The Moonlit Succubus


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As he felt her kisses on his neck he realized he was willing to do anything to experience more of this moment with her. If a fellow tribesman had stood in the doorway intent on harming Rhea, he would have struck down the intruder in a heartbeat with no sense of remorse. His mind had been clouded, and his body irreparably damaged by the very creature that called him lover. And even if he would have known the true effect she was having on him, he wouldn't have cared.

He was the one pulling away this time, as he held Rhea back by her shoulders and started to again get lost in those crimson eyes.

"I love you."

Words that would have been unthinkable not long ago, now felt natural. Rhea had heard those words from uncountable men with many more to come, but still they made her smile with memories of the one. She responded to the short and familiar statement.

"If you really love me, than show me. Make love to me until you can't anymore."

Datamar didn't wait long, as he became eager to show his feelings for her, and at the same time continue the pleasure he had felt up until now. He initiated this time locking lips with Rhea in a deep kiss while their hands rubbed against each others bodies. Rhea was able to slowly pull them both down, until Datamar was on top of her between her spread legs. Their kissing continued as Rhea reached down and guided his dick into her tightness.

As Datamar felt that familiar feeling of Rhea's pussy stretching over his tip he started thrusting, adjusting his body until he was able to do so comfortably. They lay on the ground embracing each other, with their lips tied together. His thrusts were slower than before, but he still pushed himself as deep as he could with each one. He felt even closer to Rhea in this new position, grinding his groin against her clit each time her thrust.

Rhea lay comfortably on some of her tails, taking Datamar's gentle thrusting with ease. As Datamar pulled his mouth away and supported himself on his palms, he got a better view of Rhea on her back. There was no where else he wanted to be, besides between her soft legs that rubbed his sides with each thrust. Something about the way she looked underneath him, and the way gravity made her soft breasts look, had him feeling even more infatuated and possessive than earlier.

Rhea noticed his wandering eyes and began playing with her breasts. Datamar couldn't help but stare as the succubus gave him a show. The way her breasts moved beneath her palms put more strength into his body. The soft thrusting became firmer pushing Rhea up slightly with each thrust. Rhea began playing with her firm nipples as she started to speak to her rutting lover.

"I love the feeling of a lover between my legs. Seeing that look in your eyes and the way you move, I know you love it too. You've been a good lover until now, but there's something I can do that's so much better. But warrior, lover I need to know you're devoted to me."

Datamar looked up into her eyes, continuing his deep thrusting as he answered.

"I am, you're my world."

Rhea smiled at the answer

"And you want to be here with me and love me until the end?"

He didn't have to think before he answered.

"Yes, I love you"

As Rhea heard those familiar words she reached her hands up to his cheeks and caressed them.

"Then enjoy what only a lucky few have."

Datamar say a red haze starting to form around them and stopped his movement, wanting to figure out what he was seeing. Within seconds of stopping he felt an intense heat spreading through his body. It wasn't hot enough to burn, but was definitely enough to put his entire body at ease. As he sat still feeling as if he had stepped into the most perfectly heated bath imaginable his cock started to throb in anticipation.

Even without any friction he was quickly taken to the brink of another orgasm, just from the warmth that Rhea was radiating. Sweat started to drip from his body, while he remained motionless. He felt one of Rhea's tails reach up and caress his back, and the softness of this sudden stimulation combined with the warmth made him want to release the tension that had quickly built up. After only a few thrusts into the blissful warmth between Rhea's legs, he couldn't hold it anymore.

White loads of his seed shot out forcefully. As each spurt splattered against what would have been the opening to her womb for a human, Rhea didn't drink up his essence. This release had felt good, but seemed to lack that little piece of extra pleasure the previous ones had. She couldn't help but moan with pleasure upon feeling his load, even as she restrained herself from draining his essence. A drop of sweat falling onto her snapped her back to reality, as she wiped it away before putting her hands back on his face.

"You feel it, don't you? The warmth? It's slowly building, just stay in me love."

Rhea reached around grabbing Datamar's ass and pulling him into her.

"Don't stop lover, keep making love to me. I promise you'll never experience anything better than what's coming."

Datamar did as instructed, and continued thrusting into the fox succubus. This time he stopped holding himself up and allowed his body to rest on Rhea. As they lay chest to chest engulfed in deep kissing, Datamar's movements became faster and shorter. The speed and depth he maintained caused almost all the friction of Rhea's pussy to stay focused on the head of his cock. So much attention to this boiling hot part of his body quickly brought him to the brink of another orgasm.

Rhea let out another soft moan as she felt Datamar's cum shoot into her. Datamar did the same and as this most recent orgasm hit. It was more noticeable this time that cumming wasn't as satisfying as earlier. Although it felt good, it was closer to a normal release than the unnaturally pleasant releases earlier in their encounter. As Datamar leaned tired and weak on Rhea she rubbed her hands slowly down his back until she was grabbing his ass. She spoke softly into his ear.

"I know you're tired, but just stay with me and it will all be worth it. You'll get to experience something most men could only dream about."

