The Hedge Pt. 02


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She stepped back a couple of seconds later and glanced down, smiled and saying 'goodbye', went out the front door that Vicky had opened. Aaron released the gate and watched her drive out, then closed and locked the door.

"Was she looking down at what I think she was, Aaron?" Vicky asked, grinning.

"I can't help it that attractive women make him rise to the occasion" he replied innocently as they returned to the lounge.

"What was that?" Alice asked, having moved the baby to the other breast.

"Oh, she hugged Roni longer than me and the 'beast' rose and prodded her in the belly and I think she kind of liked it and kissed him on the cheek too."

"I bet you hugged and kissed her too, didn't you, you randy sod!"

"What can I say, one has to be polite to one's guests" he replied in a posh voice and they all laughed.

When Alexis had finished, he took her to be changed, then put her in the carry cot and carried her to bed, leaving mother and daughter to talk.

"Did he really get hard?"

"There was a reasonable tent in his trousers, yes and in only a few seconds too."

Arron re-joined them after disposing of the nappy and tidying up.

"Well what did you think of her and what she told us, Aaron?"

"She's very attractive and there's a mischievous streak in her like two other women I know."

"She was always like that, what did you think, Vicky?"

"I didn't notice the sexy part when I was a kid, she was nice and cuddly, we played games and she read me stories at bed-time while you and Dad were out. She's still nice and cuddly but there's a lot more of her to cuddle now, maybe she would like to lose some weight but hasn't had any incentive, she would be much healthier and have a better chance with men too."

"What did you have in mind, devious daughter, as if I couldn't guess?"

"Nothing much but maybe Roni and I could set her up with an exercise program, check her diet. We could go to her or she could come here and we could all exercise together unless she is happy with the way she looks. You could ask her next week while she is here on Monday and we could start something the next evening and include dinner too?"

"That's a good idea and if she wants tuition at home, I trust you not to do anything with her that I would want to see or join in with."

"We promise Mum, don't we Roni?" He nodded.

"I'm happy with that, nothing more than a hug and a kiss on the cheek and that alone could be quite an incentive."

"Okay, let's go to bed" and Alice walked to the stair lift and rode with her crutches, up to the bathroom and bed, followed shortly by Vicky and Aaron. Cuddling in bed for a few minutes, Vicky said quietly,

"If Sharon goes for it and would be interested in a different kind of exercise and not just with you, we have a month to wait for Mum to be available too."

"We could play one off against the other, losing weight against walking, she's about five stones overweight for her height so should lose it easily to start with, maybe three pounds a week so that would be almost a stone in that month."

"Mum just needs to walk more as well as the leg exercises, maybe the offer of a 'special' massage for her for a target. You could offer Sharon a standard massage for losing seven pounds and a longer, nicer one for the stone with a hint of a lot more for continuing results."

"Okay Icky, we'll go for that now, I have to go before she goes to sleep" they kissed and cuddled for a couple of minutes then he went to Alice's room and slipped in with her.

"A big discussion about us?" she asked as he cuddled into her naked body.

"Yes, we'll talk about it in the morning."

"Good because you have given me a lot to think about and most of it about Sharon and I think you're right. I just didn't see the signs and now I'm horny and want to fuck but I'm not allowed to have that cock pounding me" she said a little sadly, "I've been rubbing myself, which is nice but not enough but maybe some nice loving man might lick my pussy and give me a nice ass fuck, which would be almost as good."

"Any time I-cee, any time" and he got to work with his tongue, dancing with hers in a passionate kiss.

He worked down her body, he lingered over both nipples and down her still soft belly to her pussy, still regularly shaved for him. He worked his tongue in and around her lips and sucked on her clit, then rimmed her tight asshole.

"Ahhh fuck Roni, I love it when you do that, please make me cum and fuck my ass..."

Aaron worked her clit some more and pushed a finger into her ass and she gasped and bounced her hips a little to fuck herself on his finger. He sat up and reached for the KY in a drawer, lubed himself and her then eased his cock into her tight passage. It had been quite a while since he had been in there so he was gentle as he worked his way in but after a minute or so his balls were pressed against her cheeks.

