenge. "Now, I'd like to see your tongue! What it can do for us. Can you stretch it out and through this one?"

No matter how totally awkward the request might ever be, the girl immediately seemed to know what she was asking, and before she knew it the moist tongue shot out and slid wetly in between Rhonda's fingers. And not only that; it reached effortlessly far through, and actually pushed her hand back by the strength of its intrusion. And then, in a flash, it was gone again.

Rhonda gasped. What she had seen and felt certainly was way beyond her expectation. Maybe the girl wasn't bragging after all. The length - and the strength - was very palpable, to say the least. Frankly, Rhonda had never seen anything like it. She never expected to be affected like this, but the realization of what that tongue could do made her so wet she was afraid it would seep through the back of her skirt.

Part 03

If she filled the glasses again, would they react - Mary in particular - if she poured less than before? She was still quite concerned that the nervous atmosphere would make them drink too much for their own good, for the pleasure of the experience they were going to have together. Or maybe she should try to get their attention away from the wine altogether? But it was too early to get down to 'business,' wasn't it?

Her mind had been occupied with this essential question, along with the drift back to the lunch bar scene. Now it was kind of silent, and Rhonda was going to -

She stopped. With the bottle in her hand. All of a sudden Mary and Lilly were motionless. Their eyes had met, properly, finally, and now they looked almost transfixed. Lilly looked up, shyly, with her head low, her eyelashes fluttering almost seductively, while Mary looked wide-eyed down at her with passion written all over her face.

What a lovely scene!

Rhonda forgot all about her bottle and just looked. No more wine needed it seemed! She watched breathlessly as Lilly's cheeks slowly grew more and more reddish and her breathing heavier. Mary still held her almost empty glass with one hand, while she slowly rubbed the other hand against her skirt in an urge to dry away some imaginary palm perspiration, by itself a typical sign of nervous agitation.

Then the first hint of a smile spread over Lilly's lips as she seemed to gather her guts and make an attempt to soften the tension that Rhonda wanted to handle with her wine. The smile was returned - a little stiffly - by Mary, who then jumped lightly at the touch of the girl's hand on hers.

Mary's bust seemed to swell almost unnaturally as she drew her breath, and for a moment the girl's eyes were drawn into the exposed cleft wantonly on display by the already generously unbuttoned shirt.

Then Mary put her other hand on Lilly's.

"Do you like it... like us?"

"Yes," came the breathless answer as their hands slowly moved to have fingers entwined in a firm and unifying grip that brought their faces closer. Again Lilly held her head low and looked up at the Amazon- like Lady with that submissive little hint of a smile, silently letting her know how ready she was for the ultimate taking.

"And... you really mean what you said? That you love to serve... That you really want it... more than anything?"

"Oh yes, I do... I really do." She pulled her partner closer; so close now that her forehead nearly touched the tip of Mary's nose.

"It seemed so incredible when I heard about it... I need to hear you say it in plain words..." She locked her eyes with her. "Please..."

The girl seemed to lose her courage for a moment, but then she shrugged and straightened her back.

"I love to serve. I really do! Although it sounds crazy, it's more and more clear to me that that's like my destiny. And, you know, you Ladies are the answer to all my dreams and passions. Truly. May I please serve you? For as long as you can take it?"