The Jocasta Complex Pt. 05


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She was crying out, begging for more from her imaginary lovers as she hovered near orgasm.

"Oh God! OH GOD!" she screamed before her frantic grunts and groans became shrill, almost pained cries.

"Are you OK?" asked Josh as he shook Ally's shoulder in the passenger seat next to him. It had been obvious to Josh that she was having an intense dream as she thrashed around on the seat next to him.

And it had been confirmed when she started crying out. And it had been a pretty damn good dream too, Josh thought to himself wickedly, trying not to smirk.

Earlier, after they were in the car leaving the ranch, Ally had quickly become drowsy in the comfortable heated leather seat next to him as she drifted off to dreamland.

The previous night's performance for the six men, and then her intense lovemaking with Josh afterwards, had left Ally drained of energy. The combination of the heated seat and the patter of the rain on the car's roof had worked to relax Ally and lull her to sleep.

"Oh, OH! I'm sorry!" muttered Ally groggily as her brain sprang back to life after Josh jostled her awake. "I―I guess I drifted off."

"Apparently so!" replied Josh trying to sound nonplused by what he had just witnessed, as he kept his eyes on the road ahead. It was a gloomy morning and a thin layer of ground fog hovered over the road, making the drive treacherous.

Looking off in each direction, the fog was much thicker and rose higher, with only the tops of the trees peeking through, as well as the hills that lined either side of the road as they rolled through the countryside.

"We're coming up on the outlet stores in a few miles," said Josh, "The navigation map says they are on the other side of town, just beyond this steep grade ahead. So I thought I'd wake you."

"Oh, yeah! Thank you, baby!" replied Ally, still flustered from her intense dream.

Ally made no further attempt to engage in conversation fearing Josh would ask her about her dream. And Josh decided not to press the issue, since it was obvious that Ally was embarrassed.

As they continued toward the outlet mall, Ally tried to make sense of her dream. She knew that the men in her dream were Andy and Mike, and she knew they were all in the ranch's kitchen once again―just as they had been when they had unsuccessfully tried to rape her back on the first day.

But the details of the dream were all wrong! Her dream didn't jive with what had actually happened. Why was her mind playing tricks on her? Was her subconscious trying to resolve some issue, or maybe to tell her something?

As they continued toward the outlets it started to rain again. It was just a slight drizzle, but enough to require the wipers. The constant back and forth motion of the wiper blades and the distinctive sound they made lulled Ally back into her semi-lucid contemplative mood. She retreated back into her thoughts, trying to divine the meaning of her troubling and intense dream.

The more she searched her mind for answers, the more she had questions, specific questions such as why had she misremembered the actual encounter with Andy and Mike?

And the more troubling question―one that was nagging her now and wouldn't let go. Had she dreamed the outcome she would have preferred―the one she WANTED to happen! Was she actually disappointed that they hadn't been successful in raping her? Yes, she had fought them off. But did she unconsciously crave having them brutally ravish and manhandle her while making a show of fighting back against them?

"How far are we from the mall?" asked Ally, trying to banish her troubling internal dialogue from her mind.

"Five more minutes," replied Josh, as he glanced concernedly over at Ally sensing her distress.


Friday Afternoon / Day 15

"Hey, mon amour," said Ally affectionately from the phone in her home office, "I was just checking in to make sure you and Dan got home safely. What's up?"

"Oui, mon cher," replied Lois, sounding a bit subdued. "We got home about an hour ago. Dan and his father are out on the patio having a man-to-man right now."

"Oh, OK! I see," responded Ally. "Everything all right?"

"Oui, Daniel and I had a long talk too," replied Lois, sounding unconvincing. "There was a lot to talk about, as you can imagine under the circumstances."

"But you're OK?" inquired Ally, concerned for her friend. "You sound a little subdued, mon amour."

"Daniel saw his doctor while we were visiting with you," said Lois, her voice cracking with emotion, "and the news was not good."

"I'm so sorry, baby," comforted Ally. "Is there anything I can do for you―or Daniel?"

"No, but thank you for offering, mon amour," replied Lois. "As usual, Daniel has everything under control. He is so considerate!"

Ally could hear Lois weeping from the other end of the line.

"Do you want to talk to me about it, mon amour?" asked Ally.

