The Making of a Man Ch. 05


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Looking around, Nick chuckled as he took in the scene of at least twenty other customers who witnessed the incredible moment.

Laura was equally amused and shared her observations. "Nick, I've seen five guys now adjusting themselves over that little display. This club hasn't seen that level of excitement in some time."

Turning to Laura, he said, "That's nothing, gorgeous. I've been adjusting myself constantly since I set eyes on you."

Nearly blushing again, she leaned into him and whispered in his ear, "Finish your drink, Cutie."

Nick watched as Tori took her new prize home. Looking at his phone, he figured two hours would pass quickly in Laura's company. He knew Tori would make good on her promise to take photos but he hoped she'd manage to sneak some in while he was still hanging out with Laura.

Forty five minutes later, his hopes were fulfilled when the first one came in. A fully nude Kara was nestled between Tori's legs, happily devouring Tori's wetness. To Nick's surprise, Tori was wearing thigh high, black leather boots with stiletto heels. He fantasized what the rest of her outfit looked like but it wasn't hard to guess she looked powerful and scary and glorious all at once.

A moment later, several more shots came of the same sex scene. He particularly liked the last one where Kara was passionately looking up into the camera as she dragged her flat tongue up Tori's slit. The look on her face showed she was tasting heaven. He couldn't help but notice Tori had more piercings down below. Something he looked forward to examining tomorrow night in better detail.

Showing the last photo to Laura, he asked, "Did you teach Kara this as well?"

On seeing the pic, Laura burst out laughing. "I can't say I have experience in that area. It would seem Kara is the expert in that arena. Looking at this makes me rather envious of Tori though."

"Little girl, in an another hour, your feelings of envy will be replaced with a new emotion; Gratitude. Kara is an amateur at cunnilingus. When I'm finished with you, you're going to be spoiled rotten."

Nick could see that last tease really hit home. He liked her laughing and smiling at his remarks but this time, it was clear his comment was also being taken very seriously.

No more photos came from Tori over the next hour but he figured she'd be taking her time breaking in her new pet. Laura was able to take off after last call, letting others handle the clean up and closing procedures. He had deliberately stopped drinking more than an hour earlier, having seen firsthand through his roommates the consequences of not knowing when to stop.

As they got into her car and she put his address into he GPS, it dawned on him why Laura was so resistant to giving in when she was clearly interested. He got around and the people he screwed also got around. She was simply being responsible and he had to respect her position on that. Accepting that, he knew it was time to dial it down.

"Laura, I really appreciate everything you've done for us tonight and thank you for giving me a ride. I had a wonderful time and I really liked just hanging out and bantering with you. I feel like I need to apologize though for being so aggressive. I'd like to blame it on the alcohol but that was just me pushing a little too much."

"There's no need to apologize at all, Nick. I had a blast too. I'm thirty five and like guys my age but unfortunately, only youngsters come into the club. I'm so used to guys your age being crude and nasty. I actually enjoyed getting all worked up by you. I really am tempted by your offer if it's any consolation. Believe me, I'm suffering more than you, Nick."

"You know, Laura, there's no reason you should suffer. I would be happy to go down on you, no strings attached. I'll even stay fully dressed. I just love doing it and I get a thrill from hearing a lady get off. I've gotten mercy blowjobs before so why shouldn't you experience some mercy from me? Sort of like me 'passing it on,' so to speak."

"Oh, you're killing me, Baby! I wouldn't feel right about using you like that. And I couldn't leave a guy with blue balls like that."

Nick laughed at that before responding, "Laura, I get laid often. Tori is going to do to me tomorrow what Kara is going through now. I'm the last person anyone should feel sorry for. If you want, you may use me like a sex toy to fill your need and do it guilt free. You don't even have to say 'thank you' when you leave. I'm completely good offering you this, no strings attached."

Not accepting nor declining, she could only say, "That's quite an offer, Baby."

Laura decided at this point to accept his mercy lickjob. She wasn't sure how to accept without coming across like a needy whore or as desperate but since she was actually desperate, there was no reason trying to skirt around it.

They rode in silence for the last few minutes until finally pulling up to Nick's place. "Nick, if I accept your offer, will you give me your word it won't lead to intercourse?"

"You have my word, Laura."

