The Making of a Man Ch. 05


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Sipping his shot now instead of downing it, he replied, "I've never liked that guy. I hope he spends the rest of his life jacking off."

"Amen. That's exactly what he deserves treating my baby sister like his dick rag."

Starting to feel warm and fuzzy, he felt compelled to add, "Most women don't fully appreciate how special their gender is, in my opinion. Women are life's greatest gift to mankind but men take this for granted. Any woman willing to spread her legs for a guy should be revered, doted on and cherished. If all women saw themselves the way I see them, they'd rule this world."

Laura laughed. "I like the way you think, Nick! I want to live in that world you describe."

Nick raised his glass and added, "Me too."

"Kara said you showed her a fantastic time in bed. Even after exhausting yourself earlier with another woman, you still found the energy to put Kara's need before your own. That's a rare quality in a guy, you know. It's obvious you really think the highly of women."

The effects of the drink kicking in, he leaned closer and said, "God, I do. I just can't help it, Laura. Everywhere I go, I look at women of all ages and types and I find myself studying them. Wondering what they like best from a lover. I never harass and I seldom give chase but I try to have a plan to fuck every beautiful woman I meet."

Giving him a coy look, she asked, "Does that include me, Nick?"

Smiling, he responded, "If I'm being completely honest here, you were the first woman I noticed when I came in so, yes. But, when I look at you, I see more complexity. There's no simple path with you. A woman like you demands I form multiple plans and I like to be prepared."

Laura couldn't stop laughing with his intoxicated revelations. "You are an intriguing young guy, Nick. I like that you see me as complex. Most men just see me as something fun to fuck."

Downing the rest of his drink, he said, "I won't lie. I see that too but I see much more in addition to that."

Leaning on her elbows, enjoying the playful conversation, she smiled warmly and asked, "Why couldn't you be older? With an attitude towards women like yours, you must be very popular with the ladies. I imagine the gates frequently swing wide for a guy like you."

Feeling particularly open he offered, "It wasn't always that way, Laura. Would you believe less than six months ago, I had never even kissed a girl? I was scared to death of them. Now, I get sex whenever I want it."

Laura laughed but he found himself questioning why he volunteered the last part.

"That sounds like a fascinating tale of discovery. You'll have to give me all the details some day." Pouring his third, she offered, "One more for the road."

Nick tried to stop her from pouring but she continued and motioned back to the booth where Tori and Kara were now making out again to the amusement of dozens of other customers.

"Those two are doing well on their own. It's starting to appear you've been 'cock blocked,' Nick."

Nick was feeling better each passing minute. Smiling broadly, he took another sip and leaned into Laura, "Only temporarily. Tonight was always about them anyway. I had an instinct they'd hit it off and I was right. I look out for my friends. It's not always about me."

Truly taken aback, Laura clinked her bottle to his shot glass in salute and responded, "You're a hell of a good wingman, Nick."

Finishing his drink, he proclaimed, "I'm ready to try again. Can I leave their drinks with you?"

"Absolutely. Go drag them back out there, Stud!"

Nick normally didn't drink to this level of intoxication but he was feeling bullet proof now and wanted to show Tori he was no longer afraid to dance. Moseying back to the table, he invited the two beautiful women to dance with him. Astonished by the sudden change in his demeanor, they jumped up to accept.

Once on the floor, he found it easier to move and sway with them. They became increasingly sensual with him and he was all too eager to return the affection. Before long, the three of them were entangled with one another, grinding, groping and kissing.

Moving back to the booth, the two ladies sat on either side on him and focused solely on getting him worked up. Nick could hardly take the heat. While one kissed him, the other nibbled on his neck or blew in his ear, all the while massaging his aching prick. They took turns on him for a while until he was ready to break.

Seeing this, they forced him back to the dance floor. The cycle of dancing, drinking and making out continued into the night. Eventually, Nick found himself needing a longer break. Relaxing at the booth, Kara excused herself to go grab drinks giving Nick a few minutes with Tori.

"So tell me honestly, Muffin, are you enjoying yourself tonight?"

"Fuck yes, I am! I haven't had so much fun in years. I used to love this shit but life gets in the way. Thank you for reminding me how much I missed it."

