The Show


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One side benefit was that Maria wound up becoming the first person besides Geo that The Studio allowed to touch me, even outside of professional work. She and I took the opportunity to explore the joys of lesbian sex, and with Geo, we tried out various threesome opportunities.

After I gave birth again, The Studio came up with great new angle to explore:

Making me the first woman impregnated by both her biological son and her daughter in history!

Yeah, that's right. Thanks to those medical advances I mentioned earlier has created the ability for women to "upgrade" their equipment so they can impregnate other women. Believe it or not, the procedure didn't even alter much -- all the two women had to do was have one of them insert a synthetic cock into her pussy while she fucked her lover. The cock would somehow turn the woman's cum into thick sperm, and voila! She could impregnate her lover!

Maria seemed a bit sheepish about it, but I encouraged her..saying that I wouldn't mind carrying her babies. After a few more nights in bed, she became more and more aroused by the thought and, soon enough...there I was getting bred by my daughter for the first time on national television. We even made sure that it was done in the exact same studio where Geo had knocked me up.

It felt like I had come full circle.


But shockingly, after she and I both gave birth to twins, Maria had enough. With a level of fortitude that made me as ashamed of myself as I was proud of her, Maria ignored the raging hormones that I knew she had to be feeling and took a pass on renewing with the studio. She opted to take the money and run, saying that it'd been fun, but she couldn't see herself doing as long as I had.

The Studio tried to tempt her with a massive amount of cash if Maria let me impregnate her. But she refused. She said she wanted to find her father and make sure he was doing alright.

"And? That's all you plan on doing with your father?" I asked, since we were now long past the point of taboos.

She just shrugged and stared at me with honest eyes. "I'm not planning on anything else, but I think we've both learned that anything's possible."

After that, the two of us hugged, and kissed each other goodbye.

And no, not a mother-daughter kiss.

Months passed, and in that time, Geo knocked me up again. Our ratings were lower, but stable, so it looked like we'd be clear to go for another season. Or two.

It was close to this time that I got a phone call.

"Hey there, been a long time!"

"Huh? Who is this?"

"Oh right, we last spoke via email didn't we? Oh well. This time, I think it's safer if we talk on the phone. I've made pretty sure you're not being tapped."

"Oh hey, Emma! I'm not exactly sure what you did or how you did it, but it looks like The Studio is keeping me around."

"Of course they are," she told me. "We've made them realize that, in the sea of copycat programming that's going to start flooding the airwaves in the next few years, they've got the one treasure that no one else has and no one can replace."

"What's that?" I wondered.

"You. You're their first big success. Their Number One Dime. Even as you get older, they have reason to keep you around and help you stay in the business. As we showed with Maria, there are numerous things they can do to showcase a star of your caliber and at your age, and going forward, I have some ideas that'll not just benefit you, but will probably start wonderful things happening everywhere."

I gasped and my fingers trembled as I quickly realized something.

"YOU set up Geo with that woman!"

"Yep! And I also started the rumors that she was his sister and got Maria onboard before MBC got to her."

"Maria was in on this? I didn't realize that! How much did she know?!"

"Not much. I just asked if she wanted to save her mom and get revenge on the Studio that ruined her father's life. After that, she listened to whatever I had to say. All I told her was that The Studio would probably come to talk to her soon, and that she should only turn them down until they got desperate enough to try and manipulate her sympathy for you. After that, she should take any deal they offered as long as it didn't require more than a year of involvement.

"That last part was important. I needed her to resist the urge to maintain the status quo at all costs, because we needed The Studio to see that it was expensive to try investing money into someone young and unfamiliar.

"You've been with them for years now, and you have no intention of leaving. You've proven that you'll do anything they want as long as they take care of you and treat you right, meaning you're a safe investment...and if there's anything that a heartless, unfeeling corporation can actually love, it's a safe investment."

She laughed. "So I guess, they're kind of like a husband, huh?"

I chuckled, for the first time in my life actually seeing it as a positive.

"That doesn't mean we don't have a lot of work to do, and that things aren't going to be difficult. But now, we've got a shot. YOU'VE got a shot."

Tears in my eyes, I typed out a sincere "THANK YOU".

"Oh no, it's my pleasure," she told me. "My brother and I are big fans. And on behalf of us and our children, we thank you."