"And Kara told me how you like to do it all gentle like, taking your time. I'll lose my fucking mind if you subject me to that kind of torture right now. I really need to ride your face, Nick. Bad!"

"I'm at your disposal."

The two made a beeline straight into Nick's bedroom. None of his roommates were up but there were plenty of signs for her to recognize he had some. Nick chuckled inwardly at the speed at which she ditched her shoes and pants. He considered trying to kiss her to set a better stage but she had a different approach.

Behaving as if she had limited time, she ordered, "Lay on the floor, Stud, head close to your bed."

Doing as he was told, she immediately straddled his face, held onto his bed for balance and feverishly humped his mouth. No stranger to getting face fucked, Nick knew to expose his tongue and purse his lips for extra stimulation. Within three or four pumps, he saw her mouth open and her face took on a familiar look of a colossal explosion. Quietly, she whimpered and gasped, her body shaking. He grabbed her ass cheeks with both hands and pulled her in tighter, causing her to arch her back violently.

Her hair trigger response reminded him of himself back when Rachel took his virginity. It was everything he could do to last longer than five or six thrusts in those early days. Laura was certainly no virgin so her response likely was the result of sexual neglect. Something he understood and wanted to help with if he could.

As she settled down, she found a gentle rhythm of grinding herself into his face in a circular fashion. After a bit, she appeared satisfied and moved back a few inches so he could breath.

"Why don't you lay on the bed and I'll lick you slow and gentle now?"

The bulk of her lust sated, she was far more relaxed and open to suggestion. Moving up to the bed, he remained on the floor and positioned her opening at the edge so he had full access to her.

Using his fingers as well as his lips and tongue, he teasingly played with all her creases and folds. It didn't take long before she grabbed his pillow and suffocated herself with it. Nick grinned with delight seeing her white knuckles squeezing the life from his pillow and hearing her squeals and groans as he tortured her.

He wanted to do this to her indefinitely but wasn't sure she could tolerate the strain. Licking two fingers, he inserted them into her, twisting upward to press the roof of her canal. Her hips shot upward and she let out a loud moan through the pillow.

Finding her hard clit with his other hand, he pinched it delicately so it couldn't escape and suckled at it tenderly. Laura shot a hand down and found a fistful of hair. Unsure if this was a sign to stop or continue, the answer came moments later as she screamed into the pillow. Careful to ease up after her initial peak, he varied his routines and licked everywhere, hoping she'd enjoy to smooth ride down.

A couple minutes later, she finally removed the pillow and found her voice.

"Oh, that was fucking sensational, Nick. My little kitty is feeling so much better already."

"There's plenty more if you can handle it. I could pamper your kitty for hours."

"God, that sounds fabulous but I'm already starting to reconsider what I said earlier. I really need your cock inside me."

"I'd love to help you with that but I gave my word."

Jumping up, she started to dress as she continued speaking. "At least let me blow you, Nick. That's within the spirit of our agreement. Besides, I'd really love to do it and we both know you'd enjoy it greatly. You probably need it after the night you've just had."

Still on the floor, he moved over to her and kissed her belly button. Looking up, he replied, "Next time. Your kitty will need attention again at some point and our agreement then can be mutually oral. We both know the only way to build real trust is for me to keep my word and earning trust is super important to me."

Finishing up with her shoes, she pulled him to his feet and gave him a peck on the lips. Wrapping him in a hug, she said, "Thank you so much for tonight. I'm feeling super. I think there will be a next time if you're open to it and if there is, I'm going to suck you dry."

"Mmmm. I can hardly wait! Let me walk you to your car."

They exchanged numbers outside. Seeing her off, he got himself ready for bed and wondered how Tori and Kara were getting on.

Checking his phone, he realized there were three new pictures from Tori sent more than an hour earlier.

The first picture was Kara kneeling before Tori, sucking on the tip of a long 10 or 12 inch strap on, with Kara looking up as if seeking approval. Tori had a hand on her head and he could only imagine the instruction being given to the slutty Kitten.

The second picture was perhaps more stunning in Nick's view. It was the same position with Kara fully bottomed out on what he assumed was the same lengthy dildo. Her head was canted at an awkward angle and he'd seen her do this before to aid in getting it down her throat. As before, Kara managed to look up at the camera seductively.

