The Magician Pt. 03


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And a viral magic where the more sex these targeted guys have with the girls the more they dream about getting fucked like these girls are and fucked by me.

Because the girls are programmed to tell them about me fucking them into being who they really are. A viral fantasy that will slowly build and build.

And infecting dream charms and infecting fantasy spells.

The guys, my targets on my list, shitty people in my old life and now that'll do the world more good as cock loving tranny shemales.

It's my thing, some people would just make better women.

Women are nicer especially if you make and invent them.

And the worst still deserve to be cum dumpsters.

The world will always need cum dumpsters.

I also delved into the girl's memories implanting Cherry with her ordering their hormones. From China and I make a huge box of bottles with blockers and oestrogen tabs, gels and patches as well as breast cookies and yam extracts and soy "hormone" drinks.

I made it so they think they ordered it but can't find it online anymore but there's years worth here. Like bulk order styled factory made chinese generics enough to look official but impossible to track.

I made the hormones strong and potent.

And mystical.

Little pushes for clear skin, losing body and facial hair, slimming bone structure down... not a lot but enough that it feminises them more. Head hair growth, nail growth, fat growth in all the right places like with regular hormones just enhanced.

No cancerous side effects either, just heavy duty girl-fuel.

When Dana gets back I help others get things organised and set up for things we're doing for Halloween in town. It's easy to get her hyped about doing cool things we never had in town as kids that age and spreading that to her friends and even getting a buzz going about it with charms that are set with excitement magic.

And adding in great sex with things going on helps things and the fact that she feels really involved in something that is off the books but getting done.

We have a parade before the kids thing at the lake and it's mostly decorated cars and a few tractors and carts but lots of people in costumes and giving out heat and peel tattoos and stickers and mini bags of chips.

Then the park event with scary campsite trick or treating and volunteers doing jump scares in that haunted house way at different campsites areas and dry ice fog cauldrons, jack o lanterns and treats. I make notes and things for next year as well as mystically push the fun at the parents and the kids, push playing and socialising and more charms on the few local press people for papers and radio and I make sure the people that notice town events and have money and power are charmed and having a good time.

Including town councillors and the mayor who show up and we end up having a side talk about how they wish they had more notice about this other than the permits and that it was going to be such a thing.

I said. "We're doing this mostly as a school project for the community but we'd love to have the town's blessing on this and we can say that we already talked about this and if asked you entrusted the young people with getting things done."

There's some back and forth and I'm willing to give and share credit to get things going but not just going but plans for next year and more.

Add in that in the talking I called over some of the folks from the meeting at my place and with some more charms they get that this is something that they want to be on board with.

And the people called over had friends like them here checking things out and I got introductions and we all sort of agreed on a community wishlist meeting soon in the future.

My costume doesn't hurt either as I'm dressed as a caveman and while not indecent there's easy ways to confirm rumours of my dick size and that plus my build and muscles adds to the dominant leader sort of energy.

Later there's a roller dance at the hockey rink for the teens and playing music not allowed at school dances and there's an Adult dance at The Legion Hall.

It went off like a bomb with people super happy and having a great time and with pieces in the paper and on the local radio and even mentions on the local tv station.

It gives a whole new energy and vibe to Fall Fair.

Fall Fair is pretty much or used to be the whole county fair thing or was called The Exhibition. It was farming and crafts and fall things and rides and if we were lucky some bands.

I organise a bunch of my notes and ideas and actually call my accountant, Holly and Paula and Sally and Sandy and Tanya and my friends over plus Dana and whoever she thinks will have good ideas and things we can add to things.

Some things we solve fast with local garage and high school and college bands can come and play. We'll offer a play stage and venue for them. There are people here already that know enough bands we can cover most of the fair.

Food court and stalls for local butchers and businesses and permission to sell their goods from a freezer etc as long as they're safe. Important side businesses that Holly knows of because of the bank and thinks like cheese makers, local cheeses and booze and ice cream.

Booze has us plan to add in a "beer garden." with bouncers that will keep drinks inside and take care of the rowdy stuff.

Charity booths of as many kinds as we can get to come and we can squeeze free donated booths from the school's shop class.

Inviting people from trade schools and the government like the agriculture minister etc to the event. Sure he might not show or he might send someone but we can try. Trade schools, agricultural colleges, anything remotely official we decided to aim letters at.

Even having an off site even as Paula suggests her family use fill and their construction gear to make a motocross bike and ATV race course and have a night for offroading vehicle races and we could even attract or try to get some monster trucks.

That goes over big as we all agree the racing could be a year round thing for town and put us on the circuit for that kind of events and tourist money and a couple of the guys suggest a speed trial track road built near that for time trials.

And then we add in that but Fall Fair is in November so why don't we let the car buffs have a car show before the winter hits.

And of course hitting up farm companies for funding for the Fair but offer free booths they can use as well as filming rights for commercials and the chance to pass out company goods and things.

We eat, drink, make a day of brainstorming and then getting the ideas polished and organised and ready for the bigger meetings and Holly settles in as my secretary/assistant in making the calls and getting us started.

