The Slave and His Master Ch. 11


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"I thought I might have killed you or something at first," Sagi admitted, "And I hate myself for letting that part of me hurt you, again." A tear dropped down his cheek but Aiden caught it with his fingers.

"I'm ok. It just... hurts to talk," he managed to say, though the pain in his throat was beginning to overwhelm him.

"Shhh, don't speak, little one. I'll get you something for the pain," Sagi said while he set Aiden down on the bed.

He walked over to his dresser to retrieve the pain tablets he had begun on keep there when Aiden had started trying to hurt himself. He then poured a glass of water into a crystal goblet before dropping the pill into it. The water fizzled and turned cloudy as the pill completely dissolved. He then brought the glass over to his little lover.

Aiden to the accepted glass, feeling grateful. He knew that as soon as he drank it, the pain would be gone, so he gulped it down quickly. He wanted to be able to talk comfortably so that he could reassure and comfort his Master.

"Feeling any better?" Sagi asked, looking hopeful once his boy swallowed up the last drop of medication.

"Yes Master, thank you," the boy answered, smiling shyly as he got up to move closer to the man.

Sagi held out his arm to keep his mate from approaching too closely, "Aiden, I'm so sorry for what the dark side of me did to you."

"You don't have to be sorry, Master. I know why he did it."

Sagi shook his head, "I doubt that little interaction helped you at all. I hurt you! I can't believe your not even more terrified of me!"

"It's really okay Master," Aiden said gently, while trying to push his way closer to his beloved.

"I want to submit to you," Sagi suddenly said, shocking his little sub to a stop. "You want to go to the dungeon? Fine, but I want you to take control."

Aiden blushed at the thought of having control over his Master. It was never something he had wanted before but the idea of the man he loved, submitting to him... the mere idea made the boy fall in love with Sagi all over again. However, he didn't like the idea of doing anything, of that nature, in the dungeon. He had no idea how to use most of the tools there and if his Master really did want to submit... well, there were only a few things that Aiden could think of that he truly wanted.

"I don't want to go to the dungeon," Aiden finally said after a long stretch of silence. He rushed to give an alternative when he saw his Master's face fall. "What about my room? We've never really done anything in there."

"If that's what you really want, little one? But we can still go down there so that you may pick what you want to punish me with."

Aiden took an involuntary step back, feeling shocked that his Master expected that. "Wait... I have to punish you?"

"Don't you want to?" Sagi asked, feeling surprised by the sudden hesitation. He would have thought that after everything he'd put Aiden through, the boy would at least want a little revenge.

"N-no... I thought... I thought maybe... I could... oh, it's stupid. Just forget it," Aiden mumbled, feeling shy and embarrassed for what he had wanted to do.

Sagi dropped his arm and walked towards his boy before he pulled him close into an embrace.

"What did you want to do baby? I'm the one submitting. You can do whatever you want to me."

"I... I want to taste you... and... to t-top you," the boy admitted quietly before hiding his face in his Master's broad chest.

"Really?" Sagi asked, feeling both surprised and aroused. Not that he wished to always be the submissive one, but no one had ever wanted to fuck him. Sagi found that knowing Aiden wanted to, to be a complete turn on.

The boy nodded his head before squeaking out, "I... I'd need to w-wear a s-strap on."

"I know sweetheart, that's okay," Sagi replied gently, not wanting to shake Aiden's confidence.

The boy pulled away to look up at his Master's face, while a red blush colored his own cheeks "You'll really let me, a slave, do that to you?"

"Yes, little one but please stop calling yourself my slave. You're my mate."

The boy nodded before asking, "Will he be there? The beast, I mean?"

"No. I won't let him out, ever again. Not after how I hurt you."

Aiden shook his head frantically in protest, "Don't talk like that, Master! I love you, all of you. I love being with you, how you treat me, how you touch me... I want to make love to every part of you. Let him be a part of this."

The giant felt the darkness inside of him raise It's ugly head at the boy's words. The boy loved all of Lord Sagi? Could that really be the truth? The beast began to fight with Sagi for dominance over the body they shared.

