The Little Wulf Pt. 01


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"So I hear you killed my slow witted nephew Amos." The uncle said.

"No, Amos, if that was his name was killed by a horse, but he did shoot me in the shoulder with a gun." I said.

"Oh dear, seems we have been misinformed all around, Amos's body was so broken when he was returned to us his poor mother who had to have a closed casket service." Greensburg said.

"Now be a dear and tell us why your packs beta would want your sister Lisa killed and you spared." Greensburg asked.

"I have alpha DNA, if I marry into the Holcomb family first, instinct would force me to take over the family killing anyone who would be a challenge to my lead. Then I would be inclined to move against the pack of the north, killing its leadership and expanding my territory. If my stepsister Lisa marries into the Holcomb family first and then I marry my instinct would be to become her beta and somewhat more friendly to the north." I explained.

"And why should we care about one wolf, we have a whole gang of wolves under our charge." Greensburg asked.

"Cindy's family rules the Tiffin Pack, about one hundred and fifty wolves, plus John rules the Rising Sun pack at about two hundred wolves strong. So that is over three hundred wolves to your pack of fifty wolves, am I right?" I said.

"I see your point." Greensburg said.

I am deeply sadden we troubled you this much. Nevertheless, I think you need to explain why you tried to execute poor Zachariah here at the county fair." Greensburg said.

"I was told you ordered the execution of the Holcomb family. I was sent to send you a message from Blue Angel that you were not untouchable. Once I learned Zack was a supernatural I knew my bite would have been superficial at best." I admitted.

"Pitter I would feel better if you used tongs to feed her instead of your bare hands." Zack interrupted.

"So my dear it seems we all have been played by stealthy card players here. Amos was paid handsomely to eliminate the wolf bitch Lisa to pave the way for you to be married first and then eliminate our wolf pack." Greensburg said.

"Nephew I assume you have not lost your touch and this bitch is telling us the whole truth, how much of your glorious seed did you sow in her bosom tonight?" The uncle asked.

"About eighty three thousand CC, uncle." Zack boasted proudly.

"Well that should be more than adequate and proportionately disgusting I would think. What was your message dear?" Greensburg said.

"I'm going to kill someone close to you tonight, so you understand you are not untouchable." I said.

"Oh my, we should keep you chained up then, heaven forbid we underestimate your powers." Zack said.

Without warning Pitter rolled onto the floor clutching his hand, blood covered his white lab coat and a fine spray of arterial blood was misting over the walls and everything in the room. Zack and his uncle helped wrap Pitter's hand and moved him up the stairs. I heard talking upstairs and a vehicle drive away. No doubt, somebody is taking Pitter to the emergency room. It is sad that nobody is concerned I just swallowed a grown man's thumb and index finger. I could have choked.

My inner wolf is doing fist pumps and high fives in my head as I drift off to sleep, and my guts still gurgling form my encounter with Zack. I heard a muffled conversation from upstairs and the floors creaking from someone pacing while on the phone. Was the uncle speaking to Cindy on what to do next? Did I hear that right?

I woke to the sheet being pulled off and the hose spraying cold water on my back.

"What the absolute fuck is going on!" I screamed.

It was Pitter holding up his bandaged right hand notably missing two digits. "You little bitch; I thought you were my friend." Pitter screamed at me.

"Oh you're mad but it was so nice to have a little part of you inside of me while I slept." I said. I did not feel so bloated, and my brain was not fuzzy anymore. Either the nap or the cold water neutralized Zack's essence inside of me.

"You know you are a smartass, and nobody likes smartasses or smartass apologies. Let's see just how smart your ass really is!" Pitter yelled.

"Pitter what are you doing?" I asked watching Pitter walking to the back of the pommel horse with Zack's bottle of lube and an aluminum baseball bat.

"I'm going to fuck you in the ass with this bat until you sound sorry. How's that for a start?" Pitter exclaimed.

"Pitter you don't want to do that. Come on, please stop." I begged. Pulling on the charm bracelets that held me to the pommel horse.

"Pitter if you invoke my wolf only death will find you here, please stop I will not be able to control it." I continued to beg.

