The Loner of Halloween Night


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First, they saw was the chair, snapped in half-broken beyond recognition, a powerful sense of dream loomed in the air terrifying them to their very core, the air grew cold, very, very cold.

Tripp was nowhere in sight one was about to ask until they saw the door at the end shift a little.

Atlas frowned, "mother fuckers come on!"

The three men looked scared and confused more terrified In fact at what he even suggested.

"Wait you aren't seriously thinking we go down there! You saw what happen just ditch him and make a run for it!"

"He got to be and we can't leave him behind! Someone will notice he's gone."

"But isn't he a loner? His own parent did want to be here on Halloween to see him, why would-"

"I don't care about him I care about what happens to us if he disappears! who do you think will be questioned first if the police start sniffing around! We're the ones who got humiliated! We're the ones who left the party pissed as fuck! Who the hell is going to believe some vine monster took him! If we find a body we can at least bury it! Or something I don't know."

The fault thinking was thanks to the anger and paranoia even, but it was the dirty perverted Creek to step forward.

"Relax you bunch of pussies, I mean we're four guys here and Darren is the head of the boxing club, Garth can play a mean game of ruby, we can handle whatever's down there."

"You any of you not seen a single horror film?"

"For fuck sake Darren are we with us or against us!" Atlas shouted.

Darren looked to the only one neutral about all this Garth, who shrugged walking over to them.

Now he was the one trapped, If he were to leave and they disappeared it would haunt him even worst all three could point the blame on him doing any sort of crime he was trapped in.

Darren should have never joined them In the first place.

"Fine let go."

With a firm grip on the basic work torches, they all move past the broken chairs past the creaking door, a set of stairs leading down into the unknown.

They moved in a single file, Atlas the only brave one went on fuel by rage to smother his fears, as they descend.

Finding more and more massive roots.

They arrived at the bottom with the only light they look around the large area going only roots and steam slivering and sneaking across everything.

Gulping at the confusion something was shifting in the light

It was Tripp, trapped on the wall encased in the root-like body cage arms out like Jesus, the cable tie broken on the ground before him, he was passed out.

"What the hell is with those roots! Should we leave him or-"

"Just try and get him out alright."

They all cross the overgrown rooted basement floor moving toward him.

The open space the tripping roots that dance across the floor all of this was too weird, just as they tried and failed to unroot Tripp a door slamming suddenly got their attention.

"Please don't tell that was-"

"Yep, the door...It's a fucking trap!"

"I knew we should have left him behind!"

"Didn't you say we could face 'whatever it was?"

"Shut it you empty-headed asshole! Sure you might be able to but we-

A howling scream rang out making all the bitching men freeze, all lights pointed toward that ungodly sound, dead silent probably the only thing that could silence them.

"what the fuck was-"

A hand slapped on Creek's face silencing him, sharp eye pointing just waiting to try to find the source.

The soon did, something was walking downstairs, something small something feminine dressed in black, with a large point hat covering her face, A witch? Or someone in a witch costume.

Atlas recognised the being his fear fading now a smirk covering his face.

"Oh shit look who it is the little pumpkin witch, guess she didn't leave Tripp behind."

Non of the other men wanted to move

"Atlas what are you doing!?"

"Relax assholes It's our little witch...So now beautiful come out to save you, boyfriend? Or repay the pain you caused us either way," that when he saw she was hiding her face with her hat annoyed but instead of wildly throwing it off he'll play the gentlemen, "May I look under that little hat of yours?"

"Only...if you give me a kiss." She responded her voice let cute more...haunting.

"Sure my little pumpkin."

Moving in closer keeping that smug grin, knowing he'd won that victorious look on his face knowing he and maybe his pussy asshole mates might have some-

lifting the hat it...Revealed something monstrous!

Hollow empty black eyes! A round pumpkin-like head! And a spiked mouth like the headless horseman.

Atlas freaked as it came alive with fire! Making the man jump back revealing his face to everyone with screeching laugher.

"Oh fuck! It must have got her too! She's possessed!" Creek screamed clinging to the wall.

