The Flash Season 01 Ep. 04


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They all nodded.

"Then let's start over."

"Can I..." Two bit her lip nervously. "Can I call you a good little cocksucker?"

"If you feel I'm doing a nice job, of course! Everyone likes a compliment! For instance, you have a very nice dick. I'd love to blow it some more, if you can behave yourself."

"I will!" Two promised.

"Then let's see how good a little cocksucker I am!" Nora said, grinning enthusiastically.

Two offered Nora her cock and Nora took it deep in her own mouth, feeling it harden instantly in response to her own sucking. Nora was filled with a sense of power, and the satisfying throbbing of her warm cock against Nora's lips and tongue. Nora licked down the underside to Two's hairy balls, careful not to lick too hard when she knew how sensitive they were. Two's cock rested on her face as she licked Two's balls, and she giggled to herself at how she must've looked, a dick all across her face. Well, Caitlin and Iris had said she should cover her face as XS.

Nora pulled back a little, lapping hard at the underside of Two's cock again, tongue slapping against a surging vein running through its length. She saw with some pride that Two was fully engorged, Two's manhood straining its way to a purple head. She decided she'd better suck it before it came all over her face. She ran her lips back up Two's shaft, feeling it throb against her mouth--kissed Two's cockhead, tasted the precum seeping from it, sucked the whole thing into her mouth. It felt so good, having a hot, throbbing cock in her mouth to match the ones in her ass and pussy.

Two's face was deeply flushed, the veins in her temples standing out as thick as soda straws. She was so excited that she was already on the brink of orgasm. "You're a--good little--" She saw Nora nod in encouragement and almost fainted. "Cocksucker!"

Hot, thick cum slammed into Nora's mouth and down her throat. It tasted wonderful! But even as she reached up to grip Two's shaft, to milk more of Two's ejaculation onto her tongue, Two was pulling back, freeing her own cock from her sucking lips. Two held it out like a weapon, snorting as she came again and again, all over Nora's face.

The feel of Two's slime raining down on her, marking her face and breasts and even her hair, was too much for Nora. The straw that broke the camel's back. She slumped between Dr. One and Mrs. Three's rutting bodies, her pussy clenching, her anus contracting, the bottom dropping out of the world in some kind of orgasm that was nothing whatsoever like her shower.

Dr. One had held out for as long as she could, but the hard tug of Nora's cunt on her manhood finally swept her along with Two. She came, but not before pulling out of Nora and holding her cock aloft to add to Two's spray. Without a cock in the young cyrogenetic speedster's mouth, Nora moaned deliciously to feel One's jets of seed land across her own belly, all the way to the undersides of her own breasts before One collapsed on top of the young cyrogenetic speedster, twitching, her huge cock drooling cum.

Mrs. Three couldn't help but join in, joining the gasping and moaning, the semen gushing all around and all over. She buried her cock in Nora's ass, shooting deep into the young metahuman's bowels, smacking her testicles up against those of Dr. One's.

It took a long time for the shivering and shuddering to stop, the circle of climax and afterglow to be broken. When it finally did, they fell apart like an overextended Jenga tower. Two fell back onto her ass, Dr. One rolled onto her back, and Nora squirmed her own way upward until Mrs. Three's penis slipped out of her. Then she released back against Mrs. Three's broad chest, pulling her arms around her own body in a hug. It felt nice, being held while she panted and whimpered softly and felt the coals of hot cum burning away all over her creamy brown skin.

"See how much fun you can have," Nora asked, "when you're all nice... and want everyone to have a good time?"

The three nodded wearily.

"Now, why don't you tell me all about your boss's nasty old plan? And if any of you want to do more fun things once you're finished telling me about it..."

And they told her all about it while Nora cleaned herself off, running her hands over her tingling body, moving them trepidatiously to her mouth, then licking her fingers clean like such a messy eater. It all sounded very bad--but not too urgent. Certainly not too urgent. Not when she could see how hard Mr. Three was getting.

Dr. One gave her a squeeze. "You know, if you really are a good little cocksucker, you could take two cocks in your mouth at once."

"I bet I could," Nora agreed. "I bet I could."

The three Carggites combined into one. "If you're interested in getting more involved with the low level scum in this city," she said. "Here's a card to a place where you can have a lot of fun." With that said, the Carggite ran off.