Then Pitter pulled the silver plug from my ass, the only thing preventing my transformation was that little bit of silver. In wolf form, the female charm bracelet shattered across the room and the chains binding my legs broke away from their mounts. I held Pitters neck in my maw for only a second before twisting my head to the left and releasing his limp body to the floor, he still clutched the silver butt plug in his left hand and the aluminum bat bounced and rolled across the floor making an eerie hollow sound.

I sprinted up the stairs and hit the door full force, it splintered into a million pieces, and I was outside in the autumn air. Looking at the stars I knew home was southwest of here. I could hear a voice behind me, "Oh Pitter what have you done now."

I walked in wolf form for about two hours before I arrived at the gas station where I stashed my clothes. The station was closed and there were six does standing around under the security light of the gas station. Idiots, too bad, I am not hungry right now. I walked across the street, and five deer ran into the darkness. It was the designated idiot, the one deer in the group that thought it was the fastest, and smartest that could survive an encounter with a predator like me. In truth, both of us could were an even match in a run; the deer might be the smartest one in the herd. I walked around the doe to the back of the station where my clothes and cell phone were hidden.

Gone, my clothes and burner phone were gone. I am glad I did not transform before learning my clothes were gone. I sniffed around, Tinker was here and Lisa. Lisa would have smelled my scent on my clothes. I looked around; this is about where I howled on the way to Zack's house. The missing clothes made sense. I looked behind me and the doe was still standing there watching me.

This doe has a death wish or something, I thought to myself.

I shook off the early autumn air and trotted off towards home.

It was farther than I remembered it. I took a short break at what I thought was the halfway point at a small river. I could have followed the abandon railroad right of way all the way home but I wanted to walk past Clyde's to see if he was home.

I sat in a soybean field, across the street from the cornfield Laura and I ran in each morning. I hoped Laura was out running this morning but no such luck. It was quiet near the intersection; the does laying in the field watched me but did not bother moving. I looked east and west down the northern border road. A large black bird was pecking at some small animal that lay dead in the road. From the smell of it was days old before the bird decided to peck at it. A weathered red car sat silently at the stop sign, the engine was off. I took a deep breath and drew in all the familiar scents, except something did not feel right this morning.

Movement caught my eye from upwind of my vantage point, a human male by the way he walked. He had been hiding behind the tall grass near the road. I watched his approach. I should have ran but I chose to walk, I could easily out pace a human. Then the first bullet whizzed past my head.

Crap, I ran towards the ditch that bordered the south side of the road. The man was surprisingly fast, but not fast enough I crossed the road and leapt over the ditch, the second bullet hit me in the side. I hit the far ditch bank and landed in the bottom of the ditch; there was about six inches of flowing water moving through this portion. I stood, ignoring the searing pain and focused on the bullet in my chest. I bore down tighten my chest muscles and the single thirty-eight caliber bullet popped out. It was silver and it did not affect me. A gift from the Fae fluids I received last night; I am impervious to silver, at least temporarily.

I turned to see the man at the top of the ditch; he shot me again in the shoulder. The small caliber silver bullet lodged superficially between the muscle and the skin. The man briefly smiled at his marksmanship. It was short lived as I jumped from the bottom of the six-foot deep ditch, my teeth catching the collar of his jacket pulling him onto the roadway, his gun sliding across the centerline of the road. I shook my head violently shredding and ripping the man's coat from his body, he rolled away pulling his arms free. The bullet in my shoulder rolled free with a tinkling noise on the pavement.

Potpourri smell assaulted my nostrils. Zack! How stupid of me to travel in a straight line to home, even Pitter could have predicted where to ambush me.

I ran and leapt across the ditch, Zack stumbled down one side and up the other side of the ditch to catch up to me. I should have attacked but I cannot risk biting him again and becoming incapacitated, I have to be smarter. I sprinted to the woods, ignoring the deer that got in the way, Zack was not as fast, but he was keeping up. I ran to the woods. I needed time to think of a way to fight Zack without biting.

The fence, I will run through the fence. Zack does not have the local knowledge to make it through the fence without snagging a spike.

I ran along the rows of corn heading towards the woods, I slowed down so Zack would think he was catching up to me, urging him to run just a little faster and with less caution.

