The Siren Sisters Pt. 07


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"Yes. I will be sure to."

This new revelation wasn't conducive to good sleep, so she tossed off with her favorite vibrator until she was exhausted.


Lack of sleep did not keep Jade from rising with the sun. The brand burned but the rest of the pain from the relentless paddling was almost gone. She took a look at it carefully pulling back the bandage, there was a red disk of angry skin that extended across the heart and just outside the lines. I always did color outside the lines. She giggled to herself. The ointment had kept the bandage from sticking to the wound, so she stuck the band-aide back in place and took a couple Tylenol. She found a pair of nylon full panties that would slide over the bandage and not get caught on it and pull it loose. Then her put on a pair of Yoga pants and headed for the gym. The stretching of her tight skin convinced her to cancel her workout with Rivka and Zev. The last thing she needed was to get thrown on her ass on that side. She thought of a plausible explanation for the minor wound. By the time she got there she was wincing with every step. Rivka asked, with concern. "What did you do to yourself?"

"Stupid story, at the pub crawl just at the end I backed into a guy holding a lit cigar at about this height. And got a nasty burn on my ass."

"That was careless of him, do you think he did it on purpose? Did you get his name? Can you describe him? I can look at security cameras if you have a description. I can have Zev pitch him into the gulf for you. You would do that for Jade wouldn't you honey?"

"Zev that won't be necessary it was all my fault. I don't want to press charges."

"Come on. You are going to medical right now."

"Oh, Fuck. Rivka that is where I was going to go now on my own." God dammit, how am I going to get out of this? I love my people, but they are a little overprotective at times. I am not porcelain China.

Jade called Gloria, can you meet me at medical in 5?"

Gloria intercepted them on their way and looked worried at the determined looks on Rivka and Zev. "They are blowing this out of proportion, I tried to tell them that I backed into the guy holding the lit cigar. They are going to make a big deal out of a minor mishap. I told them I can deal with it on my own."

Gloria tried to sound convincing, "That's right it was just a minor accident. Nobody's fault really."

Rivka and Zev were trained interrogators and undercover operatives. "Gloria, can you describe the guy?"

"He was short, grey and chubby."

Rivka and Zev both barked "Bullshit!" as one.

Seeing where things were going, Jade said. "Oh! All right! I should have just stayed in my room! Don't anyone say another word until we get to medical."

When they got there Jade explained that she had received a minor Burn and needed some antibiotic ointment, burn cream and some waterproof bandages. The receptionist jumped up saying, "Burns can be nasty, let me get Dr. Baker."

Dr. Baker came out and hugged Jade. "Jade! What can I do for you? You are always so healthy."

"Good morning, Olivia. It's nothing. Just a minor burn. I just need some supplies.'

"Don't be silly. I can't neglect one of the owner's favorite people. I wouldn't want Lars to think I wasn't doing my Job."

"Ok. If I have no choice. My security guards must accompany me."

The five of them crowded into the exam room. Zev filled one corner blocking the door. "Doc are these rooms soundproof? Yes? Are you sure. Can you send Nancy for coffee so she won't listen at the door."

Gloria spoke up, "Not necessary I will stand guard." As she crowded past Zev.

As Gloria emerged Nancy smiled knowingly, "Crowded in there?"

Jade bent over the exam table and pulled down her tights and then her panties. Olivia peeled back the bandage and gasped. "That isn't a cigar burn, that looks like a brand! A perfect heart with a capital letter L next to it."

Zev started to laugh uncontrollably. And Rivka blurted out, "Jade!? What the fuck were you thinking?"

"Obviously I wasn't. We were playing sex slave games with the spring grove people. I got caught up in a game of chicken with Tippy and Liz and forgot to swerve at the last minute."

"Who is we?"

"Me, Gloria and Lily. Sorry we didn't think to invite you. I didn't think it would be your thing."

"Well yesterday I would have said the same about you."

Zev finally got control of his breathing, "Larry! Larry you are one lucky man."

"I need to swear you all to secrecy just like I did everyone last night."

Rivka looked official, "Do Lars and Kat know?"

"They do not know and I want to keep it that way until I can show Larry."

"Too bad Jade, I will only swear when Lars and Kat swear."

"Fucking hell, Doc patch me up, give me extra supplies and let's go talk to them. Doc Swear?"

"I do. We are HIPAA compliant."

