The Move Home Ch. 01


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Leaning softly into Jules, Emily whispers, "I feel so special. Thanks for bringing me here on our first date!"

Jules brings Emily's palm to his lips, "Sweetheart, may I have one of my many kisses you promised me tonight?"

Emily says, "I trust you with my life and heart, so you may kiss me as much as you want, darling."

The beautiful couple was just absolutely having the best time tonight. Emily loved their delightful cabernet and the many small dishes they sampled. Apparently, the Chef was well known for this smorgasbord type entre selection for first-time customers. Emily oohed and aahed over everything, saying she must personally thank the Chef.

The hostess, Terri, kept returning to check on them as well as the two ladies who were Jules and Emily's primary servers. They had all talked among themselves that something was unusual with the couple. Still, they could not precisely put their finger on what it was. Both servers and Terry unanimously agreed that serving such a lovely couple was a delight.

Finally, Jules calls Terri over, "My darling needs to use the ladies' room. I am unsure if you realize that Emily is sightless and has been since birth. After she finishes freshening up, Emily wants to request the Jazz Trio play a slow set so we can dance. Is this okay with you?"

Terri says, "Absolutely! Lois will watch your table. Please bring Emily into our office, where there is a private washroom. Stay with her until she is finished and then come out to where we can see you."

As Terri was leaving the office, she distinctly heard Emily giggling, "Alright, Bad Boy, no peeking at me from you!"

Terri thought, "What a wonderful person," rushing to tell the wait staff that Emily was blind and had never had sight.

Jules and Emily exited the office as she was mentally counting steps. Emily giggled to herself, "Here goes nothing, and I may fall flat on my bottom. But I promised my best friends in the world, Renee and MCsee, that I will try."

"Jules darling, please go to our table while I stop and ask the Jazz Trio to play a slow dance set."

He opened his mouth to ask if she was sure, then changed his mind, saying, "We are seated about twenty feet straight ahead. Wait until the music starts and walk directly to me. If you lose count coming back, hold your arms out, swaying your hips, and I will stroll over to dance with you." He kisses her gently and returns to their table.

Emily gets her bearings and cautiously approaches the trio, sitting down beside the pianist.

She feels for the MIC, asking the pianist, "May I? This is our first time here, and I want to thank Terri, Lois, the Chef, and all other staff for this wonderful evening. I have never tasted food as scrumptious as tonight's fare in my twenty-three years of life.

"This is my first date ever as I am sightless (some people say blind but not me). I know my boyfriend Jules whenever I see him (feel his presence) and have been crushing on him for more than a year. So my senses of smell, hearing, touch, and intuition have compensated for my not seeing.

"At this moment, I just want to dance with my man, thanking him for being such a great person. Jules's sister is my best friend, so she, another close friend, and I spent one evening with chilidogs, fried apples, beer, and wine, planning Jules's entrapment. Our plan worked because Jules and I are here alone on our first date. This will actually be our second night of dancing, but my best friends Renee and MCsee were with us last week."

Emily pulls out a $20 for the tip jar asking, "Will you please play a slow dance set for us?"

The pianist stood smiling, "All The Best For Emily and Jules!"

Emily stood carefully and walked around to the left side of the piano while feeling for her position on the dance floor. Then smiling brightly, she walked directly to Jules, plopping down in his lap, giving him a deep kiss, and asking, "How do you like those apples, Babe?"

After a stunned silence, that entire restaurant section gave thunderous applause as Emily pulled Jules to the dance floor. The two of them danced for two sets while occasionally mingling with someone stopping by their table to say hello.

Jules calls Lois over, "May I please have our check, since Emily has a very hectic day tomorrow. Emily wanted to thank the Chef, but we will visit the kitchen the next time we are here for dinner." He paid the bill leaving a nice 35% tip because the entire staff had treated them beautifully even before learning Emily was sightless.

As they were leaving, Terri said, "Jules, Emily, your sister Renee and friend MCsee are invited for an evening of dining and dancing on the house. We have so enjoyed your charming spirit as a loving couple. Emily, you should just phone me to reserve the date and a special table."

Jules and Emily arrived home with her asking, "Where is my kiss? You did not give me nearly enough kisses tonight." Jules pulled her in, and they shared several deep kisses while standing just inside the closed door. Emily snuggles close, shyly pushing wet thong into Jules. Emily stood almost equally tall to Jules, as she was 6'1" in her Jimmy Choos. So, both of them were quite comfortable standing there kissing for several minutes.