Aiden kept his eyes locked on his Master's and the boy could see the internal struggle.

"Let him come back," Aiden whispered.

The giant felt the fight leave his body at his mate's words. He had told Aiden that he would submit to whatever the boy wanted. If his lover wanted the beast to come back, then so be it.


Three Day's Later

Aiden was dressed dark blue, silk robes that brought out the deeper hues in his eyes and his golden curls shined brightly beneath the warm sunlight. The boy was holding onto his Master's rough hands as he gazed up into the man's dark eyes with a huge smile on his face.

There was a large crowd in front of Lord Sagi's manor and the two men were standing just outside the front door, hands clasped together. Sagi, himself, was dressed in grey, silk robes that were not of his choosing.

The night he had submitted to Aiden was what was responsible for his clothes. That night had been one of the best in Sagi's life. Though he would hate to always bottom, he did enjoy the break from constantly trying to maintain control in all areas of his life, and the live's of the people that served him. That night, he had been the one spread out and tied up while Aiden mercilessly teased him with his skilled tongue and an ice cube. The boy had "forced" him to agree that they would be mated officially, in three days time.

Once the quivering giant had readily agreed, Aiden decided to plan the ceremony right then and there, while he still teased and tempted Sagi. Anything Aiden asked for, he was given. Partially because Sagi was practically begging for Aiden to fuck him by that point and partially because he enjoyed being able to let himself give in. This led to his eventual acceptance of wearing grey silk robes, rather than the black he preferred. Besides, his lover had made a good case for them. The robes needed to be special and they would match with Aiden's blue ones. The best part about giving in to Aiden's demands, besides how excited every yes made the boy, was how Aiden had decided to reward him.

A blush crept across Sagi's face as he started to replay the way Aiden's tongue felt in his asshole over and over in his mind. Aiden smirked at the blush that crossed his beloved's face before he finally giggled.

"What is it, little one?" Sagi asked with a smile on his face.

"The Inquisitor just asked if you accept our that our bond will last until one of us dies and you're just standing there with a love-struck look on your face," Aiden explained with a small smile.

People in the crowd murmured at how familiar the slave was with his Master but then again, this whole mating ceremony would become gossip for weeks, as it was the oddest one the people in Arodesa had ever seen. The couple paid them no mind.

"Oh! Well, of course I do," Sagi muttered gruffly, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"And Aiden," The Inquisitor continued, as if the interruption had never happened. "Do you accept to be bonded with Lord Sagi, until death?"

"Yes!" the boy practically sang with happiness.

"Then please face the crowd," The Inquisitor instructed and the men did so. "It is my honor to introduce Lord Sagi and Lord Aiden of House Thorn. From now on, you will respect them as such." He then turned to the couple, "Please kiss to finalize the bond."

Sagi reached down so that he could lift Aiden into his arms and the boy wrapped his legs around his Master's hips and his arms around his neck. Sagi leaned forward and captured his mate's lips against his own, wanting the kiss to be sweet and gentle. However, Aiden had other ideas as he pushed his little tongue into Sagi's willing mouth.

Memories of that night flooded back to Sagi's mind when his mate took charge of their kiss like that. The man felt his dick harden and he remembered how Aiden had choked himself on it, before he had gone on to rim his ass. He could almost feel every light, feathery touch inside his hole because of how strong his memories were. Sagi lost himself in the kiss with his mate and neither of them noticed when the crowd began to leave.

After several minutes of passionate kissing, Ivy cleared her throat. "You know guys, I'm happy for you and all, but your blocking the door and I want to go back inside. It's so fucking hot out here."

Aiden pulled away from Sagi, feeling a little bashful but the giant only laughed.

"There are other doors you could use, you know," the man replied.

Ivy rolled her eyes, "I'm not walking when there's a perfectly good door right in front of me. Besides, don't you have something you want to give him?"

Aiden looked at Sagi with bright, questioning eyes. The man groaned and set the boy down to the ground before he opened the door.

