The Little Wulf Pt. 01


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Out of the blue he agreed to ride the Ferris wheel.

"So many people are scared of this ride. It's incredible." Zack said as we boarded the ride.

The ride moved one revolution and boarded another couple.

The ride rotated another revolution and traded riders, now we were sitting at the apex of the ride. Zack was watching the couple in the car below us. The girl's boyfriend was standing in the car making it rock, scaring her. Zack leaned back in his seat smiling with his arms across the back of the seat.

"Are you ok, if the height bothers you try not to look down." I offered

"I suppose you could jump from here and land on your feet." Zack said his head was still tilted back and he had a grand smile on his face.

I looked over the edge of our car and estimated we were six stories up, maybe less. "I've fallen from about this height before, yes I could make it." I said.

"That's why you are not scared right now, anything happens and you could leap from the ride possible taking me with you, safely to the ground." Zack said gleefully.

"With your extra weight I would need to drop you about five feet from the ground so I could land on all fours due to the extra inertia and speed." I said.

Zack smiled at me, and he leaned over and kissed me.

"What a pretty little wolf I have here." Zack said smiling.

It was then I realized I gave up a secret. Zack knows what I am, I still do not have a clue what he is, and he knows it.

"You struck me as a were-rabbit or deer kind of man." I said.

"I just had a delicious thought of you in a playboy bunny costume." Zack laughed. "But there are no prey shapeshifters, they do not exist."

"You like games, don't you?" I asked coyly.

"As much as anyone else, you know I'm actually pretty good at games. Leaning closer to me he added: I once finished a puzzle that said two to three years in an afternoon." Zack said leaning in and kissing me deeper than the last kiss. I pulled back clearing my throat when his tongue touched my lips.

"I've never dated a were-wolf before; will you be gentle with me?" Zack said.

"I don't do gentle that often, you'll have to let me know if I get too rough." I smirked.

The ride started revolving, it did not stop this time, the view up here was breathtakingly beautiful, and the air was free of all the human and junk food smells overwhelming me on the ground. Then the idea hit me, Zack invited me here because all the sensory chaos would befuddle my inner wolf. Preventing me from discovering who and what he is.

I cuddled with Zack as the ride spun. Zack's pride and manly arrogance wore me as a trophy to any onlookers but I was taking a deep smell of his clothes and body. Inhaling with my nose as well as the wolf sensors on my tongue.

When the ride passed the operator at the base, I panicked. Hay, leather, fresh baked apple pie scent assaulted my nostrils. FUCK! Clyde cannot see me with Zack.

I looked around and there was Clyde and Tinker at the food vendor right across from the Ferris wheel. I put one arms around Zack and the other on his inner thigh, my thumb just touching his manhood through his jeans. When Zack kissed me this time, I let his tongue slip into my mouth.

I pulled away slowly, feeling lightheaded and a little dizzy. Zack asked if I was ok, and I said I just need to use the ladies room. Zack assured me we would go their next.

The ride stopped and I thanking the attendant that pulled the pin on the door to the car. Zack helped me out and down the pallets that formed a path to the midway. I remembered Clyde and Tinker standing here so I looked around quickly for them, but I did not see them anywhere.

"These little peaks of fear in you are very delisch, dear but, I wonder what might be causing them." Zack mused.

"Are you a vampire?" I asked.

"No, no, no I am not a vampire, you know what I was re-born I thought I was a vampire, and I ran around sucking blood from people, but then I learned what I really was. Here we go the ladies' room as promised. Run along little wolf and make yourself pretty." Zack said as he guided me towards the door.

I entered the ladies room and picked the first stall to take care of business. Human women have two smells in the ladies room, very spring like flowery or super musky-cabbage-perfume scent, there never seems to be balance between the two. I straightened myself out and approached the mirror above the line of sinks. I fixed my makeup and lipstick and washed my hands a second time before walking outside. It was right then I decided, I'm going to stop playing with Zack and I'll break his neck then writ his daddy a note with my lipstick on Zacky's chest and throw the body on his father's lawn.

I walked outside and no Zack. I listened and sniffed the air and there is was the potpourri smell and the sound of piss landing on a fence. "Time to put this dog down!" My inner wolf screamed to me. This is going to be so fucking easy, poor Zack.

