The Justice League


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Sarah looked less angry, more relaxed. Sharing a problem really did seem to halve it.

It felt quite conspiratorial meeting up together. A sort of secret group dedicated to fighting evil.

"So. First meeting of the Justice League." I said handing everyone coffee.

It got a smile out of Sarah.

"Let's go and sit down."

With three of us in my tiny kitchen it was impossible to move. The living room wasn't much better but at least everyone had a seat.

The atmosphere became sullen and dark as we faced the reason for being together.

"So. Mark?" Melanie said with a shudder.

"We should talk about what's happened." I said.

"I'll go first."

I took a deep breath. I'd never ever expected to tell anyone about this. But everything had changed. I wasn't alone trapped in his grip. And I don't know why, but I felt it was right that I led the fight back.

"You're right.

It was the party. Behind the gazebo against the wall. He just forced himself on me. I thought it was my fault. I blamed the drink. I didn't know what to do. He gave me the job... then...

He did it again the day my car arrived. I was left feeling owned. That it was the price of my position. I didn't know how to say no and not be seen as the lying little strumpet when he sacked me.

It just went on and each time it seemed harder to escape or ask for help. Who could I ask? I should have reported it the first time, called the police or something. But I didn't. I was too embarrassed. After that it seemed as if I was the one in the wrong."

I took a deep breath before I admitted the darkest secret.

"I tried telling myself it wasn't so bad. Once I... I tried to enjoy it. Thought about how to make it a proper relationship. I felt even dirtier after. Even more like it was my fault."

I felt relieved when I finished. It was like therapy to tell them as they sat listening in silence.

Melanie went next.

"The first time was in the Hind. He took me to dinner to, as he said, 'cheer me up' when I was down. My appraisal hadn't gone great and I was working late to fix some of the things that'd I'd been marked down on. He asked me why I looked so unhappy.

We talked. And I made the mistake of telling him me and Jim were going through a bad patch. I thought he cared. He made me feel special and attractive. I was stupid. I know that."

She looked at me apologetically.

"He forced himself on you. I went willingly. It was only after, I realised it was a mistake.

He wouldn't let me stop though. Told me it was my own fault and that I'd lose my boys if Jim found out. He was gentle and affectionate the first time, then he just became more and more dominating and... demanding after that. If I say no he just insists. Threatens.

So I tell Jim I'm working late and we do it in his office."

She looked far away, staring at the floor.

"We do it. I pretend I'm enjoying it. Then I go home and have tea like nothing happened."

She sat up looking stronger for having relieved a burden.

"So that's me." She finished.

Sarah sighed. She looked weak and small. So very different to the abrasive character I'd always considered her to be.

"He treats me like nothing. Scum." Sarah said.

"He makes me suck him off in the office in the day. I think he gets a kick out of knowing there's people about."

"The office visits." I said suddenly understanding.

"Yeah. Calls me in and just tells me to... service him like I'm some kind of... slave.

I fucking hate it."

There were tears in her eyes as she spoke. I couldn't help feel that she had suffered the worst of him. Sarah's bitterness was suddenly so understandable.

"He loves to talk about how I've made him sin, that it's my fault for tempting him."

She gave a half hearted laugh.

"Thinks I actually give a shit about my religion. That's my parents thing. Not mine. But I guess when you've grown up in that environment no matter how much you rebel and reject it the guilt is deep seated and he plays on it.

He keeps me back late some nights and fucks me on the desk. It's always a race to satisfy him before the cleaners arrive."

I knew that one.

"I've never been in the Hind. I don't even get the privacy of the car in a dark park. I just get used, then he walks away as if nothing's happened and goes home to his wife and kids."

She stretched herself up and took a deep breath as the pain of telling us took its toll and a tear rolled down her cheek.

"How did it start?" I asked.

"The first time was after the CCTV incident...I'm not proud of that...

It was a heat of the moment thing. I'd no idea the cameras were pointing on that corner of the carpark. It's just trees over there. It's dark. Me and... well... we'd been flirting and just got carried away.

Mark showed me the footage. I was devastated. He talked about gross misconduct on company property and threatened to sack me. He said he'd send the film to my parents so they knew what a slut I was. I just caved and begged him not to.

He said he had no choice. Company policy... unless I... made him feel good.

