The Perfect Love

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White slavery pirate is after a passenger ship.
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Chapter One

In 1802 there was a pretty brunette with green eyes. Her name was Katherine. She was a fair maiden who lived with her father. Her father was a very wealthy man who had the most land in three states. His name was Michael Anderson.

Katherine's father got the land from his father. The land had been in her family for five generations. She loved the land almost as much as her father. Katherine's mother died ten years ago.

Michael was trying to find someone who was worth his daughter's hand in marriage. He wanted to find someone who was wealthy enough to support her in the lifestyle she was used to. He wanted someone who would also treat her with respect and show her compassion. He couldn't stand the idea of some man being awful to his baby.

So Michael had this idea to through this big party to bring the most influential families with their marriageable sons out to meet Katherine. He thought that this idea would work for many reasons. One his Katherine was the most beautiful girl around. Any man would be lucky to have her for a wife. Second it would give them the chance to see all that he owned and would one day be his to rule over.

They also had to have a mind for managing land. He didn't want what his family had kept through all the years to be miss-managed. He wanted the land to stay around for his grand children and great- grand children and so on.

Little did he know that Katherine already had her eye on someone. His name was Mark He was studying to be a doctor. He had brown hair and eyes. He didn't really stand out in a crowd but he caught her attention. She had never got to meet him; she had just seen him in passing.

This Michael that Katherine had spotted had also seen her. He didn't know who she was but he liked the way she looked. She had a nice body. She also dressed real well.

Mark had problems with money. His parents did not know that he had already gone through his inheritance that his grandfather had left him. His only remedy to this was to find a woman that he could marry that had enough to cover what debts he still had and still have money left over.

This thought never ran through his mind when he saw Katherine. The only thing that did was that he wanted her in his bed. He wanted her skirts up over her head with her legs wrapped around his waist. After he accomplished this then he would get back to looking for a woman to marry.

Three days before the party Katherine went into town with one of the servant women to pick up her dress from the dress- makers. She was coming out of the store heading for her buggy when she bumped right into Mark dropping all of her packages. She was startled and started to apologizing before she saw who it was. He said "That it is fine Miss it was an accident". The whole time he was staring at her heaving breast. His gaze went from them to the open nape at her neck since her hair was up. She apologized again "I'm so sorry Sir I have just been in such a hurry today. I've so much to do." She could not believe how gorgeous he was up close.

"Allow me my lady to help you pick you're packages up and to help you to you're buggy" Mark said. The whole time he was planning to slip one of them in his pocket.

"I'd really appreciate you're help. My name is Katherine." That was all she could get out for looking at his nice firm ass. As he walked it would tighten up. She wondered what his manhood looked like since she had never seen one before. She also wondered what kind of power he could get behind his strokes with the muscles he had in his legs and ass. She knew it wasn't lady like to think that way but she just could not stop it.

Katherine said to him "Thank you mister? Well it just occurred to me I don't know you're name to thank you properly."

"I'm most sorry. My name is Mark. Mark Daniels Miss. Glad to of met you Katherine and able to have been of help to you. You're most welcome." The whole time he was wondering what she looked like with no clothes on.

"Well miss I better be on my way. My family is expecting me home for supper." Mark said.

"Thank you again Mark. Oh are you coming to my father's party? Mr.Anderson is my father just in case you didn't know."

He smiled he hoped he got to not only come to the party but cum at her party all over her. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." As she rode off she couldn't help but smile to herself thinking it would be a perfect party now that Mark Daniels was going to be there.

As Mark was riding his horse home he was thinking about Katherine. How beautiful she was. Her brown hair, green eyes, and nice firm breast from what he could tell. Now that he knew who her father was she was a perfect catch for him, a rich father and a nice body, just what he wanted.