Ten years passed since Geo and I first appeared on that show, and the studio still honored their contract with us, meaning that even well over 50, Geo and I are still lovers, and I still got pregnant and give birth regularly. Geo and I still lived together and slept in the same bed, but occasionally, he'd be gone for a night or two and then a few weeks later I'd hear about some random woman carrying his babies.

It didn't bother me. Despite everything that's happened, I'm his mother, and I should want what makes him happy. Not what makes me happy at his expense. It took a long time, but I've finally learned that again.

But that didn't mean I let him become an ass again. If he started getting a little too full of himself, I made damn sure to put him back in his place. Even at my age, he knew no other pussy would ever compare to mine.

Besides, being jealous wouldn't have done me any good --- Geo certainly enjoyed his celebrity to the fullest and now has children from me, his wife and several other women.

Unfortunately, the double standard of being the fairer sex means that I'm forced to stay exclusive to him. I'm still only allowed to have children with Geo to make sure that I don't lose my "record" of having highest number of incestuous babies.

Maybe it's my ego talking, but I'd like to say that all of these progressive sexual advancements are my doing. Thanks to me and my relationship with my son, medical science has allowed anyone to safely have sex with and breed with anyone they like.

Family relations don't matter. Old age doesn't matter. Hell, even gender doesn't matter. I don't think that two guys can get pregnant together yet, has performed the impossible before. I'm living proof of that.

So at home, I'm almost a full-time mom, with thirty-one of my own children to raise, although I can afford help. I spend less time with my children collectively than my maids and personal assistants do, but I make sure that I'm there for them.

I finally had to put my foot down against The Studio for that: they wanted me to avoid raising my own children and spending more than a few days with them each year. Why? Because of the "Westermarck effect". They were afraid that the more time family members spent with each other, the less attracted they would become to each other.

I knew what this meant they wanted.

But as I said, I made sure The Studio backed off. As a result, I get to raise my own children, although they've "generously" provided me with all the maids I need to help with that.

Rregardless, I feel proud of myself because there were several times when I could have totally let them take advantage of me and make me more of a victim than I already might have been. I didn't allow them to alter the circumstances of paying for Geo's schooling. I didn't allow them to destroy my ex-husband's life after he crossed them. I didn't allow them to exploit my daughter any further than they originally did. And I didn't allow them to just toss me aside after my shining stardom began to wane.

Don't get me wrong--that doesn't mean that I condone what they did to me in the end. No matter how amazing my life turned out, I realize how easily it could have gone the other way. That's why I'm thinking of investing my own money into the company as a major shareholder.



Hey all, it's Sonia Minabuchi here, writing a quick amendment to these memoirs for my 36th Anniversary in the business. I never thought I'd still be at this at my age, but I guess that's what happens when The Studio pays for state of the art medical and cloning technology to keep your mind and body in the best shape to remain their top-ranked breeding slut. At this point, so much of my body has been touched up or made over...but I still made sure that it didn't change anything on the outside. Everything about my body...from my figure to breast size to my freckles...are so iconic that no one would dare mess with it..

So, a little update. At present, I'm 78 years old (even though I don't look older than 35) and have so many children that at this point I've stopped counting.

No, not all of them are Geo's. But they are all incestuous.

You already know that Maria impregnated me with twins. My grandsons Luis and Akira are the fathers of 35 combined, my granddaughters Akiko and Yonda have each "fathered" 11 (for a total of 22), and a few of my other grandchildren have also put at least one baby in me as well. Of course, Geo has impregnated me the most, with a number well in the several dozens, since all of my grandchildren except Maria's are his. I currently have another five babies growing in my belly now, and I'm pretty sure that at least one belongs to Geo and two will probably belong to my eldest great-grandson, Jo. Since I can be bred multiple times during one pregnancy now, and even by several different fathers, there's really no way to be sure until after they come out of me. That's especially the case if I was impregnated during an orgy. I'm sure you've all seen the glorious inbreeding gangbang shows I've done with many of my beautiful children at once!

And just to make sure I would be the first, I also became a "father". Yes, I impregnated my daughters/granddaughters. Akiko and Yonda have each given birth to 4 of my babies, and many of my other daughter/granddaughters have either given me more or are currently expecting.