I knew what he was doing. I knew but I still gave in. Just the once and it'd fix everything. You know. But it wasn't just the once. He came back. Only now with film of me with him. He showed me when I tried to refuse.

Every time I go in there I look where his phone is, or I wonder if he has a cam set up."

We waited while she paused.

"I might dress and act like I sleep around. But I don't. Honestly. That's not who I am really. But I've stupidly given him the means to say otherwise.

If my parents saw that they'd throw me out. Disown me. Christ they piss me off with their church going and constant preaching about God. Always telling me I'm going to hell. But they're still my parents. And I need them. I love them. They're my parents."

"Couldn't you just move out. Get a room somewhere?"

"I wish. I can't afford it. I have debts. Stupid I know but I run up credit cards a few years ago on clothes and other shit, then got into a mess when I was made redundant from my last job. Now I have a crap credit rating.

All I've got is my car and that isn't paid for. It'll be another two years before I'm straight."


I think I've got off lightly listening to you two. I don't think he has film of me."

I think I was trying to convince myself with that one.

"Are you sure?" Melanie sounded unconvinced.

"You've done it in his office?" Sarah asked.

I nodded.

"Where was his phone? Was his laptop open?"

My mouth quivered as I realised I didn't know. He could have easily filmed me.

"I didn't know until I tried to say no." Melanie said.


"So. What are we going to do about it?" Sarah said suddenly much chirpier.

"Strength in numbers and all that."

"Fuck knows." Melanie said.

"Fix our lives and fuck him over." I said.

"It's three against one now.


"Tell his wife." Sarah said.

"Or threaten to if he doesn't stop." Melanie added.

"We need evidence or he can just accuse us of making it up. We get sacked and he finds a new team of young girls to coerce."

"Can we get hold of whatever film he has?" I asked.


As far as I know he keeps them on his phone. How do we get hold of that. And his pass code?"

"Or we get our own leverage.

Film it for ourselves and show his wife." I said solemnly.

"I'm not being filmed having sex." Sarah protested.

"You already have been. By Mark."

"I didn't know then. And no one's seeing it. This you want to give to someone who might... I don't know. She'll be mad. Who knows how she'll react."

I looked to Mel. She looked horrified.

"I can't. What if it gets out and Jim sees it."

"Why will it get out?"

"I don't know. But if it does.... She could post it, or come looking for us. Sarah's right. Who knows how she'll respond."

I took a deep breath.

"I'll do it." I said resigning myself to being the one.

Sarah and Melanie looked relieved.

"Are you sure?"

I sighed.

"Let's be honest. You have a husband and children Mel. It can't be you. You've too much to lose if it goes wrong.

And you've too much to loose" I said turning to Sarah.

"No good if it leaves you homeless.

Only fair it's me."

"But that means you'll have to... you know..."

"Fuck him?

I'm going to be doing that forever if we don't do something now. At least this way it'll be for the last time.

Let's just set it up and make sure it's me he chooses for his next..."

I started to shake.

"Fuck it. Let's just sort it out and get it done."

"I have some cams. The sort you use at home for security." Sarah offered.

"But how do we hide them around his office?"

"We don't have to.

He comes here. The bastard just turns up and wants what he wants."

Sarah looked sorry for me. I understood why. Invading my space seemed worse somehow.

"I'll bring them over later."

"That's sorted then. Do it and I'll... offer myself up for sacrifice. Shouldn't be too hard."

"Don't call it that." Melanie shuddered.

I didn't reply. I felt sick as it was.

"Let's drink something stronger. I need a change of subject."

"Just one. We're driving." Melanie reminded everyone.

"Jack Daniels?

I haven't got a lot else. It's one Liam left in the cupboard."

I found some small tumblers and poured each of us a glass.

"I usually have wine but it doesn't seem to last long recently.


We clinked glasses and took a sip as if sealing our deal.

"So you and Jim still in a rough patch?"

I asked studying Melanie. There she was as frumpy as ever, even away from work. Leggings and a pullover that did nothing to complement her figure.

"Yeah. It's not great. We just sort of go through the motions."

"And still nothing since last time Liverpool won?"

She smirked uncomfortably.

"No. Not really.

He's not that interested and I just can't be bothered.

Sorry. I'm just not that sexy anymore."