Smiling, he said, "I'm so glad. I'm having a great time, too. I really wanted to you to have fun. It makes me feel so good to see you smile and laugh. Things appear to be going great between you and Kara, by the way. You taking her home tonight."

"I'm glad you asked. I'd like to but I'd also like to take you home instead. She would be a lot of fun, I don't doubt, but it's way past time for me to spend some quality time with the guy who is going to become my favorite fuck. I'd appreciate some advice from a friend, Nick."

"Well, good timing, Muffin, I'm feeling a little trashed which means I'm excessively honest and open. Because I'm trashed, I won't be able to perform at my best. When I look at you, I see fine art in female form. You deserve me at my very best."

Tori laughed but he went on. "Point two is I'm not going anywhere. You could put me on the back burner for months and I'd still walk through fire to have you. What you have going with Kara might be around later but this is the perfect time to move on her. She wants you. Slap your collar on her now if you really want her. That's my advice!"

"Would you be willing to loan me your truck and find a way home?"

Fishing out his keys and handing them over, he said, "Of course. Shouldn't be hard. Do me a favor and snap a few photos of you fucking the hell out of her."

Tori snatched them up and tucked them away. "Oh, thank you, Nick. You're such a sweet guy and the best friend ever." Kissing him, she rubbed on his dick and added, "Would you like a nice hummer to take the edge off until tomorrow? I feel bad leaving you like this while I go off and have fun."

"Tonight is all about you, Muffin. I'll be fine. Go take your gift home and unwrap her."

Tori got up to see why Kara was taking so long with the drinks. Approaching the bar, she could see Kara conspiring with her sister. As she walked up, Kara had two of the drinks ready and took them back to the table while Tori waited for the last drink.

Laura had been enjoying the night's antics when she offered, "You know, Kara is just giddy right now and she hasn't really had all that much to drink. It's great to see her enjoying herself so much. Thanks for showing my kid sister such a great time."

"Nick described her to me and wanted me to meet her sometime. I'm really glad we came. It's been so long since I've had this kind of fun."

"You going to take Kara home and have your way with her?"

Not sure where Laura was headed with the blunt question, she figured it was best to be equally blunt about her intentions. "If she's down for it, I'd definitely take her to my place and make her my plaything."

Laura laughed and replied, "Oh, she's down for it! She's been asking me for advice on how to get you to do just that. Kara didn't bring a car, you know. I gave her a lift here."

"It's okay. Nick already loaned me his truck in case I closed the deal."

"You got a great friend there. Hope you realize that."

"Oh, I do. You know, first I offered to take him him home instead but he said I should take Kara. Then I offered to take him off to a quiet corner and blow him just so he didn't feel neglected. That sweetie said that tonight was all about me! I've never known a guy like him before."

"Don't ever undervalue him. I'm still trying to find a guy like that in my age group."

Taking the drink back to the table, Laura was left to ponder. Shy typically preferred guys her own age but she couldn't help but consider how it might be to take young Nick out for a test spin. Knowing the details of him fucking the hell out of Elyse prior to doing the same to Kara had her mind whirling through the possibilities. As excited as she was by the idea, she preferred one on one relationships and Nick could never tie himself down like that.

Downing the next round of drinks, Nick took them out dancing again. After a bit, he excused himself back to the bar so he could have a good view of his erotic ladies grinding on each other. He also found he enjoyed chatting with Laura as well. As she mixed drinks and helped customers, he took a few minutes to admire the beautiful woman.

He guessed Laura was in her early to mid thirties. She had long, straight blond hair, pulled back into a pony. Perhaps around five foot seven by his estimation, she had a slim figure which he appreciated in woman. He figured she was probably around 120 or 125 pounds in weight. She had lovely, large breasts overflowing from her white blouse which had been tied into a knot at the bottom to reveal a sexy belly.

She had nice thick lips but her best feature, he thought, was her ass. She wore firm jeans which accentuated their shape but they weren't overly snug so as she moved around, he could see her tight cheeks jiggling around when the material slackened.

Lost in his reverie, she noticed him checking her out. Turned on by his interest in her, she still wasn't certain she wanted to tangle with someone so young. His drink low, she moved his way to offer another.