The once sweet girl haunting hackles continued as she step forward, freezing in their light.

The body bang to...contort and twisted twitching its arms and fingers grew like thin haunt tipped claws! The body itself became thinner towering over them all.

A long unnaturally thin body with a big pumpkin head.

Taking in a deep breath again eye blazing alight arm outstretch long-fingered claw stretch unnaturally hunched over like an old hag.

"Pucker up handsome!" The monster screamed.

Launching for Atlas with its mighty claws he was barely about to dodge it, rushing past the monster leaving the men behind! The other guys saw it pissed but their first thought was on the monster before them.

"Fuck this! Fuck you all! I'm getting out alive!" Creek pushes the other two behind rushing forward only to trip on a root.

The two followings suit focusing only on their own escape, Atlas making his way hastily to the stair up ahead his chance to get out of here right Infront of him.

But as soon as he press on the first step a claw grabbed him pulling him harshly away, his arms flapping like a wacky inflated tube man.

The creature wasn't going to let them leave that easy.

Soon it became a game, a game of cat and mouse, the guys trying desperately with every fibre of their cowardice being to get to the stair and escape but she won't even allow them to get close.

With all the thick roots, they just kept tripping over one another like some silly cartoon, the monster who hadn't stopped laughing at the pathetic attempt of them fighting back it was just too funny to her.

The creature had turned to Darren who glared pissed, being fuck around by all this, the fear he had was there but now with resolve, an inner strength to fight back!

Its charge going before him he watched it ready, its mouth widening impossibly large about to take a chomp out of him before it could get too close he swung one hard single punch, it was so hard it staggered the beast sending its head off flying.

"Way to go mate!" Atlas shout actually impressed for the first time...Not faking it like all the other before when he was in the ring.

Darren's fear turns into pride a grin forming on his face, "See! Why don't they ever do that in horror films?"

With the creature seemingly defeated now completely frozen.

but its head twitches getting all their attention to the pumpkin head...As it moved, stem-like spider legs burst from the bottom.

It freaking turn to Darren who smug green faded quickly, the heady chuckled

"Here! You want some head right!" it jumped at him, he screamed like a girl catching the head trying to fight back as it tried to chomp his face off.

The other three freaked running but was stopped...By the body! Now a mindless messier clawing on the ground like an animal twisted in in movement but able to sense just where they all were at all times.

There was no escape! Darren was barely able to throw the head off before running squeal over to the guys a real fear on his face, the thin creature faced its prey cowering them back into a corner, Darren joining them.

All four there like babies some begging some just flat out crying.

The pumpkin spider head crawled up the creature's body soon fixing itself back on

"Please don't kill me!"

"Y-yeah we were only joking we were going to do anything," Creek tyring to make it sound it was all a joke.

One was them was even praying, the empty eye of the monster narrowed dangerous growling in their presence making them whimper even more.

"Tell me, humans," it crawls over their head in chomping distance, "why should I spare you? Why should after you came here with such cruel intent?"

There were mumbling, trying desperately to show some, any sense of importance which just made the creature howl with laughter.

"You all are nothing! Cowards who prey on the weak but when face with something stronger...You piss and shit yourself," it mocked them with its sweet creepy voice, "entertaining little seedlings," It suddenly said moving crawling onto the wall itself no longer blocking the exit, root fading away from the door, even if they got up there they would still be trapped, "Too pathetic to even devour on...So run."

Confused, afraid, unable to move only able to look at one another.

"Run!" it screamed at them! "Run! Runaway! And never tell of this night! Or I the Pumpkin witch of homeward haven shall come for you! And bury you alive where no one can find you! Feed on your corpse just as I will with this one!"

A twisted fingering pointed to him seeing the root moving the only thing that came out was a muffled scream.


The monster screamed finally seeing their chance they took it, all while screaming over one another like panicking terrified animals desperate to get to the stair and up to the door of safety.

It was embarrassing, to say the least, 4 powerful intimidating men wailing, crying pissing themselves when face with true horror.

With the last of their crying behind them, the creature turned to the root covered body of Tripp.