The third picture was easily the best, he decided, because this one had Kara on all fours with Tori bottoming out the same long strap on in a view from behind. The angle of the camera showed Tori's tight belly with the strap fixed below, dildo planted deep into her honey hole but best of all, Kara's head was turned and she appeared to be having a huge orgasm. Tori's hand could be seen resting in the small of Kara's back, which was arched as well.

Nick was almost glad he didn't get these pics earlier. Laura seemed very open to Kara's lifestyle but everyone had limits.

He debated whether to text Tori about his thoughts on the fantastic photos. Figuring they had hours of enjoyment now, he sent it out.

"Magnificent! Truly Magnificent! Tori, you are stunning, by the way. I wish I could see your entire outfit. I bet it's both scary and sexy."

A minute later, Tori sent one of her lying on the bed in a sexy pose. Nick was speechless seeing his goddess in a black corset which left her midsection open and accentuated her cleavage. She wasn't wearing bottoms but still had on the sexy thigh highs he liked. The shot gave him a glimpse of her pussy for the very first time. Like the rest of her, it looked fabulous but he found the fiery red landing strip on her mound very enticing.

"You look Glorious! Thanks for sharing."

"You deserve it, Buttercup. You were amazing tonight, by the way. I can't tell you how touching it was that you set all this up for us. And I also wanted to say thank you for not being possessive of us or trying to force your way in. I can see now you're nothing like guys I've known."

"Is Kara still there? I assume she took the pic of you."

"She's here. We're just taking a short break. She's busy worshipping my cunt at the moment but she said to tell you thanks for everything."

"How'd you get home, Nick?"

"Laura was nice enough to drive me. Just waited until she got off."


"And I learned there's no such thing as a free ride. I always wondered how that expression came into existence. Anyway, I let her ride my face."

"Dude!!! Details. You can't leave me hanging like that."

"So she had an issue with our age difference but we were into each other, flirting and teasing all night. She confessed that her 'peach' was in desperate need but couldn't bring herself to bang a guy half her age so when she dropped me off, I offered her a 'mercy' lickjob. No strings attached. She seemed pretty happy afterwards and split. Wish there was more to tell."

"Wow, Buttercup, you are just the giver today, aren't you? I had Kara check her phone just now. There's already a text from her sister. Sounds like she was quite pleased. You lady slayer, you!"

Changing topics, she said. "Hey, I want to tell you something. I told you before I wanted to break in Kara alone. That I wanted to make her MY bitch. I enjoyed my time with her but I really regret not including you in it. I would have had even more fun if we had dominated her together. Made her OUR bitch. Then she'd be licking us both clean this very moment."

"I'm still glad you two got to bond but I'd love to join next time! Your pics have me panting like a fucking dog!"

"Speaking of that, I'm going to get wicked with my little Kitten again. Why don't you swing by around two? I was hoping we could just talk. There's stuff I feel like sharing with you."

"Looking forward to it! Do me a favor and make that dirty, little slut cry out my name!"

"Fuck, yeah! Count on it!

Finishing with Nick, Tori found she was in excellent spirits. She wanted him more now than ever before and she found it easy to envision a time where they played with Kitten together, sharing a new toy instead of fighting each other for dominance. Sure, there would be times when one or the other was feeling submissive and they could always act on those impulses but maybe Nick had the right attitude about them not starting off this relationship with predefined roles.

More than anything, Tori was ready to open up to Nick fully. To share her history in detail so he'd understand why she was the way she was. He opened up to her fully on their first date and she found his tale both fascinating and illuminating. She however, kept her past deliberately opaque. Not because of anything shocking but simply because she had always been private in that way and kept details limited to her inner circle. She wanted Nick to enter that circle now. To take on a more special role in her life. Hopefully, one that lasted many years.

Turning her attention back to Kara, she ran her fingers through her hair as Kara toyed with Tori's body piercings. She seemed unusually fascinated with her vaginal piercings and was currently fondling the verticle clit piercing through the hood. Kara took great delight in teasing Tori by licking her fingers as she played.

"Are you enjoying yourself down there, Kitten? I hope so because I'm going to make you pay dearly for it."

