The Not So Loner On Christmas


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Or if things go south.

"Tripp Stop!" she suddenly said, he panicked glaring his light around trying to find why.

"What what?" he said still panicking a little.

Nitida points to something In the distance something he had to shine his light for something large and familiar.

"It's the same house we hide in on Halloween! I can feel it!"

"Are you sure? They all look kinda the same."

"Nope I'm sure, I can sense everything around me after all."

He would need to chat to her more about that his curiosity only growing he could ask her for another day, slowly following behind her as she approach the creepy house the nymph soundly doing so looking up at it and then to the ground.

Something turning into that plant had of hers.

Soon she was crouching brushing away snow and leaves on the muddy ground.

"What are you doing?"

"Blooming some snow flowers, I remember my big sister used to grow them for men they wanted to seduce in winter, someone must have lived here before all this, you said yourself this place is rumoured to have sprits, no one should be alone on Christmas, right?"

He paused, did it really matter? They were dead, ghost and form the rumour aggressive one a part didn't think they deserved such a thing, reminded of the figure he saw in the window yet looking to nitid face silently hoping he would do it he rolled his eye.

She really wanted to do it, he shrugs not seeing the harm in such an innocent act.

"Yeah, you're right what do you need?"

She beamed pulling him along all he needed to do was make some space for her, so he was only able to use one hand and one hand that felt the freaking cold it seemed enough space for what she wanted.

Tripp stood back and Before his eye, he saw Nitida grow a flower, a snow flower, fancy and detailed his eye widen to the beauty of such a little thing, satisfied with what she made she headed toward the mysterious home she placed the flower on the windowsill

"Merry Christmas," she turned back to him a little expectedly, waiting for him to say something

"Merry Christmas too...Err...Spirit."

She smile wildly moving over kissing him on the lips, hugging him once again they carried on with a happy little dryad in toe, finished with whatever she wanted to do.

Tho while walking away Tripp couldn't resist turning back looking to the window of this creep place...Nothing, thinking back guess it was all his imagination, turning back hugging his lover close torch phone in hand they carried on deeper into the forest.

Never seeing the shadowy figure in the window by the snow flower...A tiny little smile on her ghostly face.

As they continued Nitida made more and more snow flowers for the ruined building, all while he grew antsy knowing it was coming.

He felt lost, but last time he did this path it was daylight, everything felt more dangerous at night more eerie and confusing suffocatingly so knowing his phone wasn't going to last forever.

"Tripp? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, just trying to find a hill...could you maybe sense that out?" he asked knowing he didn't have much time.

She nodded quickly kneeling and placing a hand on the ground, waiting a few moments his foot tapping a little, almost immediately she reacted, looking up and toward a certain direction.

"This a rise in the earth over here, follow."

Serious mode Nitida, the tone of her voice change always sent shivers, quickly they moved to avoid all the thorns and bushes thank Nitid protect him, and before they knew it there was a hill in their path.

He smile excited glaring down at the phone with only a few minutes reminding.

"Thanks, Nitida!"

"It no quells my love but why bring me here?"

"Why don't we go up and find out."

That curious excited look returning once again they both hurried up leaving the dark forest to a lonely little hill, this forest having all different levels the lower part, the middle ground and this single upper hill where a single barren tree sat.

Finally getting to the top Nitida look out...A starry look in those beautiful eyes.

it overlooked some of the city, to the left was the apartment complex north was the city centre and beyond that, the park, the site not many knew about due to having to go through the creepy forest.

Letting Nitida take in the radiant site, the clear starry sky, the snow on many buildings and roofs, the light of building in the distance brought an almost overworld view, how such a bit place can make you feel so tiny.

Tripp just leans against the lonely tree, feeling connected to the old oak.

"Is this what you wanted to show me?"

"Part of it is, come here."

She side bounced her way his arm reaching out holding her taking her in his arm as they looked on and waited.


"Patience Nitida it coming so...I think."

"I hope you're not teasing me."

"When have I ever teased you?"