When he was sure he was far enough away from town he opened the box that he had taken. Inside were some of her undergarments. He looked at what held her breast; he realized they were much bigger than he had first thought. He pulled out the next item. It was her pantaloons; they were so soft and silky. Just from the feel of them his dick started to throb. He unzipped his pants and rubbed her pantaloons against his dick. He thought that felt so good. He started moving his hand faster and harder. He was panting by the time he pulled his hand away. It came away wet; he had spilled some of his seed early.

He got off his horse and went over by the tree. He dropped his pants to his ankles and wrapped the silky underwear around his hand then he started stroking his dick. He got faster and faster, harder and harder until he shot his load all inside the garment. Then stuck a finger in it and put it in his mouth so he could taste it. It wouldn't be long before Katherine was on her knees in front of him doing this for him.

Chapter Two

The next day after Katherine's adventure into town she was helping the servants get everything ready for the party. She was watching over the servants in the kitchen. All the women were preparing the house in case some of the family's couldn't make the trip home after the party and needed to stay over night.

The women were preparing the food in the house such as salads, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, and much more. Her father had hired the best cook in the whole state. He was going to cook the meat over an open pit so all could see the meat being prepared.

As she made sure everything was going fine in the house she wondered out-side to check on the men and see how they were doing. She found one of the men in the front yard cleaning and setting up tables and chairs. She showed him where she wanted most of them set up. After that she went on her way to the stables. They were supposed to be moving their horses around to make room for the guest horses.

As she wondered through the stables, she saw that most of the work had been done. There were two men working in the stables. These men always had a lust for her ever since she started blooming into a lady.

As she walked through the barn all work stopped. She crossed her arms over her chest. The men started walking toward her. She asked nicely "How is everything going today? Is everybody doing their share of the work?" She hated the silence. She wished one of the men would answer her. That was when she decided to ask another question. "Is there anything that I can do for you?"

As they walked closer on of them said "Yes'm there is something you can do for us!" That's when one grabbed her from behind. She screamed as the other put his hand over her mouth and said to her "Just be quiet and everything will be a lot easier and faster for you."

That's when the servant that watches over the other ones came-running in. "Stop that you idiot. Let Miss Katherine go right now ya hear."

The other two men let go and backed up. Simon looked at her "Are you all right miss?"

"Yes" Katherine said "Thank you Simon for coming when you did. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been close enough to hear me."

Simon smiled "That's all right Miss, come on let's get you out of here. I'll walk you over to the pond so you can get to feeling better before we see you're father."

"Oh please Simon don't tell father anything. He'll try to marry me off more than ever."

Simon looked at her for just a minute then answered "I won't say nothin Miss just as long as you'll be fine." He turned to go to the house. He turned back around to tell her "I'll tell the ladies at the house that you've come to the pond to rest just in case you're father starts askin question about where you are at."

She smiled "Thank you Simon for everything."

She turned around and headed for the pond. The pond was the most beautiful spot on the whole farm she thought. It was a very large pond. There were a lot of tall rocks. Two of the big rocks looked like chairs. She most usually sat on one of them. Most of the ground around the pond was flat and level. There was also a group of rocks that shielded the pond from the house. This is where she moved to now. She just wanted to make sure her father or anyone else could see her.

An hour later she got up and walked back to the house. There was enough time to dress for supper but she had to hurry.

At Supper she and her father talked about the party the next day. She decided to retire early. She excused herself and went to bed. That whole night she thought of Mark.

Chapter Three

Early the next morning Katherine was up with the sun. She was dressing when she heard a Knock on the door. When she opened it her father was standing there. "Morning father isn't it a lovely day for our party.

"Yes my sweet daughter it is. How did you sleep last night Katherine?" asked her father.

Katherine smiled at him and said "I was so excited about the party I could hardly sleep at all, but when I finally did fall asleep I rested rather nicely."

Michael was happy to know that his daughter was excited about the party. He said to her "I'll leave you to finish getting dressed. I'll see you down stairs." With that he kissed her on the forehead. He then left the room.