There were two fence lines one ran between the corn and the woods then it turned and ran between the ditch and the woods. It seemed like there was twice as many deer in the corn today and all of them were in my way.

I cleared the first fence and stopped to check Zack's progress, his side hit one of the spikes, blood quickly soaked his shirt, but he began running after me again. We were in the woods now and I was running the slalom between the trees, jumping roots and fallen branches. I could hear his labored breathing and the metallic smell of his blood. I turned north towards the road letting Zack catch up. I had to jump clear the last few trees and jump the fence then clear the twelve-foot wide ditch beyond to land in the road.

The northern fence was difficult to see, trees and vines had claimed most of the metal long ago so judging the jump was difficult for me. I leapt in the air one minute before Zack. I landed on the yellow line in the center of the road a moment later I read a popping grunting noise. My nostrils immediately assaulted by the smell of Potpourri, chutney, and burnt hair.

Zack did not cleat the Rommel spike, the iron spike caught him just below the ribcage in what should have been a non-lethal injury, but the iron reacted violently to the half-Fae now impaled on its point and set the nightmare on fire.


It was Blue Angel clapping from across the street as burning parts of the nightmare fell into the water at the bottom of the ditch. I turned and trotted down the road to where the gun lay. I picked it up and brought it to Blue Angel, dropping it at her feet I turned and trotted down the road heading home.

This is a supernatural town of eight hundred people but still a two hundred pound wolf trotting down your sidewalk would make anyone a little nervous I suppose. I did not change until I got to the stairs of my apartment. I knocked on the door and nobody answered, I fished around the window ledge finding the hidden key and let myself inside.

After taking a shower and pulling all the burrs tangled in my hair out I logged onto social media with a quick selfie showing everyone I made it home. Then I emailed Blue Angel I completed her impossible task.

I called off sick tonight, there was no way I could go into work. What I needed was my dam phone; my spare was behind the gas station that turned up missing. I heard people running up the apartment stairs. Lisa, Tinker, and Laura can busting into the apartment's back door all wanting to smother me.

"Laura and I heard your howl and came right away but all we found was your purse and then we found your stash behind the gas station." Lisa said handing me my things.

"I found your phone and purse by the restrooms at the fairgrounds." Tinker said.

I took my phone and texted Clyde.

Me: I am home and I am ok, I heart you.

Clyde: Ditto. I was worried about you; let us skip the fair tonight.

Me: that sounds good.

Clyde: Dinner and drinks at Billy & Buds? Tell me your story.

Me: OK, hey the full moon is Monday night I would like to spend tonight and Sunday with you if we can.

Clyde: anything for my little wulf.

I set the phone back on the charger.

"Why are you so sad?" Laura asked.

"Tonight and Sunday are my last nights as a free wolf, when the hunter's moon rises Monday night if I don't have a designated mate I can be claimed by any pack member." I said.

"I think we should make the best of tonight, let's pick an outfit for you from my closet." Laura offered.

"And you can tell us your story while we get ready." Lisa offered.

We picked a forest green mini dress from Laura's things and Lisa had to run home to get them but she had a pair of forest green pumps. I seriously had not dressed up like a proper girl since I was reborn over six months ago. I was just too busy with life. Lisa helped French braid my hair and place little fake flowers in the tucks. The eyeliner Laura did with little clovers coming off the corners of my eyes was a cute touch.

"Any man that loves eating clover is going to swoop you right up!" Tinker laughed.

Poor Tinker having to watch all of us girls as we are all worked up over outfits I thought.

The four of us were all dressed up and everything even Tinker was to an extent ready to hit the club. As soon as we stepped outside of our apartment, our noses were assailed by the smells coming from the bar. They and every pack bar hosted a feast in honor of the four named moon risings. We walked around the corner and there were the forty to sixty motorcycles sitting on the street and several cars.

In the lot across the street, a band played classic rock on a flatbed semi-trailer stage to a gang of leather-clad werewolves. The smell of spilled beer, pot, and testosterone filled the air.

We paid the fifty dollar cover charge for the feast and another twenty-five each for the band and climbed the short steps into the bar itself. It was packed to the gills.