The final thing they heard was the echoing laugher of the monster cottage.

The only thing that was left was the creature and Trip.

A sigh left the creature turning to the trapped boy, it move hastily over pulling away the root covering his face when she did.

She saw his smiling face.

"Holy shit it actually work," Tripp said eye wide with joy and surprise, "and it was funny as hell! Just as you said!"

Nitida grin widely, "told ya! Oh blessing of earth that was fun!" giving herself a strength her claw hand twisted lime and horrified face slowly, ever so slowly return to something familiar and cute, "One moment I' ll get you out of there."

Tripp could only nod stuck in the rooted wrap.

The scare of the night...Or maybe the century was a complete success.

"I had no idea you could look so terrifying," he said slowly being freed from his prison.

"it a defence mechanism really, scary face long claw and hey the head thing was a nice touch," she said finally returning to her more cute form.

The twisted face shifted into something cute coming close to using her power to help him out, the little nymph couldn't stop smiling.

With a final pull, Tripp was free, falling down tripped over a thick root Nitida was there to catch him and hugged him tightly, a cute squeal escaping her lips it was infectious, hugging her back tightly he had no idea it would work.

"You think they're going to listen?"

"They better fucking do! But after the scare they got their probably going to need...Err who are those people who help human minds? They sit and nod in a fancy chair listening to people's problems acting like they're listening when they're not."

"Therapists," he said she nodded, "Now I'm going to need to have so excuse on how I 'escaped', the dangerous beast because there no doubt they going to talk about seeing it or hell when they see me at college they are going to wonder."

"You could say something fun like you overpowered the creature or you seduce her, powerless against your handsome charms."

He blushed a little to the flirting comment, finally escaping the wraps into her arms, a hand moved to her lower back pulling her close seeing a cute blush on her orange pumpkin face

"Maybe, or maybe she had her way and only spare me for she was a cute, beautiful, merciful being."

Chuckling softly her head pressed against his the two nuzzling one another, from the fear of something bad happening to one another something powerful had finally bloomed between them.

Something that was going to happen all along.

"Come on Little pumpkin witch," Tripped grabbed her hat passing it to her, "I think we had enough surprises for together."

"Oh come now my little mortal, it's Halloween! There always a chance for more surprises."

Hearing her sweet word hands touching one another finger laced together As they slowly move Tripp picking up one the dropped torch bring it to life Nitida just smile a hand firmly on his they both left the eerie basement heading up through the open door.

Finally free the front door was open just as they expected they didn't waste another moment, the plan went through Tripp's head.

The plan was simple, Tripp gets caught he distracts them long enough for Nitida to tangle her root around him dragging him to the basement, with all the trees and root underground she had the power to manipulate some degree tho it was enough to set everything up.

Bring the old wives tale to life...And it worked like a treat.

With fun-filled faces, the two walked off with a merry step, finally, they were safe.

"Nice trick with the dreaded feeling and cold air I didn't think you could do that."

Nitida stop turning her head confused, "I can't do that I didn't even feel it," she said the smile on his face faded turning to confusion, "guess I scared you too or maybe your was just cold it is a chilly night, after all, now come on let head to your dwelling."

With a little weary nod finally leaving the cottage closing the door heading into the forest Tripp couldn't resist turning his head behind him taking one last look at the lonely building.

There he...He saw something.

A dark shadowy figure of a woman in the upper window on the second floor...Staring eerily toward them, its head tilted a little as it watched them go.

He tilted him in confused a little scared he hugged closer to Nitida who paid it no mind merely enjoying the extra affection.

Tonight was the best night of her life.


"Wow, this is your dwelling!"

Nitida said, from the excitement of the dark forest returning to civilization neither saw Atlas or any of them again free to enjoy the midnight walk heading all the way back to Tripp home.

Standing outside the cosy place.

"It not actually mine is my family's tho they use this place as a holiday home so they gave it to me to live in...they always have a habit of leaving me behind to 'hold down the fort'."

"How cruel," Nitida pouted, "but I don't mind we have the how place to ourselves."