When Jade was done. "Gloria, wake up Lily and have her meet us at Lars and Kat's office."

First Jade called Kat, "Important clandestine meeting at your place in 10?" "Well finish up and throw on some clothes. This is a workday." Jade called Tippy, "Can you meet us at Lars' office? Bring Steven and Liz too?"

Next, she called catering to have breakfast for 10 delivered to Lars' office. Everyone arrived within minutes. Lily was tailed by Rose. Rose was intensely curious. Jade pressured, "Rose if you stay you will have to swear on your life to keep this meeting a secret." The SG group were the last and Steven held the door open for catering.

Kat was standing there in a robe with a look that said she was concerned for her friend. "Sweetie, what is this about?"

"I have a secret that I need kept for a month, a promise on your life level secret. You, Lars and Rose are the only ones here who don't know. Rivka and Zev won't swear unless you are read In."

Lars asked, "Does this have anything to do with Larry's Government contract? If so how do Steven, Liz and Tippy know?"

"It has to do with Larry but not directly with his contract, only the duration. No one outside this room can know until I show him."

Lars was losing patience. "Jade, I love you but is there a point to this story?"

Jade walked to the desk, bent over and pulled down her Yoga pants and panties. "Lars, please gently peel off the bandage."

Lars did and both he and Kat gasped, "Oh, Jade. That is so romantic!" Lars added, "And permanent."

Jade giggled. "Will you all swear to keep my secret, you won't tell a soul until Larry sees it?" The five remaining conspirators made their oath. Then looking at Steven, Jade asked, "Do we want to eat first or watch Steven's video?"

There were cries of 'there's video?' and 'video first!'

Everyone sat and had coffee except for Jade who preferred to stand.

As the video played most of the women squirmed and gasped, Liz touched herself, "I never looked so hot in my life." The men all had erections. It would have taken one small spark for the viewing to turn into an orgy. But as they reached the climax everyone sat open mouthed at the sight of wisps of smoke rising from Jade's ass cheek. Jade felt slender feminine fingers between her legs rubbing her labia and clit. She felt warm breath on her neck and a soft voice saying, "I am so sorry I let this get so carried away." Jade twisted her head around and kissed Liz full on the lips.

"Don't be sorry, I'm not. Gloria, can you reapply my bandage so I can get dressed. Unless anyone else wants to fondle my dripping quim."

Kat asked. "So, no one outside this group knows?"

"Dr. Baker knows but not even Becky."

"Dr. Baker knows she would lose the job of a lifetime if she violated her oath of doctor patient confidentiality. She is a gem, we had an incident before you came back where a high roller failed his STD test. Olivia held her ground, we still don't know why he failed. Why not Becky?"

"I love her like a sister and would do anything for her, but Loki has turned her into a loose cannon, you should all see her video. It's really hot."

"Speaking of Becky, are we done here? I have to locate my brother. You know the man Becky is married too? He has been out whoring too and his kids are worried."

Dr. Baker's burn ointment was working wonders. Her brand was going to heal, and the analgesic had the pain under control. This system with the waterproof bandage would allow her to carry on and even lead Yoga for better sex tomorrow. Even with her amazing flexibility it was going to be difficult for her to maintain her wound treatment and replace the bandage. She deputized Gloria, Kat and Lily to be her go to girls for brand maintenance and bandage replacement. Rivka was a backup. As she left, Zev gave her a fist bump saying, "Badass, totally badass!" I never thought of myself as a badass, just an ordinary short kind Asian woman not even that sexy. Life is full of surprises. As I accept this award, I would like to thank Kat, Lars, Larry and my Sisters for being there for me. Ha ha. Maybe I should make a speech. Maybe later when Larry gets back. Gotta find Becky and then Rex. Time is wasting. Chop chop.

She tried a video call to Rex and he didn't pick up. She left a message. "Rexxie, it's your sister, video me back we need to talk." Just as well. I need to talk to Becky. She walked into her suite and found Becky crying into a cup of coffee. "Becky, what the fuck? What now?"

"It's Loki! He won't see me anymore. He says the attraction between us is too strong, that we have no future together. I am married to a good man, and he is a professional playboy with a wandering eye and low morals. The problem is when we are together, I lose control. It feels so good to be his total slut. It makes me feel young and alive again. I don't want to lose that feeling. I am an addict."