He eased out and re-lubed himself and pushed back in and slowly stroked into her as she squeezed her tits and tweaked her nipples. She held him close to her and told him to keep still, then she humped her hips up at him, it was not a lot of movement but it was something she couldn't do the last time they made love.

"Well done, I-cee" he praised and started moving again.

She was panting and grinning too, he kissed her again and sped up, pressing his groin against hers as he flexed his hips to make contact with her clit. A few minutes later her hand started rubbing her clit and she stared into his eyes and cried quietly,

"Cumming Roni..." so he sped up and came hard a minute later, filling her ass with a large amount of hot cum.

They rested for a minute, then he reached for the tissues, pulled out and cleaned her up, then himself and took the tissues to the bathroom and washed himself. When he returned to the bedroom, they cuddled for a while and then slept until the two 'o clock feed.

During and after breakfast they talked about Sharon and the idea Aaron and Vicky had discussed.

"Is she happy about her size and weight, I-cee?"

"No but she has had no incentive to do anything about it, she eats quite healthily as far as I know but does little exercise. She has probably put on about two stones since she last babysat for us, six years ago."

"Do you think she might like to lose some of that if Vicky and I design a diet and exercise program for her?"

"She might but what about incentives or is that as obvious as the bulge in your trousers, last night."

"Do you mean that if she loses two stones then Roni will fuck her brains out?" Vicky asked crudely.

"Something like that but maybe with a bit more subtlety" he explained, "I thought of offering her a massage, not the 'special' for losing seven pounds, a better one for a stone, then we'll see where we all are at that point, before getting more serious."

"If it looks like we are heading towards the 'special' we can re-evaluate the program" Alice confirmed, "I will talk to her about it on Monday morning and see if she's interested.

"Now as for you I-cee, you have done very well but now with the baby, your walking hasn't improved much" he continued, "You've gone from the frame to crutches and are now quite stable with them so now we want you to walk further at a time" Vicky explained, "We want you to walk, without Alexis, down to the bottom of the garden and back."

"Someone will accompany you at all times and that includes Sharon, you have another month to go before you can safely have vaginal sex and you are counting down the days so by that time, your incentive is to be able to do that walk three times in one session for a nice little threesome with us."

"I'll do it and make it an orgy to remember!" she said firmly.

"Okay Mum, let's start now, there's time for your exercises before feeding Alexis and then we'll do the walking, Roni has work to do" they started and the added gentle pelvic thrusts from last night's ass fuck to the program.

Aaron was working in the garden when Alice walked down the path with Vicky in attendance carrying Alexis in the sling. She made it to the end, paused for a few seconds, turned and made her way back to the house. She decided to do it again when the temperature dropped at six pm, this time with Aaron and he was quite impressed with her dedication.


On Sunday, Alice walked down and back twice again but a little faster although she was slow to turn around. The following morning Aaron went to work early as usual and Sharon arrived at eight. Vicky showed her the exercises her mother had to do and told her about the walking and then left the two women to get on with it while she was at school.

"When we've finished doing these exercises, I'll feed Alexis if you'll make us some tea and afterwards I will walk down the garden and back and maybe try a bit more today."

"Just make sure you don't strain yourself Ali, I don't want to have to carry you again."

"What do you mean, again?"

"Well I remember having to almost to carry you out of a certain club when we were teens."

"Hmm, I seem to remember it was me holding you up while we waited for the taxi, Sharon!"

"We probably propped each other up on that occasion but we did have fun, didn't we."

"Yes we did and your mum was so surprised to find us asleep on top of your bed in the morning, still dressed, with only our shoes off" and they laughed easily together.

"She made us promise not to drink so much after that, she was sensible, your mum" Alice added.

"Still is... in my mind" Sharon replied (her mother had died five years before and Alice had gone with her to the funeral).

A little later, Alice was breast feeding, with a mug of tea within reach.

"Sharon, I don't want to be rude or nosey but you have obviously put on a few pounds over the last six years, are you okay about that or would you like to lose some of it?"

"I eat quite healthily most of the time but I do treat myself sometimes, the trouble is that I don't exercise very much. Sure I would like to be eleven stone again, then I might even attract a man or two but I look in the mirror and see a frumpy fat woman heading towards forty and say to myself.