"You know Nick, with your two ladies heading off without you, you need to consider there are lots of opportunities for you here tonight. More than one girl has commented to me about you. Not sure if it it's the sexy company your with, or your laid back style or maybe it's your killer dance moves but I think there's a number of girls here who might want to take you home tonight."

Feeling very bold and brash, he believed he could probably say just about anything to Laura and get away with it. "They probably heard I have a HUGE dick, Laura."

Laura got a great laugh from his teasing and teased back, "I love your style Nick! You are so cute with a couple drinks in you. Not hard to see why the ladies like you. But you forget Kara has sent me your sex photos. You have an amazing body and a nice dick too but it hardly qualifies as HUGE. Now look around. You're in a meat market. Point out a single lady you want to bed and I'll give you my advice on how to get her."

Nick briefly looked around, then leaned forward and took a long, deliberate drink of Laura. Scanning upwards, he chewed on his lower lip and sucked in his breath in an overly obvious gesture before stopping to make direct eye contact.

"I think I see the woman I want to bed tonight. She's tending bar. Not sure what time she gets off work. She's here alone. Appears lonely and in need of great sex. Probably would appreciate a man who knows how to worship a beautiful woman and doesn't see her as some piece of meat. What do you think? Do I have a shot at her?"

Laura smiled and blushed slightly. "Kara was right about you. You are a lady killer, aren't you? But I need my guys a little older. If we were closer in age, I'd take you home and do bad things to you, Stud."

"Well, you can't blame a guy like me for trying, right? It's healthy to dream about sampling the finer things in life. And while you hustle around helping customers, I'm going to marvel at your gorgeous ass and dream about knocking the bottom out of it."

Smiling, she said, "You do that, Baby. Have another drink. Not that you need any more but you're awfully cute all tipsy like this."

Laura found she really loved flirting with Nick. He had a way of making her feel vibrant and young again. While Nick was young like the other customers, he had an older soul yet at the same time, he was fun and playful without coming across as crude or creepy which she often saw in drunk guys coming through the bar.

Enjoying his attention, she deliberately walked the length of the bar away from him, sashaying her hips excessively so her ass would jiggle extravagantly for his entertainment. Looking back as she reached the end, she smiled warmly seeing him biting his knuckles with a pained look on his face, but clearly pleased all the same by her affectionate display.

Not to be outdone, she retrieved her phone and found the naked pics Kara had once sent her of them together. Scanning through the pics, her eyes kept going from him to the pics and back again, hoping he'd pick up on what she was seeing on her phone. Apparently he did, she thought, because he rested his head in his hand and smiled at her knowingly.

Laura got back to filling drink orders, feeling pretty good about herself. Nick had a way of lifting spirits just as Kara said so she made up her mind then to offer him a ride home if continued to be fun and flirty with her as he had been all evening.

Checking in with the ladies again, Tori and Kara were kissing again as he approached. He danced with them again before Tori informed him she was making her move on Kara and taking her home. Nick made himself scarce so Tori could could have her alone.

Holding her close, Tori whispered in her ear. "The night is winding down, Kitten. What do you say I take you home and fuck you senseless."

"Oh, yes, Tori. I'd like that very much!"

"If you want to come home with me, you need to call me Mistress and beg for it."

Looking her in the eyes, Kara said, "Please Mistress. Please take me home and fuck me senseless. I'll do anything to please you. I've been wanting this all night."

"You'd do anything to please me? Let's test your honesty. Keep your hands on the table, Kitten."

Before Kara could say anything, Tori slipped her hand under Kara's skirt and slid a couple fingers along her honey hole. Noticing she had no panties on, she scooped up some of the wetness and held her fingers up to Kara to see.

"What's this, Kitten? No underwear. And you're drenched. What a slutty, little Kitten you are."

Tori licked a finger and held the other out for Kara. Kara immediately sucked the offering.

"Are you going to be my little slut tonight, Kitten?"

"Yes, Mistress. I'll be a good slut for you."

Slipping her hand back down, she started vigorously finger fucking her new Kitten.

Kara struggled to her hands on the table and asked, "Mistress, should we be doing this here? I think people are watching."