She looked at her self in the mirror when she was through dressing. Her dress was an emerald green. It was cut very low in the front and was so tight she thought it would bust. Then her breast would be hanging loose. The dress was off the shoulders and very low in the back. There was black lace over the skirt. She also had a rap and a pair of gloves to go along with her fancy dress. Her hair was put up on the side of her head. She was wearing the emerald diamond choker her father had bought for her. It was bought especially for this occasion.

While she was dressing she was hearing people already arriving. She started to wonder to herself if Mark would even show.

Her father was at the bottom of the stairs when he smiled. "How beautiful you look my dear. That color shows off you're eyes. Any man would be stupid not to pay attention to you today."

She smiled and took his arm "Thank you father, but you are bias. You have to feel that way you're my father." They started to greet people and her father started introducing her to all the available men.

In the meantime Mark was already there. He was outside wondering where Katherine and that wonderful body were. There were a lot of nice looking women, but he was afraid none of them would come into as much money as Katherine would. He saw her. She was with an older gentleman. They were making their way around the crowd of people. She was laughing at a joke and when she threw her head back he noticed her breast trying to fall out of her dress.

He decided to get closer so he could intercept them. Finally ten minutes later they got to him. "Hello Mr. Anderson, how are you today sir?" Mark asked.

Michael answered "I'm fine Mr. Daniels. This is my daughter Katherine."

"Yes sir we met the day before yesterday in town. We bumped into each other." Mark said. At that Katherine started to laugh. At this point in time he noticed her necklace and thought to himself if I can get her I won't have to finish school or worry about money or a beautiful sex partner for the rest of his life.'

Michael looked at Katherine when she started to laugh. "Father he really meant we bumped into each other and I accidentally dropped all of my packages. These gentlemen were nice enough to help me pick them up. He also helped me carry them to the buggy. Thank you again Mr. Daniels."

"Katherine please call me Mark if that's fine with you and you're father."

Her father stood silent for a long time thinking this is one man he didn't want his daughter to get mixed up with. Then he finally said, "I don't mind at all Mark."

Katherine smiled and said "Then I guess I'll call you Mark."

"Come along Katherine we have a lot of guest to meet still." her father said. "Excuse us Mark."

They walked off but Katherine was still looking over her shoulder. She was so excited about him being nice to her.

She went on with her father. An hour later they had stopped and talked to just about everyone that was there. Her father left her in the company of five men. Two of them were married and standing with there wives. She was looking for Mark but could never catch site of him. Then she finally saw him. He was at one of the tables eating. He was watching her every move.

After he got done he walked over to the group. He stood by for a few minutes just listening before he interrupted "Excuse me Katherine would you go for a walk with me?"

Katherine smiled and said, "Yes, I would love to stretch my legs. Please, excuse us."

After they left the group he asked her "Where would you like to walk? I would like to be off from everyone else so I can get to know you better."

She was very excited that he was interested in her. She thought he was charming, sweet and nice/ He also seemed very caring. To her he seemed to be a perfect husband plus she thought he was sexy. She finally said," I know the perfect place.

She took the lead and Mark grabbed her hand. Katherine stopped and looked at him. He asked, "Do you mind?"

All she could do is smile for a second. "No! It's rather nice."

They walked hand in hand until they got to the pond. She asked, "How is this? I thought it sounded just like the spot you wanted."

He shook his head "Yes Katherine it is?" Then he looked around. He turned to her then a look came over his face. He just knew he had to have her, but he had to watch his moves. He couldn't scare her off.

That's when he said "Katherine my dear I hope you won't think I'm out of place but I have to say you are the most beautiful thing in this world to me." He held her hands tighter. "When you are around my body reacts. I get hard all over. Parts of my body I didn't know existed start to come alive." He saw that everything he was saying was getting to her.

"Mark I feel the same way about you but I have to save myself for my husband."

If that's the only way he could have her he wouldn't wait another day to put his plan into motion. He also needed to marry her so he could make himself useful to her father so if anything happened to him, he would leave everything to Mark.