Holly's getting full milf attention from the guys as well as from Dana and Paula from the charms I placed on her and Paula is looking better and better as she's a gym owner so she's there in the mornings everyday and she shows up other times too and she's just hot.

Tall, really curvy with wide hips and huge firm tits and an ass that's just getting better and better.

I give the guys and Dana the nudge to give Holly their numbers and for Dana and Paula to exchange numbers.

I pushed some energy into their attraction and no one stayed over. We were all pretty much sensible folks that night at least.

But I charmed some appointments together fast the next day for us to get together with some of the town businesses and council and the mayor and by Friday we have a meeting and get together at one town hall using the big meeting rooms and we get it catered and we go over each idea pro, cons, what's needed, who's willing to outright do these things and somethings like contacting companies ect we have letters written, made to be signed and for some of the ministers and political types too and we het that barrage started and more passed out for the people her at the meeting would give out to people they knew.

I push hard suggestions. "Boots on the grown people, we want these by Monday evening so they get mailed out."

Next is a phone list and tree to mimic the letters with calls to these same people.

The vote goes through on the Casey's building the motocross track yard and the time trial piece of roads and Caseys will foot the bill in return for owning the property and it ends up going in this old railway waste yard dumped on the town by a railway subletter that had oil cars.

People can't live there but it might have been okay for something industrial but a motorsports area we can make that happen under the law enough and we get it done legally there, then, with contracts and everything else and Paula's uncle says that there's locals lined up to use it as practice areas between what'll be races and events.

People from here are already doing it and competing elsewhere we are just joining other places.

We talk about booths and building and volunteers and the school kids and getting that locked down and that teaching community is every bit as much as lesson worthy as academics.

We get everything hard started including the bandstand area and contacting the bands and there's a few people in the group that know people and that's settled and even our carnival rides getting sourced and settled with a few phone calls from the money folks in town rather than the town council and everything runs smoothly as I charm folks or push mental suggestions to negate butthurt or posturing or pride and boost us getting things done minus the bullshit.

I actually had to smooth over things a lot there's a lot of people way too self important wanting to be seen or heard just for that and no purpose.

We end things with me getting permits to set up some Remembrance day/Veteran's day flood lights and spruce things up some and at the Cemetery with the graves of our vets.

I talked to the owners and groundskeepers and a few heavy charms and an offer to offset costs they say they'll donate all the care.

I get some light floodlights and hook them to a battery and a solar set up behind the cenotaph and have the sensor lights coming on at night and just pointed onto the statue we have there.

It's not much but it looks right at dark now and it strikes a cord of respect in town.

I kept it quiet and didn't say a thing, just let people find out on their own.

Meanwhile the school is driving making booths and all our letters went out and our calls got through with messages. I get together some war comics and old classic and refurbish magic them and sold them fast online to a theme collector I found and my reputation as having good and real stuff sealed the deal and I talked to our cadet corp leader about getting the other troops in from the next two towns and that I'd pay for the van rentals and each year we can alternate towns and do a bigger showing.

He calls them and I give him the cheque for the vans and say if they can get drums or a piper I'd pay for that too.

"Why Alex you were never in?"

"Cadets are a way for poor kids to go to cadet camp, as in summer camp and get paid to go. Plus learning stuff if we get more kids interested then it's good for them, good for the org, the vets you help, community stuff it's like 4-H and the farming thing and community gardens."

"Anything for the town huh?"

"Some of us leave and that's fine but if it goes too far public services leave because there's no public, the longer that goes the worse it gets, we've been heading there here too but slower than a few places."

"You sure about the money though?"

"Eric, I literally sold some comics to a collector."

"So expensive?"

"It's still comics, it's Remembrance day and the kids still need people to take an interest."

"Well thank you."

I clapped him on the shoulder. "I'll get it back at tax time."

That taken care of, I took a cheque to the Legion hall to give them money to pay for the Veteran's dance costs, the whole thing and a little extra to pay for a free basket of fries for every second pitcher of beer sold. It's not much but it's the end of that comic money.

The rest of the month was just pure momentum.

We had thirty cadet kids from three towns and schools in the Remembrance Day parade, they had flags and rifles and were in beast dress and marched and did the army things and there were orders and whistle signals and all the army things and I was right thirty kids looked way better than our ten or so.

And they had their own drummers two of them from the schools and one of the other cadet branch leaders played the bagpipes.

Our vets were there and dressed, there were good speeches and the minutes of silence and there were parents and grandfolks and others there to see the kids and at my suggestion the Ladies Auxiliary had a table with "free" tea and coffee for people at crowd.

I hit the area with the emotions there.

I push on the memories of our vets no matter the era, mix it with some pride and feelings that the gather people care, give a fuck and I take those feelings and waft it through the crowd, push a little empathy, show some pride in our people and town and even cry for some of them,

It's a good vibe to leave people in at the event along with a little nudge about the dance.

Dana and I went. We can't drink but we still go and dance, especially to the old WW2 era music they're playing mixed in with other stuff.