I walked around the restroom building to find Zack adjusting himself under a burned out streetlight near the fence to the track area. I opened my arms, hugged him, and then picked my spot. Just below and behind his right ear, it will be quick with little pain and he will not make a sound. A wound like that is purposeful, and thought out a detail his father will notice.

I hugged him and drew in his scent then I struck. As soon as my teeth tore, into his skin, he tried to pull away but my hug allowed me to fall to the ground with him, I was trying to crush the back of his neck and medulla.

Zacks blood sprayed into my mouth and into my throat causing me to cough, I had to swallow to breathe again, and then I started to swoon as if I drank a whole bottle of vodka.

"Fuck me!" I muttered as I fell over onto my back.

"Don't mind if I do little wolf, don't mind if I do." Zack said standing over me holding his hand to his neck to stop the bleeding.

Zack tossed my cell and purse into the bushes and helped me to my feet. "Come now little wolf, let's get you home." Zack said.

"W-w-w-her-e w-e goin-g? I slurred, I was pretty hammered but I knew what was going on, I just could not do anything about it.

"I'm taking you home so you can sleep this off." Zack said as he led me down the midway. Everyone was giving me his or her pity looks. A couple guys yelled their approval.

"Hes, yous taking me to me h-ome?" I asked.

"No honey we are going to my house so you can meet my uncle." Zack said.

"Oh, that's not going to be go-od for him, i-m guna kill both of us for my boyfrineds moms." I slurred, struggling to make words.

"Now that's no way to speak to your savior tonight, I could have left you back at the ladies room." Zack said.

"I-I need some water." I said much clearer now. Zack started moving me a little fast to his car.

"Wow you are recovering faster than any wolf; we need to get you in the car." Zack said wrapping an ornate silver charm bracelet around both of my wrists.

"I'll k-k-k-ick your ass with both hands tied in front of me." I growled.

Zack opened the passenger door of his car, grabbing something from the seat then pushed me in the car. He held a can up to my eyes.

"See this bitch; do you know what it is? Do you, yea I thought so, its bear repellant, fuck with me, I'll burn both of your eyes out with it, and then your sense of smell forever!" Zach warned.

I demurely entered the passenger seat. This thing is obviously mentally unstable I thought; however, it survived a wolf attack, so it is probably unnerved a little. Zack walked around the car pouring a bottle of clear liquid around the car but mostly next to my door on the gravel. It only took me a second to figure it out; he was pouring ammonia to cut my scent so nobody could follow us. Zack entered the driver's seat and started the vehicle.

"Hey, I think we started off on the wrong foot, how about giving me a mulligan on this one and we start fresh with you removing the charm bracelet?" I asked.

"Thanks maybe after my neck stops bleeding, you got me rally good back there." Zack said.

We drove east crossing the Portage River and through the woods. When we cleared the north south highway, I took a deep breath and howled for everything I had. Just before the end of the howl, I cut the last note in half.

"You are stupid, we are in a car, they will only follow you to where you stopped howling, and in five minutes your howl will not reach your pack. So I think you should relax and enjoy the ride." Zack said.

We pulled into the front drive of Zack's house, a bridge ranch and he walked around to my door, showing me he was still holding the bear spray. I stepped out of the car and he pulled me along by the charm bracelets.

"Those are deceivingly strong." I said.

"They were made a long time ago for holding female vampires." Zack said.

"They only work on women?" I asked.

"I guess. I didn't make them." Zack shrugged.

I was lead through the side door down the steps to the basement where a couple recliners were sitting, and a large pommel horse augmented with hooks and attachments for prisoners. Mirrors lined three of the walls.

"Up you go." Zack said as he laid me on the pommel horse face up my lower legs hanging over the end closet to where we entered. Zack hooked the charm bracelets in a snap so my arms were extended over my head then a belt around my wait to keep me for sliding up or down the device.

A lanky assistant with a baldhead and thick glasses came down the stairs wearing a white lab coat.

"Mr. Pitter, could you assist me in disrobing Lisa oh and muzzle her first. She is very clever and shouldn't be trusted." Zack said leaving me with Pitter.

Pitter pulled a leather contraption around my head with a hard plastic mouth guard preventing me from biting anything directly, but it allowed me to speak.

"Water, please." I asked.