If Kara felt threatened by this, she certainty didn't show it. Instead, she licked the piercing directly, Sucking on it and tugging at it with her teeth, all the while looking up at her playfully, practically daring Tori to put her in her place.

"Oh, so Kitten is feeling bold enough to challenge me then. I think it's time for your first spanking."

With surprising strength and quickness, she sat up and dragged Kara across her lap, twisting an arm behind her back to stop her from escaping. Kara tried to squirm free but Tori easily pushed her arm higher causing significant discomfort.

Tori placed her hand across Kara's bare ass cheek and spoke in a firm voice. "Easy, Kitten. I enjoy your struggling but I don't want to hurt you. You need to learn your place with me and a spanking is a good start. I expect you to count the blows."

Tori made sure the first blow hurt so that Kara would know this wasn't just playful role play. "AAHH, shit! That really hurt!"

Struggling to twist free, Tori put her hand back into position and spoke more harshly. "Listen to me, Kitten! This is more than play for me. If you want to be done, we can get dressed and I'll take you home right now. But if you wish to remain with me, I own you as long as you're in my bed. Decide now."

The room went silent for many seconds before Kara softly spoke. "Mistress, I wish to remain with you. I'm sorry I misbehaved."

"That's better, Kitten. What else?"

"You own me, Mistress. I deserve this spanking."

"Very good, Kitten. Now, I'm going to start over. Count and keep up or I'll start over."

Before Kara could say anything, a stinging slap landed where the first one hit. Kara yelped and counted out loud. Followed by another and several more after that. By number seven, Kara was trembling and her voice showed signs of stress.

Figuring the message was now clear, Tori released her arm and commanded her to stay put while she stroked her bright red ass cheek.

"I know this is tough on you, Kitten, but that's how we learn our boundaries."

"Yes, Mistress."

Tori could tell in her voice, Kara was close to tears. "I'm not angry with you, Kitten. In fact, you've shown me such magnificent potential tonight. I'd like for this to continue. Tell me honestly. Are you angry with me."

"No, Mistress! Not at all! I'm just feeling very humbled right now. I've never been subjected to anything so humiliating."

Tori stopped massaging her inflamed bottom and slid her hand between her legs. "You're absolutely drenched, Kitten. Did that spanking turn you on?"

Barely audible, she whispered, "Yes, Mistress."

Playing with her wet box, she asked, "You're feeling ashamed because you enjoyed it. Am I right?"

"Yes, Mistress. How did you know?"

"Come kneel on the floor before me. That's it. Look up at me."

Cupping her chin lovingly, Tori explained. "Years ago, I once had a mistress too. She took me under her wing and taught me so much. She was glorious yet scary as hell. I remember the first spanking she gave me and how I nearly cried. I understand what your feeling. I really do, Kitten. Over time, I learned many painful lessons but she also rocked my sexual world to it's core. I believe I'm a better woman because of it."

Tori leaned down and kissed her tenderly. Kara's mood suddenly brightened and she said, "Mistress, I think you're glorious as well and now that I've felt your hand, a bit scary too. Are you planning to do to me what your mistress did to you?"

"That all depends on you, Kitten. You're not my slave and never will be. You always have the freedom to say you've had enough and walk away. But if you choose to be with me, to accept my collar, there will be rules. And severe consequences for breaking those rules. I can be a very harsh, controlling bitch. My sexual desires are great and my standards for your performance will seem impossibly high at times. There will be times when I lend your body out to others while I supervise your behavior."

Kara excitedly announced, "Mistress, I'd love to be your Kitten. I want it all."

"Tonight, Kitten, I'm going to enjoy just having you until my lust is sated. I will not accept your submission just yet. I want you to think on it very seriously. Spend the next week getting fucked to your hearts content. If you become my Kitten, understand I control your body. I decide who you fuck and when. You won't even be allowed to masturbate or have a climax without my permission. It's a big decision and shouldn't be made lightly."

"Mistress, may I ask you a question?"

"I don't mind questions. Kittens are naturally curious creatures, after all. I may not always answer them. What did you want to know?"

"What ever became of your old Mistress?"

"I might not have shared this any other time but the timing is appropriate. The Mistress/Kitten journey I'm asking you to embark on involves tremendous trust so I'll demonstrate my trust by sharing."