Nora pulled some spare clothes out of her bag and got dressed in black pants and a white shirt with a tan jacket. She sped off towards Star City. As she ran, she changed into her superhero suit.

In Star City...........................................................................

The Queen Family was tracking down a wanted thug for a drug ring. Moira Queen was currently sitting in the office room of her home. The 45 year old was the mother of Thea as well as her wife. She had wavy, shoulder-length dirty blonde hair and was in excellent shape for her age. She had big enhanced 32DDD boobs. She loved working out to keep her body in great condition for all the fucking she does. She was proud of her taut stomach and has a ring piercing in her belly button that she liked to show off whenever she can. She had a meaty 13 inch cock of average girth. She was capable of some big squirts and couldn't wait to have squirting contests with her second daughter Fiona once she had taken her squirting classes. She was 5 feet 7 inches tall, 119 lbs. and had an average body.

Moira had the following abilities;

High-level intellect/Great business acumen/Expert tactician/Leader: Moira was an intelligent and cunning businesswoman, as seen when she ran Queen Consolidated and helped finalize the merger with Unidac Industries. She also (unwillingly) helped Malcolm Merlyn successfully plan the Undertaking and secretly coordinated an assassination attempt on the latter. Moira was very charismatic and a skilled leader, being Malcolm's right-hand woman in Tempest. Following her release from prison, Moira was able to eventually salvage her reputation by running for Mayor of Starling City and would have won the election had it not been for her murder.

Expert investigator: Moira was an excellent investigator, as she was able to eventually track down and uncover the remains of the Queen's Gambit after it sank and was presumed lost. She is also a very observant woman, having deduced Felicity Smoak's romantic feelings for her son, Oliver, despite only knowing Felicity briefly. Moira even figured out Oliver's identity as the Arrow during the Undertaking.

Expert of deception/Manipulator: Moira maintained her image of a philanthropist and businesswoman whilst planning the Undertaking. When confronted by the Hood, she manipulated the vigilante into lowering his guard, giving Moira an opening to shoot him. After the Triad's assassination of Malcolm failed, Moira was able to frame Frank Chen for the whole plan and make it seem as if she was still on Malcolm's side. Moira tried to use Felicity's feelings for Oliver to coerce her into keeping quiet about Thea's parentage; though this ultimately backfired, as Felicity refused to fall for it.

Skilled markswoman: Moira was able to shoot the Hood in his chest from a fair distance whilst the latter was distracted, just missing his carotid.

Network: As a former businesswoman, member of the social elite, and Tempest, Moira has many contacts with significant figures. Through Frank, she was also associated with the Chinese Triad and paid Chien Na Weito assassinate Malcolm. Moira was even able to contact an emissary of Ra's al Ghul to inform the League of Assassins that Malcolm was alive.

She was currently wearing a black jacket, black sweater, and black pants. Her pants were currently down around her ankles while her daughter/wife Thea was sucking her off.

Thea Queen was 42 years old, but she still was very acrobatic. She had short auburn hair and smooth, lightly tanned skin. She wasn't overly toned, but had an athletic body. She had nice natural 38B boobs. She had a nice 8.5 inch cock with average girth. Her acrobatics training had given her great flexibility and, as a result, loved sucking on her own cock. 5 feet 7 inches tall, 124 lbs, with an average body.

She also had great stamina while fucking and her thrusts are fast and hard, which the other girls love. Her superhero suit, as Speedy, was a red archer suit. She used a red mask to conceal her identity; to keep her friends and families safe from harm.

Her suit was lined with kevlar; to prevent gunshots wounds to her. After Thea started using the suit, behind her quiver she put a scabbard, used to hold her sword. There was a knife holster on the back of her waist, as well as on her left hip. The suit has a dual strap quiver, for the user to carry their arrows in. It also had 2 holsters for escrima sticks on the lower legs. Finally the suit has 4 throwing knives strapped around the thigh.

Thea knew to use these only to subdue not to harm. She had a folding collapsible bow. The bow had a device which retracts the line mechanically and thus allowed Thea to land on a van's roof in a matter of seconds. It used compressed carbon dioxide to jettison high tensile strength titanium- steel polymer cables.