"Well, it has manners, which is better than the last one he brought in." Pitter said.

Pitter presented a plastic sports bottle with a straw that fit through a small hole in the muzzle, and he squeezed water to me gently.

"Thanks." I said.

"Oh, we are going to be marvelous friends I'm sure, now let's get you ready for Zack and his uncle." Pitter said.

Pitter took my boots and socks off me discovering my daggers. He placed those on a metal table and then took my socks. Then reached up undoing my pants button and pulled the zipper down. Grasping my pant legs be slid those down, folding everything and placing it in a white file box marked Lisa.

"See your mom was right to tell you to wear clean underwear." Pitter laughed.

My shirt and bra were removed with scissors and then my panties were cut off me, all of it thrown in the nearby trash.

Except for the charm bracelets and the leather belt around my waist, I was completely naked now.

"OK let's get you cleaned up for the next procedure." Pitter announced.

Pitter washed me down with a sponge and bucket of warm soapy water then rinsed me off with a garden hose that hung on the wall, the water was freezing. I complained the whole time.

"Ok upsidaisy." Pitter said as he loosened the belt and flipped me over.

He proceeded to wash me thoroughly again paying extra attention to my ass and inner thighs.

I watched as he pulled out his phone and remotely maneuvered the pommel horse I was on so now my ass and legs were hanging off the device but not touching the floor. I felt Pitter attaching something to my ankles to restrain my legs. My sense of smell was returning, Pitter was human and used was too many Old Spice products that contrasted with the Ben Gay he applied to his left knee.

My head was clear, and my strength was returning, I quietly tested those charm bracelets again, but I could not break them. The charm bracelets and the leg restraints would pop if I could change into my wolf.

Pitter waved a plastic circle around my back as if looking for something when it chirped, he seemed excited. He sprayed he area with something and then he placed the tools back on the table.

He pulled a scalpel from the table and poked me with it in the same spot he sprayed.

"Do you feel that?" Pitter asked.

"No." I said.

"Because we are going to be friends, I numbed the area first you see." Pitter said.

I winced as he began cutting right in my lower back near my spine and with forceps, he pulled something out that made a metal tick when he dropped it in a nearby metal dish. He sewed up the incision then lathered it with a brown liquid.

"Look here." Pitter showed me the bloody pan with a small silver pill in it.

"It's a tracking device." Pitter said.

I could hear someone coming down the stairs.

"Did you plug her yet Pitter? Zack asked.

"Not yet sir I was just going to do that after disposing of this. Pitter replied showing Zack the tracking device.

"I can plug her while you incinerate that." Zack said.

Zack watched Pitter leave and go upstairs, turning to me after he heard the door close and lock.

"So how's our first date going Lisa?" Zack asked.

"Leigh." I corrected.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Zack said as he was taking his shoes off.

"I'm Leigh, Lisa is my twin." I said.

"Oh, well then this was all a big mistake and I need to let you go." Zack said.

Zack opened the little cabinet under the medical table and pulled out a squeeze bottle with a purple label.

"That doesn't look like its medical grade." I said.

"Leigh it is not, it is my favorite however, and it's what we are going to use tonight." Zack said.

"And what are we using it for tonight? I asked.

I got my answer soon enough. Zack pushed a couple buttons on his phone and the pommel horse moved, pushing my head down, and sticking my ass up in the air. The Zack squirted some of the slippery stuff from the bottle on to my upturned ass hole.

"I'm sure you figured out that this is not a pommel horse, it's a breeding phantom. In addition, I need to keep you doped up with my juice so you cannot turn into a wolf. If I give it to you orally, you will be drunk and cannot answer my uncle's questions. Therefore, we are going to inject it in your anus." Zack said.

"You used a lot of lube just to stick something in my ass don't you think?" I asked.

"Well we don't have any of my bodily fluids synthesized so we need to inject it fresh." Zack said.

"And this prevents me from turning into a wolf because?" I asked.

"Well I'm glad you asked. When male Fae mate with female werewolves the Fae semen interact with the female hormones and creates a calming effect on them preventing them from turning or telling lies." Zack said.

"Oh I see and I'm going to be calm after you inject this in my ass, how?" I asked.