That wasn't true. It was sad she felt that way. But I had an idea.

"Well that's one thing we might be able to fix today. Mel. You need a make over."

"What? No."

"She's right." Sarah backed me up.

"You're about the same size as me. I'll find you some clothes that don't make you look too much like a secretary. Sarah. You're better at make up. Sort her face out.

Use what you want from my dressing table."

"On it."

"No. I'm alright as I am." Melanie protested.

"No you're not. You've a pretty face and a great body. I mean look at those tits." I started.

"They're amazing."

Sarah cupped a cheeky squeeze from behind and got away with it.

"It's all hidden away. Too much time with the kids and you've forgotten about yourself." She added.

I was already hunting through my wardrobe suddenly excited to be dressing someone else.

"We'll send you home looking like a supermodel. Jim will remember the girl he married."

"I don't know..."

"Shut up and keep still." Sarah was enjoying it as much as I was, already working on her bare face with blusher.

"We want a full report. Details." I laughed.

"This'll do. I think."

I laid out my choice. Tight trousers and a soft pullover that'd follow her figure.

"Your little boots will go fine with this.

Leave the bra off. It's chilly out today, you'll have perkies when you get in."


"A girl's gotta use her assets." Sarah added.

"Need to do something with your hair as well. Got any scissors."

"What? No. My hair's fine."

"Top drawer." I said pointing at my dresser.

I was warming to her. Sarah was proving a lot less abrasive and far more fun now we weren't hiding secrets.

"If you're not riding his dick tonight he's gay." I laughed.


I quickly popped into the office on Monday, purposefully choosing the afternoon when I knew Mark would be busy in the Management meeting. Slipping in the door quietly I grabbed an office chair and wheeled it up to Melanie's desk.

Moria wasn't about and Bob would be in the same meeting as Mark so there was just the three of us. The Justice League.

"So how did it go?" I grinned hopefully.

Melanie coloured up.

"I've already had this from Sarah."

Sarah was sitting back laughing.

"She got her end away." She said.


Melanie smirked uncontrollably.

"I called mum on the way home to keep the boys overnight. And...

Yes, we had a good evening."

"A good evening?

Be more explicit. Did you get cock?"

Melanie was squirming in her chair.

"Come on. Tell me. You were party to enough secrets about me and Liam."

Melanie was bright red but she relented.


I slapped the desk."

"Told you."

"Was it good?" I was teasing now.

"Yes. That as well."

"How many times did you do it?"


I was enjoying her discomfort now.

"We need to know these things." I laughed.

Melanie smirked like an embarrassed child.

"Several. And again Saturday."

"We're going shopping Thursday after work." Sarah said rescuing her.

"New wardrobe time. Coming?"

Was I?

"Absolutely. Love clothes shopping." I was in.

"Nothing to risqué." Melanie protested.

"I've seen Sarah's idea of clothes. All short skirts and crop tops." She added.

"Don't worry. We'll keep it classy."

I checked Sarah's attire. Sure enough, all I could see was bare legs.

"Perhaps we should look at dressing you a bit more conservatively as well."

"No way. I like my gear.

Pisses my parents off.

And you. You should take some of your own advice and stop dressing like a PA."

I think I finally got it. Sarah wasn't a tart at all. She was rebelling against overly strict parents.

"Perhaps we should meet halfway.

Anyway. Gotta shoot before dickhead appears. Stay out of his way girls."

I almost ran from the office. I would make myself a target and do what I had to do with Mark. But this time. The last time. It would be on my terms for all our gain.

Thursday came around quickly. Shopping was a riot. I don't think I'd laughed that much in ages. It was great to forget our problems and just have some fun. At twenty I could be excused for behaving like a child, maybe even Sarah, but Melanie was nearer thirty and a mother. She was supposed to be the mature grown up one. She was just as bad.

The assistant glared as we all pilled into the changing cubical together.

"I can do it on my own." Melanie was trying to push us out, laughing all the while.

"We gotta see." Sarah demanded.

It was awkward to say the least in the tiny space. But Mel was down to bra and panties without complaining as I held up the denims.

"Hot body." I whispered with Sarah giggling.

"Shut up."

She was hot. Certainly nothing a little toning couldn't fix quickly. There was a little rounding of the belly from two pregnancies but she was otherwise shapely with smooth skin and long legs. Legs that she was struggling to put through a pair of jeans, falling over as she did so.