Thea had the following former powers;

Dark magic immunity: It has been revealed that Thea is immune to Damien Darhk's powers as when he tried to use his life-siphoning magic on her, it backfired onto Damien, almost killing him. This is most likely due to the Lazarus Pit and its magical properties, as well as Thea's bloodlust. However Thea has since been cured of the Lazarus Pit's effects, so she is likely no longer immune to Damien's powers.

Thea had the following abilities;

Peak of human physical condition: After five months of training from Malcolm Merlyn, Thea became a strong fighter, able to take on several opponents in battle. During her training, she showed remarkable flexibility and coordination. Thea is strong enough to easily break the arm of a grown man with one hand. During a battle against Lonnie Machin, Thea was able to block his baton strikes barehanded using her forearms with no discomfort.

Acrobatics/Free-running: After five months of training from Malcolm, Thea was able to escape from Oliver Queen (in his guise as the Arrow) by jumping off her balcony. As a vigilante, she is also able to easily perform parkour, scaling buildings and going from one tall point to the next.

Honed senses: Thea has sharp senses and an acute sense of danger. When brought to Tevat Noah by Alex Davis for a "vacation", she soon deduced something was wrong by picking up minute details in her surroundings.

High-level intellect/Great business acumen/Great political acumen/Skilled tactician: Thea has proven to be very savvy and intelligent, though not quite on an academic or scientific basis. Upon taking over Verdant, she became a successful businesswoman and was able to run the club perfectly despite not having any degree in the subject. Thea also had an aptitude for politics, efficiently helping to manage Oliver's mayoral campaign. As Oliver's chief of staff, Thea proved to be an excellent politician and often picked up the slack for her brother in his first few months. She is skilled in strategizing and planning, having helped Oliver and Felicity Smoak set up a fake wedding to lure out Cupid. Thea is also able to use her surroundings to her advantage when in battle, as shown when she triggered a booby trap to fend off a group of assassins of the Thanatos Guild.

Multilingual: Thea is capable of fluently speaking English, Spanish, and Arabic.

Expert investigator: Thea is a highly skilled investigator, able to trace a wallet chain to Roy Harper, who stole her purse at the time. She also utilized these skills as a vigilante, such as determining Cupid's victims using her knowledge of celebrity gossip. Thea can sense when someone is lying to or hiding something from her, as she figured out that Oliver and Moira Queen were secretly fighting, noticed that Oliver was keeping a secret about Sara Lance, and that something was bothering him during a mission in Central City.

Toxicology: After being trained by Malcolm, Thea became familiar with poisons, able to detect disguised cyanide in red wine.

Master hand-to-hand combatant/Martial artist: Thea was trained by Malcolm in Kenjutsu and martial arts, becoming a highly trained hand-to-hand combatant and could easily beat two trainers. She combines her sword expertise with powerful kicks and punches. When Oliver confronted her (in his guise as the Arrow), Thea landed a groin kick and then rapidly executed multiple strikes on him (though Oliver easily blocked and dodged her blows) before fleeing the scene. However, Thea was unable to fight off Chase, an agent of the League of Assassins, and would have been killed if not for Roy and Malcolm's intervention. Later on, Thea was able to fend off Slade Wilson alongside Oliver, though Oliver was seriously injured at the time and Thea would have been defeated if she had not pulled a gun on Slade. Unfortunately, Thea was no match for Ra's al Ghul, as she was easily overpowered and almost killed by the latter, proving that her combat skills are still not yet at her half-brother and father's level respectively. After a further five months of training, Thea could battle Ghostswith little assistance and fight evenly against Machin, even besting him on two occasions. After spending six months comatose though, Thea became somewhat out of shape and was easily knocked out by Black Siren. However, after a few months of presumably training to regain her combat skills, Thea was able to roughly hold her own against Ricardo Diaz and Athena. Since then, Thea's abilities have improved to the point of mastery; she held her own against Talia al Ghul, soon managing to surprise and wrap a chain around the latter's throat using a chokehold.

Master stick-fighter: Thea is highly skilled stick-fighter, often spared with Malcolm and Oliver using escrima sticks. In their final battle, Thea fought on par with Athena using her bow as a melee weapon, eventually disarming the latter.