"Oh there was that one time, just what are we waiting for?"

"We're waiting for-"

A massive earth crackling bang exploded across the night sky making Nitida scream whispered her head back to the city wanting to know what the hell scared her.



It happened again but this time she saw it, a tiny little spark coming from something in the distance then a might bang an explosion of sound colour and light.

She watch again wide mouth and eyes this time she was pared for it but not prepared by the sheer wonder of it.

"Great mother Gaia what is that!"

"Fireworks, never had those in your time?"

"No! Never! It so-"

Another bang this time an explosion of blue sizzling right after,

She laugh this time

"It's green! They can come in different colours!?"

"Yeah certainly do."

Seeing that excited grin more and more were appearing the two watch it together enjoying the beautiful yet short display of colour across the night sky one after another more and more fireworks exploded lighting up the sky in their own glorious way, all different strange colours coming in different orders, almost like a pattern all of them dancing across the night sky.

Before either one knew it they were sitting under the tree, the ground luckily wasn't covered in snow like the rest of it, snuggle right together, his back to the old wood her into his chest together watching the grand Christmas fireworks dancing across the skies. She jolts a few times like the first to the sheer sound of it.

All while he hugged her looking up to the beautiful skies, he wasn't really that instinct looking down to Nitida watching with that endless cute wondrous look on her face.

Staring at how beautiful it was brought back old emotions, feeling them burst within him.

Every year they did this...and every year he would be alone, starting up at the beautiful starry skies.

Now he had Nitida...Right?

In the beautiful moment, the sound of soft sobbing was heard, over the sound, non would hear it, yet Nitid did turning back finding Tripp.

Tears in his eyes holding her close.

The joy she felt changed to concern unknown as to why he was like this


"I-I'm not going to lose you again right?" he suddenly said.

Nitida looked to him there resting his back to the tree tear in his eyes, quickly growing worried why, when they were having such a peaceful moment.

Here in this moment the very thing he had held within him the moment she arrived the moment she was born, the ringing in his head, this was a beautiful night...But still, only one thing could ruin it.

The promise of his unwanted friend...Loneliness to return.

"That you're really here, tomorrow when I wake up won't be gone?" whimpered the next thing, the most important thing to him at this moment knowing he wouldn't be able to handle it again.

Slowly she turns toward him on her knees her green eye never leaving

"No, I'm back for real, I'm a full-fledge dryad!" She pulled back pressing her head to his, "you wait is over my love, there nothing that can keep us apart, and nothing will ever take me away from you, you gave me life and so I want to give it back to you, now and forever."

His hand came moved to his cheek a thumb gentle trying to brush away his tears but yet staring into her sweet face he cracks, finally.

He cried.

Hugging her suddenly, enveloped my countless powerful emotions that tore him apart fear and love.

Nitida said nothing ignored the beautiful firework behind her knowing they weren't worth it, she could see them another year, right here at this moment, it will only ever happen once.

She wanted to look like something more breathtaking, gently stroking his hair with her finger, cooing him softly as he broke down, tormented by the shackle of his past.

His great fear of being alone again that suffering kind like a black endless void consuming everything around it, and Nitida afraid of just how traumatized he was by this monster.

All the couple he saw, all the happy families, it all came to him at once, why couldn't he have that? what had he done wrong to deserve such a fate? How much he suffered only ever wanting and needing someone, anyone even if they didn't care.

There is a special kind of loneliness, one more than just the basic feelings of it, something deeper, a kind of loneliness that slowly eat away at your soul one that destroyed any sense of meaning from this world.

That kind of loneliness makes someone bitter and jealous...It's what happened to him.

The one night, on Halloween odd little pumpkin girl, came to him and turn his night upside down, she brought lust, danger excitement tearing away at the shell that formed around his heart.

But when she had to leave that shell slowly formed once again only held backed by the promise of reuniting once again, and she did, only this beautiful Christmas night, all the time they spent together, the fact she remembered, being with her all over again.

Falling in love with her all over again just made him feel something.