There's a really good turn out, and tips and donations are flowing and it was just a good time.

Dana gets impressed and turned on all over again as people here know me too and they're getting to know her through me.

And the fact I helped here started going around and the cenotaph lights and helping the cadets out.

It was worth it for the looks I was getting and the looks from my folks and my grandparents were worth even more.

Yeah, I have issues with my parents but as fucked up as it is after two lives some of their approval still has value to me.

Measured though my dad's still a drinker and a shit talker so that'll always be a thing.

I do push the good time people are having and since everyone here's an adult pretty much I let loose some romance charms to couples and boost their fun and lovey-dovey stuff and definite suggestions of hooking up later tonight.

Dana and I left headed to my place where she stayed over again and she's definitely turned on by that bit of social recognition we got tonight, she got tonight.

Power makes her horny it seems, it goes well with her sports and competing streak too.

The sex is intense without magic but after a round of that I dip into the spells getting hard again and staying that way but I do the female version to her clit and nipples it's a healing and blood flow spell but it gives her a raging hard clit and I up her sensitivity and I do my cum doubling spell on both of us.

And soundproofed the bedroom.

Fucking her as she has wild, screaming bucking orgasms that verge on spasms and adding that to our athletic hard fucking is a wild ride and she just screams and thrashes and pushed back as good as I gave and we wrecked the bed clothes and she bent the bed frame at the head board area and I fuck her until she's exhausted and a little dehydrated and her sugars were bottomed out.

I left her full of my cum in both sets of holes and then went downstairs and got cleaned up with magic and defrosted some good free range cut up chicken from my butcher and did a few cantrips to tenderise it and marinade it and then I washed up again and got water and made her a smoothie and went back to her waking her enough to drink and have the smoothie to have her have something in her mouth and she did all of that but started sucking my dick and wasn't going to be satisfied until she was swallowing my cum.

I slowly face fucked her into that deep trance and felt the change as all the tension left her body and I tweeked her memories so that she thinks she sucked my cock five times as I do cum replication and full her stomach until she's actually full with my cum.

And I imprint that she had that much cum in her, in everywhere inside of her and I kind of bind that to her pride and ego and identity as a sexual woman.

But I tune the healing spells to help her build better muscles, stronger, faster, and strengthen her joints and bones a little while she's out cold and push her ambition.

Get to college, play pro or at the nationals or olympic levels, push for things while she's doing that for changes home to bring better sports and gear to the girls here in town.

Leading practices here but leading her team in the gym and doing things together before graduation.

I let her dream ambitious, inspired dreams while I made us buttermilk fried chicken at three in the morning and good wedge cut fries.

I let the girls run or close the shop for the weekend and Dana and I spend the entire weekend eating, holing up in my bedroom and fucking in between naps and food and healing spells to prevent chaffing and rawness and every time we get to the super intense athletic sex I crank her cells into workout mode and fuck until her body stops and then it's more recovery.

We hit the next week pretty much at full steam and neither of us deny that we fucked all weekend but we phrase it better than that when asked.

We hear from the farm gear/tractor places that they'll be attending and John Deere and Massey Ferg, Kubota and others are wanting event space and we agree, we agree and start planning with their reps and as we're doing that we talk sales pitches for getting them to open stores or other things in town and we're contacted by several animal feed companies and the Mayor actually go Bass Pro shops to come down to run a booth and Paula's uncle has ATV and Motocross guys coming to do stuff in the arena but the dirt hills and tracks and bleachers will be ready too in town.

We're all busy and the logistics in getting people placed is a lot of work and would have been moreso if I hadn't settled things with charm magic to make people more pliable and easier to satisfy.

I make sure the ads are charmed on the radio and pay to have our fair's revival as a news story with the announcers telling people everything that we have but still want to have like arts, crafts, jams ect food contests and prizes and ribbons.

Like the old days and I use magic to push that nostalgia.

I made sure the town council and people are on the same page in trying to offer the farm companies in our town with contracts on super low property taxes and costs.

Some baulked but heavy charms and the push of making jobs ended up stronger than those few.

I'll always hold this to heart that if people ever found out what I've done, done to people even that I can look to needing to spell a lot of people repeatedly into being decent people and less self interested and jealous assholes.

Because without doing that it'd be the whole crabs in a bucket thing.

And speaking of that mentality and doing things to people it was this week that Jeri or rather Jeremy happened.

Jeremy Burkhart was not on the list.

I didn't like him, but we never really crossed paths.

He's a rat, he is the kid in school that ran to teachers and parents and as he got older he never grew out of it he just became the guy that dug up dirt on people and spread it around or used it.

Some people in my timeline said worst that he blackmailed people especially since he was a lawyer like his dad. And not the good kind of lawyer but more of a douche dad rep or ambulance chaser ect.

I discovered Jeri while astral walking and he was casing my place and he had the whole telephoto big lens camera and the whole thing.

I took a dip inside his mind and found that while he wasn't hired to do this he was low key pissy about my success, my life, that I was too respected and too good to be true.