Finally ending the tender kissing, Emily asks Jules, "Please undress me, Sweetie, leaving on my lovely silk stockings? Bring us a glass of cabernet to sip after you're undressed and climb in bed to snuggle closely with your Emily. I hope you are okay with our not fully making love tonight since I am a virgin, not quite ready to go all the way yet."

Emily wants reassurance from Jules, "Are you okay sipping wine and cuddling me until I fall asleep?"

Jules responded lovingly, "My answer is always yes for you being relaxed and happy with me because:

I Am Falling In Love With My Emily!"


Back at the ranch, Renee and MCsee are kicking their Jimmy Choos up on the dance floor. They devoured a great mini-seafood broil, which Rosalyn had the Chef prepare family-style for the two of them. Some of the items were a Seafood Bisque, Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail, Alaskan King Crab Legs, South African Lobster Tail, and Oysters Rockefeller. All of the dishes were delightfully scrumptious, with Renee and MCsee enjoying their fill. The two beautiful ladies had also managed to consume a fair amount of their favorite Fume Blanc during dinner.

The Dance Restaurant and Bar was not primarily known as a pick-up place, but there were many young single males in the lounge, this being a Friday night. Renee and MCsee were definitely hot in their 'Little White Dresses.' The black patterned silk thigh-highs, as well as black clutches and heels, offered a daring contrast. So, a few guys tried sending the hot girls drinks, which were not accepted.

Renee called Rosalyn over after the first drink offer, "We are really not interested in talking or dancing with anyone tonight. Would you please inform the bartender and waitresses that we do not want drinks from anyone or their attention? This is MCsee's and my first night out alone socially, and we have much to catch up on.

"We just want to have tonight for ourselves and do not want to drink much or be out too late. You and Elsa are dropping the Mooch off at our place around ten-thirty in the morning. Mooch's feelings are important to us, so we really want to be fresh. MCsee visits her moms early in the morning, allowing Mooch and me some alone time. MCsee will return at 1:00 PM, and the three of us preparing lunch together."

Rosalyn replied with a wink, "I know just the place for you two since you are finished with dinner. I will take care of your new table, bringing another bottle of Fume if needed. Do not worry about finishing it since I will bring any remaining wine with me tomorrow morning. This is an excellent Fume, so you should finish the bottle at home within a week."

Rosalyn continues, "Tell me to mind my own business if you want to, but you two are giving off strong vibes of being really into each other!"

Renee quietly answers, "We are not certain, Rosalyn, and are hoping tonight's fun will help us answer that question. I feel that you, Elsa, Jaime, Jessica, and Mooch will become good friends, and we will all spend more time together. I personally am open to any comments or questions about us from you and Elsa. What are your thoughts on this, MCsee?"

MCsee answers thoughtfully, "So much is happening now. Jules and Emily are starting to date, which makes it complicated for Renee and me to focus on our feelings for each other. We both are virgins and have never smoked or done drugs. But I also know that neither of us has seriously considered a same-sex relationship. I have been more exposed to lesbian love than Renee, having two moms for the past ten years, ever since I was twelve years old.

"My life from four to twelve years old was horrifying, with my father continually abusing my mom. He hurt her badly when I was twelve and was sentenced to a long time in prison. I met Mom-Judy in line for ice cream at Disney World when Mom and I were starting a new life devoid of abuse and pain. Mom-Judy and Mom fell in love a year later and then married when I was fifteen after two years of serious dating. So, Mom-Judy has been an anchor in my life for nearly eleven years, and I love her dearly."

MCsee continues, "I owe Renee honesty. Are my feelings for her sincere, or am I escaping from having to deal with men due to my father's abusive ways!"

Rosalyn backs up a step from MCsee's revelation. Renee runs to hug MCsee tightly, saying, "Oh honey, I did not know all of the detail surrounding Judy and your mom. Please forgive me for seeming pushy earlier tonight?"

MCsee says, "Rosalyn, please wait a sec?"

Emotionally gripping Renee around her waist, "Don't you dare apologize for asking where our friendship is going? You are the best thing that has happened to me in the nearly 13 YEARS since I met Mom-Judy Walker at Disney. I am staying the extra time here in Charlotte because of you. I want to help you take care of Mooch if she needs anything. A love relationship between you and me is a serious and scary decision, Babe. I want to be certain because a true love commitment is forever."

MCsee then lays an explosive kiss on Renee. When coming up for air, she says, "I want you to know I am dead serious about discussing our future plans of love and possibly marriage. I am also terrified at the newness of same-sex love!"

Rosalyn laughs loudly, "Ok, ladies, let's move to this nice little enclave ahead to the left. It will afford you two a bit of privacy, but judging by the 'open mouths over there,' you definitely will not be offered any more free drinks from the boys!"