And now she was with him, he swore he will make her happy, no matter what.

For she was the only thing that made life feel so...Alive.

"I love you Nitida," he spoke, the first time he ever said that tonight, the shocking the dryad to her very core, "I love you so fucking much."

She trembled herself the words making her hold him tighter, unable to let go wanting him needing him, erupting from her body a scent he never smelled before.

It wasn't lustful it smiled like...roses.

"I love you too, my sweet loveable loner."

The two sat there together holding one another enjoying the firework show neither one, they did it for the rest of the show countless time light flash filling them with wonder Nitida turned back to see them, the two interlocked with one another refusing to let go for love, money or ever the world.

Their whole world right now was this little hill, just the two of them under this not so lonely night.

The firework slow began to fade coming in much less now making Nitid tilt her head.

"is it over?"

"Give it a moment, there's always one last-

As this responded the bigger firework shot into the very reaches of the sky and exploded.

It painted across the night sky something he never knew could be so big, spreading out like a shining star.

Possibly the biggest he ever saw in his life, or their lives to be honest.

And with that, the show of over and they were left in almost complete darkness their breath quick seeing it in the cold turning to one another smile on their face yet...something more.

Something needy.

"Let's go home," Nitid said.

He just nodded, he helped her uprising to his feet grabbing his phone he was mentally prepared for the journey back before Nitida stopped him.

"Let me, I can take us home faster."

Confused she merely had a sweet smile on her face.


"Do you think this is safe!?" he panicked holding onto Nitida

She was literally riding on roots and branches as if surfing on the very ground.

"You bet it is! I used to this when I was a lesser dryad countless moons ago, it's so fun!"

They rode on rushing past the forest everything rushed by so danm fast, gliding across the forest floor, a little embarrassed at being carried by Nitida who was surprisingly stronger than he thought.

As they travel across the ground quicker than any man could walk or run they headed back...Back to their home.


"Travelling by branch is a lot faster huh."

Tripped only chuckled stilling holding onto her with a sense of panic, still in a weird in the mood to fully laugh, holding her hand as he let them in.

Quickly turning on some light the house was chilly not that either one care, quickly looked up only parting their hand for a moment, removing their shoes, they both turn to one another, that need still lurking in their heart.

Something didn't feel right something didn't feel...resolved.

"I need you, just one last time, on this perfect night."

She nodded a need within her, looking to her lonely lover, after all, he said cracked at her heart, she knew wasn't fully over, that the fact it may never be over.

The loneliness within him had eaten away too much of his heart and soul, if she ever left him he might be gone for good, the kind accepting man that he was faded into a mere shell hollow shell.

Which scared her the most.

She knew she could heal him, help him maybe Saza could too but right now she wanted to be the one, he needed her and she was all too eager to give her lover what he needed.

Her protective instincts flared up once again...Maybe it was these feelings that drew her to him so badly, maybe because he wasn't perfect and that he simply needed someone, he was someone that needed to be simply loved might be the fact she fell in love with him at all.

all those months ago.

Creatures like her were at times known to be very, very caring.

They kiss, stripped cloths dropping one by one on their journey to his room, neither cared about where they laid only they needed to come off.

Phones? Keys? Somewhere they didn't know opening the bedroom before quickly closing it returning to where the night ended one that Halloween night, both naked lovers fell back onto the bed.

Rolling onto their side neither felt the urge to take over, he didn't want to push her on her back and Nitida didn't feel like doing the same thing, this was not about taking control this was equal a sharing experience.


Already hard twitching with a need she found her groin wetting in response, blooming her alluring scent turning Tripp's mind into a hazy blissful peace.

"I'm right here," she spread her legs a little giving him a straight shot right inside her using her finger to open up her pussy, "push-in when you want, we have all night."

his hand quickly reach out to her reach a desperate need to be inside her consumed all his logic, inching closer to help him, his cock brushing against her lips a few tips, Tripp growing more frustrated every time.

"Calm yourself," her voice like silk flowing into his ear claiming him, "let me."