"That was meant to be a secret, Ivy," Sagi stated with a scowl.

"I don't see why? You guys have fucked, both ways," she let out a small laugh, still feeling surprised over that one. "Aiden and your beast have talked every day and his nightmares have gone away and he's no longer having any visions. Besides, you two are officially mates, at last. What are you waiting for?"

Sagi rolled his eyes, "I wasn't waiting for anything, I just didn't want him to expect a present."

"What did you get me, Master?" The boy asked, not liking how they were talking about him as if he wasn't there.

Ivy just grinned at Aiden's frustration before she left the couple alone, for she was sure they would be stripping each other from their mating robes in no time at all.

"Aiden, you don't have to call me Master anymore, or lord, or anything but Sagi. We are mates now, we are equal." The giant said once Ivy left them.

Aiden stopped walking and he lost his smile. "Does being mates mean that I'm not allowed to call you Master? I... I didn't want to stop..." he muttered, feeling unsure about their change in relationship for the first time.

Seeing that he had made a fuss over nothing and that his mate was beginning to feel a little perturbed over the matter, Sagi decided to let it go. "Alright sweetheart, whatever you want to call me is fine. I'm yours, remember?"

The boy nodded as a bright smile returned to his face, "Good. I'm yours too," he sighed happily.

Sagi nodded his agreement before walking over to a black box that Aiden hadn't noticed before.

The giant picked up the box and brought it right up to him, offering it for Aiden to take. The boy did so and excitedly opened up the black, velvet lid. Inside the box lay the most beautiful collar that Aiden had ever seen. It was a choker in style, about five inches wide, made up of white gold and sapphires with fiery white opals peaking out from beneath their royal blue neighbors. The ends of the collar were made up of a white gold chain intertwined with blue, silk ribbon and it could be fastened as tight or as loose as preferred.

"This... this is for me?" The boy asked, feeling waves of shock go through his body.

Aiden had never owned anything before, not in the least something that looked like it could buy a few hundred slaves if it were to be sold. He reached his fingers out to delicately trace the metal hoop that was attached to the collar. It was obvious that even though the gift was costly, it was meant to be used.

Sagi smiled as he picked up the collar and fitted it around Aiden's neck. The jewels shown brilliantly, bringing out the sparkling blues in Aiden's ocean eyes.

"You make it look so beautiful," the giant murmured with a smile of his face.

"Does this mean what I think... what I hope it means?" Aiden corrected before biting his lip as he dared to get his hopes up.

Even after the beast had submitted to him, his Master was still reluctant to play in the dungeon again. He only promised to discuss the matter again, once they were mates. Sagi had simply wanted more time to pass, so that they could be sure that Aiden wouldn't be slipping into his visions again. The boy hadn't experienced another since that day. He hadn't even had another nightmare about his abduction. It was as if the act of his Master and the beast being completely vulnerable before him had cured Aiden of any reason he had left to be afraid.

Sagi gave Aiden a sort of smirk as the beast flashed in his eyes and the boy felt chills run up and down his body when the giant began to walk in the direction of the dungeon. Aiden excitedly kept pace with his mate, eagerly thinking of all the possibilities before them. When Sagi finally pushed his way through the door that guarded the large black, red and silver room, Aiden felt himself shakily exhale. Nothing had changed much, except that some of the toy's bore a fine later of dust.

The table of crushed velvet, however, displayed the cold gleam of steel from the tools that Sagi planned to use right then. They were clean and sparkled beneath the light. The boy felt his heart beat fast when he recognized the penis plug on the table and pleasurable memories filled his brain.

When Aiden turned back to face his Master, he was stripped rather quickly. Then the man hooked a thick, silver chain to the hoop on Aiden's new collar and then fastened leather cuffs onto the boy's wrists and ankles that also bore their own chains, before hooking those to the hoop as well.

Once his boy was properly hogtied, the giant used the chains to suspend his lover about six feet off of the ground. Aiden's pink rosebud was on complete display and his tiny cock and balls were vulnerable to whatever method of torture his Master had planned.