And don't worry, no one even feels pain during childbirth anymore. That's just another wonderful perk that modern science has given me.

Here's some fun little news: recent census data estimated that around 32% of the world population born during the Second Baby Boom were inbred, and in America, that percentage was 38%. The media started referring to me and Geo as the "Patron Mother and Father of Inbreeding". There's even a statue in our honor (which shows me being screwed from behind by my son).

I have still never spoken to my ex-husband Georgi since we broke up, but Maria emailed years ago to tell me she had found him and he was okay. I tried to pry a little bit, and ask if she was doing anything to make sure her Dad was 'more than okay'.

She took a little while to get back to me, and simply said: "I swore to Dad I wouldn't tell you anything."

I just accepted that and wished her the best of luck. In my imagination, I like to believe that somewhere out there, Maria's bending over like a good little slut and taking her Daddy's stiff dick up her dripping pregnant pussy while tiny grandchildren scamper about in the next room. After what I put them both through, I think they deserve a happy ending.

And that pretty much sums up everything. At this point, I'm far from the only network breeding slut on television. There's dozens of us just in MBC alone now. Some of them are younger, more exotic, and some are even ambiguously gendered. It's hard to make it in the business these days unless you have some kind of gimmick.

But my "gimmick", and the one thing no one can ever copy, is that I'm the original. I've become an icon of television, timeless and classic. And I love what I do. I love being a studio slut and breeding whore. I've been with MBC for 30 years--even longer than I was married--and even hold substantial shares in the company these days. That means that its success is tied into my success and vice versa. They can't buy that kind of loyalty.

And couldn't have asked for a better "wife".

You're all probably wondering how long I'm going to stay in the business, and the answer is...I don't know. With my medical coverage, almost anything that's wrong with my body can be fixed, but there's still numerous complications that come with being a septuagenarian. You can replace the parts as long as possible, but eventually the car shows her age. So if and when something major goes wrong, I have to seriously give thought to retiring.

But then I ask myself: if I retired, what would I do with my time?

And the answer is: the same thing I'm doing now, honestly. After all these years, there's no way I could ever give up sex, and I love having a baby in my belly...especially when my own children put it there.

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AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

I notice that you made some mistakes in your plot. If I understand it correctly, you noted that incest cannot be prosecuted as long as it is part of the show "double or nothing". The show ended with the mother becoming pregnant. Therefore, any contact that the son has with the mother outside of the show is punishable. However, there is no reaction whatsoever. Secondly, the father has the option to divorce and thus claim 50% of the joint property.

And thirdly, you forget that with the millions he then has, he has every opportunity to get rid of his ex-wife and son forever. And why shouldn't he do that?

A well-told story isn't very good if things don't turn out as advertised! A pity!

Fenris420Fenris4204 months ago

It's like PornHub did their own version of 'The Running Man'. Very creative and well-written (editing could have been a tiny bit better). Good premise, characters, and world-building. And I very much appreciate the epilogues wrapping things up at the end. Truly enjoyed this story. 5/5* Fav

JackSeeksJillJackSeeksJillover 1 year ago

Very interesting premise and well written, thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I really liked this story, keep up the good work

TheLongGamerTheLongGamerover 3 years ago

Add something like "and generates synthetic sperm based on the genetic information from her ovaries" please! Otherwise it breaks the suspended disbelief

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Decent but...

Sans all the trans BS I actually liked the story. Even the old woman preggo ending thing(Though I don't understand the appeal of being with an older women if she doesn't look like one but regardless), decent story overall, just not the trans angle.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Not sure about it...

It started off OK. Sadly it turned weird with a new contract, virtually every day. Towards the end it turned into more gibberish than a story.

bumblegrumbumblegrumalmost 4 years ago
Thoroughly enjoyable

Thank you for this different but enticing story. It works on several levels; I hav to say i’m A fan of mother/son incest, and this does it in spades. Well worth every one of five stars, more if they were available!

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2ualmost 4 years ago
Great story

I know this isn’t s serious story trying to imitate real life. By knowing that you can appreciate it for the fun sexy story it is.

Oh and unlike many stories here it’s complete.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Interesting premise

The general idea for your story was very interesting, Hope you write more.

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