Expert swordswoman: During the five months Thea spent with Malcolm, he trained her in many forms of sword fighting. Thea became so skillful that she could easily defeat two trainers at once and received praise from Malcolm during their sparring sessions. Thea was able to duel on par with Malcolm for a while on two occasions, even briefly pinning him down in one encounter, though Malcolm was clearly holding back and ultimately overpowered her both times. A few years later though, Thea's skills have greatly improved, allowing her to stand her ground against Athena, the leader of the Thanatos Guild, for a while in a sword fight.

Master knife wielder/Knife thrower: Thea is trained in using various types of blades against her opponents. Without looking at him, she threw a letter opener at Malcolm's forehead, which he caught. Thea repeated this feat against Ra's al Ghul, able to throw a knife straight at his head from across the room, though it was ineffective. She also proficiently wielded a cheese knife as a weapon in close combat while attacking Chase until being disarmed. Thea was later able to swiftly stab Athena in the chest with a dagger while the latter was briefly distracted.

Skilled markswoman: Thea was able to successively fire three shots at Malcolm at his chest in close-range, though he was wearing protection. Presumably after training with Malcolm, Thea is now more familiar with firearms and can easily handle them.

Expert archer: Thea is a highly proficient archer, having won multiple archery contests. After being trained by Malcolm, she was able to quickly shoot three arrows into Sara's chest and an arrow into Oliver's arm with great accuracy. After joining Team Arrow, Thea became an efficient archer in the field, able to shoot her targets even while in fast-moving vehicles.

Indomitable will/High tolerance for pain/Expert survivor: Thea was taught by Malcolm to withstand pain by having hot water poured over her hand. By the end of her five-month stay with him, she didn't even flinch when someone accidentally spilled hot coffee on her hand. When Oliver dislocated and relocated her shoulder, Thea merely groaned, showing she was able to tolerate this pain as well. Thea has also demonstrated great mental strength, able to overcome the brainwashing effects of H.I.V.E.'s drug with her brother's encouragement and regain her independence. While training on Lian Yu, Thea could survive its harsh conditions with Oliver.

Stealth: Thea was able to sneak up on Sara (albeit under the influence of Vitura), who only realized she was there when the former called her name.

Network: As a former member of the social elite, nightclub owner, and politician, Thea has a wide array of contacts, which she used to hire interns for Oliver's mayoral campaign and put together a "Star City Nights" festival at the Rockets Arena.

Thea had the following former weaknesses;

Bloodlust: Since being revived by the Lazarus Pit, Thea was left with an insatiable bloodlust and the impulse only subsided for a month at a time if she gave in to it. The only way for Thea to permanently end it was to take out the one who killed her, which was impossible as Ra's al Ghul was already dead. When Thea resisted the urge, the bloodlust eventually turned on her and began to take her own life. Ultimately, Thea was saved when Nyssa al Ghul provided her with the Lotus elixir, which permanently cured her of the bloodlust.

In the original multiverse, Thea had the following equipment;

Customized recurve bow: While fighting crime as Speedy, Thea uses a red-colored recurve bow.

Customized hunting arrows: While killing Sara Lance, Thea used hunting arrows similar to that of Malcolm Merlyn and members of the League of Assassins. As Speedy, Thea uses red-colored arrows similar to Roy's.

Trick arrows: Thea carries a number of different trick arrows, two of which include a grappling hook and syringe arrow.

Quiver: While killing Sara, and as Speedy, Thea wears a dark quiver to carry her arrows with her.

Sword: Thea carried a double-edged sword strapped to her back, right next to her quiver. She used it in her sparring sessions with Malcolm and a fight against Athena.

Flechettes: Thea carries red flechette darts holstered on her right thigh.

Combat knife: Thea keeps a combat knife holstered in her boot, which she used to stab Athena.

In the original multiverse, Thea had the following former equipment;

Arsenal suit: Thea was given Roy Harper's Arsenal suit when she visited him after learning Team Arrow had faked his death. She uses it as her heroic alter-ego, Speedy, to hide her identity from her enemies. It is unknown what materials the suit is made from, with the exception of Kevlar. Since going off with Nyssa, Thea has left the suit behind.

Customized compound bow: While killing Sara and shooting Oliver Queen (as Al Sah-Him), Thea used a bow similar to the one Malcolm used.

Dark Archer suit: While killing Sara and shooting Oliver Queen (as Al Sah-Him), Thea wore a dark suit with a hood.

Jian: Thea had a Chinese straight sword for her training with Malcolm.

Katana: Thea used a katana for training in Kenjutsu.