"Now, let me show you how to really play..." Aiden could recognize the hiss of the beast's voice as It whispered into his ear.

Aiden shivered but he smiled; he was ready for his Master to show him his place once more. He felt like he had been waiting for so long and now and things were finally getting back to some sort of normal. A moan escaped past his lips when the thick head of a butt plug was pushed roughly into his tight, willing asshole. Seconds later, Aiden gasped at how his body began to shake a little when he started to feel vibrations in his ass. Though he wanted to close his eyes and loose himself to the pleasure he was feeling, Aiden kept them open, wanting to watch his mate as much as possible.

Aiden bit his lip when his Master casually removed his robes before going to grab a soft, leather whip from his wall of toys. The boy shivered at the thought of it hitting him hard enough to break his skin, but this time, he wasn't afraid.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Would love to read the epilogue you mentioned at the start of this chapter. I love these two and would be great to see how they’re happily ever after shaped out!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Loved this and hope you consider writing an epilogue so we can see how happy and settled these two are down the line. Would also love for them to have made a family together!!

geemeedeegeemeedee12 months ago
Holy shit, you finished this FOUR years ago?!

I hope you revisit the characters for an epilogue!

geemeedeegeemeedee12 months ago

I read this whole thing at once. WOW. One of the best stories on the site! The power exchange is exquisite. You’re a great writer, l&l28.

I look forward to the epilogue, and I gotta say, I want a one-off where Sagi explains to Aiden his past as one of the first (and failed) Flowers. (For one thing, he’s too damn tall, lol.) But Sagi’s life explains why he’s so comfortable with having a former slave as his mate, his equal.

I hope one of them gets pregnant and they have the family they both want!

P.S. That fuckin’ Lena got off too easy. Hanging was too quick for her.

P.P.S. Thinking of the guy who loved Lena and died in his 90s — do Flowers (successful and failed) have extended life spans? Because Sagi was still around when he died …

EncntctEncntctabout 1 year ago

What a great story! Thank you for sharing it with us

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Loved it! *****

SpookyhstSpookyhstalmost 2 years ago

OMG such an amazing story! Thankyou so much ;) Xoxox

Twink1o1Twink1o1about 2 years ago

Yesssss uessss yesss and fuckingggggg yes again because 10 out of 10 WOUD RECOMMEND omg such an amazing soryyyy

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Absolutely amazing! I was riveted! My favorite story ever!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
5 stars

This gets 5 stars, I could not get to stars to work on the board. This was a great story. Can't wait to read the next one you right.

Playful4BearPlayful4Bearover 4 years ago
Excellent writer

Dear Loveandlust28

You have a great talent for this genre literature. I'm sure that for others as well. Your narrative us engaging, delightful to read and intriguing.

Kudos to you!!!

Hope you can go far high on your endeavors.

I was never attracted by bdsm but you made me understand it and somehow appreciate it.

I must confess that some scenes between Sagi and Aiden were so erotic that I practically lived them and physically enjoyed as well.

And finally, it is such a beautiful love story. Aiden understood that he needed to love the monster as well, and metaphorically speaking, we all love even the ugly side of our partners.

Wish you a career full of successes. In me you got an admirer forever!!


CasubbiegirlCasubbiegirlover 4 years ago

Amazing story, I fell in love with both of the characters. I’m sad that it has ended but I am looking forward to reading more of your stories, you have an amazing talent! Thank you for sharing it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Please write kore about Sagi and Auden, I absolutely love these two and want to read more. It’d be nice to read about them when Aiden has more confidence in himself. Maybe allowing Sagi to let out the beast more without feeling he’s fighting to control him, especially some dungeon scenes etc. Whatever you write will be incredible :)

ShadowRosieShadowRosieover 4 years ago
Absolutely stunning story

I want to recommend this writer. This story is awesome. I am in love with the characters, even the beast. WRITE MORE!

NRMathisNRMathisover 4 years ago
Great resolution

You expressed interest in collaborating. Hit me up.

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