What man in his right mind would want someone who looks like this and I get depressed and go and eat a few biscuits to try and cheer myself up?"

"Oh Shar... I never realised you felt like this, you are always smart and cheerful at work."

"That's just a show, I had a cat once but even that ran away from me..." and she sat and cried.

"Sharon!" Alice snapped, "Come here and sit next to me, now!" and the woman stood up and moved the carry-cot to the end of the settee and sat next to her friend.

Alice changed the baby to the right breast and then put her arm around Sharon's shoulders and pulled her in for a hug and stroked her hair while she cried. When Alexis had finished, Alice passed her to Sharon with a cloth to keep her clothes clean while she winded her. She stood up and walked to the dining room table which was laid out ready to change nappies and Sharon followed carrying the baby.

When she had a clean nappy on, Alexis played with Sharon's shoulder length, deep red curly hair as she was carried back to the lounge, put in the cot and was soon asleep again. With everything set up for the next changing and the dirty nappy disposed of, Sharon sat opposite Alice and they talked again.

"I'm sorry to get all emotional, I usually only do that at home."

"Why didn't you tell me or anyone about this? I would have tried to help" but Sharon laughed bitterly.

"Here is a woman who had major spinal surgery, could possibly have been paralysed from the waist down and was in danger of losing her home, offering help to me because I am fat and single!"

"Sharon, if you don't stop with that attitude, I am going to put you across my lap and spank you!"

"But-but... You could try but... then again maybe I'd let you."

"Seriously though Shar, if you really want to lose some weight, I can help, or rather Vicky and Aaron can help."

"How or why would they want to help me?"

"He is a martial arts instructor, not officially but he trained for years when he was younger, he has trained Vicky and got her fit and was working on me for the price of a home cooked dinner once a week and I lost over twenty pounds in the eight weeks before the incident."

"And you think he could do that for me."

"Yes I do and Vicky could work on your diet as long as you are honest with her" Sharon stared into space for a few moments and Alice laughed.

"I know what you are thinking, the idea of Roni's hands on your body guiding you to get the exercises right, hmm..."

"I, ahh... yes I was smart ass, how'd you know?"

"I did the same and when I had sore bits, he massaged them for me, although it pissed Vicky off because she thought I was faking it."

"And were you... faking it?"

"Sometimes... he has great hands..."

"But she has obviously got over the jealousy" Sharon replied, pointing to Alexis.

"Oh yes, after the accident, they decided that I needed some incentive as I was a bit depressed. They made me work hard for my rewards but it was worth it and maybe they would do the same for you, I've seen how you look at him... and her too."

Sharon was quiet for a while and then added quietly,

"And to be honest, you too..." then she put her hands over her face but Alice could see how flushed her ear and cheek was.

"Ohh Shar... I never realised... I wondered years ago when we used to go out but never had the nerve to ask... I loved you as a friend and didn't want to ruin that..."

"Really Ali? I thought that you just didn't see me that way, even though I hinted..."

"I never saw any hints... Wait a minute... You said that there was someone but they weren't interested... OH FUCK!! Was that me??" and Sharon nodded miserably, behind her hands.

"How long ago?"

"When... when we were clubbing... then again after your husband ran off, I tried subtle hints at work and even suggested cinema visits to see romantic comedies and I held your hand..."

"Maybe you should have hit me over the head, caveman style and dragged me off to your boudoir, tied me down and ravished me Shar, I don't do 'subtle'."

Sharon looked up, shocked and then burst out laughing.

"Now that's a thought, maybe I'd gag you with my used panties, would that have been sufficient to get it through your skull. I loved you all those years ago, oh I liked men too, we both did, then you got married and I thought it was all over. But then he left you and I tried to be a good friend but wanted to be so much more..."

"And I was just oblivious, I'm sorry Shar, I busied myself with getting promotion and looking after Victoria."

"You did a great job of both too, then when you started losing weight I thought that there was another man you were dieting to impress and I thought I'd lost you again, especially after the accident. Then I found out you were pregnant and decided that it was finally over.

I would just try to be your friend as I always have been, if you wanted or had the time for me..." and tears poured down her cheeks.