"Daniel has moved into the downstairs guest room," sniffled Lois, "so his son and I can share the master bedroom."

Lois began sobbing heavily.

"He's made arrangements to move into a care facility two weeks from now," wailed Lois. "The doctor says his condition will probably start deteriorating quickly soon and he'll require constant care."

"Oh, baby!" consoled Ally. "I'm so sorry. This must be really hard on both you and Dan."

"Dan took the news really hard," replied Lois in a whisper. "That's why he and his father are talking it out right now."

"Well you let me know what I can do―ANYTHING!" replied Ally, trying to maintain her own composure for Lois' sake.

"Can we talk about something else?" sniffled Lois, vainly trying to sound more cheerful.

"Certainly, mon amour," said Ally. "Have you heard from Sandy or Bree yet. I haven't heard from either of them."

"Yes! Sandy phoned me as we were driving through San Jose," replied Lois. "She is treating herself and Bree to a couple of weeks at a spa, down near San Diego."

"Really?" said Ally, with surprise.

"Oui! I don't think they want their husbands to see their welts," said Lois conspiratorially. "I think they're worried Michael and Andrew might ask too many questions. Ệtes-vous d'accord?"

"Yes, I agree completely," laughed Ally. "What about the boy's? Do you know what they're up to?"

"Dan talked to them this morning from the road," replied Lois. Matt, Chris and Nick are headed back to LA later today. Matt and Chris have summer jobs. Nick has an FBI internship starting next week over near UCLA in Westwood."

"How about our two bad boys?" asked Ally.

"Dan didn't say what they had planned for the summer," said Lois. "But they were going to invite Dan to join them at a Giants game tomorrow night. I think they were going to invite Josh too. Dan did say Mike and Andy planned on hanging out up here for the summer, though."

"That would be good for them to do something together―that doesn't involve sex with us, this is!" joked Ally.

"PARTICULARLY with you and me, mon cher. I need a rest!" agreed Lois, laughing as well. "Oh! Let me call you back later. We need to talk some more. But I hear my men coming back inside. Au revoir pour le moment!"

"Au revoir!" replied Ally as they hung up.


Friday Evening / Day 15

Mike and Andy sat at the edge of the pool with their legs dangling in the cool water. From Andy's hillside home they had a spectacular view across the bay with the sun barely peeking over the Santa Cruz Mountains behind them, casting its golden glow on the lower end of the bay as it shimmered below them. The clouds that billowed in the distance were painted in pastel pinks and purples.

The two boys were both in what passed for a philosophical mood―at least for them.

"Man! Not having pussy on tap is going to take some getting used to," lamented Mike.

"Well, two of the pussies are still close at hand," replied Andy, ever the optimist. "Those bitches are going to need some real soon. So I wouldn't worry about it too much."

"Yeah, but we'll need to be careful," admonished Mike, looking toward their fathers who were sitting at the patio table across from them at the opposite end of the pool. "Did you hear our dad's when the four of us were barbequing earlier?"

"No shit!" agreed Andy. "They were showing way too much interest in our little summer vacation. Do you think they suspect what we were up to."

"Our dads have been tapping all four of those cunts for years, man!" replied Mike knowingly. "They know how horny those bitches can get. So yeah, I think they have a pretty good idea what we've been up to and who we've been into."

"Yeah, but it's probably still best not to say too much. And definitely not about doing our own moms," replied Andy. "My dad would probably beat the ever loving shit out of her, if he knew I tapped her!"

"Same here, bro!" agreed Mike. "Ix nay on the talks nee when it comes to that subject. But while we're on the subject, did you see how fast those two bitches blew town?"

"Call me crazy, but I don't think they wanted to explain why their asses and backs looked like someone had been playing tic-tac-toe on them," laughed Andy.

"Look on the bright side, bro!" replied Mike. "Our two bitches will look brand fucking new when they get home from the fat farm―and they'll be horny as hell!"

"Speaking of bitches, which of the other two bitches that are still here do you want to tap first?" asked Andy.

"I think the French whore if off the menu for a while," replied Mike. "It looks like Dan's dad is in a bad way. Dan sounded down when I talked to him before I came over here for the barbeque. Both he and Mademoiselle Fifi have shit to deal with right now."

"That leaves Ally then!" concluded Andy.

"I'll talk to Josh and test the waters," replied Mike. "That bitch is always up for a good fucking."