He wanted to keep going but he was just so tired. Resting his body against Rhea just seemed to relax him so much, that all he wanted to do was just close his eyes and sleep forever on top of her. His nodding off was interrupted by Rhea pulling him into her by his ass. Datamar didn't notice that his weakness was caused by the withering away of his muscles, as the succubus had drained him of vital fluids over the previous orgasms.

Rhea was building up to her final gift for the nights lover and started doing the work to bring out what remained of his cum. She kept her hands on his ass, while wrapping her legs around him. With his body being caressed by hands, legs, and tails, Datamar could do little but lay there as she began moving to get his remaining cum out. Her hands pulled him in, and once that had been accomplished she moved her body in a way that caused his cock to slide out.

She smiled at the feeling of his hot breath on her ears as he let out weak moans. His breath became faster as another load of cum grew closer, and she began clenching and relaxing her pussy to maximize the pleasure. Another load was soon pouring into the succubus, who could tell from the smaller volume that their encounter was coming to an end. Without any pause she kept up her movements, taking advantage of Datamar's post-orgasmic hypersensitivity.

By this point Rhea was struggling to hold back from absorbing all the energy that was flowing freely. What kept her restrained was the knowledge that she would be able to squeeze more out of her lover than otherwise, and that like all her previous lovers they deserved the best pleasure she could give them. As she felt another weak load drool into her she thought of how Datamar deserved to be rewarded for soothing her loneliness, even if just for a night.

By this point Datamar was only aware of the warmth of Rhea's embrace, and the snug warmth of her pussy milking him. He raised no protest at his growing weakness, but was happier than he'd ever been just letting things happens as another small load dripped out of his cock. Even though his once forceful cum shots had dwindled in size like his muscles he didn't care as long as he was with Rhea. The once forceful releases had weakened, but his cock still spasmed as hard as before.

After another three orgasms that seemed to flow into one another, the last one came up empty. Datamar hadn't even noticed that his spasming cock had finally come up dry, but Rhea did. She knew right away that her lover was ready for his special gift. Her arms moved from his ass to around his body as she hugged him, and spoke into his ear.

"Well love the night is coming to an end, and the sun is rising. Do you want me to show you what I've been saving for you?"

Datamar managed to answer her in a tired dry voice that little resembled what he had started with.


It was a single word, that took no thought. After spending so long with and in the Fox succubus he was completely enraptured with her. There was no thought of denying her something she wanted. Even though thousands had answered the same way before Datamar, she was still happy for his choice.

"Thank you lover. You chose wisely to give me something I'll always remember about tonight. This is something very special I'm going to do for you, no for us."

There was another burst of red in Datamar's vision that took a moment to clear. When his sight returned, he felt a familiar warmth spreading across his body. As the temperature kept increasing he became more relaxed. This feeling was more calming than anything he'd experienced before. As his eyes started to slowly close, he forced them to remain open as Rhea started to speak.

"I know you have felt it. That warmth spreading across your entire body. It's what my kind calls the Heat Drain."

His body was growing increasingly hot, and he continued dripping sweat. It was some of the last remaining fluid in his body, and he was unknowingly wasting it on an ancient floor. The powerful and imposing physique he had once possessed had grown weak and emaciated. By this point he knew what was happening and it filled him with joy. There was nothing he could think of that was more fulfilling than giving everything he could to Rhea.

These thoughts gave him that last burst of motivation he needed as he willed his body to move again. He could have stopped, but chose not to. Instead he began thrusting into his lover's pussy with every sliver of strength remaining. Rhea let out a joyous moan but stayed focused on performing the Heat Drain.

"Yes, I love that you want this so much. We're lucky we found each other. Not every succubus is like me, and I don't mean just personality. Only the Beast clan can do the Heat Drain, and trust me it's the best a man could ever experience. If you love me you'll answer this question. Would you rather be between my legs experiencing all that your Beast Clan lover can give you, or with some Leaf Clan succubus and her Nourishment Drain?"

Datamar didn't know what a Leaf Clan or Nourishment Drain was. The one thing he knew even as all his knowledge had melted away, was that he wanted Rhea more than anything. Without stopping his thrusting he forced out the words that had consumed his thoughts.

"You, I want you!"

Rhea squeezed him tightly with her legs and arms, stopping his movement.

"Then have me warrior. Give me all your love and stay with me forever."

The heat exploded in intensity with most of it focused inside Rhea's pussy. As the sensations multiplied, Datamar's body became overloaded with pleasure. His mind couldn't process the ecstasy blasting through his nerves, and he was suddenly reduced to nothing but shivering. Rhea's smile was the last thing he saw before his vision became nothing but red. With his vision gone these last moments between her legs were all feeling.

All the energy that had been sitting stagnant in Rhea pussy was about to be absorbed at once. It began and the sudden wave of pleasure at everything being taken in at once caused Datamar's body to stiffen. His body and mind struggled to continue functioning, even if just to enjoy this feeling a bit longer. In the end his time experiencing the greatest pleasure could only last for so long. As his time in paradise came to a close, he experienced a final moment of clarity.