While Renee and MCsee were settling at their new table, Rosalyn made a sneaky stop to speak with the bandleader. Rosalyn announced that the band would slow down the tempo a bit following such filling meals, starting with the Righteous Brother's version of Unchained Melody.

Rosalyn then told Renee and MCsee, "This dance is on me, and I have been informed this entire set will be slow and sensual. Enjoy, and I will check back later."

MCsee pulls Renee to the dance floor, saying, "Babes, you are leading tonight, and I am yours on the dance floor without reservations."

Renee softly gathers MCsee in, "Let's enjoy the night and no serious discussions except for our having fun. I am very pleased with your opening up to Rosalyn, so I know more detail on some of your past demons."

Renee continues, "We will finish the slow dance set and then go home and relax with a glass of wine by ourselves since Mooch will arrive in the morning. I want you to stay with me all day tomorrow, and we will talk with the Mooch together from the time she arrives. Did you have special plans with your moms, which may be a problem if you cancel?"

MCsee said, "We do not have any specific plans, and I think Mom will be pleased I am staying with you to help the Mooch with any major problems."

The girls continued their slow dragging until the current set finished. Renee walked over, placing a $20USD tip in the jar, saying thanks to the band. She also offered that she, MCsee, and several other friends definitely like this restaurant and would hopefully see them again soon.

While Renee thanked the band, MCsee called Rosalyn over to close out and pay their tab. Renee carried a BMS-AVT corporate account at the restaurant, which automatically added a 20% gratuity. Renee also left a $100USD cash tip for the wait staff. Rosalyn complained that the tip was too much, but Renee explained this was their first date, and the staff had taken excellent care of them. She also explained that she did not go out very often and considered this her favorite dining and dancing place.

Renee confirmed with Rosalyn, "You and Elsa are dropping the Mooch off at 10:30 AM tomorrow?"

Rosalyn replied, "Yes. Will you meet us out front, so we can continue on to Jules with Jaime and Jessica?"

Renee confirmed, telling Rosalyn, "Please SMS me on your arrival at the main gate, and we will be waiting."

Rosalyn handed Renee a box containing their unfinished wine. She said, "Our GM has approved my packing this up since you are taking a corporate Uber home. Thanks again for the nice tip, and I will see you tomorrow morning."

Renee and MCsee entered her townhome and immediately kissed after closing and locking the door. While they were sensuously kissing, Renee took a whole but gentle handful of MCsee's booty.

Renee raised her eyebrows as though asking MCsee to confirm her acceptance and approval of her light booty massage.

MCsee gently holds Renee's hand on her booty, asking, "How far do you expect us to go tonight?"

Renee responded, "I want to kiss and play with you on the sofa while sipping a glass of Fume together. Then we clean up, undress, kiss some more and sleep naked in each other's arms. We should set the alarm for 8:00 AM, giving us time for some good morning smooching before showering together. Is this plan okay with you, Sweetie?"

MCsee strongly reels Renee tightly into her, standing firmly pussy to pussy. "Your plan is perfect, Renee, because I certainly want us to smooch a lot tonight. But I am not quite ready for full-out sex on our first real date. I am so happy here with you and may consider completely finishing my thesis from here in Charlotte if you desire."

Renee picks MCsee up, tossing her on the sofa, immediately climbing right on top of her. Then she lovingly covered every inch of MCsee's face and neck with quick nips and kisses.

MCsee cutely squeals, "I guess you really like the idea of keeping me locked up here in prison for another three months until commencement! Let me up so we can go to the bedroom, clean up, get naked and play sex games."

They took off running to Renee's en suite bedroom flinging clothes in every direction. The girls took a quick sip of Fume, then rinsed their faces and brushed their teeth. Renee again pitched a fully nude MCsee onto her bed. She then launched herself on top, nearly smothering MCsee with kisses. The two sexy ladies rolled around all over Renee's king-sized bed, jousting for dominance.

Renee eventually brought MCsee utterly under her control, kissing all over her neck and chest. She paid extra special attention to MCsee's C-cup boobs and juicy thick nipples. For good measure, Renee also cutely pulled a few hairs on MCsee's sweet pussy's landing strip, counting them off one through ten.

MCsee, looking up at Renee, is now totally turned on and open for the taking, "I am fully yours, Renee, so take whatever you want from me, darling."