"Let them watch, Kitten. Everyone here already thinks you've just become my slutty Kitten. Your public orgasm is going to offer them verification. Now text Nick and beg him for permission to climax. You are not allowed to have it unless he grants permission. Understand, Kitten?"

Nick was back at the bar with Laura and the two of them watched the powerful exchange.

"Kara doesn't know what she's getting into. Tori is going to devour her, Nick."

Looking Laura in the eye, he said, "She's not the only one with a growing hunger, you know. I learned how to dance tonight. I think you should take me home so I can teach you how to sing."

"Well I don't get off for a while so looks like we're both out of luck."

"I'm perfectly content to sit here and milk my drink until you get off work, beautiful. It'll give me time to mull over all the things I want to do to your body."

"You're really pouring it on thick, Baby. You that horny?"

Trying to be serious for a moment, he confessed, " I very much am but I think I just love a good challenge more than anything. And you are a delicious challenge, beautiful. I dig that you're enjoying our playful repartee and teasing me back. You may not believe me but I can handle it. I've been teased to the brink of crying before, only to be denied. I love that sort of thing and I can take it. Flirting is sometimes more fun than sex itself."

"I'm glad you told me that, Nick, because now I'm going to really start teasing you. Might be fun to see a guy cry."

Pulling her phone from her back pocket, she quickly pulled up the picture he took long ago of Tori looking up at the camera with an open mouth full of his spunk, his dick dribbling at the corner of her crooked smile and her eyes lustfully indicating she was loving her milky treat.

Showing the photo to Nick, she said, "You think Kara gave you great head that night? I taught her everything she knows about sucking cock. But not everything I know."

Nick swallowed hard, unable to come up with a witty retort. This new intensity from Laura was something he hadn't expected. Staring into her eyes, he almost considered waving the white flag of truce.

Lightening up on him, she proposed an offer. "Well Sweetie, I know you're a decent and trustworthy guy so I'll tell you what. If you hang out until I get off work, I'll give you a ride. But no sex. Just a ride. Deal?"

Abandoning his peace making contemplations, he went off in pursuit, hoping to learn about these oral skills she boasted of. "Deal! I don't need to push myself on you anyway, Laura. By the time we leave, you'll be pushing yourself on me."

Laughing, she asked, "Is that so? What makes you say that?"

"Well, first I'm going to flirt with you playfully, nonstop, until you get off work. If you are like Kara, you absolutely love a good lickjob and she no doubt told you how good I am at it. I suspect your peach has been neglected for months so for the next two hours you're going to dwell on how nice it would be to finally have that. And in the end, you'll rationalize that I'm not like other guys my age and you can always dim the lights and pretend I'm older."

Impressed, she smiled and leaned over to speak softly in his ear, "That's just being cruel, you know. You're right about most of it. I absolutely crave a good lickjob and my peach has been neglected way too long. In fact, it's crying for attention right now. And yes, Kara mentioned your skills and I'd be lying if I said I haven't already been dwelling on the delightful thought all night. As much as I want you to turn me inside out, I'm going to pass on your generous offer and stick to driving you home."

"I have a couple hours to wear you down, beautiful!"

Nick's phone dinged as they spoke. Reading the message from Kara, he laughed and shared it with Laura who also got a kick out of it.

The two of them immediately looked back at the playful couple and Nick knew immediately that Kara was hurting.

"What do you think Laura? Should I make her suffer a while or put her out of her misery?"

"You do have a cruel side, don't you, Nick?"

"Yeah, I do! Just enough to make things more intense. I'll let her have it in a moment but first, I want to see her suffer."

"Would you do that to me, Nick? Make me suffer?"

"Even more so, Laura, because I know you can handle it and also because you'd adore me much more afterwards."

"Jesus! I'm suffering now and we haven't done anything more than talk. But you're probably right on both counts."

Texting his permission back to Kara, he said, "Okay, poor thing has reached her limit."

Laura and Nick watched as Kara attempted, but failed, to climax discreetly by Tori's expert fingering. While the loud music and other commotion drowned out any cries she might have uttered, anyone watching would have been hard pressed to miss the obvious signs of a woman in the throes of a powerful explosion. Nick smiled proudly as Kara white knuckled a cocktail napkin, her breath coming in gasps and her mouth wide open as if in pain.