Tripp wanted to smile to enjoy this but something keep nagging in the back of his mind something he couldn't help let it damper his mood.


He shook his head smiling, getting his key slipping it into the lock he opened letting Nitida walk in first, the place was nothing special but cute small Halloween decoration littler the place, skulls paper pumpkin in a bow of sweet.

It had a cosy feeling tho that is how it felt to her.

"Where's your room! I haven't been able to stop thinking about it!"

"this way," he said a little sour, "this way."

She noticed the mood but didn't comment on it confused and weird she try keeping her optimistic however something was wrong with him, she was worried, was it her? Or what he saw earlier.

They silent made their way to his room on the second floor. The bedroom was a good size with a desk a double bed in the far corner, to the left was a window the blinds drawn, cosy but her eye lingered on the bed a slight mirk knowing this...this was where they were going to make love.

"It lovely," she spoke tho only having little knowledge of a man's bedroom she hoped it was better than nothing.

Tripp didn't flow closing the door.

"Nitida," she turned to him her gentle eyes glowed with interest, "I need to talk to you, there something that been on my mind," a nervous wary pain expression on his face, "what did that succubus mean by, ' one that will last longer in this mortal realm'?"

The smile faded from her face holding her arm nervously unable to look at him.

"I've been wanting to hold that from you, I've been enjoying this night for too much to let things ruin everything we've been through," she responded seeing him watching her still waiting for an answer, "you see because I'm a mere lesser dryad I don't have the energy to permanently stay in this place."

So that is what it is, his fear realised before him the very thing he was hoping against.

"T-Then we can just have sex, fill you with that energy so you'll be fine."

"It will take more than that, I would need to transform into a true dryad for that to happen...This form is not suitable for such a change."

"I...No, wait so you're going to disappear? Turn back into a pumpkin? Can't you magically do something!"

"The pumpkin will rot! the root with wither away it the energy that keeping this mess of a body all together which grow weaker every second I'm alive, I know when I first arrived I'd only have one night to enjoy this."

Tear form in his eye all the misery fear dread consumed the boy, finally opening up to someone and they can't even stay.

"Please...I don't want to be alone again."

She didn't know what to say wanting to say something to comfort him yet she knew it would be meaningless, nothing will stop what will befall her.

"I...I like you Nitida a lot."

There he finally said it her eye widened shock a hand on her bosom, she didn't say anything was his feeling one-sided? He didn't know or care.

"your fun you're sweet you've brightened up my life in a single night, then most in my whole life," his hand reach out to her wanting, needing to hold her, "Am I an idiot for feeling like this so quickly? Is this feeling one-sided? I need to know Nitida...M-My sweet pumpkin witch."

Nitida stepped closer bringing a sweet hand to his, and his cheek, feeling him press into it seeing the wetness appearing.

A sad yet joyous look on her face.

"I feel the same for you too Tripp," he shuddered to hear her sweet voice say that, but there was a bitter smile on her face, "the one rule a nymph like me should never break, is to never fall in love, it traps you in something we might regret but I trust you I know you, yes our time has been short but like cherry blossoms it was beautiful, I like to believe the sisters of fate has brought us together for a reason," her gentle soft head pressed again his another hand to his Cheek while his hand came to hers, "I...Love you like a human woman love a human man, life is just that more vibrant with you by my side."

Apart from him wanting to cry but he didn't want to know it would only make her cry too and he didn't know if she could see the water around her...Fuck this is horrible, Nitida wiping away a tear she smiled instead of letting this misery drag her down.

"We won't let this ruin our beautiful night," she whispered wrapping her arms around his neck bringing him closer, "me and you right now, we won't think of tomorrow or such depressing things and think of what time we have left...And enjoy it to our fullest"

All he could do was smile bitterly nodding along, knowing something like this would happen of course it would happen to him, he ended up falling in love with-

No...he won't sulk not with her, listening to her word of wise look to her and kissed her, she didn't relent kissing one another not one born of wild passion but one more gentle romantic.

Making their way to the bed slowly undressing one another, Nitida robe and hat, Tripp's jacket shirt, jeans even boxer.