Alice was shocked speechless by her friend's disclosure, she sat there with her mouth open and tears flowing.

"I-I-I... fuck it Shar, get your ass over here, now!" and held out her hands.

The cuddly redhead stood up and stepped forwards and took the proffered hands which gripped and pulled her down to kneel on the floor. With a cry of effort Alice opened her legs and pulled the woman in close, she released her hands and took two handfuls of her wavy red hair and pulled her in close and kissed her on the lips.

Now it was Sharon who was in shock, her eyes slightly unfocused, not registering what was being done to her. Alice pushed her head away and said,

"Hey tubby (the kids called her that at school and she hated it), do you call that a kiss because if that's the best you can do then we'll stop."

"Uhh sorry, what did you say, I seemed to step out there for a minute and why are you pulling my hair?"

"Because I was trying to kiss you but it was like kissing two garden slugs, now would you like to try again or go back and sit in the chair, Sharon?"

"I think I would like to try again as I wasn't here for the first one, please Ali."

Alice slowly pulled her in close, their lips touched, gently and Sharon sighed and put her arms around her long-time friend and tightened the kiss. Alice pushed her tongue into her friend's mouth and two tongues danced for some time.

When they finally separated, they looked at each other with different eyes, both knew that they were now more than friends, they were going to be lovers too at some point in the near future.

"Ohh Ali... I have dreamed of doing that with you for such a long time"

"Was it all you thought it would be?"

"And more but I missed the first one so can I have another one... please."

"I thought you'd never ask" and she replied, grinning, they did it again, a few times before getting up for Alice to do her outside exercise.

She walked to the end of the garden and back without stopping, then half way down and back again and decided that was enough. Alice made coffee and Sharon carried it through to the lounge and they sat and talked again.

"What do we do now, Ali?"

"I know what I'd like to do" she replied, grinning wickedly.

"I've never done that before, oh I've watched porn on the internet so I know how it's done but I've never done it with anyone..."

"You're a..."

"Yes Ali, I am a virgin but not completely."

"How can you not be a virgin completely?"

"I have a little friend called 'Buzz' who helps me out occasionally, a little buzzing silicone friend, courtesy of the internet again" Sharon replied and blushed again.

"Oh we all have those, well Roni doesn't because his is real but Vicky and I do but her's is much newer. She found my 'Rampant Rabbit' years ago, I kept it in its original box so she knew what it was for. Ha! That's nosey teenage girls for you.

I cannot use it or the real thing for another month yet but there are other things that give pleasure and relief."

"You mean oral sex, is he doing that for you?"

"Roni has done that and more the other night and it was wonderful."

"What else could he do... ooo he didn't did he?" and Alice nodded, grinning. "But doesn't that hurt?"

"Not at all, he's very good, Vicky loves it too."

"I did try it with my little friend and it was different and quite nice but the thought of a man's dick in there scares me and its dirty too" Sharon said, wrinkling up her nose.

"Not if you prepare for the possibility beforehand and we always wash afterwards of course."

"So how did you get pregnant, I mean I know how it is done, didn't he use a condom?"

"It was a milestone for me, I was dry in the morning but felt that I needed to sit on the toilet, he carried me there and cleaned me up afterwards, then he massaged my legs and I felt his fingers and it turned me on so I asked him to massage me inside, it didn't break the rules so he rubbed my 'G-spot' and made me cum like never before" Alice cried, reliving the moment again.

"I thought the 'G-spot' was a myth."

"I assure you that it definitely is not! Anyway he was rock hard so I offered a blow job but he refused so I said about a hand job and he agreed but just when he warned me that he was about to cum, I thought that I didn't want cum on our clothes or the settee, so I flopped over and finished him with my mouth.

He forgave me when I explained and Vicky was cross for not waiting for her to watch and I had to give her all the graphic details which turned her on so that she wanted to be fucked right in front of me and I got my fingers to work.

Vicky took pity on me and told him to fuck me too as a reward but he finished in her as she was lying on top of me kissing. Aaron fetched some kitchen roll to clean us up and noticed that cum was leaking out of her and down onto my pussy and that's how we think it happened."