"Your body will try and absorb my ejaculate through the membrane walls and recycle it, I just have to make sure you get about two pints in your system that should last the rest of tomorrow." Zack said, as he started undressing.

"What happens if you did all of this to a male?" I asked.

"My you are a curious one. Well we have never tried it; I have no idea if it would work." Zack said.

"So you are Fae?" I asked.

"My great-great-grandmother was a Fae and she was raped by an Incubus. Every other generation my family gives birth to what we call a Nightmare. We are like vampires but feed off the fear of others." Zack said.

With that, Zack massaged his own cock until it was hard enough and lubed enough then positioned himself behind my upturned ass. I could feel the head of his cock sliding up and down between my cheeks as he applied pressure to different areas looking for my entrance. Once he found it, he thrust his first inch into me without pausing causing me to jump a little at the intrusion and a quiet growl escaped my throat.

"That's my girl." Zack said as he proceeds to push more of himself inside of me. I could watch everything through he mirrors on the wall.

"Could we make this a blowjob instead?" I asked between grunts.

"Yea I'm not getting near your mouth tonight honey." Zack said in time with his thrusts.

My body lurched forward with each thrust but I really did not feel him, I felt pressure of him inside of me. I felt his hands pulling on my hips but the lube he used must have had a strong desensitizer in it. Watching him in the mirrors, he did have an A+ body for a stripper.

There on the charm bracelets I found a solder repair, I held the solder to the metal snap it was attached to on the pommel horse. Every thrust of Zack's hips pushed his cock back into me, I moved up on the pommel horse, causing a sawing action on the solder.

When he really got into me, I could feel his thrusts, they were getting quicker and more regular, and he was really making loud slapping sounds off my ass. Every other trust hit me at an odd angle poking my insides. I seriously started to moan with each of his thrusts now, gawd he was bringing the heat and I liked it.

I was getting lost in his rhythm the way my body was swaying on the pommel horse with each thrust then he tighten up and could feel the head of his cock on my sidewall pushing against me. He pushed into me with every muscle in his back and hips for everything he had and felt his cock pulse and jump, and then I felt a pressure building in my abdomen. His grip on my hips hurt as he tried to get more of himself into me.

This guy continued to cum, I could feel it. I mean I could really feel it, he was still coming in me after a full minute, he was grunting as if he was straining, my insides started to feel full like an enema full. I started complaining but he only grunted. When he finished and slipped out of me his cock was replaced by a sterling silver but plug, he was so proud of it he had to show me before inserting it.

"Good thing we had a large but plug for you honey, because I don't want to brag but I stretched you out quite a bit back there." Zack said wiping himself off with a paper towel.

I could feel the hot silver against my skin and my stomach felt over full, like I ate a whole deer or something. My abdomen was making gurgling sounds now. The solder on the bracelets was almost completely worn away, if I could change into my wolf, I think these would break apart.

"Don't worry about the noises your metabolism is faster than humans and is assimilating my seed I sowed inside of you." Zack said smugly.

I flipped him off with both chained hands.

I smelled raw meat coming, sweet succulent red meat. I relied it has been over twelve hours since I ate anything substantive. I could hear two sets of feet coming down the stairs as Zack was getting dressed. An older man enter the basement with Pitter who was carrying a plastic container of raw delicious meat.

"How was your date tonight nephew? The new older man asked as Pitter became busy removing my muzzle.

"It is going smashing so far uncle." Zack said.

"Oh, for Pete's sake cover this animal, would you?" Greensburg cried.

"Yes Uncle." Zack said motioning to Pitter to do something.

Pitter set the meat and the muzzle down on the table, pulled linins from an unseen location, and began spreading a white hospital sheet over my body.

"She is very pretty but Pitter here tells me you brought the wrong wolf to the house." Greensburg said.

Pitter resumed his mission with the container of meat, feeding me cubes of the raw red meat with his bare fingers.

"Now honey, remember who used the numbing agent on your back before removing the homing chip, who gave you water earlier, and now who brings you meat. It is your friend Pitter." Pitter said.

I smiled. "You are so good to me Pitter, I'll kill you last." I laughed.

"I see your sense of dark humor is still intact." Pitter said.

Pitter was handing me the meat cubes with his fingers, not worried about a thing, I guessed there was about five pounds of stew meat in the container. I will relax and eat for a little while.