Sarah caught her.

"No bra." She suggested.

"What? No way. I can do that at home."

"We gotta see how everything swings."

I said laughing.


To her credit she slipped the garment off. I think both me and Sarah were stunned to silence as she put the check shirt on. Two large, incredibly firm mounds with big ruby nipples. Even I wanted to give them a little play.

"Done." She said doing the last button up. She shook her hips provocatively and those tits hardly moved.


You look like a cowboy."

"Needs a pair of ankle boots." Sarah offered.

"Done deal?" I asked.

Melanie smoothed the shirt out looking down at herself.

"I reckon so."

"This is what you need for casual. Jim is gonna be all over you."

"We shared a bath last night." Melanie kept her head down, embarrassed at that revelation.

I was mouth open. Sarah looked as if she was going to orgasm at the thought.

"Details." She demanded.

Melanie looked up smiling.

"You know. Candles, lights out, having your back washed.

Let's just say the bathroom floor was soaked."

She laughed again.

"We haven't done it in the bath since before we were married. I definitely think he's got his mojo back."

"See. You just needed to remind him what he was missing.

Dress like this and he won't forget again." I said.

We were greeted with another vision of glorious tits as she changed back and we left the cubicle under the disapproving glare of the assistant.

"Bet she doesn't get much." Sarah whispered as we headed to the tills.

"Stuck up cow."

I glanced back. A stern middle aged woman. She looked like a strict school ma'am from some bygone age.

"Who'd want to?" I laughed.

We found some boots to go with the outfit, paid, and headed for pizza. My treat.

"Well you all know everything there is to know about my love life. What about you two?

I haven't seen any raunchy convos between you and Liam recently Em. Are they all in the car when you're out on the road where I can't see now?"

"We broke up." I admitted.

"Oh God no."

Melanie was shocked. Sarah just went quiet.

"I'm so sorry."

"Yeah well. We all know why." I felt a tinge of sadness, but not as much as I might have expected.

"Will you get back together?"

"No. I don't think so. He's shagging someone else. A friend, so called. Thing is, there was always something there. I ignored it before. Our... situation just brought it to a head.

Once I got over it and thought it through I think it was inevitable. I just hadn't seen it."

"So that's two of us that are single" Sarah said quietly.

"Yeah. Now it's only Melanie that's getting any. That's a change around.

Why you single anyway? Look at you Sarah. You're pretty, you flaunt it, and yet there's been no one since the CCTV incident?

She went quiet for a moment.

"Or has there?

Are you holding out on us?"

I poked her in the ribs giggling. It died away to a curious wait as I saw the seriousness etched on her face. I knew something profound was coming.

"We're all friends right?" Sarah asked.

"No secrets." Melanie reminded her.

I waited expectantly for some big reveal. When it came, it wasn't what I expected.

"I'm er... thinking of... changing sides. Boys have never done it for me much."

"Fuck Sarah. You could have mentioned that before I got my tits out in front of you." Melanie was aghast, but thankfully laughing.

"You fancy girls?" I asked the obvious.

I was struggling to process an idea of Sarah that so didn't fit the image I'd created in my head and reinforced daily for nearly a year. Everything was coming as a revelation of how wrong I was about her.


I've never been with one but... I think it's coming. Especially after..."

"No mentioning the M word." I said quickly.

"How long's this been bubbling?" Now I was genuinely interested.

"I think it's always been there. I just hadn't admitted it, even to myself until recently.

You're the first people I've told. The absolute first."

"Anyone in mind?"

"No. No not really.

There is... but she's not... No. No one that's gay.

Was thinking about going to a club. There's one in Tavistock street that has a gay night once a month. Just haven't worked up the courage yet."

I was seeing Sarah in a whole new light. She dressed to rebel. Acted brashly to look strong. But actually she was insecure. It was all bravado, hiding a little girl who didn't really know her way.

"Go for it." I said encouragingly.

"I will. It's just hard walking into a club on your own. I don't have a lot of friends. Actually none really. Other than you two. And definitely no one who'd go there."

No friends? She really was surprising me. I felt sorry for her. And guilty that I'd never seen through her front. All this time I'd been fighting Sarah when I should have been a friend.