"So, is Josh going to join Dan and the others at the Giants game tomorrow afternoon?" asked Lois as she cradled the phone on her shoulder while pouring another glass of Pouilly-Fumé as she nibbled on a crab cake.

Lois looked out through the dining room window as Dan and his father sat on the patio again talking, having excused themselves after already finishing their own dinner.

"Yeah, I encouraged him to go hangout with his friends tomorrow afternoon and evening," replied Ally. "I'm just going to stay home and start prepping for Monday's meeting. I'll probably turn in early tomorrow night. I haven't been getting much rest lately."

Ally hoped the last remark would finally get a rise out of Lois, and it did.

"Ha!" laughed Lois, "There's no rest for the wicked―or for fuck bunnies either!"

"You should talk, Mademoiselle Fifi," retorted Ally jovially, "you're the one with the cute little cottontail!"

Ally was glad that she finally got Lois to laugh. Up until then, their conversation had been subdues to the point of almost being morose. Now that Lois was in a halfway decent frame of mind, Ally decided to broach the subject that was the other reason for her call.

"So baby, under the circumstances, should we cancel our two trips to Las Vegas?" asked Ally, her voice turning serious. "I think Josh and Dan would understand."

"No! We should still go," replied Lois, sounding almost wistful. "The boys would be disappointed and Daniel insisted that we go, when I told him about our plans."

"Are you sure, baby?" questioned Ally.

"Daniel says he'll be busy trying to settle in at the care facility by then," explained Lois. "And he would feel relieved if Dan and I weren't sitting at home brooding about him or getting under foot at the care facility."

"OK then," agreed Ally. "But let me know if you change your mind."

"Merci, mon amour," reassured Lois.


Saturday Night Late / Day 16

Sleeping alone for the first time in two weeks, Ally was jarred awake by two sets of powerful hands grabbing her arms and holding her down. Adrenaline rushed through her body as the hands pressed her down into the bed restraining her. As she tried to cry out, a fifth hand covered her mouth and then a sixth hand slipped a blindfold over her eyes, casting her into total darkness.

When the hand over her mouth was removed, she immediately cried out. And as she did, Ally both felt and heard her left breast being slapped viciously as she let out a yelp.

"What the fuck are you―OW! That hurts!" were the only words Ally could get out of her mouth before a finger was pressed against her lips and the palm of a hand pressed her mouth closed, unmistakably signaling for her to remain silent.

"What the hell―OWWW!" cried out Ally as a hand viciously swatted her left breast again, this time making it burn with searing pain. Again the finger was pressed to her lips, but this time more forcefully. Ally could feel the back side of her lips pressed hard against her teeth.

Next, Ally was pulled roughly to her feet and someone wrapped their arm around her chest, just below her breasts, holding her snugly in a bear hug.

"FUCK―THAT HURTS!" screamed Ally, as someone pinched both of her nipples between their thumbs and index fingers, sending another surge of pain through her body.

Again someone slapped her left breast, and then her right breast as well, before pressing their thumb against her lips, reminding her to remain silent.

"STOP! Please STOP!" bellowed Ally obstinately. Her breasts were on fire from the brutal slaps she had just received. But this time as she cried out something was crammed into her mouth.

It felt and tasted metallic. Immediately, Ally recognized it as the spider gag from her toy box. Now she was unable to speak and only gibberish escaped her mouth as she continued to cry out in vain.

The man with his arms around her chest lifted her higher in the air and a second man grabbed her by the legs and lifted them off the floor as they carried her struggling body across the bedroom.

Ally had been sleeping soundly and as the men startled her, she was completely disoriented. As her mind raced, Ally remembered that she had been alone in bed and that Josh had gone to a baseball game in the city with his friends.

She had told Josh and his friends to stay overnight in the city, if they drank too much beer at the game. She knew they would, so she had no expectation of them returning. Ally's heart sank, realizing that they wouldn't be coming to her rescue.

Suddenly it occurred to Ally that the three men who were attacking her might be them. Perhaps they were just role playing, as they had been at the ranch. But she couldn't be sure since she couldn't see them and none of them spoke.

She remembered that she had decided to call it a night early so she could get some much needed rest. She had no idea how long she had been out.