He felt the warmth of the first rays of the days sunlight on his back, and saw the domed building he'd spent an unknown length of time in. His eyes and mind became fully aware of its interior and what he had tripped on earlier. All around him were previous lovers of Rhea, with looks of complete happiness forever etched on their faces. The thought that he would soon be one of them made him more happy than he'd ever been.

There was one last look at Rhea, as he saw her true face. Her soft eyes had been replaced by a cold glare. That magnetic smile had turned to an almost sadistic open mouth with a long pointed tongue hanging out. The whites of her eyes darkened completing her change in appearance from a gentle loving woman into a lascivious predator. As he saw the true appearance of the succubus his face contorted into a smile that would remain for ages. She was Rhea the woman he loved, and she deserved everything.

Rhea remained still with her tails, arms, and legs wrapped around her most recent lover for hours. As the day moved close to noon she finally let go, and got back on her feet. Her eyes looked around the now quiet room and she sighed. Once again she was alone, and the pain was back. She walked outside and got dressed again as she had done many times before. It was likely to be another solitary day, but she hoped maybe others would come looking for her most recent lover.

More time passed and she considered going back into her favorite building, and looking at the previous lovers that had visited over the ages. As she got ready to go inside to reminisce, her ears perked up and her tails stood up as excitement grew. There was without a doubt someone prowling through her home, and this was a very unexpected surprise. Not wanting to get caught off guard, she moved quickly towards the noise maker, relying on her familiarity with the area.

When she finally found the new intruder, she was shocked. The visitor standing before her was most unexpected, but raised little concern for Rhea as she called out.

"Why are you here?"

The intruder turned around and faced Rhea. What she saw was indeed unusual, and very unwelcome. Standing in the ruins was another succubus, but one that was very different than Rhea. She was clanless, a human that had been corrupted by an incubus, and lacked the distinct features and abilities that a true succubus had. Rhea quickly scanned her up and down and determined that this blonde visitor posed little if any threat.

The new succubus finally responded after being caught by surprise.

"I'm sorry sister, I didn't mean to intrude."

Rhea was quick to respond, in a very rude tone.

"You're no sister of mine clanless."

"I don't understand sister. Although I might not be of your clan, are we really so different?"

Hearing these words made Rhea angry, as she took them as an insult.

"You are of no clan, you're just an abomination. The unfortunate product of your master's lust and even less deserving of being in my presence than those Leaf Clan harlots running around."

Rhea took one threatening step forward while continuing to speak.

"Now I ask a final time, why are you here? I suggest you choose your words wisely."

This was a completely different side of Rhea than what men saw. Instead, she showed the side of her that appeared when she sensed competition for the seed of humans. The blonde succubus knew that the Beast Clan succubus was serious, and that the power gap between them meant she stood no chance in a fight.

"I apologize, and recognize my place beneath you in the hierarchy. But I truly come here with no ill intentions. My master has taken an interest in the movements of the Leaf Clan harlots as you call them, and has been sending me around to keep an eye on things. I, Argeia sincerely apologize."

Now that the white demon was speaking in a more suitable manner, Rhea relaxed.

"Argeia, peasant, or filth, it matters not what I call you. You've had your look around and can now leave. Feel free to let your master know that I, Rhea of the Beast Clan have no part to play in any of the Leaf Clan's plots. I will continue to wait where I am for my own private reasons, and want no further visits from a poacher like you."

Argeia had done what she came here to do, and was growing tired of the haughty way in which Rhea spoke to her. She gave a bow and spoke.

"As you wish, Rhea of the Beast Clan. Safe travels and pleasant nights for you."

Argeia turned around and left the area. Rhea waited awhile until she was sure the clanless succubus had left. She sat down and let it sink in that she was once again alone. As she looked around at the poisoned environment that was spreading into her home she sighed. Regardless of the outcome she just knew that major changes were coming to this land, and hoped that whatever those changes were, she would remain here waiting like she had done for ages.


This story is an unofficial work of fiction set in the world of Succubus Covenant. Succubus Covenant, it's setting, and all characters with the exception of Datamar were created by and are owned by Zion of Olympus. This story was written with the permission of Zion, for which I am very grateful for. Succubus Covenant and Zion have been a huge influence on me and are one of the main reasons I started writing erotica.

Thank you Zion and everyone else that has contributed to making Succubus Covenant something truly special. Consider this a thank you and celebration of you completing the first game. For the readers if you enjoyed this story or my other succubus stories or want to see more of Rhea I HIGHLY recommend you check out Succubus Covenant. Thank you to all my readers and supporters and I hope you enjoyed.

Art commissioned from dirpsaid and drjdfh

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guest95guest9512 days ago

can you do one about Argeia the white succubus and an oc male character

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Could we get some more 🙏

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I don't care if it's copying, I def want some more, please keep writing these

Red_OwlRed_Owl7 months agoAuthor

In case there's any doubt about this story, it is not copying. It is a work of fan fiction written with the approval of the original setting creator.

EatKen3EatKen37 months ago

So... someone has played and copied the stuff from Succubus Covenant.

AardieAardie7 months ago

A black widow.

Eric_ShiftEric_Shift7 months ago

Very good pictures

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