Renee immediately lowers the intensity of her aggressive sexual barrage of MCsee's erotic zones. She said, "You make me so fucking hot, more than I have ever been before. You taste like my custom Ben & Jerry's flavor, and I could just eat you all up. Our plan is to proceed cautiously tonight, and I am keeping my promise. We need to turn down the heat, letting true love and not lust control our actions. We will kiss, fondle, tickle, cuddle, and smooch until falling asleep. Then true love and not lust defines the strength of our long-term commitment to each other."

MCsee looks up wondrously into Renee's eyes, "Know that I am growing to love you more and more each second, minute, hour, and day. When you say the word to me or snap your fingers, I will emotionally and physically be Renee's woman for life! You will own me unconditionally because I gift myself to Renee."

Renee answers, "I, too, totally belong to you, my darling MCsee, but tonight is for cuddling, smooching, and declaring our love with soft sighs! Where there is true love, outrageous sex is as certain as taxes to follow when we are one with each other"

Those words of unconditional love launched Renee and MCsee into an hour of frenzied kissing, boob nipping, booty fondling, nipple sucking, and all-around incredible love play. MCsee ceded her mind, body, and soul to Renee, knowing she would soon be hers unconditionally.

The ladies fell soundly asleep after an hour of incredible love play. Renee woke first, looking joyfully at MCsee lying naked in her bed. She mischievously began flicking and then licking her fat nipples, with MCsee moaning softly in her sleep. Renee then kissed her deeply, waking her girlfriend as she gently pulled a few of MCsee's pubic hairs. MCsee slowly opened her eyes, exclaiming that this was not a dream. She was fully enveloped in her lover's arms, and Renee made her so happy.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

To much over explaining and unnecessary sharing of relationships with waiters. Otherwise a good storyline.

Nicole2023Nicole2023over 1 year ago

My only issue is calling a child a mooch, that is a negative connotation and it’s not the child fault for her situation

nogravynogravyabout 2 years ago

I'm enjoying your story, and, contrary to some opinions, I really enjoyed the business aspect and the ground that was laid for the move to NC. All that being said, I do have suggestions for progressing from being an "interesting" writer to being a readable, enjoyable one:

1. You simply must stop changing verb tenses from past to present tense from paragraph to paragraph. Beyond anything else, it interrupts the emotional flow that the reader has settled into, and causes a lack of respect for your grammatical grasp. A good editor could solve that problem.

2. Please stop trying so hard to sound like a professional writer. You should write dialog to sound as if you, yourself is talking. Making speech sound contrived or stilited just falls discordantlly upon the ear, and, again, interrupts the narrative flow.

You have great story instincts and the descriptive parts of your story are very good, but try writing your first draft with the dialog in everyday speech, and don't pump it up from there. I'll go 4 Stars for a very good story line. Thanks for the great effort!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I gave up on the second section. The writing is very good but isn't this Literotica? In my mind the first two sections could have been reduced to a mere portion of one. There was a lot of "who cares" in the minutia. Well written but as the old commercial quipped, "where's the beef?.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very nice, i skipped a bit of what was written in italics. might come back for a second, more indepth read if it keeps captivating me. To me the business part is as important as the rest, as it is the primary reason why all the characters tie in and where tension in the story will and does come from. You're weaving a nice romantic story which is like a breath of fresh air to me. thank you

BillyslateBillyslateabout 2 years agoAuthor

Hi Sabrepunk,

Thanks very much for your honest comment on my story. I imagine that some readers with a business background like the detail, while others may find it tedious. I certainly keep track of both positive and negative thoughts on all my stories; however ultimately must write in a manner which I am comfortable with.

Hopefully, you will give CH. 02 a read when it is released next month.

All The Best!


SabrepunkSabrepunkabout 2 years ago

I gave up one page 2 before I think a love interest was even introduced, not sure as I started to skim. Unfortunately the business aspect and "trying shoelaces" (too much work detail) was off putting. Also a solid page if dialog about work and business is not much of a turn on for most audiences. I don't mind a long romance story with no sex, but I might as well have been reading expense reports rather than learning anything about the protagonist.

BillyslateBillyslateabout 2 years agoAuthor

Hi Maonaigh,

Thanks very much for your nice comments, as well as suggesting points I should consider in future stories. Also, many thanks for your 5-Stars, which is greatly appreciated.

Part. 02 should be ready next month.


MaonaighMaonaighabout 2 years ago

Probably the best thing you have written to date, Billy. My sole criticism is that you dragged out the business aspects of the story a little too much. I appreciate parts of this may be important to the plot but the whole might put some readers off which would be a shame as you are developing nicely as a writer. When drafting/writing, try to remember the old adage, that less is often more. However, it's five stars from me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

What a fantastic story. Can’t wait to read more. Thank you for writing this.

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