"Fuck. Shit. Damn. Becky, you have to get a grip. Loki is right. Don't yearn for something you can't have. Take what you have and make it great. Rex is a good guy and smart. I am sure if you tell him what you need he will try to give it to you short of throwing you into Loki's bed. I am pretty sure this would be the nightmare scenario he imagined when this all came up. Don't make him pay too high a price for loving you enough to let you spread your wings. Think about how you can improve things around your relationship. If you make some cash this week you can buy a new wardrobe. The kids are almost out of the house, if you want to parade around in your lingerie everyday and act like a slut for your husband, I am sure he will be thrilled."

"Jade you are always so logical and looking for the best in everyone. Sometimes it is annoying."

"Look, the phrase 'the heart wants what the heart wants' has some validity but it is too often used as an excuse to do what you know is selfish. How will you know what your heart wants until you get home and give Rex, your husband, the chance he deserves?"

"Of course, you are right, you always are."

"I have a double this afternoon with two guys I met last night. I want you to join us. We are meeting here. Have a light brunch and get yourself in order. Be ready by 2:00. Nothing like new cock to cheer a girl up." I was afraid of something like this. Now if Rex calls me back maybe I can salvage a marriage.

Jade was having a bite to eat herself when Rex called back. Voice not video.

"Hey Rex."

"Anna Maria! What is up? How is Becky?" Jade frowned, Rex only called her by her given name when he wanted to make a point of his dominance as her older brother. So that is how you want to play this? I have been Jade since puberty when I realized who I was. You know that, dick head.

"You know it annoys me when you call me Anna Maria, we fought this out when we were kids. I am Jade, and always will be even to my older brother. Mom even calls me Jade. Why be an asshole today, Rexxie? Becky is fine." What is that noise in the background. They usually don't play music at his office. "How's work?"

"Sorry, Work is fine as far as I know. I am not there. I am taking a few personal days. You know use it or lose it."

"So where are you?"

"Visiting a friend. What's it to you?"

"That is the reason I called. The kids haven't seen you since Friday. You haven't returned their calls. They called Pam and she called me."

"Shit, I will call them. I have been busy."

"Busy doing what? Fucking strippers?"

"Who are you to question me? I'm your older brother. What if I am fucking strippers. You lured my wife off to your little slut empire. What should I be doing?"

"How about housework, buying her gifts so she will feel appreciated when she gets home? Talk to her? Tell her you miss her and can't wait to see her?"

"It's not that simple."

"It can be if you mean it."

"I capitulate. I will call my kids. I will call Becky. I will call Pam. Are there any other calls you want me to make?"

"No. Those should be enough. And just so you know. It isn't a slut empire. It is a slut paradise."

"Is there anything else?"

"Yes one more thing. I am going to text you the name of our doctor in town. I want you to get tested. You can even take your girlfriends and Pam to get tested. They will have your name. Everything is on me. Do it for Becky."

"Thanks. But you do realize I am the older sibling?"

"I do, but you know boys take so much longer to mature than girls. Bye, have fun."

Jade called the clinic back home and arranged things, then texted Rex the info he would need. Rex texted back professional photos and some very nice candids of his lady friends, with a note. "See they aren't skanks, ask Pam and Cons they have met them."

Jade had two more items to attend to before her foursome. She called Tippy. "Tippy, I have a favor to ask."


"Can you not brand anybody else while you are here?"

"Ooops. Kat just left."

"Oh. God! I can't believe this is happening. And I was primarily worried about Becky. I'm coming over. I need to borrow a collar and a leash and maybe some nipple clamps and a paddle."

Jade picked up the items and called Kat. "Hey slut how are you feeling? Will you have a few minutes in an hour or so? I am afraid I need to read Becky in on my brand and have you show her how to care for it."

"Sure. See you then." Kat hung up abruptly.

Next, she called Becky, "Slight change of plans to our time schedule. Did you eat?"


"Good. I will see you in 20."

Jade had just returned from seeing Tippy. She showed up collar and leash in hand. Becky was standing there in a tank and a pair of boy shorts. Jade put the collar around her neck and clipped on the leash. Becky's eyes got wide, and her pupils dilated. Jade led her by the leash over to the mirror. "What do you think slut?"

Becky moaned, "I love it."