She angled him helped him perfectly all he needed to do was thrust.

He did quickly return to her soft wet warm depths thrusting a hard, pleasure escaping his and her lips. Her leg gentle wrapped around his waist gently keeping him in, her arm wrapped around his body pressing him into her bosom.

Their face so close to one another eye to eye, he watched her glow gently

their pace was slow, gentle not like their usual rump, like the first time they met it was emotional, therapeutic in a way.

Pushing again one another moving shifting in the darkness only each other touch being the only source of knowing where either one was.

Slowly, gentle oddly he didn't feel her inner tendrils wrap around him, guessing there only when they wanted to have quick wild fun it was nice just the natural movement of her inner walls to pleasure him, it strange how different a succubi pussy and a dryad was, no that he was too focused on that.

His focus was on Nitida, needing her wanting her fast and fast he fucked her fighting his own emotional demons she was there with him whispering sweet nothings into his ears soothing the wild fearful thing he'd become.

He didn't desire a girl like her, he didn't feel he did yet a part knew Nitida would get pissed if he said that, he was happy to have her to hold her hoping she was happy to be with him.

He had a lot of problems to deal with he wanted to be better for her...and maybe even himself.

Nitida, feeling him fucking her so desperately merely spoke to him, kissed him feeling something troubling her lover, the man who help bring her into this world the man to show her the joys of being with a friend.

The joy of being with a lover, the joy so feeling wanted, loved and needed.

The joy of being alive, her insides grew wilder her squirming need grew more intent, the need for him only increased tenfold bring him closer than he expected, her body reacting to herself.


"That it Tripp, cum in me! Fill me with your seed!"

She was close he heard it in her frantic voice, thrusting now as fast as he could to bring her to that edge seeing the joy plastered on her face.

One last thrust of the night his hand clutching her beautiful ass pulling it towards him he came.

Both of them tightened their grip crushing one another needing to be closer waiting to be, he was trapped inside her as she milked him of everything he take, almost like she was taking it all in.

Absorbing all his fear, his pain, his nightmares and demons, she would consume them all just to see him smile once again.

Something like that only a true lover would do.

panting together once again the hand natural moved to one another hand touching hand finger locking in what one another, both so tired neither wanting to move, so they didn't only shift under the covers, Tripp bare body shivering from the cold finding warm with the covers and Nitida

The two rested, tired from their very busy night left to lay in Tripp's bed, hand and finger intertwining with one another still tired but joyful smiles on their face.

Tripp felt at peace like some unknown shackle had been taken off him, one of his burdens had been lifted, this feeling he never wanted it to end.

"Merry Christmas Tripp," Nitida suddenly said getting his attention, "I love you, my lonely human."

He just smile, "you said that already, but Merry Christmas Nitida, love you too...My silly little pumpkin."

She snuggled closed smiling to the nickname taking an odd liking to it, it was how they met.

The two lovers who meet on the scariest night of the year finally to possibly the happiest day of the year.

Look like Tripp was no longer a loner on Christmas night.

The Epilogue.

Tripp shifted in the bed, lighting siding through the crack of the curtain, it was chilly but he didn't care, yawning loudly

He reach an arm over to hold Nitida...yet he felt nothing.

His eye burst open in a primal sense of dread washed through him like a tsunami, flicking on a lamp light finding his bed empty.

Eye dashing around him looking for her.

Had it all been a dream? Was he so delusional last night that he dreamed of everything? Fear return tenfold panting like an animal unknown at what to do or feel unknown that he could stoop to such a monstrous lower


then the door slowly opened, there in the doorway, Nitida stood, seeing the scene before her stopping with her own slight panic, in her hand a glass of water.

Tripp's panted came to an abrupt end.

"Babe? Are you ok?"

He shook away his fears, trying to get the mad look in his eye to faded smile playfully at her, yet he was already on him moving fast a hand came to his head shaking his linger painful thought away.

"I'm fine, just err...Had a nightmare."

She saw past that placing down the cup on his messy desk quickly returning to him in the bed.