John was ascending to the position of pack Alpha Monday night so this feast was in part his father's retirement and John's ascension. The tradition was either the outgoing alpha or the incoming could grant any favor or request they wanted without councils opinion. We all got drinks and headed outside; the bar had a snow fence set up in the gravel lot adjoining the bar with party tents and huge tables set up German style for the feast.

The fall initiates, those humans who have been deemed worthy of becoming newborn were busy refiling pitches and refiling platters of food for the tables. At these tables sat werewolves and humans together celebrating the pending Hunter's Moon. On the south end, near the bar were trailer barbeque grills where meat was cooking and spits with whole hogs rotated over glowing coals. This year in honor of the Holcomb family, joining our pack an extravagant buffet line of vegetarian foods was added to the fair.

At the north end, a low stage was built with twelve great chairs imported from some German castle and a sturdy plank dining table was set in front of it filled with food. John was sitting in the center chair with Cindy on his left and his father to his right. All three of them dressed in motorcycle leathers gorging themselves on cooked meat. To the farther right was Blue Angel, sipping on a drink and plucking vegetables off her plate. She was a stark contrast to the gnashing of teeth; she shared a table with wolves.

We found Dale in a beautiful fall dress sitting at one of the tables picking at some vegetables; she had saved us seats so we could sit together. Wolves passed us clean metal plates and Lisa, Laura and I, piled pulled pork, shredded beef onto a roll, spooned a helping of horseradish on top, and proceed to stuff the food in our mouths. I finished my plate before Laura and Lisa and I held the empty dinnerware and yelled FIRST! Then let out a huge belching that seemed to echo across the party. The Wolves sitting near us saluted me with their beers and cheered. Dale and Tinker were noticeable embarrassed. Clyde was noticeably missing.

I swear Lisa, Laura, and I filled ourselves with ten pounds of meat each before we surrendered our plates to the servers.

John climbed on top of his dining table and called for quiet.

"I see you." John said.

"And we see you and respect your authority." The crowd chanted in response.

"In the old days, our bodies sensing the rising of the named moon would drive us mad with hunger. Farmers lost whole pastures of grazing animals and herds of deer were slaughtered. When we came to this country, the native were-cats taught us the value of group feasts to sate our cravings and protect the natural resources. We honor them with every feast and every hunt only taking what we need to survive. Tonight we feast together in their memory."

"So may this be today as it was then." The crowd chanted in response.

"I will now hear your petitions." John said.

A woman was lead to a small lectern off to the side of the dinner tent where she asked for her morning to end for her late husband and permission to be re-matted this Hunter's moon.

"Granted." John announced.

I was a little disturbed a woman had to ask permission to find a new man. Lisa assured me it was a formality and she just wanted the pack to know she was available.

Four other wolves approached the lectern and all of their requests were granted. Most of the requests seemed ceremonial, as if the consul picked half dozen petitions and presented them here.

"One more petitioner for tonight should make themselves known and we will resume the feast!" John announced.

Someone came up behind and grabbed a fist full of my hair and lifted me up on my toes pulling me from the table.

I snarled and my inner wolf was ready to fight.

It was Clyde, he held me on my toes parading me in front of all the wolves' gathered here.

"Listen to me, all of you, I claim this wolf as mine, I take her as my mate, to hunt, to share shelter, share life, to grow old, and together we will share the wedding trials until in eleven moons time to be judged. She will be part of my house and any of you try to fight with her you will be fighting with my house. My house will bring a terrible vengeance upon you. Does anyone here have any problem with that?" Clyde announced saying this three times, as he walked around the tables full of the packs wolves.

Clyde pushed me down to a kneeling position facing John, my alpha.

"I desire this wolf to be my mate to be, and take her from your pack to mine so our houses may be joined." Clyde announced.

John nodded his agreement.

Clyde helped me to my feet and took my hands in his and as gently as someone picking up a butterfly, he tied a chestnut brown ribbon around my wrists.

"I cannot promise you an easy life, or that I will not disappoint you. I cannot promise that I will be the perfect mate. BUT I can promise that I will love you from this day forward and I will respect you and your duties to the pack if you accept me as your mate to be." Clyde said in a rough and trembling voice.