"Ok. Wait here and try to relax. I have to shower. Jade led her to the couch to sit down. Jade headed to the shower and turned it on cooler than she would like, stripped and peeled off the bandage. She showered quickly noting that her cunt had been constantly wet since she allowed herself to be branded as Larry's sex slave. She dried very carefully and threw on a robe. She grabbed her clutch which contained all her medical needs and Becky's leash. "Let's go. We have to visit Kat."

"Am I in trouble? Is it Loki?" Becky babbled as Jade lead her to Kat's.

They knocked and Kat opened the door and grinned and raised an eyebrow at seeing Becky.

Jade jumped right in, "Becky you understand the concept of a promise between sisters?"


"It's sort of like wedding vows only stronger. If I ask you to promise me something you will keep that promise? No matter what?"

"I will."

"I am going to show you something, but first I need you to swear on your children's lives that you will never mention what you see to anyone without my permission... Swear!" Jade gave the chain a little jerk.

"I swear. What about Kat?"

"Kat already knows. And has sworn." Jade dropped her robe and bent over so Becky could see her brand.

"Oh My God! Oh My God! I love it! It is so romantic! I want one too."

"You can't have one. There are only two of these in existence and I have taken steps to see that it stays that way."

Kat was grinning as she pulled her shirt off over her head and peeled off a bandage on her left breast to reveal a heart with an L burned over top of it. "You like?" Kat asked Jade.

"I do, but..."

"You wanted to be special. I get it. Sweetie, you will always be special to me and to Larry. There is only one Jade."

"What did Lars say?"

"It was his idea. When you and Larry get married he four of us will be a very elite club."

"What about me?" Becky whined.

"You need to get your shit together. You have been gifted with an idyllic suburban existence. Find a way to make that work for you and your husband."

Kat showed Becky how to prep and bandage Jade's brand and let her practice on hers.

Jade put on her robe, "Time to go fuck some boys." And led Becky away by the leash.

When they got back Jade told Becky to strip and put on a pair of stockings and slut shoes. Jade put on her favorite red bra and Panty set. Becky strutted around to warm up and shortly later there was a knock at the door. Jade led Becky over and had her stand next to her and opened the door fully, so anyone in the hall could see them. Two tall fit guys in shorts and Hawaiian shirts stood there trying to pick their jaws up off the floor.

"Close your mouths guys, you look like teenage boys who never saw a naked woman before. This is my apprentice Becky, Is it OK with you if she joins us?"

"Well, ah, she is beautiful and looks very hot. I guess it would be OK." Panty sniffer said. "I'm Jack and this is Matt." They entered the room and extended their hands. Jade handed Matt Becky's leash, "Nice to meet you both again. Matt, if she gives you any trouble discipline her. Gently."

Becky stood mute, her thoughts raced, failing to form words. One she got her breathing under control, I can't believe that I am naked in front of two men in nothing but a collar, leash and stockings. There are two handsome guys 15 years my junior drooling over me like hungry wolves. Guys who want to fuck me. This is so hot. I am so hot. All my blood is pumping to my pussy. I hope I don't pass out. My stocking tops are soaked with my wetness. She finally managed to get out in a hoarse croak , "You are both so handsome, I don't know which of you I want first."

Matt grinned, jiggled her leash and said, "Possession is nine tenths of the law." And led her to the couch by her leash. Gesturing her to sit.

Becky tried her best Marilyn Monroe voice and said, "You are so smart. You must be a lawyer." Eventually they will find out I am not a bimbo. I hope it won't dent the sex appeal I am feeling.

Jade took Jack by the arm and sat him next to Becky and then went to the bar. She picked up a clean towel and walked over to Becky and gave it to her to sit on so she wouldn't stain the couch any more than she already had. "Can I offer anyone a drink?" She prepared rum and coke for Matt, a Vodka OJ for Jack, and bourbon rocks for Becky and herself.

Becky had been nervously or hornily playing with her erect woman nipples and rubbing her thighs together making a swishing sound as her hose rubbed over each other. The drink started to relax her. She absently placed her hand on Matt's crotch and smiled at the bulge. Jade put down her glass, taking Jack by the hand and pulling him to his feet said, "You boys are overdressed. Let me see what I can do about that." Jade reached up and unbuttoned Jack's shirt, pushed it off his shoulders and to the floor. She ran her fingers through his chest hair and then dropping to her knees, untied and pulled down his shorts. A beautiful uncut 7-inch cock sprang to attention. I hope I am not being too forward, but we only have two hours and 6 hungry holes to fill.