He figured if he went ahead and asked her and she said yes he could go ahead and enjoy her body. That is when he just let the words fall out of his mouth. "Katherine honey I do want to marry you. That is if you will have me as you're husband." He couldn't believe it was done; now he just had to wait for her answer. He didn't have to wait long.

She was so excited "Of course you will have to talk it over with my father, but I would love to marry you." She said. She couldn't believe it was happening this fast.

"Then will you come here to me and let me hold my wife to be." He grabbed her and started to kiss her hard on the lips. She didn't know what to do. He started running his hand up her waist to her breast. She knew she shouldn't be doing this but it felt so good.

He used both of his hands and rubbed around both of her breast. Her nipples started getting hard. That's when Mark said "Katherine I want you so bad." He took her hand and placed it on his erect penis. Her eyes widened real big. "Now tell me doesn't that feel good? Wouldn't you like to feel that moving inside of you?" He reached down and lifted her skirt up. He stuck a finger into a very moist hot, naughty place. That made his penis pulse and she felt it. Her hand was still wrapped around his penis.

"Mark what are you doing?"

"Doesn't it feel good? I know we will be good in bed together. Will you just let me work my magic with you? It will feel so good you will love every minute of it I promise." By this time he had his pants unzipped and was rubbing his penis against her thighs. He was kissing her hard on the mouth again. He had managed to get a breast out of her bodice.

"Oh Mark I never felt this way before."

"This isn't even the best part wait till I put my penis in here." He wiggled his finger around inside of her secret place.

Then she heard her father's voice "Katherine what in the hell do you think you are doing?" She jumped at the sound of his voice.

"Father how long have you been standing there?"

Michael looked at her with distaste "Long enough to know this is disgraceful. I want both of you to get you're clothes back on this instant."

Katherine did just what her father said.

Her father spoke again. "Katherine get back to the house this instant. Mr. Daniels I want you off my land now!"

"Mr.Anderson you don't understand I want to marry you're daughter. I was going to talk to you about it after the party."

Michael asked Katherine "Is this true?"

"Yes father it is. He already asked me and I told him yes."

"Then I guess you little bastard should have thought of that before you pulled this stunt. You tried to fuck my daughter in the open where anybody from the party could have came along and seen. This is where I stand, we will all go back to the party and act like this never happened. You will not have anything else to do with each other. When the rest of the guests leave we will meet in my study and discuss this. Do you understand me?"

Katherine answered right away "Yes father."

"Yes Mr.Anderson I understand."

Her father looked at her "Katherine I expect you to finish meeting the other men. Pretend like any of this never happened. I'll be watching."

She shook her head yes gave one last look at Mark and headed back to the house with her father following right behind her.

Chapter Four

Katherine walked around and spoke to everyone. She played the part she was supposed to play, but the whole time she was thinking of Mark. Ever so often she would look around to find him and he would be talking to women. It upset her slightly; he was supposed to want her. She had stared at him and two other women for about five minutes till her father caught her attention. At that point she got worried about what her father was going to say about the other women Mark was talking to.

Three hours later most of the guest had gone home or retired to their rooms. She knew the ride was going to be too much for Mark, but she didn't know if her father would let him stay at the house for the night after what happened.

She was fixing to go in the house when her father caught her by the arm "Go to the library. I'm going to find Mark. If he is still here and hasn't already tucked his tail and ran for home. I hope he has left for you're sake. After seeing him talk to all the women I really don't think I want to let him marry my only daughter."

Katherine wasn't sure if Mark was still there either. If he wasn't she was going to feel like such a fool. She also didn't know how she would face her father if he had left. All she could do is pray that he was still out there somewhere.

Ten minutes later her father walked through the door with Mark following behind him. He walked to the center of the room. "Come on over here and have a seat. I really don't know where to start." He shook his head "Katherine how you could do something likes this? I don't know what to think about my only child. I know you haven't had a woman's influence in you're life, but to do this. How do you explain this?"