As the two men carried her away, Ally tried to get a sense of where they were taking her. They had headed toward the bedroom door, then she sensed that they were in the hallway. Next it seemed like they had turned right midway down the hallway.

Immediately, Ally began struggling, trying to escape their grip. To her horror, she realized that they were carrying her into her dead husband's playroom―his dungeon!

The room held many memories for Ally, none of them fond. Countless times her husband had played out his darkest fantasies of domination and control in this room. Sometimes alone, often with his friends, he had tormented Ally to the brink of hysteria within the room.

He and his friends would brutalize Ally, and sometimes their own wives, for hours at a time on the various implements of torture arrayed around the room. Eventually these amateur BDSM masters would carry things to far, especially after consuming too much alcohol, and that is why Nunn's friends and their wives quit participating. It was then that Ally became the lone vessel for his darkest fantasies.

After Nunn died, Ally never went into the room again. The door remained closed and locked. Nunn's dungeon contained too many painful memories. It had been her intention to get rid of Nunn's medieval toys and convert the room back into the guest room it had once been, back before her late husband started acting out his dark fantasies.

Ally heard the chains clink together as the two men began to bind Ally's wrists to the leather restraints that were attached to the chains that dangled from overhead, Ally cursed herself for not having remodeled the room sooner, but vowed she would have the room emptied the following week. Once her wrists were bound, she heard the chains being winched upward and her arms being pulled up and away from her body.

When Ally hung suspended in midair, she felt the leather restraints being strapped to her ankles as well and then heard the sound of the winch again as her legs were pulled wide apart. Now she hung suspended spread eagle and completely vulnerable.

Ally's loud garbled pleas and protests when unheeded as her body swayed back and forth from the chains overhead. Ally's screams were bloodcurdlingly loud and would easily have been heard by the neighbors. But there was little fear of that because the room was completely soundproofed.

When one of the men removed the spider gag from her mouth, it caught Ally completely by surprise.

"PLEASE don't do this!" begged Ally. "I still have nightmares about what my husband did to me in here. PLEASE!"

Ally quickly got her reply as her breasts were viciously slapped again and thumbs and index fingers began brutally squeezing and twisting her nipples as she screamed in agony. Again a thumb pressed against her lips, but this time the man used the cleft in his hand to physically shut Ally's mouth, reinforcing his message for her to remain silent.

A jolt of electricity shot through Ally and her entire body shuddered in pain. Ally wanted to beg them to stop, but she knew it would only result in more pain being inflicted on her body.

The first jolt of electricity had been applied to Ally's right ass cheek and now the prongs on the cattle prod found her other ass cheek, lingering for a moment, letting Ally's anticipation build before sending the dreaded waves of electricity coursing through her body. As Ally's body lurched, her frantic screams filled the room.

Ally's breasts were heaving in and out of her chest wildly and the muscles in her abdomen were constantly constricting and relaxing as she tried to endure the pain.

There were two sets of hands on Ally's breasts now and she could feel something cold and metallic on her nipples. Ally began to weep, knowing they were nipple clamps. As they were tightened, her whimpering grew louder. Her wailing grew even louder when weighted chains were added to the clamp's, stretching her nipples from her breasts.

As she hung suspended by chains from the ceiling with weighted clamps distending her nipples the only sounds in the room were Ally's anguished moans. Ally was anxiety ridden as she awaited the next cruelty, but it did not come. Instead she was left to hang swaying from the chains for what seemed like an eternity.

Finally Ally felt a hand cupping her pussy with its fingers pressing inside her wet pussy. Ally lurched, expecting some new cruelty. Instead, three fingers slid inside her sopping pussy. Finding her G spot, the fingers pressed hard against the sensitive flesh. Ally moaned at the pleasant and unexpected sensation.

Applying even more pressure, the fingers pressed harder against her sensitive G spot with the three finger tips tracing the G spot's full length. Ally moaned in ecstasy, welcoming the intense pleasure rather than the pain she had anticipated.

The fingers continued to thrust inside Ally and then claw their way down her G spot as she moaned in increasing pleasure. Again and again the fingers traced their pleasurable path as Ally's moans grew more intense.

Now as the fingers pressed even harder against her G spot, Ally began to sway her hips back and forth, then up and down, as she squealed in pleasure. The fingers were relentless as they insistently stroked Ally's G spot, driving her wild with intense pleasure.